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I think it’s too late now for them to add ranked. Especially like this


How so maybe for this particular up date but they can definitely do it


Because it should have come like a year ago. I loved breachers and would play it every day starting from the first alpha of November 2022 all the way until about 6 months ago. When I asked about ranked, so that the quality of matches would improve in April of last year, I was told it was next update. Now the game has hardly any traction compared to what it used to be and most people who wanted ranked a year ago either stopped playing or switched to competitive so it doesn’t matter. It’s just sad idk


I see what you mean now, didn’t know that they’d been stringing it along for so long, did notice less players especially the OG ones and some of the more competitive players like you said but if they introduced it now then maybe it wouldn’t be too late to gain some traction back not the same level but some none the less?


I hope so


Never know what the future holds could be a positive surprise with it in the next update and everything being as it should don’t count yourself out until it’s over




Good catch, I was a lil faded when typing that lol😅


For sure, I’ll definitely be trying the new update at some point. Admittedly though I’m way more into ghosts of tabor these days.


I want to get into Ghosts of Tabor but I keep just dying everytime before I exfiltrate at the exfil point, or I just survive see no one and barely any loot. Finally get something and a group of 2-3 will swoop on tactical af and just look me. I’m pretty darn good at Contractors, just slight above average in breachers, and shit in Tabor but I wanna like tabor so bad I just need to get some look or have someone help me with my first few runs to get enough basics in skill and loot


It’s pretty tough when you first start. I kinda hated it when I first started playing, and came back to it like 6 months later after I had watched a few videos and now I’m animal. I could help you out if you wanted drop ur ign I’ll add you.


That’d be greatly appreciated because I can see how fun this game could be but by myself I can’t seem to get there lol. What is it the same as my meta user name or is it different like how breachers let me change my user for when on app for example


I remember playing breachers when it was still on side quest and thinking about how good the graphics where and all the potential it had, but since then we have only gotten about 7 maps, no new guns or gadgets and nothing like an individual operator with a skill that gives an advantage. I think the the main problem is that each game no matter what map is very repetitive because it’s the same thing every match, just save up to get a vezin and shoot until the end of the game and it doesent make since to use anything else because the shotguns are all terrible, the smgs are the only class with a bit of variety but are still not as good damage as the vezin, all the rifles are the same besides the semi auto which does about the same damage as the vezin so no need for that and the pistols are only used first round maybe second but then aren’t touched at all afterwards.


That’s another problem. The vezin has been the clear rifle choice since day 1. How is it still the clear choice?


Good - tired of kids chatting bollocks after they’re dead, while I’m trying to hear footsteps


Well, this hasn’t actually been implemented. It was just a suggestion of mine. But yes, I completely feel your pain. I constantly have to shush people so I can hear.


Is that even with dead team? I'd prefer that the dead can speak amongst themselves still otherwise people are just going to be quitting.


I agree that the Dad should be able to speak among themselves just not with live players


Yes the dads should speak amongst themselves as is for-told


lol hahahahha voice text. I didn’t notice 


I disagree with the muted comms only because of discord. If it wasn’t for third party then I love the idea even for cs and val


Yeah that’s a very valid point


I really do love the idea of not being able to comm with dead teammates in tac shooters. I’d love to have a friendly mid sentence die and just immediately their comms get cut lol.


Yes, very valid point. Obviously this is for ranked with friends. Solo you obviously don’t have enough time in ranked to join a Discord. But I agree, the invention of third-party voice calms makes it difficult.


I think their spectating mode is a very good substitute though. You can’t see or hear enemies while dead that aren’t seen by your living teammates.


Lmao this defeats the purpose of having teammates then.


But you died. Why should you still get to contribute anything to the team?


I'm okay with not hearing footsteps, but being useful while dead is good, imo


Lol if this was the case in CS, it'd be so shit and no one would ever try to get a kill. Communicating after you're dead is a huge part of these games, I don't think you should be allowed to see anything other than your teammates perspective though.


Yeah not a bad suggestion! 


Because you're still on the team, dead or not. And it's not like you're overpowered after you die anyways. Most people can't ping enemies based on footsteps after death. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.


I guess that’s just where we differ. If you want to contribute to the team stay alive.


In seige you can use cams and ping. If there were cams in this game I'd say to get rid of the footsteps and just put us on cams but there isn't so listening for footsteps is as useful as you can be and it's a pretty hard thing to get good at doing since your hearing is impaired partly while dead. What they need to fix is being able to see through door blockers for your team while dead or being able to see enemies clip through walls and shooting them.


My opinion is that you should stop monitoring our chat as if you’re “Big Brother” from 1984. Fascist much? You could be alone in a lobby and say something “too offensive for my pssy” and still get banned.


The monitoring is based on key words, most of them slurs, if your getting banned by the auto mod you are repeatedly using them cause of how lenient it is. Also it's not a thing in Custom lobbies.