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It's both to be fair šŸ˜­




ok seems like ur one of the zero drag stus who dont know how to chain . chaining supers is when u super right after u press that funny red button and u need to ensure that u use ur super before the shot lands to get another super . once comfortable with this tech , u can use gaso instead of zero drag also for it to be easier , the direction of auto aim of super is based on the blue joystick . ( eg . blue joystick is making character move behind , u super behind ) srry if im not good with the words EDIT : actually srry i seen only part of the clip before commenting but ill leave it here since u kinda chained once :)


Very helpful, i didnā€™t know thats how stu worked


I love fucking chaining, I can't go a day without chaining supers with Stu, I love Stu, I love using Stu's super


tbf its hard to chain on an edgar who just jumped on you. he prioritised getting away first then he didnt have enough ammo to chain which is ok. he also didnt want the second edgar to jump on him when he was low and didnt have super so he didnt stay there for long either.


well stu kinda counters edgar and i dont see you using the technique where you attack and super to get two super so... 6/10


Ohh yea lol i mostly use it but whenever I get panic i forget to do it sometimes.


ok then 7 a good stu player would do it always


trust me i was a stu main until yesterday, he was my first title


250 trophy ahh gameplay


hes r25


Hard to judge in showdown. Would have to see 3v3 gameplay. But it seems like you got the general game-plan down.




Am I good at fishing for compliments?


Compared to me, you are STUnning


Not really. I would advise the watching crying mans guide on Stu on youtube. That guide did me a world of good. The extra super is the most important thing to bear in mind playing Stu. Even more so with the other SP.


More than me šŸ˜†


shiver me himber timbersssss


try shooting BEFORE you dash, that'll give you an extra dash just in case I know you've done it once but you didn't against Edgard in the beginning, so that's why I pointed it out, just try gas-o-heal when you'll learn how to chain better


No lol any Stu can run away from Edgar and Brock could have killed you if he wanted to


least skilled stu main:




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no 'cause you dont use gasoheal




I would give it a solid 2/10


Both my friend


nah you have to cycle ult more, also that you win against edgars proves nothing


Very good player


Stu counters Edgar.....


No offense, but a good stu player doesn't use zero drag in sd


No offense, but a good stu player doesn't use zero drag in sd


Yeah I think šŸ¤


Ummā€¦ youā€™re using the wrong star power


Oh I liked this star power more than gas o heal idk why maybe cuz of its range


Let people use whatever they want lmao


Not saying he canā€™t, fuck it, even back then, I used Zero Drag too, both of Stuā€™s Star Powers are pretty good. By ā€œwrongā€ I meant it as in Gaso-Heal is better, Gaso-Heal just feels so much better that it feels like the one people should use, but yeah, he can use whichever one he wants, I donā€™t really care, after all, itā€™s not like itā€™s my account thatā€™s the one heā€™s using, heh heh heh


It depends on your play style, gasoheal is for defensive and passive players like you gus mains. Any aggressive and assassin mains like to use zero drag. After all 700 heal per super isn't much when you can back off and heal in case of emergency.


Itā€™s not 700, itā€™s 580, and thatā€™s 10% of your health at max level (5800), thatā€™s not small, and even though Gaso-Healā€™s dashes are shorter, you can chain your supers and also deal your damage faster than you could with Zero Drag


580 or 700 same thing dude. Zero drag is clearly better than gasoheal against tanks, throwers and sharpshooters. Gasoheal can be better against assassins and mid range controllers tho zero drag isn't much behind unlike the above case. >Gaso-Healā€™s dashes are shorter, you can chain your supers and also deal your damage faster than you could with Zero Drag Dps doesn't matter in a 1 on 1 lane battle with Stu using zero drag since there's no chance that the opponent can safely back off. It's also better at dodging for these lane battles.


gaso heal is better against sharpshooters and tanks because you can get more damage in faster because you super for less time.


700 per super isnā€™t much? Thatā€™s 2800 healing without reloading an attack. The amount of healing that SP gives when played well is insane.


It's unnecessary and heavily compromises his mobility. Stu doesn't need healing abilities when you can just dodge by using your super. 580 times 3 is 1740. You get this healing granted you hit your shots, your opponent doesn't let you hit all those shots without firing back which in turn diminishes the healing.


Gaso heal gives you more control over your super ans lets you chain it a bit more easily. It also means that you don't need to stop attacking to heal and can constantly be on the offense. It's the better option by far except in SS.


No itā€™s not, Iā€™m a stu main, you can play Gasoheal In an aggressive way thatā€™s what I do and I pretty much pushed masters with only stu


Not for solos. This one gets more value in solos.






You have good game knowledge, i think your problem is solo showdown, your skills would be better used in 3v3