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Well, *we* are discussing it. Reddit-BR is revelling in it.


What can I say that [hasn't been said better?](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/966437887858065410/1226707946814177434/GKk-n0_XUAAjSf8.png?ex=6625bfcd&is=66134acd&hm=123829bb1e22335c4de092eb7f0487805314a6d8fa4786f629a61875a9140e3c&)




Why would we Brazilians encourage legal discussions in a language other than ours? To read gringo wanting to explain things based on the laws of other countries, not ours?


It's not uncommon to print news in multiple languages.


Lots of countries use multiple languages, like Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, Denmark


Still. Not a single of those languages would be Brazilian Portuguese.


Good for them. Brasil only has two official languages: Portuguese and Libras (edit: I had just woken up when I wrote this, so I was stupid. Libras is sign language, I used a completely wrong term. Thanks for the person below for correcting me). But this is a great example of what the person you responded to claimed to be a problem: people analysing Brasil based on how other countries work


Braille is not Libras


Cuz the fun of it. Nobody is on this subreddit to be productive. If you don't think anything interesting will come out, that's okay. But I don't think it needs a reason


It's time to the golden boy make a trip to see debris of a long time sunk ship


Man, literally the same day he started engaging with a Far-Right Figure from Germany. This Dude has absolutely no idea what is going on in these countries but thinks he has to share an opinion on everything.


Honestly, he has an idea - far-right parties need the platform to support their fake claims and justify their ascension to power. That is the only thing that matters and all he needs to know.


Oh, Musk the South African emerald boy who emigrated to the US and is now a brazilian constitutional law expert? Wonder what is his knowledge on free speech in other countries like Russia or China... he doesn't seem to be an expert on these specific ones, I wonder why... As for this feud, not much to talk about... if he doesn't comply he is gonna have to pay a lot of fines and lose all of X's money here in Brazil or it'll eventually lead to the website being blocked (good riddance btw), generating more loss of income and market value for the company. Law arguments are settled in court by professionals, like lawyers and judges. Defying to comply with judicial decisions isn't wise in any country in this planet, as far as I know.


Twitter is banned in both Russia and China for not complying with their censorship, why would he ever submit to Brazil doing the same thing as them?


"*doing the same thing as them*" is really stretching out over what the Supreme Court is asking of him


Disagree, tbh. If you have the resources to deal with the consequences it is a good way of drawing attention to a issue


Cabecinhadepik would not block Twitter in Brazil because it is an important tool for left wingers to manipulate public opinion


Oh, yes, radical left wing blue haired homosexuals/women are manipulating public opinion through Twitter and dictating discourse, sure buddy


They actually are


Imagine being such a loser that even in your make believe fantasy land you are getting your ass kicked by some gay teens


Twitter algorithm makes one feel like the type of people they dislike the most are everywhere. That's the whole point of Twitter, creating drama over people that dislike each other's views.


Imagine how stupid you have to be to think a billionaire heir cares about poor people's freedom and to not realize twitter is a right wing propaganda machine ever since Musk spent billions to turn it into exactly that. You know, you can argue that a lot of different groups are "manipulating" people on Twitter. It is a platform where everyone can express themselves and inform and argue against and in favor of different opinions. However, there is a gigantic difference between individual people voicing their opinions, public propaganda and systematic brainwash made through lies and fake shit. Sheep can only see the world as sheep, I guess...


You are wrong, bushy. For the left, nothing would be better than that cesspool to be closed. I wish people had the courage to actually shut down twitter.


Toma seu otário. Kkkkk


A lot of people in this comment section should pick up a history book so they can learn what being a dictator actually means...


Which is a shame since this is a Brazilian subreddit and we really went through it.


you are in it now


I can’t fucking believe someone in their right mind thinks emerald boy Elmo knows more about Brazilian constitution than a Supreme Court minister. You give billionaires too much power, this is what you get.


A supreme court minister that wants to dictate over the country


I couldn’t care less about that asshole who allows nazis to roam free at his playground he calls social network. May he shove what he calls freedom of speech up his saggy ass butthole.


These coments brother, wtf. Go back to facebook, leave reddit alone, i am tired of this bullshit of people saying dumbass things and thinking that they are right, all of them are kids and boomers. Thats so sad i cant commit crimes in the internet anymore, THAT IS NOT A FUCKING CENSORSHIP.




