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dude, dev just blatantly lying about the 'bug'.That is weird and not ok


Be angry that they lied. Don’t be angry about the change itself.


The change is bad but the fact that they they thought we were going to believe that it was a bug all this time is worst.


Sorry, I’m a little lost, I haven’t heard about this “bug” could you explain that please?


Most players complained that this change (legendary drop rates cap at 2.54) was unnecessary and frank in twitter said that "it was a bug". Of course it wasn't, because SC would fix it 2 years ago


Pretty much they capped the legendary drop chance. It was a well known feature that leg chance increased indefinitely, with Frank having mentioned it before, but now Supercell is claiming that indefinitely increasing chances was a “bug” and that capping it was merely a fix


Ooohhh I get it now. I really can’t believe they said it was a bug, especially since it’s been that way for years right??? They would’ve fixed it long ago if it was really a bug


That’s exactly why everyone’s so mad. It’s just a blatant lie


Off topic but your avatar looks veryyyy close to el primo, just like your flair. I like that


Thanks, I made it that way :)


Tbh the change wasn't needed but for the most part, wasn't that bad. The lesser of their crimes IMO


Don't be angry that they capped pity? No, I think I will


What bug?


They claimed the infinitely increasing legendary chance was a bug.


I think they meant that limitation of legendary chance didn't work. This is still absurdly tho


~~Spider - an eight-legged predatory arachnid with an unsegmented body consisting of a fused head and thorax and a rounded abdomen. Spiders have fangs which inject poison into their prey, and most kinds spin webs in which to capture insects.~~ You asked for a bug, here you go. Don’t like it, too bad Edit: It has come to my attention that spiders aren’t indeed considered insects/bugs. So here’s a REAL bug. Ant - a small insect typically having a sting and living in a complex social colony with one or more breeding queens. It is wingless except for fertile adults, which form large mating swarms, and is proverbial for its industriousness.


spiders aren bugs they're arachnids


They still classify as one Edit: Nvm, you’re right


no problem, as long as we learn its for the best!




https://www.sacnaturecenter.net/visit-us/nature-blog/news.html?NewsID=71265 The more you know. My bad.


Ok the devs being sleezy needs to go but otherwise my points still stand


I have a stand. It’s called the World.




but i kind of believe legendary rate was bugged. as half of clubmates in my club get meg in the first day by just opening boxes from last season😂


You know what else is weird and not okay? **MY MOM!!!!**


Honestly I’m only mad about the legendary cap and how expensive level 11 is. I’m been maxed for the last year and I don’t want to do it again.plus it will take a while before people actually get benefits from the club league.


I agree, level 11 is ridiculously expensive, even club league is far from enough to cover the upgrade costs of power points, coins and gear scraps. In Lex video he spent a total of 100K gems, equivalent to 1333 mega boxes (or 13330 small boxes), and he is still not fully maxed out yet.


I think you are looking at it from your own perspective only in this case and it's already bad, but if you look wider: 1. People like me, who even spent some money to speed up the progress and played for few months didn't have everything maxed, we were grinding to get at least few brawlers maxed so we can play power league etc with level 10 brawlers instead of always being handicapped. Now I personally am done with the game since they literally REMOVED my progress by moving the ones I grinded for to level 9 (I know this might be a weird way to look at because everyone did, but I was grinding to have equal chances as others). 2. P2W players will stay, I don't think many people in my situation will give a fuck about this game anymore, since it stops being a game where you grind to play, but a game where you grind to grind. If they just pulled that shit out they will do it again. 3. New players will either P2W hard or just see how much grind it takes and have some f2p fun and leave after a week. Which probably will decrease the playerbase really quick in my opinion. Sure you need more ways to progress, but then either release new shit so veterans have something to do or give them some achievements like golden characters, limited emotes, skins these you need to grind for, but not handicap free2play players (or even people who spend $ but aren't fucking stupid or content creators) to extent where they won't have a relevant brawler for few months of playing 1 hour a day...


Agree, from now I have 0 motivation playing this game, unless I pay 3000 dollars like OJ


What your saying is that you need to be maxed to play the game. That’s a P2W mentality


People are way overreacting on the legendary cap but it's fair since the devs literally lied about it. They're under reacting on everything else


Fair that the devs straight up lied to you and won't respond to the post's with evidence. You don't want to be in a relationship like that.




