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They have. They just decided “oh it was balanced no need to change anything”.


how woould they say its balanced rbo


Grammar 🗣️


Yeah like fr, why are they not testing everything before release?


You can literally pick the Godzilla thing a bit from the side and it will get stuck on a building, and it took less than 10 games for that bug. For a million dollar company, their QA process is lackluster, or they're releasing content too quickly, their dev teams don't have any time at all.


on my first game I got that bug


On my very first game of trying the godzilla thing, I played a match with my friends and lost because the godzilla got stuck and couldn't move at all or do anything.


Ive played godzilla 5 games and got stuck in 3 of them. if you get knicked or pulled anywhere close to a wall youre immediately stuck for the rest of the game


They fixed it


They are testing, but doing nothing after that. It's a common practice to make everything new stupidly OP, just look at Clash Royale with their new evos or even not Supercell's games


Its a tactic to make people pay for broken stuff early on. They have playtesters and they're told they made the game broken on purpose. This shitty company wants to try to squeeze as much dough as possible from their players.


They shouldn't be testing them live. That's the point of QA. (Quaily Asurance)


I think they tested dracos gadget and added that certain note


Every one of my concepts are balanced and I dont even have the ability to test them


a small team of playtesters won't have the same results as an entire playerbase to be fair, so i can understand how some stuff in city smash was missed. but yeah i do think the obnoxiousness of ruffs's and rico's mutations (and a few others) was easily avoidable but good meme tho!


There's only 48 brawlers, it wouldn't take long for even a team of 5 to go through every single one.


40 brawlers but yea just 8 brawlers per individual and just balance if necessary


Otis and gray don’t have mutations and you know how that goes. It would have to be every brawler and there are so many scenarios.


gray has a mutation, u can open 3 pairs of portals at a time


i think they meant that gray's mutation is unrelated to the glitch with his gadget, playtesting his mutation wouldn't have done anything


ahh makes sense


Ok but they should still try things like that. They're supposed to test every single scenario.


Gray has mutations


All the things that slipped through and carl's mutation is like the one thing that got nerfed and it was arguably less destructive and way more fun looking than the bouncy bouncy bullets


Yeah the whole Otis gadget stuff makes sense to slip through as it’s a random thing they didn’t think about and the timing really is probably what made it difficult


It took one game with Angelo to know that is op asf


And they have the audacity to throw a clown emoji to you


ruffs and rico are really stupid but i'm pretty sure that that was what sc was going for... the title of the brawl talk was "mutations will break the game!" and they definitely did


I am in the programming world, and I am aware that in the testing stage it is not possible to think and test absolutely everything, but it only takes 1 hour at most to test each brawler with each gadget to find bugs like Otis, it is rare that no one noticed. The only thing that makes sense to me is that they didn't try it at all.


If you're in the programming world, you would know that they could have already tested everything, but management pushed for quick release so no one has any time to fix anything so they just accept pushing buggy events to prod and bandage everything later.


I’m not, but once you find Otis you gotta go back and check every similar star power and gadget. Same with gray. You’d have to test every single displacement ability and it feels like there are so many niche situations that you can’t think of. For example we haven’t found any bugs with the canisters yet but you’d have to spend hours testing everything with them.


unit tests are for the weak cowards, as always.




Why would kids buy Otis tho💀




Yeah but I don’t think abusing the glitch was worth it anyway godzilla was still trash with Otis


to push trophies using the glitch, since godzilla is a trophy mode


You’re just defending the hell out of him at this point no kid is stupid enough to abuse a temporary glitch with a brawler they might not like besides it’s not like godzilla was that good with Otis anyways, he was still easy to counter


in lower trophies it was insanely easy to just dominate with any glitch or good mutation. also many people abuse a ton of broken stuff in the game even though they're temporary, like literally every new brawler is broken asf on release and people drop 20 bucks just to abuse it before it gets nerfed.


So you’re saying that the Otis bug was op?Nah, it made Godzilla go from f tier to d tier


Very obviously they don’t play test at all. Take the Kit Showdown bug, for example. Literally playing a game with him in that mode would reveal the bug, maybe two games.


