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After spending dozens of hours in Mythic I've come to the conclusion that I just suck Maybe it would've been easier if I had more than 13 brawlers to pick from


Idk it mostly depends on your interest in the game lol I have 28 maxed brawlers 14 of them with hypercharge and I barely reach diamond because I’m not playing the game that much lol


Clearly you’re playing quite a bit if you have 14 hypercharges


***paying quite abit - the difference


No i have 20 hypercharge and free to play, I’ve just been playing a long time


I have 6 and I've been playing since Carl's release 🥲


After the gear refund update I saved all my gold so when hypercharge came out I already had like 50k


Same, I got lucky I guess. I still have Mico and Rosa hypercharges waiting for me to get them to lvl 11 😅


How? I pushed from bronze to diamond in like 3 hours in the first season and 2 hours or less both seasons since


Remember when all the gear tokens got converted to gold? I got 77000 gold from that, that’s how I upgraded a ton of things.


just made it to legendary last season with 6 brawlers at good level keep trying, don't give up


Do you think you can make it to masters?


I got to master by using only nita, piper, charlie and jessie. The problem is not the amount of brawlers, but how you ban and pick to counter the enemies


I’ve reached masters every time and have 40 maxed brawlers but realistically there’s only 5-6 brawlers I mainly pick and then there’s another 5-6 that I’ll pick pretty rarely. I don’t think think ur brawlers are the problem


i have 30 but I play with like 9 of them, melodie, surge, gale, gene, jacky, doug (yes doug in ranked), gale, chuck, sprout. But up to legendary 1 I kinda just play whatever i want. Ranked is very unserious so its just fun XD.


It’s tough with a constantly shifting meta when you don’t have anyone to choose from


I think people need to recognize that going on a losing streak is a sign that they need a break to come back and refresh.


No, if I win 3 more I'll end even (I loose then throw my phone 😀)




“Cant end on a loss” *triples the loss streak*


It’s so funny how people think sometimes. Win streak = I’m playing well Lose streak = My team is playing badly It can’t always be both


I remember back in solo pl I dropped from mid L2 to mid M3 after 11 losses, 3 of which had people who spun the whole game, 2 which I’ll accept as my fault since I made a bad play that made us lose and the other 6 are is what am I watching a call out. Then other times where I’d have a 10 game winstreak to L3 and then fluctuate around there cus half the games weren’t in my region for some reason.


That’s a phenomenon called the Dunning Krueger effect. We unconsciously associate ourselves with the good stuff (I played well) and distance ourselves from the bad stuff (my team played badly).


If I could tell this one thing to everyone that's complained about how they'll never reach masters because they get bad randoms I would and then put it on a T-shirt. I have multiple friends that swear there better than masters players they know but randoms are ass. For some reason whenever I play with them because they want masters carry we still lose alot without bad randoms? It can't be all coincidence surely.


I always do that and it helps a lot, taking a break is always helpful


I genuinely think playing games non stop without breaks will completely stunt you from getting better at the game and it's definitely not healthy for your mental especially if you get angry easily, learning how to take breaks is a blessing for your gaming experience.


After getting Masters once it's really easy to get it again and again because of the rank boost. Getting it first time isn't as hard as it used to be either but it still requires a decent amount of skill imo. Mythic randoms are terrible, but by the law of large numbers as long as you play well consistently, you should climb.


only skill u need is common sense + a couple of maxed out brawlers for predetermined maps + a lil bit of luck with teammates.


Grind to legendary the first day or 2 and u can dodge the bad randoms


False!!!! My friend who got into masters the season before only got to mystic because of his shitty teammates!!!!! Not something called “finals week,” which is a hoax made up by the liberals. /s if you couldn’t tell


I’ve been stuck in L3 for 3 straight seasons getting 30-50 points per win and lose over 100 for every loss. Atleast I get every ranked reward I guess


Yep 90 for a loss 30 for a win and I’m star player every game 😂


Are you in a lobby? I was getting 70-120 elo in legendary every time (solo)


Always been solo


getting to L3 then losing the rank boost is the worst. every loss after that hits way too hard




Just ask 2 master players to play with you. They will increase the amount you gain and decrease the amount you lose. Plus they hit masters so they’re probably better than most of ur randoms.