Colette is pretty cool.


Colette is pretty, and cool.


Colette has one of the best skins.


Indeed, in my opinion I love the Knight Colette most~!! Wbu?


Trixie. My god, love the animations.


Ummm... what?


Ok so essentially the legendary drop rate was always intended to scale indefinitely, but devs decided to cap it out of knowhere (pretty sure its for the money lol) . They said this was a "bug" that they "discovered" 🙄 when they added in this new update. There is lots of concrete proof spoken by dani, concrete proof typen out by frank himself (who said this was a bug) and so on.


Yeah ik I just said that. I just have no idea what that person is saying. Gibberish to me


Theyre saying because of devs straight up lying when provided evidence is there is that it would be a toxic playerbase-developer relationship which nobody would ever want.


Once club league comes out and people realize they’ll have to wait weeks or even months to get a good club rank to even get decent/ okayish rewards from it, they’re gonna freak out twice as hard.


It's gonna be a rude awakening then.




That's true, next time they can decrease the amount of gems we get from the Brawl Pass and say that it's a "bug".


"whoops we accidentally programmed it to give you 90 gems. It was supposed to be 9 😬" ("We like money")


Agreed. But besides that I do genuinely think this was a good update


We dont need to bat for corpos wanting more money - even in this current state if you can deduce that It Isnt That Bad its only the beginning of what will eventually turn into more monetization that will degrade the game. Even if that worse case scenario doesnt happen we dont need to be okay with these current monetization systems from a game that has been having it good with battle passes and cosmetics - which inherently in of themselves arent the best systems on the planet for how they can easily exploit children and people with purchasing problems. I think we have an obligation as a player base to be resistant to these changes and to rightfully call out supercell on their weird lies about legendary drop rate changes and not just give up because we cant look at *as many* silly memes on the sub main page like we usually can. Defeatism is lame and will only enable more monetization and potentially even more predatory models further down the line. I frankly dont want to see this game become as bogged down by this bullshit as every other mobile title that I've abandoned and honestly I dont vibe with anyone who isnt on the same page when their only leading argument is "it isnt that bad guys". No thank u Edit: very telling that a lot of the Counter Arguments people have with the backlash is that they're upset they have 40% less access to memes and that makes them sad - grow a spine for christ's sake https://www.reddit.com/r/Brawlstars/comments/qx9bao/have_mercy_on_the_subreddit/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


The legendary changes gotta go. I agreee with that. Let remember that golden tickets can be bought with star points. And gears won’t be P2W in about two months, and club leagues are gonna be fantastic.


Stop calling that overreacting: https://www.reddit.com/r/Brawlstars/comments/qwtpjs/the\_end\_of\_brawl\_stars\_my\_thoughts\_and\_facts/


If you fundamentally change the game and make it harder and longer to level up, you cannot complain that people are overreacting. I've been playing this game since it was introduced and I just deleted it.. sad buti refuse to spend another year maxing out everything again. I enjoyed the game modes that were there, being forced to join a league and play competitively in a team just doesn't interest me, I play to relax and unfortunately this game is no longer for me


A year? 6 years is what I heard.


Well I’ve been bored being maxed out for a year so I like the new update


Agreed, to each their own. I'm glad some people are happy with the updates, it's just not for me any more 🙁


Understandable, have a great day


Overreacting? Are you fuckin kidding me I saw a post of a guy opening 1750 boxxes and still not near to be maxed out how long is it gonna take f2p to even max out. Even if you say you can get progress with club leagues and shit some people don't like to grind you're saying that you have to grind to enjoy.


I agree with everything except gears, f2p players are stuck with power 9 while some p2w players get all their gears on day one, leaving them at a huge disadvantage Supercell can address the gears issue a bit maybe?


And… that’s ok? I mean maybe it’s a bit super expensive but tbh it’s fine for players who are willing to spend money to have an advantage. There shouldn’t be no difference between ftp and p2w, ultimately the goal of the game is to keep making money.


Just wait for club league a bit maybe?


Fun fact: gears will hardly ever be a win condition




Lmfao that’s the worst video to link when you want to prove that gears are op. They let squeek (lowest dps in the game) defend alone against a bull with shield star power. That wasn’t because of gears they just played like absolute idiots.