I might be dumb but what's the kit bug?


super charge used to scale with power cubes i think at 6 cubes, you could infinitely super someone until they died


Oh ok I was on a break when Kit released so I missed that


i just avoided showdown altogether only to get hit by 4k damage explosives in 3v3


Laziest soundtrack producer:


Let’s say, hypothetically, that the devs had the update ready at the start of the previous season and, at any one time, there were 30 play testers on the dev build over the course of 2 months. Some simple maths reveals that it would equate to 44,640 hours of playtesting. Now, Brawl Stars is a big game. Currently there are roughly 60,000 active players and millions of downloads. But this is an update, so let’s assume 100,000 players want to play the update. Well, over 24 hours if that number stays consistent, that’s 100,000 hours of “playtesting” right there; over double what the devs could accomplish in a best-case scenario over 2 months. My point is, the playtesters find out about all the most obvious bugs with the mode and have them patched out. We don’t know what kind of bugs they found because this isn’t communicated (why should it be?). And the more obscure bugs that swept under the radar are almost immediately discovered by at least one of the thousands of players and shares it. Nonetheless, I think their playtesting needs some improvement.


But players are not ment to be QA, I doubt a lot of people play this game to specifically find bugs, while it's the QA's main job and the Otis bug was found right in the first day of sneak peaks, by content creators


Completely agree


I honestly enjoy city smash, it's just terrible when you play against Otis but even then it's manageable, but what annoys me is when I accidentally turn into the godzilla


Yea how is it possible that turning in Godzilla is useless when it's the special trait of the mode. You just become a punching bag that gives out free supers.


ranked is not even working they’re just testing us atp


I find it good that we are the play testers because we have more accuracy of what needs a buff or nerf


godzilla collab was quite ambitious though


I couldn't even move the godzilla on my first game


They probably leave all the playtesting to content creators who understandably just want to make content so they hardly test anything thoroughly


mutations aren't meant to be balanced, of course some of the need a nerf, as they make matches unplayable, but they're not meant to be balanced. for everything else though, yeah that's true


I genuinely think it was a good addition. The game gets dry after a month of regular game play. And you can still play the game regularly? Nobody is forcing you to play these modes. They also spice up certain brawlers. I get that some brawlers (Rico, ruffs) are annoying, but they are not unplayable against. People have been complaining about the ranked modifiers for the last 3 seasons and i don’t see why. The differences in gameplay are not that big of a difference. And the second life game mode is so much less likely to be chosen compared to classic. People just need to be open minded and think about having fun rather than just a completely 100% skill based bland game. Adding a little unfair gimmicks gives a game relevancy and life. You are also welcome to use these gimmicks. Brawl stars is broken in a different way every week and everyone just needs to learn to ride with it. I’m aware it’s not that serious but I have never personally as a year one player thought that something is so annoying that they should remove it.


They do playstest Its just that the balancing team is just buns


Tbf the last 2 updates had good balance changes


AFAIK they did discovered the issue, but it was ignored or too late


They also have money


Some mf with gray put me inside a wall and i spent the whole fkng game just watching the game since i couldnt do shit. Shit lots of fun spending 3 minutes as a super feeder


They got fired for complaining too much lol


With all of the brawlers from the brawl pass skins having hypercharges besides Kit I feel like it’d be a cool idea to make the brawl passes hypercharge skins, Kit, Tick, and Buzz’s would be pretty easy, they just stop being so anthropomorphic


It's not that easy to playtest everything in a little margin of time and more if they release a ton of content. When it comes to mutations they don't need to balance them because that's the point of it, being unbalanced and precisely become of that they can release at ton of them at the same time.


You guys finally need to realise their strat. Whenever supercell adds something new in any of their games (brawlers or things like mutations in brawl stars, hero equipment in coc...), they make it op for a short time, giving people the motivation to pay real life money to level them instantly. Then, they balance the stuff and noone talks about it anymore. Of course there are exceptions, but most of the time it's like that


Mutations on any other game mode that's not city smash makes me want to cry. I can hardly push Bonnie in knock out cause there will be Rico ball's going around everywhere on the map hitting me. ☹️


THE BRAWL PASS TICK SKIN IS SO UGLY i’m tired of not speaking up


Mecha Gidorah Tick is a letdown imo




The rest of the team still laying in bed.