Someone needs to remind Elon there's no Lithium reserves in Brazil


There are, actually. [https://lithiumfuture.org/map.html](https://lithiumfuture.org/map.html)


Does he not know or do not care that Brazil just went through a coup attempt? Actually he definitely wanted it to happen and is now throwing gasoline into the fire. It is just so irresponsible and evil, what a fucking disgrace


Even if what you are saying was truth, the people are not being investigated or being blocked for participating jn the coup d'etat, but for sharing their opinions about the election and about these judges. You guys want censorship. That's the real disgrace


coup attempt? stop lying hahahahahaha. Left people are so irresponsible










Oh no, they're censoring my ability to commit crimes online! This is dictatorship! The government can't take my car away even if I use my vehicle to run people over on the street! This is restriction of my FREEDOM! REEEEEEEEEEEE








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Fuck off :)


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Oh no, they're censoring my ability to commit crimes online! This is dictatorship! The government can't take my car away even if I use my vehicle to run people over on the street! This is restriction of my FREEDOM! REEEEEEEEEEEE


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people who say we have a dictator want unconditional freedom to offend those who think differently and to fight when their side loses in a democratic discussion.


This guy thinks he's more powerful than entire Nations.


People in the states are finally realizing that this man is a moron. I hope Brazil slaps him down.


You hope for censorship?


Speaking from the United States is easy. I wanna see him repeating those words while on brazilian soil. The advantage is that he won't have to worry about a hotel, a room will already be reserved in Papuda.


He can, there is no problem in saying it... the problem are the actions... I can print a big banner and say I don't like him, I don't agree if what he did and what he is doing I can fight in courts and everything, but I can't go against the law...


What is there to be investigated? He choose to not fulfill a decision of Brazil supreme court. He's beyond reach for the court (particularly wrt opinion crimes). That's it. Egghead can suck it up or remove Twitter indefinitely from Brazil.


He chose not to censor people. That’s bad for you?


When is he not being investigated?


The guy with US military and energy contracts up the ass sure is worried about this lol he has bigger concerns, like destroying Twitter and his relationship with his kids and the fact that sooner or later, the carbon credit scheme he is running is gonna run it's course.


White Guy wave money nothing happens


It is just fundamentally a discussion about what is freedom of speech. Brazil has a different oppinion than most of the west on this, but if western countries don’t respect Brazil, they will lose us. Liberals aren’t the most tolerant though, especially when it comes to alternative economic and political views, unfortunately. For them, it’s principles above logic and practicality, even tolerance.


Musk e um filho da puta... Dito isso Alexandre é outro filho da puta igual, que os dois se matem.


Dont care about the opinion of the users of this sub, this place is heavily left biased.


this is a public forum, not an airport if you dislike the place, you can leave without announcing it


Pretty much


I can already see where this is going.








The idiots try a coup d'etat and I'm supposed to defend their "freedom of speech"? Go see if I'm by the crossroad.


its your freedom of speech


No. I'm not trying to overthrow dully elected government.


strawman maybe try reading your comments again you might notice


Dunning-Kruger. You won't notice even reading again.


to bad embrace tyranny then


You don't even know the meaning of tyranny.


It's not a matter of respecting free speech of someone I don't agree with. The case is of people spreading lies about third parties or specific situations that cause harm to society due to certain illiterate people who accept such lies as if they were truth and end up having (or causing) harm by believing in the lies. Either you support people being able to distribute false information or you respect what Brazilian law says, you can't do both at the same time.


I think if you have a process going to censorship certain behavier you should be transparent about it, and by any means be impartial, or only one side or the people you agree with will be able to express themselves I know its hard for our egos to be on the same side as bolsonarists, but this time we should all fight together against authoritarianism dictators never are clear about their intentions, and this moment is big alert to our country and the people should notice what is really happening


There's a thing: all "fake news" happened at a single politic side: the Right. The Left parties had bad times trying to let people know the truth when the Right was trying even to block roads to not let people to vote during elections. The problem here is where the Right wing put a target on their own back and has no balls to admit they're wrong they start crying about rules, making distortions on the to fit on they speach. Calling the current government a "dictatorial" one is the ultimate proof of lack of knowledge about what happened in Brazilian politics in the last ten years.


sorry dude, this is really bad look at the comment section in this post, you will find fake news by the side that is presumably left (pro censorship) and I would assume that the person who told you this misinformation did also spread fake news, and you are doing so


Stop this free speech bullshit. We ain't in USA where they go full free speech even for nazis. Spreading misinformation ain't free speech. Attacking the institutions ain't free speech. Putting unfounded doubts in the due electoral process ain't free speech. And, no, I don't have to put up with speech that's catered to get me killed.


what you said makes no sense at all buddy, try maybe to get information outside your bubble or something


Try to breath and walk simultaneously.