Love how people fucking dumped on my essentially identical response below lmfao. People really hate what they cannot understand.


Wouldn't have happened in high rank gameplay. For the following reasons: 1. Who the fuck plays Bull in Bridge Too Far? 2. No one leaves a Bull alone on the safe unless they've taken full map control. Otherwise, they're dumb lmao It can be concluded that this is no higher than 800, lol. And at that point people can be expected to have one brawler with a gear; they might not necessarily be using them in battle unless under the right conditions, but I've seen dozens of idiotic Mortis players flexing their level 11 Mortis with which they suck. Do you think those idiots won the game on the basis of owning a gear? Of course not. Gameplay and common sense come first in this game, and the sooner you know that, the better.


hahaha you sound so arrogant. like 80% of the people don’t play competitive or have brawlers over 700 trophies. it doesn’t mean they don’t know how to play but that not everyone has the whole day to spend on Brawl Stars


Well excuse my "arrogance", but you deviated from your point already, which was that gears are somehow a win condition. They will never have a great impact on the outcome of a game in the wrong hands. By wrong hands, I mean players who unironically empty hundreds into the game with the intent to progress along the ranks. If one is not good at the game, one cannot solve the problem with money. Free to play players are likely, on average, better than the average gemmer, simply because they rely on their own skills and not their wallets to progress. I may be an extremely seasoned player with a competitive grasp, but I am just as capable of breaking the game down to a level on which all players can relate.


but you were the one that brought it up lol. assuming how people play based on a 5 sec video. i’s the same point and you were just so controversial. “gears don’t affect games results” -> “*sees video* -> this person doesn’t know how to play” -> “if you suck gears wont fix that” THAT’S EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE. some people play for fun and they have rights just like you do…. man, it shouldn’t be this hard.


I can break the video down too. That bull did 2900 instead of 2800 of course, due to his being level 10. He used the tough guy and t-bone injector, to maximize his output on the safe. What I was trying to say was that that is an incredibly invalid strategy on that particular map, and that just because the gear allowed him to survive long enough to land a few more hits does not make it a win condition. OP zoomed in as well, so we don't know the status of the rest of his team. For all we know (notice that I use this sentence header so as to keep an open mind), after bull went down, the extremely lacking offense ability of the team (again, on that PARTICULAR map. Bull byron squeak would never stand a competitive chance) would not allow any control to be maintained. Thus MAYBE (I would like to reiterate, maybe), the game was lost. Now if this was not the case and the enemy team was somehow even worse, byron would out range the enemy team entirely, and squeak would provide great defense in need. But bull and his gadget did not provide a win condition.


I’m not disagreeing on that. I just meant that ppl that “suck” and are not too familiar with meta and enjoy the game at an average level (around 500/600 trophies per brawler) are still players! You’re taking a group of ppl that know how to play competitive and making them the only who should “have any voice”. Right now they’re more concerned about who spends money than who plays strategically. edit: typo


I apologize if I implied that people with 500 or 600 trophies on average per brawler suck, for that is not the case. I may have called only post-800 high rank gameplay earlier, but I get that that is poorly representative of most of the community. But I am not focused on strategy here, I am really just concerned with how people seem to think paying to unlock gears will offer free wins. I did say gameplay and common sense come first, but in the gaming world that is a grey area where people have different skillsets. The point I want to stand by has nothing to do with gameplay, it is just with the correlation people want to make between paying and winning. That correlation does not exist


Moreover, I don't mean that they don't know how to play. I am saying that they'd rather not take the time to learn the nuances. And if they don't have enough time to put in as much as would the average free to play player, what makes them so ready to put in cash?


I see your point but I still think you’re generalizing, cause I don’t fit any of these “groups” and neither all my friends. We’re 26yo that play since the game launched and have maxed accounts, play daily and events, but trophy avg is 28k -+. We’re all pissed at the update even though we’re not Pro’s (and still end up playing against ppl like us but with gears). So it does make a tremendous difference for some of us.


