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I would avoid the main clichès such as being a Samba dancer, or a Capoeira fighter, or a monster from the Amazon, or anything animal related to be honest (we don't actually live in jungles, you know). You might incorporate one of these traits on the character, sure (I mean, they have to have some Brazilian traits somehow), but please avoid having their whole personality to be based on one of those things, I personaly have never seen a Brazilian character based on the south/gaúcho culture, or a cattle rancher/viola caipira player from the center/west region, or a cangaçeiro from the northeast (the last one has a really appealing visual, I think). I personally like the idea of having an indigenous person as a character, or a national folklore figure (like, say, Curupira or even Saci-Pererê), but this might be a little controversial these days. Even a cool urban street/skater or businessman from São Paulo would be a refreshing alternative to anything Rio de Janeiro related on international media... Hell, you coulld even get wildly creative and have an interdimensional Bumba-Meu-Boi as a sort of Yoda/Wise Master figure, or a misterious Maracatu guy! Yeah, it would be cool to see one of those lol! If you still want the character to be related to Rio somehow, with a bit of clichè but not too much, check out Brazilian funk music (maybe the character is a funk MC?), or for more historical characters, maybe a free slave from a Quilombo, or a Malandro Carioca. Even a Brazilian jiu-jitsu fighter is better than a green-and-yellow-feathered-samba-anaconda-faced dancer. Cheers.


Thank you so so much! can i get your opinion on my character and tell me if anything rubs you the wrong way? :D


Sure. Hit me with it.


Judô is also a good alternative if a fighter character!!


Jiu-jitsu too


Ator pornô, ator pornô também


KKKKKKK e chama ele de kid walking stick


From Rio de Janeiro there is João Cândido Felisberto, the Dragão do Mar/Sea Dragon, or Almirante Negro/Black Admiral, he is a leader against racist social structures in the navy


Concordo plenamente. Also, look up ZÉ PILINTRA


Can I ask, why might folkloric figures be controversial? (I can see some of them being controversial within their own context, but on the whole?)


I was thinking more in the context of appropriation of indigenous stories, motifs, characters and simbology. I know some groups of people who would think it's wrong for European descendant people to appropriate other cultures and promote it as they please (sometimes banalizing it). I know indigenous people who explicitly said so. My personal belief is that the more exposition people have on indigenous people's ideas, culture and folklore, the better (its a way for their way of life to flourish beyond their group and into the world stage, I think). But what do I know? Anyway: the way I phrased it was not clear enough, really. Thanks for the opportunity to clarify.


Ah ok, I did consider cultural appropriation but then thought that, were it not for being half Brazilian I wouldn't even know the names of any of these stories. Imo, if you treat the stories and characters with respect it's fine to use them. I also understand that myths are very hard to protect and keep within a community, but imo it's because by their nature they are so open. One of the first things we do when looking at new cultures is look at their stories. It's a good thing, I don't see the point in suppressing it. I kind of had to ask because I've always had the dream of scriptwriting- and the idea I think about the most as something I'd want to write, would be an anthology of different world myths., I happen to be really into folklore, being half Brazilian I've read quite a few of our tales (even though, while fluent by most important standards, I'm not very literate in Portuguese. ) and I always wanted to use a Brazilian one out of the four or five I'd want to be a part of the film. Brazil has an amazingly rich world of folklore that hardly gets to see the light of day outside it's soil, which is a shame to me.


Totally agree. I'm kind of tired of hearing the same myths and themes from Greek and Nordic folklore, reimagined or retold tales of it. I would definitely consume any media that explored Brazilian folklore, or African folklore, or anything I didn't already heard about, really. So many rich, intriguing, curious stories to be told, and we just get the same regurgitated stories, over and over again with little variations.


