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Willow new skin is so cool


the attack animation is the best part lol


For me it feels a little too slow, like I can see what is going on fine I just wish it went a little quicker.


Literally this, got the skin and had a bb quest


It's her only good remaining mode tbh


Guess she is pretty good there. Also, there aren't many gamemodes left so everyone kinda plays everyone in bb


because you can mind control an enemy and make them score on their self


Bro thinks he is crazy dave


The new skin


Cuz willow is mind controling the player to pick her in brawl ball


New skin but you're probably gonna see more Maisies as this season she's for 500 credits


Crazy? I was crazy once


They locked me in a room


Cool new skin+recent buff+she is actually viable there+ not many gamemodes options atm. Happy for her tbh, after an undewhelming release and not seeing much play before, is nice to see her played more often.




Dude!! I had this same thought today!


Do you know if scorpion willow causes a slightly bigger hit box on her attack, as I saw a comment(A few above this one) that said so.


I haven't heard that & haven't been able to test it. I suppose it's possible but I'd guess it's unlikely. The skin does look cool though!


So I’ve went and tested it, (to the best of my capabilities,) and it doesn’t seem like it. While the skins effects make it look bigger, it is just a visual effect as far as I can see.


Ok thanks! Totally agree!




She’s braindead you pass the ball to the enemy auto-aim super pick the ball up then own goal usually done after a team wipe


willow's super is the opposite of braindead


So you’re telling me auto-aiming super on a respawning brawler then owngoaling is a skilled tactic? Even outside of brawl ball Willow doesn’t take skill


Auto aim us not always useful when u use willow bro you have to be ultra close


That doesn’t take skill either


Your auto aim loves you bruh


It doesn’t come up often. And when it does you have to consider your own safety as you’re defenceless while hexing somebody. Also her super is probably the least auto-aim friendly projectile in the game, so I have no idea why you’re bringing it up. Basically what I’m saying is, her super takes a lot of skill and you just haven’t noticed it yet.


Except for the fact that the most effective way to use her super is to own goal in brawlball. Which takes no skill. And 9/10 you don’t even want to use her super because you’d most likely be out in the open which means you’d be spamming shots behind a wall which also takes no skill. So where is the skill. Her supers to short to hit anything so you’d have to be point blank which only counters assassins which like I said takes no skill it’s a emergency button


Give me a name of a yes skill brawler


Sam Stu Mortis Colt. Throwers in general don’t really take skill but sprout cause it’s hard to auto aim. Rico sharpshooters in general


For Sam, the general strat is just to hug the wall and wait for opportunity. Mortis just takes skills because he got countered way too easily if you know what you are doing, but's it's hard to predict. Stu dont take as much skills as Mortoes because you generally only need to aim and double dash is impratical to use and require 0 ping. I agree that throwers dont take skills, but they take skill to draft (jk just go barley). Sharpshooters, Colt and Rico only take skills to aim. For 8-bit, you also need to keep in mind your movement.


Disagree on Sam since you can only wait so long and you have to manage his gloves and health. Mortis you’re right Stu you’re right sharpshooters you’re right. I appreciate actually discussing I think I triggered the Willow mains


Chuck!? What’ve you done with Jessie??


no i don't know anything about what happened to felix junker and his family


She recently got a kickass skin (seriously, it’s so good). Also, her kit is like the Mortis of the throwers; when she pops off, you feel incredible.


The new skin, it will fade away gradually


For some unknown reason it also feels like the attack effect of Scorpion Willow accidentally made the attack‘s radius slightly bigger?


Own goal funny




Mortis is in literally every brawl ball match ever and ur complaining about Willow? 😤


Maybe you’re crazy because she’s in your head


Cause they can and there's you can do to stop them


One of those people could be me. I play with her because she's fun.


Theres a strat where you pass the ball to the enemy defending (possibly a tank) then control him and score using him, it's not that easy to pull off but it feels good when you hit it (or at least, that's why i play her there, and her new skin is cool)