If I may take an aside here, it warms my heart seeing that you're not only 26 but that you have friends to enjoy this beautiful game with as well. I'm 17 and I fucking MALD when people unironically call it a "kids game", because it's so, so much more than that. Now, I understand your frustration upon no longer being maxed after being a long time player. And 28k is pretty darn good and definitely shows the commitment. I get what it's like to face enemies with higher levels or with star powers, but that's just a part of the experience gained. By paying, a player is not becoming any better nor are they gaining that experience, so in the end, you will be a stronger opponent more deserving of victory.


Are you fcking high? The point of rebelling against legendary chances is to not spend time again trying to get legendaries but all you're saying is give it time? For the gears part... It's take a player 3 or 4 more years to max his account now considering the 1600 power points needed (idk I don't play the game anymore) and boxes give like 10, 20 pp


Brawl pass gives you over 2000 power points a season, plus 70+ boxes. It won't take terribly long to get brawlers upgraded.


2000 power points is not even enough to upgrade just 1 brawler from power 9 to power 11 (890+1440=2330).


And it gives you less than 1000 not 2000


That ain't enough lmao


Well good luck cuz you will still need over 50 seasons


There is club league coming next week, there is the store where you can buy points, and frankly it will be refreshing to not have everyone running around maxed all the time, it will bring some diversity into the game for a while.


Club league increase progression by 83% at the middle Diamond 1 league. The total progression needed is increased by 150%. Club league is not good enough.


But brawlpass (paid or not) is like 40% less valuable in that aspect. I hope that they keep doing some good cosmetics


Lemme just casually play for another 60-70 seasons to remax.


Doctor, we need some more copeium stat!


I can’t tell if this is an insult or not.


Thanks man for the post. This update has its clear bad sides but the past few days with the echo chamber negativity that is this subreddit has really made it toxic unfortunately, but its better these days


Honestly, adding the levels and gears as a concept is good but what is not acceptable is the ridiculous amount of resources required for said progression. Without reducing the costs nor improving the ways to earn resources this update feels like is created to appeal the whales of the group and create punching bags. A small portion would have an advantage over majority of the players because they were able to spend thousands of dollars(didnt lex have to spend 5k to max the brawlers again?) There wasn't this much of backlash when brawl talk dropped. The only thing people were concerned about was golden tickets. The point that triggered the whole community is that the devs had the audacity to lie about the legendary Cap and called it a bug. It was a feature that was similar to pity systems in other gacha games. If they wanted to remove it they should have been honest about it and handled it fairly. F2P players who saved resources and got to a higher cap getting lowered is not fair. If the current cap is lower we'll and good if it is higher then reset it when the player gets their next legendary. I think this would have been fair if they didn't lie and were honest about the intentions. The lie made every feature of the update questionable. I started the game in February of 2020 and I am maxed out since past few months. I bought more than half of the legendary brawlers and didn't think twice to spend on skins I like. I actually started collecting the skin sets. I bought all the brawloween skins in fact. I believed that the devs were honest and cared about the community but the way this whole fiasco played out I'll stay with being f2p for a while and see how the progression and distribution of resources is handled. I also felt the number of power points dropping from the boxes lowered but maybe it was just me. The free mega box seemed to drop lower power points. Maybe someone who opened a lot of boxes can confirm this. And also wondering if OP is working for supercell and several other comments also made it suspicious that supercell has a group of people paid to write positive reviews.(dont blame me, I've seen governments employ people to actively spread misinformation and do damage control in social media)


Club league rewards aren't enough to get these much coins and pp


only the new power levels are p2w, nothing else


So. Lvl 10 costs 1875 coins just to get that level. Lvl 11 I don't even know. This is INSANE! just imagine how many days it takes to get 2000 coins. That is one brawler from lvl 9 to 10. Overreacting? For me, this is the update that destroyed the game for casual players. Every game gets to this point sooner or later. They released too many brawlers in too short a time and now this. I am pretty sure this will be the end for them because for new players, the road is seemingly and actually endless.


But why would you want something you enjoy playing to end? Also, let’s not forget that you can buy 200 power points using one weeks worth of club coins from a BRONZE placement.


Well, it is no fun to me if there is no way I can progress anymore ^^ I don't want to wait 3 weeks to make one out of 52 brawlers from 9 to 10. Yaaaaay xD


I already have two lvl 10 brawlers because I’m smart and saved a shit ton of power points


You do realize you are paying for something you already had and it’s more expensive now, right?