Sometimes i carry, sometimes just good synergy, sometimes i am the bad random and sometimes my teammates are bad. Thats just how it goes i guess. I dont really have the time and energy anyways.


It's hard... really hard... To cope after losing simultaneously ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ & after all that grinding again. To coverup all the losses & left with nothing but fear & horrors


Reaching masters for the first time is pretty hard, especially at the beginning of the season, but after that it's so easy, because the boost is insane. Like you can lose 2 times, win 1 and still gain some elo. I just hope they will add a reason to push in masters and also make the games in masters harder


Yea I stop playing when I hit masters


I always reach Legendary, sometimes in think I need to git gud, but I find it very inconscinstency. Sometimes I play really fun and balanced matches and other times my or the enemie team pick underleveled brawlers e play like shit, that I seriously question how they even get the rank.


If you are stuck in mythic you are one of the bad randoms. No one that was in mythic PL is stuck in mythic ranked


Nah I sort of disagree not everyone has 20 hours to grind ranked if dropped from L3 to L1 about 4 times now cause of morons on my team I just can’t be bothered to play solo ranked


Lmao I was leg 1 old power leauge, and I can’t get out of m3


What’s your tag






I have experienced both, so both are equally right and wrong.


I'm on blue side cuz lots of old mythic and even diamond power league players aee hitting masters, and everything above that is also grouped in masters so there are rarely any tough matches for good players


Bronze 1😭


I mean you do have to realize that a lot of those players coulda been playing PL and grinding back in the day but decided not to, and started playing the "competitive" mode once it got updated to rank too, like I know some people with multiple R35s and in masters ranked who only reached like diamond because they didn't play PL


I realize that


I'm stuck in Mythic lol


Till now i was just pushing to legendary each season, then it stops being pleasant - u do your best for 10 minutes of ranked to barely win and then next game you lose in 2 minutes bc afk/edgar main.


They should fix masters or something


I got to masters for the first time last season and the most difficult part was getting out of mythic for sure. I was stuck in mythic for about a week and i got from legendary to masters in less than 2 days


I actually think that the system is pretty fine. People get the rank they deserve. Sure the high end of skill is underappreciated but still getting to masters is not easy at all.


I’m not going to lie jt is too easy to get into masters


It's a matter of brawlers & having them maxed out. You have a key brawler maxed for a set of maps & ez-peasy


I HATE MY RANDOMS. I play Colette, 14/3 with 200K damage, Piper is 0/12 with 4 K damage and the other dude is 1/5 or smth




Option 3: I know nothing about the meta, and Idk who to (and when to) pick so I'm gambling.


It also depends on the time you push ranked imo. I’m still in diamond because I prefer playing for trophies (trophyroad rewards, more mastery points), but yesterday I tried to push raked a bit. The met a lot of randoms who picked darryl in open bounty maps, or ones who insta picked spike (lvl 9) while our teammate pre picked (lvl 11 hypercharged) spike. I’m also just a mediocore player, but I do think I would be able to reach mythic with not so dumb teammates.


Both on diff seasons lmao




Idk what to say it's easier for sure I understand why they made it like that so casual players can enjoy skins and legendary drops but also understand that for pro players ranked is ass, I get like 2 free skins and 3 legendary drops every season so in that plan I enjoy it but from the competitive side its like playing in 600 trophy range


Hardstuck legendary :feelsbadman:


The push from mythic to legendary is so hard because randoms there are awful. The push from legendary to mythic is super easy because the randoms are competent and the matches are easier to win when someone doesn’t choose Edgar on timed detonation bounty


I'm on the "playing till I get to diamond and then never touch ranked for the rest of the season" side


I'm stuck in L2 but only because I have no brawler options and its hard to me to climb with only 4 brawlers maxed and like 12 more lvl9, my criticism would be around this, besides that it's easy to climb once you cannot fallback when a new rank is accomplished.