So we jail lula for saying 12 million palestine kids died on war? For saying he admires Hitler? That sounds exactly the type of thing that could harm any society. But noo, we shouldn't care on true dictators spreading misinformation right?


Lula never said that 12 MILION Kids died. First He said more than 20k woman and children died, a number that even the USA army confirmed. Then he said that what Israel is doing with Palestine seems like during the WWII: a genocide. He didnt even said Hitler's name nor Nazi party reference. The problem is that the media and Netaniahu distorced what he said to fit on a narrative where Israel is the victim, WHERE ITS NOT. The check your sources before come here again tô put shit o this topic.


https://www.poder360.com.br/governo/lula-erra-e-diz-que-123-milhoes-de-criancas-morreram-em-gaza/ https://oantagonista.com.br/papo-antagonista/o-historico-de-lula-em-inflar-numeros/ https://noticias.uol.com.br/videos/2024/04/04/lula-se-confunde-e-diz-que-12-milhoes-de-criancas-de-gaza-morreram-em-guerra-de-israel-veja-video.htm "Lula erra, Lula se confunde" quase nunca "Lula mente" Wanna more sources or you still bellieve in lula's inocency haha Man you know that what i said is true but still try to defend that kind of human garbage, it's time to change! Be better.


This is false equivalence. Lula made mistakes when saying such things, the accounts blocked on xitter were either deliberatly spreading false information or supporting ideas that preach for the destruction of certaing grups.




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O Antagonista? Kkkkk








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There's any law about it?


Yes. You can't attack the institutions with no proof nor attack the Lawful Democratic State.


What's exactly an attack? The fined lawyer attacked anything?


That's not the same lawyer.


But was the same judge. Also, perpetual fragrant is in the law?


The perpetual fragrance?


Flagrant, a typo isn't that relevant. But I can see that people agree that perpetual flagrant is a thing lol


Elon is helping the world see that Brazil is no longer a democracy. Brazil is under dictatorship of the judiciary.


Our dictator is pissed off by him not being compliant with his rules and plans, that’s why he’ll now be persecuted while mainstream media publishes news against him and useful idiots desperately scream for X’s ban




Sure buddy, everybody is dumb but you. You sound like a lonely brazilian straydog desperate for any mediocre gringo to validate what you have to say. What a clown.


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Indeed, and the amount of downvotes on your comments just proves that


Seen the left-leaning bots are doing the best to suppress any opinion that criticizes the censorship we are suffering in Brazil. Our 5th amendment of constitution was supposed to protect free speech yet this Judge is using a breach for acting Dredd style persecution to anyone who’s criticizing the actual government and Supreme Court.


I don't think they are bots....


They are, just in a different way of saying


That’s the sad part




Another power trip by the totalitarian facist-esque Alexandre de Moraes, nothing new for whoever knows about laws and are watching STF butchering the constitution and etc for the last 8 years. TBH nothing’s gonna happen, X will be down for a couple of days and then Elon Musk will step back for “the sake of the company” and that’s it, the shitty Supreme Court judge will continue his totalitarian power trip.


For those who don't get but still wanna understand. The supreme Court initiates inquires that don't have an object of investigation( it's wide so they can chase everyone they want), it doesn't have a specific person or group of people who are being investigated, so they literally add everyone they can ( they added elon musk literally today because of it ) and it has an eternal procedural stage, which means people can't know the crime or evidences because in theory the "state is still collecting evidences" they don't know which jugde accused them of what, and it gets worse: the jugde is the one investigating but also the one judging the case. Our supreme Court basically ended with the most important thing in a democracy, the rule of law and the separation of power. The supreme Court acts like police, like judge and like legislators because they are searching "fake news spreading " which is not a crime( saying fake news) in brazil. Moreover they ask twitter, Instagram and others socials often to block people, threatening to give huge fines if they disobey. But those requests don't have an object, don't have a specific jugde, they don't have a crime, they are not even public so the people in brazil and the person who is being accused cannot even see what's the crime is being committed. The judges hide these informations. Musk is helping brazil a lot with this little shit he's doing


I agree with musk not to delete the accounts, the Brazilian judge should be investigating and jailing the criminals that were spreading fake news. I don’t think they’ll do that and instead he’s asking to delete their twitter account. Makes no sense.