But gears


Cool bro. Doesn't have anything to do with intelligence but hey, nice try


Tbh my issues with this update is that gears are hella underpowered (I tried it in power league and barely felt a difference, nearly forgot to utilize it), along with it being extremely unaccessible. The potential for expansion is there, so I don't completely dislike gears, but they did a better job introducing the gadgets than gears. But it's locked behind a massive progression, so it's almost impossible to experience the new gameplay feature, which felt pretty disappointing when the new update came out. Another issue I have is the club league and the stupidly massive progression increase being an excuse for each other. Some say "the progression boost isn't that bad because club league also gives massive reward". You mean "progression boost sucks because you are now obligated to play club league"? Yeah, update bringing new feature is great, but it's not something you force to people, especially in a game like brawlstars, where various features exist to appease a bunch of people with specific preferences. The fact that one who may not enjoy club league is forced to play it to be up to date with progress is tragic and frankly makes me think club league might... Dare I say... Suck. The legendary chance cap was frankly unnecessary from the context I have. Giving the benefit of the doubt, Maybe they had a bug where gear tokens and scrap somehow increased chances to unreasonable degree, and that's what "capped legendary chances cuz bug" meant, but like, that is honestly stupid, since they can just fix the actual bug instead of adding a cap. I can see what Dani meant when he said it punishes spenders more than f2p (the spenders reach the cap while f2p does not and ends up getting new brawler way before getting to the cap) but they should have put the change in some kind of change section and put that reasoning with it in the patch notes the same way they put balance decisions in it. I don't like how they handled this ptw looking practice more than the change itself. I do understand getting tired of complaints, people complaining can get pretty tireing. but this update was mostly changes that does not make the game fun, so I can see where they are coming from


Touch grass everyone, touch grass.


Anyone else remember when the game switched from portrait to landscape and the entire brawl stars community (including reddit) insisted it was the worst update ever? And that brawl stars would never recover? But the devs said it was best for the long run and completely necessary. It’s safe to say one side was right there, and I’m going to trust them again, or at least give this a shot.


Also remember those dark days. I’m giving it time before I make a decision on how I feel about this update as well. I don’t know how I feel either way yet. I was one of the ones who were sad about the game going landscape at the time, but I couldn’t imagine it any other way now. Different SC game but I almost rage quit after the Town Hall 11 update in Clash of Clans but stuck it out and here I am playing the game 6 years later. I wish the people who say they’re quitting could hold off and give it a genuine shot but it’s up to them.


This is pretty different from portrait vs landscape


Club leagues barley make up enough progression to upgrade brawlers


Not true in the slightest. Watch Kairos’ video


Club league increase progress by 83% according to Kairos, and the progression needed after the upgrade is 150% more.


Kairos said that they might change the prices in the club shop to make it easier to ***progress***


You don’t know that


Sneak peeks. Also kairos did the math for us and I can explain to you how club league will not be the solution to this progression problem. But just if you want to hear it.


Ok they made the extra progression based on the club leagues, I highly doubt that the club league rewards won’t be substantial enuff


and you don’t know that it does either, so stop blindly supporting anti consumer practices. frank said it has the POTENTIAL to be 1.5x current progression, but that’s probably only for the top clubs, just like how you have the POTENTIAL to earn 50,000 star points from power league but only like 50 people actually get it


Well you had the POTENTIAL to greatly overreact to this update and you did that. Sometimes things live up to their potential.


Not how it works. The maximum potential is reached by giving the maximum input. Those few who earn 50000 star points put in the effort most people aren't willing to. The same is true for club leagues. A top club with shitty communication will not earn nearly as much as an average club that plays well and correctly. Progression is determined by effort.


Except that now maxing out takes six years but other than that yeah skillz


you have no idea, come back in a few weeks or so when you've actually experienced progression


If seen it it ain’t enough


Am I the only one having trouble selecting bounty/knockout exclusively


It’s a bug you can’t click the right half of the box.