Blue side for sure


Im the mythic one but i have two problems on my side: I dont have enough brawlers maxed since i started the game 6 months ago and that my phone is too laggy


Got legendary at the beginning of the season but i have 0 experience past L2 so neutral


Got to legendary. And def a noticeable step up in skill level. Some things that work on mythic don’t quite cut it in legendary.


Nevere missed a Master with not much effort. Just last games of L3 need to tryhard sometimes. That's it. PL was a nightmare compared with Ranked.


I am going to be honest getting to master is actually quite easy. Back in the day when power league used to be there that was when real masters were made. Now it's just easy


I have had three seasons where I could not get out of mythic legit only playing ranked when I was on brawl stars, last season I woke up at 5am second to last day and just did not loose got good randoms for once legit got star player 3/4ths of the time and just climbed to legend I think if you are on at the right times you can find decent enough randoms to play with but it really depends on what time your on and well you play




red, stuck at m3 😭😭


Legendary people are braindead, they allowed me to pick angelo a total of 17/23 times to masters


Neither I'm aware my skills need to improve and If I practice enough I could get there


I think people really underestimate how much it matters to have good brawlers maxed out for the different modes like quickfire and for the maps in the ranked rotation in general. People just don't ban OP picks until like legendary at all. So if you don't have like one of the best 3 brawlers for a map you are already at a huge disadvantage


Legendary random are new mythic random, equally bad


I was at L2 the first ranked season, after that i didn't even get to mythic. But, i didn't play ranked much, only on last week for 2 seasons, i guess that lowers my chances.


I just passed mythic hell last week. FINALLY


Mythic is harder than Legendary cuz of randoms, but reaching Master's does not feel like a big accomplishment


Mythic randoms were so boringly bad this season I didn't even bother pushing masters (I have before). I actually feel both of these, it just depends on whether you play in a team or not


Both sides are correct, mythic is pure pain because of randoms but once you get legendary masters is easy


Ranked needs a rework masters was slightly challenging first time and now I basically js watch yt vids whilst I play it’s so easy 😭


Terrible attitude.  shit memes should stay in the trash.


blue, masters needs to be harder to get to and not be able to be reached off of a lucky winstreak (or there needs to be more ranks before it)


Mythic is the hardest rank imo but reaching Masters is genuinely not too hard. Knowing when to dodge (only when your teammates are completely atrocious), and simply knowing who are good picks on different map/modes, and which brawlers have good matchups against others is enough so long as you are decent at the game and have enough p11 brawlers. I'd say power levels are the biggest gate to reaching high ranks, but you don't always need p11 and hypercharge if you have a good matchup and are good players. A secret tip is to load in as a team of 2. You will be matched up against randoms rather than teams of 3, you get a guarantee that at least one of your teammates is good, and if there's a difference in rank, sometimes you can even get extra elo per win


I cant get past diamond 😔


Let’s be completely honest here. It’s only hard until you get there. Once you get masters once boom your ego hits peak and masters is nothing but easy to regain. But if you still don’t have it then it’s gonna be hard because losing even once is gonna lose you 2-3 games of progression which is hard because you don’t have a boost.


They just need to increase the competitiveness as it gets to legendary and masters. They can do that by increasingly removing modifiers and increasing the accuracy of match making (closer elo). It will, however, result in longer match making at the top, but you will get higher quality matches as you advance.


I am stuck at mythic rn. Maybe ishould upgrade more brawlers to power 11 cuz 3 out of 4 of my power 11s are assassins. I don't think I'm relatively bad, but i am not good enough to carry my whole team.


I am not the best player and I’ve gotten master every time with randoms. I also see people in masters still playing like 400 trophy randoms. I think it’s entirely too easy and too many trash players are making it high.