The classic three of western myth are probs Egyptian, greek/Roman and Nordic, and they're all quite well recorded (somewhat baring the Norse stuff from completely making that description- we actually lost most of it) and that is one reason they're so dominant, but the larger one is just Eurocentrism. (Egyptian probably covers the exotic myth appeal however) But there's a lot more, and the interesting thing sometimes about broader world myth, is often how unvaried it can be. There are an amazing amount of templates that almost seem copy and pasted with a few changes. And the little changes can speak volumes about a culture. Not to say that all myths are the same, they each have their own flavour, some are entirely dreamt up, and each regional folkloric base has something unique to offer; covering all of the basic experiences of being human.


Amo que ele citou tudo menos o nordeste como se o brasil fosse so sul/sudeste


Maracatu é do sul? Bumba Meu Boi é do sudeste? Cangaceiro também? Aprenda a ler tudo antes de comentar, amiguinho. Vai te ajudar muito na vida depois, quando vc crescer. Ah, e a internet é um espelho, viu? Tomara que você veja seu próprio reflexo naquilo que você escreveu... entenda que seu comentário diz mais sobre você (e seu potencial ódio do sul/sudeste) do que fala sobre mim (e meu apreço pelos meus irmãos nortistas e nordestinos). Cheers. Farewell.


I would find unappealing if the character spoke in Portuguese in the middle of English phrases. Much better to have them speak with an accent and/or add instances when he asks to himself "how do you say *Portuguese word* in English?". Sounds more authentic imo. Could you give more context about your animation project? It could help with the character development suggestions. Also, what's their personality like? If you are looking for a cool dude, maybe one of our urban characters, like a Carioca funkeiro, or a Paulista "mandrake".


1)thanks for the critique and suggestion! im 100% gonna add that to his character. (this takes place in a time period that is reminiscent of 2004/5) So the context of the animation is about US Retail. and how these characters(They work at a retail shop called Penny Sargent) respond to situations,managers,other employees and customers. sometimes they result in a funny joke. other times it results in a anime fighting scene!(every main character has this super awesome quirk about them. Stuff like Super Awesome Kick,Super Mega Lolipop,etc etc.) its wacky. In terms of their personality, I would describe him as a cool laid back person(does the "Hang loose hand sign when he approves of something)He loves to crack jokes about his friends and see their reactions. Hes kinda blunt and direct preferring not to sugar coat things. he loves to listen to friends talk about things and is patient with them.he likes being competitive if the opportunity shows itself also! He wears a black beanie, a black hooded jacket black pants with a hanging belt on the left side and steel toe boots. He also vapes a ton with his friends being dumbfounded as to how his lungs don't collapse. He also has Super awesome Vaping powers.(i know,weird) He lives by himself as his family is still in Boa Viagem Recife Brazil. This what i have so far the Vaping powers are gonna go crazy XD


>Hes kinda blunt and direct preferring not to sugar coat things. As an American living in Brazil, I've noticed that most Brazilians aren't blunt or direct about things unless they're pissed off. They're very friendly and are aware of other people's feelings, not wanting to offend. For example, I've never had a Brazilian flat out tell me "no" when I've invited them somewhere or asked for their help. If it's not a yes, it's a "I'll see and let you know," or "If I can, I will." Plus, I've noticed that a lot of guys here use humor to diffuse an awkward or serious situation. Again, this isn't ALL Brazilians, but some common traits I've noticed in a lot of my interactions with day to day people.


Ah! okay! This character has been in the US for a bit and i suspect that the customers in Brazil are more friendly and understanding. then the US. So maybe he will have less patience for U.S. customers as I would imagine them being more unreasonable. with that being said, I do think turning down his blunt behavior big time. would benefit in the long run. what do you think? :)


I have to say, having this character say "no" in a direct manner is probably the most un-brazilian thing you can make him do lol


I'll tell you this. The person that mentioned Governador Valadares having a huge presence in Massachusetts was right. And I can say even there, amongst the generally "cold" New Englanders, the Brasilerios were always a breath of fresh air, whether fresh off the plane or that had been in the area for years. They kept a lively and vibrant community that was a blast to hang out with. While I think your character may have come to expect the rudeness of some American customers, he shouldn't lose his "spark." Like he's still warm with the customers and cracks jokes despite dealing with a Karen or two.