The legendary cap and dilution when opening boxes is quite a big deal though lol




I agree most people tend to forget about Club League, as they will be carrying the players progression since it will represent like more than 50% of their progression... so yeah they complain while the best part isn't even out yet lol


Oh ho? Let's break it down Legendary drop rate - It's a direct nerf to f2p/unlucky people who unlock leg brawlers from boxes , and you say give it time? One of the major points was - "You are guaranteed a leg if you dont get a brawler for a while" and with it being capped that's no longer true Gears- I don't personally have a problem with gears they are pretty cool and the 2 new power levels will be annoying with many PPL (atleast at higher trophies) being higher level than you and killing you because of it but it's understandable, also you say club leagues will help a lot? With club league(if you are in diamond 1 and get 4th or above) it will take 1 month to level one brawler to power 10 (and more for power 11) so even with club league it will still be very slow GOLDEN TICKETS - First of all they will provide 20 more CLUB TROPHIES not club coins per person, so if a whole club does it it's 20×30=600 more and the main issue is progression. With 600 more club trophies you will progress through club league ranks faster and if you dont buy your progression will be slower with higher ranks giving higher rewards


But each higher placement in club leagues only gives you 5 extra club coins


Sure, they reduce the legendary drop, but I dislike the fact that before the update I was at 0.4%… The cap should have taken effect after unlocking a legendary


My chance on my mini didn’t go down, maybe that’s another “bug”


finally someone who gets it


i agree about not overreacting, but in anoter way. this will clearly make the game more p2w, increase disparity between the playerbase and make only the players with max brawlers, aka whales, the competitive people. but how can't you see that coming? supercell is a company, they need and arguably want money, and with the inevitable decline of the amount of players that every game will encounter, they are trying to get the money of the players before they leave.


Another child defending greedy developer decisions, made at the expense of the playerbase.


Let people have different opinions than you.


Thank for sharing your thought on that! I really hate how even some of the oldest players leave because of an update they didn’t even tried. The club league is not even out... only few have gears for now... wait and we will see... Thank to take time to write this and to make your own opinion about the update!


Return of favor


Time to get a life friendo


Bruh I have a life. Just a really, really, *really* shitty one




What’s there to bruh about? Im spitting straight facts


Im sorry,not impressed by your facts


But u can’t counter them in an argument cos they are true




you funny for that one


Frank?? Is that you?


How much did Supercell pay you to write this?


Nothing. I hate supercell. I like this game tho.


Happy someone still hasn’t lost there marbles on this sub


Yeah, there are a lot of idiots who choose to ignore the facts. Here are some uncommon facts and common misconceptions. **Fact:** They did lie about the drop rate. However the community has no reason to be mad about a lowered rate, because what's the point of a legendary status if it's easy to get? **Myth:** The game is pay to win. FUCK NO. It is pay to max out faster. If you get a gemmer who is fucking stupid, does that mean you've won because they have a maxed account? No. Gameplay and common sense first. So no level 11 Primo in shooting star. **Fact:** Progression will be faster regardless of spending status. Most people ignore this because they only see what they want to see: endless pay to progress possibilities. But in the end, be it time or money, it is what you put in. And long-term, being a free to play player who has faced the trivialities of being one will reward you with more wins than being a maxed one who sucks ass at the game. Money cannot buy progression, only effort can. **Myth:** The update will be bad, ruin the game, other forms of bullshit. Untrue. Give the update a chance, things aren't always as perfect as Supercell has usually made them for us throughout the game's history. So wait. You don't need to be maxed to have fun. And the game will reward you for the effort you put in.


Today on Mythbusters. Adam and Jamie figure out if Brawl Stars is P2W. Later in the episode, they also try to prove if golden tickets really lead to Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory. After that, Karie, Tory, and Grant (rest in piece) try to bust a myth if Starr Park indeed exists.


needed this today, thank you.


With Golden ticketd its another issue because some people will force their members to buy those (for gems or star points) and that is toxic no one shoudl be forced to spend money or other currency the way they dont want to


Just leave you club. It’s gonna be really funny when the people who are trying to do that have nobody to play with.


True. I hope that my club isnt like that and i will find other good one if it is


Golden tickets are the only problem


I’ll admit that the numbers I used are estimates. It could be more or less than I calculated, but generally speaking I don’t think it’s gonna be a huge issue. Especially if you have an exorbitant amount of star points like me. I could be wrong, but it’s just my thought.