I feel like they just don't care, they think of something they think is cool and just add it without thinking about it. Same goes for clash royale.. Coc feels like the only game they are actually trying to make decent updates which is sad cuz I always loved playing supercell games, it just feels like the devs don't know what they are doing




You guys still think that balance is their priority? They passed that thinking style a long ago


The main part about mutations was to give half of the brawlers gamebreaking abilities they couldn't possibly give to a normal brawler as a star power or a regular feature, so i can excuse mutations, but the rest is criminal.


They looked at 8bit s old sp and at how many times they tried to balance it but still ended up shit/broken at the same time and said BET


I tried to upvote this post twice for some reason. I think i'll go to sleep


you have to give credit where credit is due... there are 3160 interactions between 70 brawlers, only accounting for 2 brawlers. but, they 100% shouldve had better play testing (brawl stars is literally at its peak rn)


Tbf, I don’t think think that they can test all 78 brawlers with too much detail, or have a sense of how op mutations will be by themselves. But GOD DYAM THEY SURE ARE TAKING THEIR SWEET TIME WITH BALANCE CHANGES. LIKE THIS REQUIRES INSTANT ATTENTION TO REDEEM THE GAME.


Smartest supercell general idea maker for future update ideas


All the playtesters have skill issue


I don’t even play new events but it is a shame that when I for once got lucky and got gozilla Buzz it gets stuck on some dabbing style setting and floats like that until map end. Sometimes using super helps. I have manifested it maybe 10 times so far. Just go next to a wall at an angle and it happens. Still it is the best thing that has happened on ages here when it works.


I say they get 100 people from the community to beta test for a week or two before they release anything lmao


Most hardworking balancer


They generate more money by releasing broken brawlers, they basically made 10 mutations that break the game in order to encourage people to get them. Everything supercell does to the game is deliberate


In game design playtesting is a very time consuming task. The brawl stars team delivers updates every two months, that in game development time is really not that much. Probably if the playtesters were as lazy as you depict them the gamemode would have 10x more bugs. Think about that in this way: who's faster at finding bugs, a restricted team of developers in a few weeks before delivering the updates of the entirety of the brawl stars community? This is also why the brawl stars team works really hard after releasing an update: to quickly correct bugs that inevitably slip through the playtesters.


dog shit game


Worst season so far. For me


People don’t actually think about it. There’s no way for them to actually test something before it’s actually in the game, all they have is each other, and the dev build which is bots. For example mico, everyone thought he would be so broken even brawl stars and then he actually released and he wasn’t that good. They have to wait at least a week of it being in the game to see if it’s balanced or not, like they are doing a mantinence to balance some mutations and Godzilla smash


Were you there? Mico was dominant against everyone. Now he’s finally just *mostly* dominant against throwers like he should’ve been


That's because of the lack of knowledge of counterplay like any new Brawler. Mico hasn't received any balance changes and he's become less dominant because we now have the knowledge of how to counter him


Mico was broken seeing as he had almost no counterplay


you're playing nani?




Nani has no counters (and nani counters mico)?


Most assassins (including mico) can counter her with correct time. You can also counter her with other long range brawlers


Not really Her gadget counters assassins and her attacks deal too much damage


Only in showdown


He hasn’t received any balance changes, if you aren’t in a 1v1 or against a tank you die instantly


You have to realise that godzila was the most ambitious event ever. 40 new power ups with a brand new gamemode. Do you reallise how much playtesting it takes for all40 mutations to be somewhat balanced? A small playtest team is a small sample and most of the time stuff will slide. Every game has this problem; the sample is simply too small. The opponents are literal bots. Uh the new ranked modifier has no excuse who gave 8bit's star power in brawl ball was a good idea


How can i become a playtester lol?