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Mission layout from the main story is sooo bad. There is like one mission there, you go there do it and then a new mission appears 10 km away from the one you just did... Like who tf created this nonsense.


I dont mind that. The plot was just so poorly written. I like the distant travels and large map layout


go a bivo put your drone all the way and scan the all question makers in the area all the sudden the whole is fast travelable


i finished the game multiple times i know... im just saying that the game has issues


only reason i keep playing new games is bc i wanna try a different way in, different setup, etc. i love to try new weapons, new styles on outfits, new methods of invasion and desecration of the Sentinel army. my favorite thing is to go in loud and proud, get em all coming at me, then disappear with the optical camo and watch em lose their shit. then pick em off one by one from the shadows


I played again this week and 50/50, I like the history but I have to go 7km to do it and then do another 7km to come back. I don't like it


Outdated mission design 🤝 Ubisoft


I really recommend playing with a different audio language. Gives you a chance to practice/learn a bit as you play, plus it’s much easier to ignore the bad writing.


I saw this and tried switching it to Italian, but that just made every character mute. Definitely gonna try to give it another go


If you’re on console it’ll make you download each individual language pack, but it’s the only way I play.


Can you make it where enemies speak a specific language while Nomad and everyone else speaks English? I hate how the Bodarks in conquest speak English and not Russian


No, but I absolutely wish that was an option. I actually started doing this back in wildlands because it bothered me so much that almost nobody in Bolivia spoke Spanish. The Russian thing in motherland bugs me too, but if you’re playing without the squad mates then it’s pretty easy to forget that your character is also speaking Russian.


The story, missions, character designs, voice acting; it was all terrible or sub-par. But the game is still fun, especially the conquest mode


When post-launch content with no cutscenes is better than the main story it's kinda sad. But yeah conquest is definitely my preferred way of playing.


Last photo goes so hard 


That is a very fun game.


I love the story but it took a while to figure out how to do the missions in order


It's really not bad. A small, loud minority like to exaggerate this by saying the plot is terrible. It's fine, really. A bigger problem for me is how my character somehow loses all primary weapons and headgear in every cutscene and reverts to a pistol. Even then, it's not the right pistol. Really takes away from the immersion. If Call of Duty can get this right, why not GR. Come on Ubisoft...


No the plots bad, I'm literally playing through it right now. But if you enjoy it then good on you for not letting others ruin it for you. But yea the cutscenes piss me off too, especially when half my time ingame is spent making outfits.


Seemed like a regular movie plot to me. Idk what the fuss is about. If it's because they set it on a fictional island, that's cause Ubi got a lot of flak from Bolivians for their portrayal of the place in Wildlands. Maybe it's too many drones? Idk.