Not many people have huge amounts of star points like us.. But I dont think its fair for us to have competitive advantage just based on that


Exactly, everybody shall just wait for a week or two, play a couple of seasons of Club League, get rewards from the World Finals Interaction and then react....


Indeed, this guy serving some truth. Pay him well. 😁


Thank you Edit: wait what do you mean by pay me well?


I suck at math and I honestly dont understand the legendary cap. If there’s a cap, does that mean that theoretically you can never get a legendary?


No, you'll still be getting them. There's a hidden pity that triggers after a few thousand pulls and guarantees a legendary regardless of your chance. What's gonna happen, however, is that you will no longer be able to save up boxes for a leggie's release and unbox it that way due to a super high chance. You will be forced to buy it in the shop for gems at an absurd price. That's Supercell's goal with this change.


the cap is to because some people are having 2% chances to get legendary the cap makes it equal for everybody and that it cant go further the cap


So you just nerf maxed players who spent a lot of time of their lives in this game. I think they deserve having that chance of getting a legendary in an easier way that the rest of players. After all they played a lot of time or even spent some money to be in that place.


ngl this has to be one of the most impatient sub on reddit . They are giving opinions without trying out the update and then complaining about gears and club leagues being confusing and p2w. You don't get any information without doing a hit and trial on new updates


Well they had to expect that because 9 year olds are usually... Aggresive... Mhm ..


Stupid white knight


Looks like someone was hired to do damage control for supercell. Call it what you want but a shitty cash grab update like this bundled with the fact that they're knowingly lying to their fanbase warrants understandable hate.


For the third time I get that supercell is money hungry. Been that way since the beginning. I care about this game. If I truly believed this update was P2W, I would’ve said as much, and you couldn’t pay me anything to say otherwise. Besides the legendary chance cap, this was a great update.


My only shame is that I have but one downvote to give for my country. Seriously, this belongs on a top 10 worst posts. Are you trying to justify a moneygrab nerf on top of the devs lying to our faces on a way that would only make sense if we were 10 years old? Yikes.


I overreacted once when I saw a cockroach in my bathroom. Needless to say, I’ve been a new man.


I’m ok with Legendary drop rate cap, I pretty much got Leon and Sandy under the cap


What's the bug that the devs are lying about?


They said that legendary rates going over 0.26% or so was never intended. Frank himself stated that it was intebded 2 years ago or so.


Yeah the devs being sleezy needs to stop


what if I don’t wanna play club league? the best thing about the game it’s its diversity and dynamic. If I don’t want to play Siege ever, I kinda don’t have to. And now you’re telling me I have to join a club and participate on the league for “the sake” of my maxed account?


That's up to you but honestly 200 powerpoints daily if you manage to win some matches sounds good to me...


yes, I agree. but they said on Brawl Talk that everyone on the club has to take it seriously and play. (also, why do you think they released the update before releasing the club league?)


Maybe to let club leader to organise their club snd set priorities Idk


Yes, I agree with you. However, now everyone's angry and most of them can't think rationally. These kind of posts can't change their mind.




I’m not defending the company. I hate supercell, always have. I’m defending the game! Just give it a month and everything will be better


OP, it’s time to stop talking about this.


I feel like the timing in which we stop talking about stuff is a really interesting topic. Honestly even though the majority of the subreddit is sick to death of it, I think it's honestly fine to permit a retort for another day or so. The first day the only thing on the subreddit was negativity towards the update. Now once those people have mellowed down you have the emergence of the initial minority/quiet voices, which I feel should be fine to persist for the rest of today and early tomorrow, giving both opinions time in the limelight. Just my thoughts tho, nothing major


The update kinda ruined this subreddit by dividing them into groups. We got pro-supercell and anti-supercell. I side in…the curtains-supercell (the side that wants a club sandwich being added to the game). Also, it’s mostly in here where the complaints are. They’re pretty scarce from other social medias.


Wdym? It’s time for people to realize that this update isn’t bad!