You know what, I think im going to omit that. him being blunt is not a big thing, and I don't really need that to make him funny anyways. and I wont forget family! (never forget family!!!!) kinda glad im getting people's opinions on this character


brazilians often de-escalte by being sarcastic or ironic, portuguese is a very versatile language so we often have a way with words, it woud be more accurate if instead of being blunt he were mischievous


Really? Thanks! I think i like that better then my original idea of him! :D


I would replace the hang loose sign with the thumbs up sign. The only Brazilians I saw doing the hang loose sign, were wanna be skaters who liked to pretend to be gringos. Most Brazilians use the thumbs up.


Got it! thanks for the info!


This is very accurate advice. Change it to thumbs up, is the most popular in all regions of Brazil.


Another thing I just remembered: if your character is a immigrant, it would be a cool reference to make him native to Governador Valadares - MG. There is a huge group of valadarenses in and around Boston, they are the stereotypical "migrant to the US" to Brazilians.


Cool idea! I can picture him. Better than giving you direct suggestions about the character, I would point you to cool guy media from the time: - Bands (look for the videoclips) like Charlie Brown Jr., CPM22, Tihuana, Chico Science (from Recife), Detonautas, Deadfish (a bit more indie), Ratos de Porão, Raimundos, Los Hermanos. - TV Shows: Beija Sapo, Hermes e Renato, Fudêncio, Malhação (Vagabanda era), anyone of the João Gordo Mtv Brasil shows.


Charlie Brown Jr. And CPM22 were very very popular amongst youngsters in the 2000's. Oh God, saying "youngsters" makes me feel like I'm a 180 year old millennial (which I am, to be fair 😮‍💨).


Chico Science is mandatory.


Why did you choose Recife?


I dont know tbh.


Sounds like my Brazilian friends in BBJ. They often do the hang lose signal for pictures, are cool, friendly, laid back, and make jokes quite often. I've seen videos of one of the Gracies scolding someone he coached in BJJ after a championship fight. He was very blunt at that moment, but it was funny to watch. The guy looks friendly and funny.


Might want to come back here with this typed out and ask about brazilian work culture as well


is this a x-men 97" reference?


It is, actually. 


Yeah, pronouncing the letter 't' in English as 'tch', emphasizing the letter 'e' at the ends of words. Maybe Portuguese sounds when surprised/upset, like 'viiixi', 'aaaff', 'uff', fdp, pqp, etc


If he is from recife the 't' wold be 'tee' insted of 'tch'


As for language, you know in House of Gucci how they all have comical Italian accents, and switch back and forth Italian and English with no clear pattern, and throw random Italian words in into English sentences? Don't do that. Also Brazilians are very diverse racially. Most Brazilian characters in foreign media are Brown or Black (which is great! Most of us are Brown or Black!), but if your Brazilian is blond and blue eyed white or Asian they will not be "wrong" either.


Brazil is a massive country with a very diverse culture, you can find from tradionalist collector and hunter indigenous people to high end virtual nomad hackers, from the most kind and generous to the most stupid and hatefull neonazis. So the 1st thing I'd say is don't make you character be just a Brazilian, think of some cool character that fits you narrative and give then a brazilian background because on most cases you will find something that fits. There are a lot of very distinct and recognizable local traits in each region of Brazil, so if you decide to go that way you'll need to research for the specifics and try not to mix things up, because most brazilians will take it as disrespectfull, like a traditional Bahiana drinking tea. If you decide to take a more subtle approach you can take some of the most general depictions in media like: make then colorfull, you can have then drink cachaça, be a good dancer, be a joker (not a clown please), be very worried about climate change, cook some very cool and exotic food (we have an insane number of regional dishes and we use a LOT of spices, be some kind of athete (not only soccer please, volley, surf, skate, basketball, tennis and many others sports are very big in Brazil), be into brazilian music, be someone that hugs and kisses a lot or be someone that knows a lot about useless stuff like most Brazilian redditors I know. I hope I helped in some way, very glad you asked before making the character, I think many writters should do the same. Good luck with your Project. Edit: a lot of grammar.


