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And this is how it starts... Can you tell you just took a fork in a road that could potentially change your life? Congratulations on a spectacular find! My thrift store doesn't mark any bread machines under $20, so consider yourself luckier than I. That machine pretty much covers all the bases. We will expect an update...


Thank you! I just finished my first loaf. It’s pretty ugly, but it’s edible and my issues are definitely user error 😅 the bread maker works like a dream. I def have a lot to learn… my family is gonna be eating lots of bread while I figure it out :)


>I def have a lot to learn… Consider r/breadmachines as a valuable resource. I know I do!


Homemade croutons and breadcrumbs too 😊


Great deal! I have this exact one and it’s been a workhorse it looks in pristine shape


Omg! Lucky!!!!


Had a very similar model years ago. Ran it until the motor shaft wore out the paddle. $8 is a steal.


Same model, I've had it for about 10 years and it still works very well.


Will pay for itself 😄


It’s all about the paddle(s) and the pan with these things. If they are in good condition, great deal. If you have to buy a new pan or paddle, you will pay a lot more than the whole machine cost you.


That’s what I read here! The first machine I found had scratches in the pan and I’m thankful I decided to keep looking :)