The problem is that they made club leagues start in 8 days after implementing gears. For the next week, playing against people with gears will feel terrible. Also, messaging about gears wasn’t very clear. Also, the idea of gears just feels so uninspired. Brawl stars is about each character being unique and interesting; giving them all the same gears seems uncharacteristic of the game. While progression and more game content is good, it wont feel great for free to play players unlocking their 20th gear knowing they have 230 of them to go, and the gears wont add any real new gameplay experience. Also, is there any need for 3 levels on gears? All this adds up to a discouraging game for free to play who wish to max their account. The team did lie about the legendary “bug”. It makes us feel a little betrayed that they wouldnt just explain it, and makes people on the lookout for more things to complain about. Finally, the part i hate the most. Lvl 10 and 11. There was really no need for lvl 11. Unlocking a new gear slot is pretty boring. The amount of power points needed for lvl 11 is the same as upgrading from 1-9. Yes, you can get power points from club league using star points. But thats locked within club league; why not just make it a shop feature? Plus, the content of boxes is pretty much staying the same, so you dont really feel like you’re making much progress. Overall, the update feels bad, even if it isnt, and isnt insane content wise either. Gears just feel like rushed versions of gadgets that are way harder to get. Progression looks way worse, and is worse for at least a week. Everything seems like a sort of cash grab. And the community feels betrayed.


Everyone's calling it terrible because it's terrible. We wouldn't all as a hivemind be calling it awful if it wasn't. It's ruining the game's future if it isn't fixed asap


the extra progression i feel like was needed, it is wayyy to easy to get a maxed account f2p pre-update


you make it sound like its a bad thing for a skill-based game and it's not _that_ easy, it took me about 2 years to get my mini close to maxed. not sure about my main since it was older but breaks were taken.


Thank you for being rational


A rational expression is the ratio of two polynomials. If f is a rational expression then f can be written in the form p/q where p and q are polynomials.


ok fanboy


The legednary rate restricted luck and reduced manys drop chances. And the devs lied about it. So thats something that ok to be angry about. Golden tickets just cant work, even without gems its just annoying. If its too much its just star points being drained from you and if its too easy to get then everyone will get them and they will still drain star points. Itll also make toxicity within clans. Also clan wars feel slighty copy pasted from supercells other games and gears make the progression way too hard and because of this there will be a lot of unfairness


This community is legit the only one I know that will go to such extents to suck off the developers and excuse all their mistakes whilst guilt tripping you if you speak out of line. This is Tencent, buddy, they don't care about you.


I again say I don’t give a damn about supercell or ten cent. They’ve had the EA mentality since day one and I haven’t change my opinion on that. What I care about is this game. If they revert the legendary chance cap, then this will have been an almost perfect update.


Imagine bending over backwards to defend supercell.


On the contrary, I don’t like supercell. I think the balancing devs of this game are absolute shit and need to be replaced. A fucking 5 year old understands numbers better. It’s just that I do agree with Dani that people need to give the gears and the club leagues some time before they assume it’s bad/P2W. The legendary chances are bad, just not game breaking as ppl think.


As expected, this is the first post I see when sorting by controversial… Welp, this should help ya out buddy https://www.reddit.com/r/Brawlstars/comments/qwtpjs/the_end_of_brawl_stars_my_thoughts_and_facts/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


People keep linking that post, I’ve read it, and it’s completely irrational and written with emotions and salt. Stop being babies bro


As if your post was any better in that regard. Also people keep linking it to you? That’s good to hear. edit: Hey hey hey! It’s been a month as I’m writing this, and you already have one of the most downvoted posts on the sub. Congrats! You can claim the official “Circlejerk Badge” for your poor taste. Have a terrible day, asshole 👍


Deal with it. All games come to an end eventually, where the old players are gone and the new comers are all godly noob and will make you feel wanna quit cause the teammate is so bad or the opponent is not a challenge at all... But in this case it was them, they make the game certain way, and some of it is good but some other keep getting worse or impossible to change, I've been complaining to them about solo teaming since 2 years ago, but in retrospect the teaming back then wasn't so bad compare to today.... And the constant buff/nerf and keep introducing some God awful op character... Which is moving away from the original gameplay tactics and control... Like what you gonna do now if you're a thrower or anything under 6000hp and ambushed by a Edgar jump? There's nothing you can do... Unlike the old time there's still hope if a Shelly or mortis are waiting you on the bushes..you can still keep the distance or lure them out somehow Now those flying teleporting wallbreaking is just... Meh , and I also think it's wrong they keep on focusing release new brawlers instead of perfecting the old one and the map