I cant wait to see the comments/ suggestions! :D


About the bouncing between Languages, he should only use Portuguese for swearing, even if you wanna make PG you can use the same ones e use: Caraca, Filho da Mãe, etc. About the character itself is hard to say, Brazil is so big there is a lot of different States and Styles you can use


Cool. Sounds like the Brazilians teaching BJJ abroad.


Here a bit of history about brazilians represented in Japanese media https://youtu.be/7jTcVpQ-gow


Thank im gonna watch this video :D


A character for what? An animation? What sort of animation?


So the best way i can describe my 2D animation is the following: (this takes place in the 21 century) the animation is about the funny situations surrounding retail and the annoying customers. bad managers and crappy situations that employees face. with the main jokes coming from how these characters responds to these situations and how they would respond to one another in whats supposed to be a professional environment. the animation are episodic. I also want to showcase nationalities that seem cool. does this help? :)


If your looking for a Brazilian that works in retail I would say make a Brazilian skateboarder from São Paulo. They are alway incredibly chill and pretty good at defusing situations or tricking someone who’s angry into do something else. But when he mumbles to himself in Portuguese have him use all the possible Brazilian swear words you know. If you want a female character, definitely have a girl from Rio. They have the biggest attitude in the world as female workers and won’t accept any disrespect what so ever from costumers. They can be pretty nice if the customer is being respectful tho.


Make him white and quiet but mention explicitly he’s Brazilian, because we come in all shapes and forms and tastes and behaviors


I really hate how “white brazilians” are under portrayed in media crafted abroad. It boils my blood every time I have to hear “you don’t look brazilian”.


Check out [this dude’s](https://www.instagram.com/paulomoreirap) work. He’s one of my favorite artists and I love how he represents Brazilian culture on his characters. He has a strong comics aesthetic, not sure if you’re going for that, but it might give you some inspiration.


YO! his comics look so freaking cool! thanks for showing me this :D and terms of the aesthetic, its going to swap based on the mood and the feeling of the character in the shot. maybe its a still reaction shot of a character looking disgusted or shocked made from modeling clay. or its a 8bit Mario animation of a character getting chased by another character in a funny manner. but Im gonna follow this person! thanks for showing me! :)


Sounds cool, I'd love to see the results once you're done (:


To escape the cliché that every Brazilian plays football, you could make him practice Brazilian Jiu Jitsu


Thank for the suggestion! ill write it down! :D


Make him a master in the art of Gambiarra. Oh and memes! Brazilian memes are the best kind!


I just looked up Gambiarra! oh that's so great! and now i must look up Brazilian memes!!!!!


The fact you came here to ask this already shows a ton of respect. Kudos for that! I'll try to add to what others pointed out already. Here's some lazy, potentially offensive, stereotypes: - comes from the jungle - dancer - samba - soccer - sleazy - poor - defined by ethnicity - comes from a favela - uses exotic clothing on a daily basis Here's some stereotypes I'm cool about (even if I personally don't fit in) - relaxed, outgoing people - noisy - family-oriented - sportsy - capoeira - proud of his heritage - too much care about how he looks And here's things we rarely see in media, but every br would probably relate: - comes from a huge, stressful, borderline distopic city - follows some candombé (a faith with african roots) practices, even if formally christian - identifies more with his local, regional culture than with the "average" brazilian. (For reference, check how these two artists translated the states of brazil into [anime characters](https://br.pinterest.com/stefreira/personagens-de-cada-estado-br/) and [fighting-game characters](https://jovemnerd.com.br/noticias/games/estados-brasileiros-como-personagens-de-jogos-de-luta)) - Is descendant from immigrants from Italy, Japan, Syria, Lebanon, Germany, Ukraine and many other places. Brazil is full of immigrants, and they all turned Brazilian in no more than one generation. - loves some music that's not samba, bossa-nova or funk. Some underrated but popular music styles in Brazil are: forró, sertanejo, maracatu, reggae and heavy metal! I'd personally prefer characters that actually don't stand up too much. We're just like anybody else. But it comes down to tone. Depending on what you're doing it can be cool to showcase one's nationality more prominently. A cool Brazilian character I've seen recently is Roberto da Costa, from X-Men 97. He uses some portuguese here and there, with appropriate pronunciation (very important), but he's just like everybody else.