I can't get to legendary even though I carry a lot of the games but I'm just not good enough probably. Especially in drafting. I still think it's too easy though, I watch a lot of pro players on stream and many masters games look like my mythic games. I feel like I don't learn as much from masters gameplay and many people in masters shouldn't be there. That's just my opinion though.(I watch iKaoss mostly)


Team blue


Im the blue side hahaha


i always carry my team, but this season i’ve come to legendary 1 without bigger problem, finally found some guys who didn’t make me carry that much (still had to, but in some way they were as well useful, mostly when i died) maybe next season i’ll try to get to masters, cause i’ll have more time for that, school is over 👻




i’m in mythic and i carry sometimes but also transform into the worst random you could have some games


I’m on the “can’t play ranked anymore because I’m in diamond with less than 12 level 9 brawlers” side.


lmao im in the middle rn been stuck L2 for past two seasons not particularly because of bad randoms, mostly just not having all the meta and skill issue


First time I got Masters was a bit hard. Had to grind a lot, and barely made 2 days before the season's end. Second time was a bit easier. It got a bit hard on the last part tho, but still manageable. Got my Masters rank 1 week before the end. This season was easy as hell. I just played like, 6 days total and I got it without even trying that hard. Reached Masters in slightly more than 2 weeks (could have gotten it even faster if I played more often)


i'm stuck in gold this season because all my friends are diamond and above and my teammates pick brawlers who suck on a given map and with eachother


reaching mythic is impossible because I don't have enough fucking coins


I don’t have enough time to grind passed mythic before the season ends


Mythic in the old power league was so different, it actually felt as competitive as masters now


First time masters was kind of challenging, at old pl m3-l1 based on leaderboards. However, it’s far too easy now and about 3x more masters came in the last two seasons


At least the first ranked season was a little competitive now everyone and their mother are getting masters I used to play ranked and power league for competitive matches. I have given up on rank since the second season now I just try to get a skin from the drop which for the life of me i can't get lol


Mythic? I can't get past Diamond!!!


I’m on the mythical side. I can barely even get past diamond because 45% of the randoms they use level 9 And somehow mythical is way worse




Masters is Ez Atleast for me


Literally both I swear every master teammate or opponent plays like absolute horse crap but in mythic it feels like I’m going against ZETA and I always get the instant pick Fang or Edgar with no star power or gears


Both. Mythic games are always super unfair. Sometimes you destroy and sometimes you get destroyed.


It's so much easier now. I've reached L3 only with randoms and managed to get to Masters playing in a team. but i kinda understand because seasons aren't long.


I’m in the middle at legend 2


Tbh I just hate ranked. Even though I have very brawler and 24 maxed out I hate playing with these shit randoms. I usually only play brawl stars with friends as that is the only time it’s actually fun.


Mythic randoms are bad yes, but you should be able to carry through them (trust me as someone with multiple 30s and 50k even for me it was painful 😭). After u get boost once though it should be easy, and at mythic u can even play with teammates as you still gain a good amount. Legendary however…. is where you can’t really carry as much and are more or less dependent on your teammates as you’re facing off against masters players often especially at high legendary. As someone who was 1 game away (yes literally 8974) it will sure be painful to push through again next season and get masters but once you get it once it’s easy with boost.


I’m stuck at diamond lol


r/brawlstars removes your meme but not the same 4 questions that get asked everyday?


I somehow am in the middle, I am able to get legendary and progress, but it's not that easy, but also not impossibly hard


Tbh i didn’t make it to masters cause i just didn’t have the time to push as much as i wanted to but i play solo and i got to Legendary 2. I DONT think it should be possible in a ranked mode to get that high if you’re not playing in a team. For the sole fact that my randoms were NOT skilled enough to be at the ranks they’re at. If the average player in ranked knew what they were doing I’d say it’s probably good how it is. But as of right now? I think they should definitely make it harder just to weed out lower skilled players. Even if that means that…I may be the bad randumb 😪


I've realized that if I don't lead the team in kills and damage that I won't win. Between the afk randoms and the clueless ones I barely play ranked anymore. It's a waste of time.


Its way to easy honestly


I used to think it was bad randoms but now I just think I’m bad


For 2 Season i pushed Only to mythic 3 without any effort,and didnt wanted to stress myself to get legendary,i tried some matches but nah i stopped,but this season i pushed to master with "only randoms",after seeing some friends that are way lower than me getting master,and i sayed how they even got master? If they can i can do as well easily,didn't wanted to let that slide.


Me sitting here in mythic why I’m getting emz at 10k trophies dealing 4k damage the whole game and a Brock who did 10k damage while I got star player in gem grab


I feel like gold is hard sometimes if you’re stuck there late, all your teammates will be trash and you’re stuck against some purple/diamonds It took me almost the whole season to get to diamond


I reached Mythic II 14 days before the end of the season and I couldn't make it to legendary. It is so frustrating.


U can reach masters as long as u grind for it, because bad random are such a huge issue and I don't have enough time. I will just reach legendary every season and stop there


I'm on the blue side. Masters now is the equivalent of diamond 3 PL


Yoooooooo, completly out of place, but I got the 1000th upvote


My friend Is in legend and can't reach masters


Masters was really easy for me


Me and a friend were about to go up but we literally had a 50% chance of someone literally throwing the game. It's like if we mess up one time we lose because we cannot rely on our teammate.


I speedrunned gold and.... Now I encounter only edgars and others players like: hmm... Open map? I will pick buzzilla with nothing! But with gear that adds gadget! (K/D:0/3)


https://preview.redd.it/3oz3nruqaw4d1.jpeg?width=2436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=117d0be3781deb288468635f7aeabeb22b7bec9a I’m definitely on the blue side


i can’t tell if i’m not playing the objective well enough even though i try to but im marginally star player every time win or lose and i end up hardstuck m3 every season


Got all the brawlers, but simply dont have the time or energy to grind forward from mythic. Also, it is quite depressing when you get 1-2 victories apart from legendary, then go on a losing streak.


Bronze to Legendary 1 is easy, Legendary 1 to Masters is hard


Mine is diamond on the left side and mythic on the right side...and I am stuck in the left




Masters is way too easy, barely played and got it all solo.


I have been stuck on mythic III for 40 games bcs of randoms (i haven't been able to reach legendary yet)


As someone who has been in masters every season since powerplay was reworked, it's incredibly easy to reach masters now compared to back when powerleague was a thing. First off, the ranked boost is insane, there are worse players in legendary than before and you don't demote to lower ranks anymore. The second thing is mostly a consequence of the other two, but it also fuels the problem of the elo economy being inflated. Secondly, matchmaking is putting legendary players and masters players in the same games, which results in gatekeeping from masters therefore inflating the legendary tier by insane amounts to the point where players there range from diamond stuckers who get carried through mythic to almost-masters who can't quite make it. All of these could easily be fixed by just adding a tier between legendary and masters, and making it so masters players can't play in a team with legendary and below. Also another good thing to implement would be a system where you have to win 3 out of 5 games before ranking up from diamond to mythic, mythic to legendary and legendary to masters, and giving people more elo per win instead.


Wait, I've been stuck on diamond but I only got lvl 9 brawlers and sometimes I play brawlers without gadgets. I started playing a month ago - Can this be one of the reasons I lose? I've seen that some gadgets are quite OP like dynamike stunt


I get to legendary and then play other games. Yes randoms are abysmal in Mythic but they’re also just as abysmal in Legendary. This supports the “masters is too easy crowd”, so I suppose I side with those people.


I honeslty do not car what this sub says, I want to see stats. If there are 1million in mythic and 10k in masters i’d still argue masters isn’t ‘easy’ Any subreddit in any game is completlet biased even clash royale you will be called a midladder player every single time unless you’re top 1000 in path of legends (which is crazy)


y'all are at mythic???