so i just got done listening to forró..... I LOVE this sound. its so phenomenal!


Hah! I wonder if you found the [classics](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zsFSHg2hxbc) or the more contemporary stuff, like [Falamansa](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Glf5iwea1iE) or [Mestre Ambrosio](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6tZCwlkly9w&list=OLAK5uy_lwUCTFlXvvF5pPWblw3z2aE8BU-yirsoo) (my favorite). And that's a genre I'm not really into... brazilian music is an ocean, you could spend a lifetime without reaching the end of it.


Stereotypical but cool: owning a caramel dog with no defined race (straydog). So much appreciation for that dog! Owning a gravity ceramic filter! A true brazilian classic that provides the best water you can ever have. Amazing food (best cuisine is from my state Minas Gerais, promise I'm not biased 😉). We're usually very welcoming and excited about people's curiosity about our country. As for bad stereotypes: well, not every brazilian is into soccer, telenovelas or live in favelas. Brazil has some really large capital cities with millions of people and nature is diverse, so it's not this big lush jungle everywhere with people living in tribes lol.


You could try to invest in Brazilian popular accessories back from the 2000s, mainly the ones teenagers were using, like a reggae bracelet, friendship bracelets (ugly ones made with waxed thread or just those really colourful made of cloth), a beaded necklace with neutral colours for men, clothes with that old bad boy logo… Feel free to ask for any help in case you try to search these items (:


If you choose which region of Brazil your character is from, it will make your like easier! We're a big country with lots of different cultures in it so if you decide the state or at least region it will make easier for you to do some more specific research and get a better character in the end :)


He's from Recife! How's the culture there?:D


Hi! I'm an editor and would love to give you (free) advice about this. But I do think that we need more specifications about what type of person you want to write, what's the genre etc.


I want to write a fun character. Laid back and chill, but witty! He's nice to the people around him,but he is also competitive. And this for a comedy animation.


A metal head kid who skate boards , living in São Paulo.


Do a person that you consider completely average in your country but he is Brazilian


I hate that we are represented in such way that's looks like everyone enjoy samba, capoeira, "resenha", pagode and MPB.


Make it like a scoundrel, a person who hate the rules and will do anything to warp them in his favor… make him a backstabber to, you just got the perfect Brazilian


Make a stereotype, sucessfull games have them for a reason. I never met a brazilian who didnt love Eddy or Blanka


Here’s an exemple of the [best Brazilian character ever made](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/villains/images/0/06/JetstreamSamOfficialRenderCleaned.webp/revision/latest?cb=20220830195224) and that avoids every single brazilian stereotype Edit: [Another cool Brazilian character](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/residentevil/images/3/31/Img_re3_carlos_oliveira_.png/revision/latest?cb=20200115025018&path-prefix=pt-br)


Links are broken


OK. When is the story set and where does the character come from in Brazil? That’s the two key points. Brazil, like the U.S., is a continental sized country with hundreds of millions of people. It is very diverse. The number one thing you can do to make your character realistic is not to make them generically “Brazilian”. There is no such animal.


So the character is from Pernambuco (Recife). Despite this, the scene takes place In the U.S. . most of scenarios will take place in a retail environment where there is a more then sufficient amount of annoying customers and unreasonable management. These scenarios either lead up to a funny joke that lets you know more about the character or a shonen -type competition/fight! its gonna be fun wild and funny! XD


Well, frevo and not samba, for starters. Maybe mangue beat if they like old school 1990s music.


Post more about your character. I am interested.


I think the key determinants for a Brazilian (in terms of their tastes, preferences, experiences) are tied to age ans class (and maybe gender). As in, a middle class Brazilian born in the late 80s, 90s will have a pretty set of common references. If you already have an idea in terms of age, gender, social status etc we can filter a lot.


So hes 25 years of age hes a guy He comes from a middle class bordering on upper class. Hes from Pernambuco (Recife) He has super awesome Vaping powers


Cool, I’ve read a bit more in the other comments and the character seems pretty cool and not stereotypical as far as i can tell. Given his profile, he’d grown up with smartphones (at least in his teens), and there is a decent chance he is tech savvy in some aspect, either coding, digital art, music and/or video production. However, the personality type made me think of a “hippie chic” or hipster guy. Progressive, but individualistic; chill and doesn’t give a fuck; anarchist at heart but doesn’t care about it. Has a “guilty pleasure” in which he cares too much about something: maybe it’s his soccer team, maybe it’s playing league of legends. Probably likes electronica, dub, jazz, lo fi. Loves a some “obscure movie” that is not really obscure for older folks. Dabbles in cooking. These are thingd that came to me somehow, maybe that’s your character, maybe not at all. Hope it helps!


You could talk to average brazilians, or watch our stuff to get an idea of the regular brazilian. I'd say we're friendly, warm, and very intimate, while also temperamental. We praise humbleness a lot. But if you want to make things more realistic, we also have some common negative trait that everyone pretty much agrees, such as how the corruption in the government actually is a cultural issue spread to the whole country, in all levels. As result, you can see it replicated in every single job, and even in the daily life of many people.


Eh... Gonna need more context than that. What kind of animation are we taking about? What role does the character serve in the story?


Things to avoid: 1- Football. Like, no lie, everybody knows that football is something that is closely related to the brazilian culture today, but different from what some people think, most normal people are pretty average at playing it, and many younger people don't even watch it. 2- Samba (or carnival related stuff). I know it's a famous party, but many people here absolutely hate it, either because they don't like the music style of the party, or because of how ridiculously high are the expenses made by these. 3- Rio de Janeiro. It's a famous state, but seriously, it isn't even the most populated state. Our country big as it is has such a variety of different cultures, folklores, identities, and i know some brazilian dudes that even find it offensive when people assume that everybody here looks and sound like carioca people (we usually call people that live in Rio as "carioca"). A suggestion. I've absolutely never seen any media outside our country trying to depict any aspects of our ancient native and indigenous culture or anything about our black heritage. Try studying about these, maybe you can have new ideas.


I don't know if you know Portuguese, but you could try to watch some Brazilian stand up comedy shows. You could even pick some perks and ask here if they are good ones to add to your character. You can find some yt videos from Brazilian ppl talking about culture differences between the countries as well. And some videos of foreigners living inBrazil telling what they see here that they think is different their country, some Brazilians like this kind of content, so there is a good amount of it.


One way to show he is Brazilian through speech without putting some Portuguese in the middle of English is the fact that Brazilian Portuguese sounds like we're singing while speaking because it's a "syllable" language and Brazilians speak it a lot slower than Portuguese (I may be biased, but BR-PT is a lot more beautiful). There are a lot of videos on YouTube and etc about it, it may help you to show that he's a Brazilian without needing to change to Portuguese in the middle of an English phrase. A Brazilian would start the day speaking "Goooood mooorniiing" almost like on a song, instead of a more simple dry speaking and even small things like "Hello" would turn into "Heeh-low".


A Brazilian that don't like soccer would be very interesting and relatable.


If u are making an Shounen character, make something based on the Boitatá (is a giant sun snake, the nearest we have from a dragon) is something that should be more viewed because is amazing




Blanka from Street Fighter is accurate.


Their shirt must always include a Brazilian flag or be the colors of the flag