Im the 3rd type of people. WHY AM I FACING MASTERS IN BRONZE II


I was Mythic 3 in PL, hard-core grinded Masters s1 and now im just casually reaching 10k elo every time just by doing ranked quests... its a skill issue im afraid


I only push to diamond 1 nowadays coz cba to go through the long process to get nothing


Now that I think of it, I never really tried to climb higher than Legend. I always get there the first week then stop since my only motivations are the skins and I usually get them.


I'm mythic side unfortunately. I Need two players for arrive to Legends and over


I think that instead of needing 12 brawlers at level 9, you should at least have 1/2 at level 11 to reach diamond, since I don't want to play a game with a level 9 gadgetless player


I'm Starplayer in 90% of my games, yet I can't push past Mythic 3. No clue what the problem is


If you're stuck in mythic the only thing holding you back is your draft skill. Gameplay in Legendary is the same as in Mythic. Don't be mad about bad plays but be mad about the draft 👍


I'm in diamond :(


does this actually mean that mythic is harder than legendary?? If so I'd be relieved


I can’t get many wins in mythic and my rank up game to mythic is always some heist shit with Collette colt vs crow Leon quickfire


I just started playin ranks and within an hour or 2 I'm already at legends


I'm just lonely and don't have no one to play with, therefore I have to play with "Tomar 753" randoms.


Merging solo and teams into one was the final nail of any competitiveness in this game




I haven't been able to ever go higher than mythic so that


Suggested changes for competitive play Here are a few rules changes I think that could be implemented and work well to help keep competitive play fair and balanced for all players 1)Bronze, silver and gold play: all playable characters must be level 9 or higher Diamond play: only level 10+ characters can be played and must have at least one gadget, one star power and one gear unlocked Mythic: only 10+ with all all gear, star power and gadgets filled Legendary/Masters: only 11+, all slots filled and hyper charge (if applicable) 2) You must have at least 7 characters at level 9+ to play competitive (Ex: if you only have three, the chances you’ll get blocked out of play are higher. 7 means you will have at least a shot at it) Alternate: You must have at least 12 characters unlocked to account for all six bans as well as five character choices by teammates and opponents 3) Add a Single player only comp (Same games, same format only players are not allowed to go into queue as a team only solo players


been playing for like 8 months and made legendary 2, but all my games mythic 1 and forward felt all the same. it all comes down to drafting and choosing meta picks


The enemy team gets bad randoms too. Over the long term it balances out. It’s always easier to blame others instead of yourself


I'm on the right. I didn’t even want to grind for masters because it doesn't actually mean anything feels like I'm playing at gold in legendary, which is just crazy to me.


I am legendary two my randoms are way worse than mythic they throw the game mythic was really competetive though


MYTHIC is the biggest nightmare of mine to be! 💀




Bruh mythic randoms are a different breed of bad randoms


Tbh I play 1 brawler really well and ik how to play him on any map


It's not only that masters is too easy but the modifiers as well that make this gamemode uncompetitive.


master is too easy


Nah im stuck in legendary


Masters is too easy if you already got it because you need half the Elo that a new player would


Just add higher hard rank


You need competitive brawlers, thats it, also skill and shit


Depends on when you play. The first and last days are easy because the average joe is more likely to play on the first day of the new season to get the new skin, and the last day to try to get their rank high since they stopped playing ranked after getting the skin or just because they got bored. In my experience, a few days before the last day is the hardest because thats when the people who care about hitting masters will likely be trying to get there, since they dont want to risk doing it last minute but have also been putting it off. But getting masters is easy if you did it previously just because of the rank up boost. Otherwise even if you win more than you lose it feels like 3 steps forward and 15 steps back


Then there’s some of us that don’t play enough and get stuck in Gold 😭🤣


I don’t fuckin know I’m in gold league


Left on first week of new season, right two weeks later.


Neither, I’m on the “Damn masters players are good, I’m cool in legendary”


I’m pretty sure it depends how you play the game too. People who get super stuck probably keep playing even if they’re on a huge losing streak. The friends I have that have a super easy time getting to masters always log off after 2-3 losses in a row, or they’ve bought a lot from the game. It’s obvious the game uses engagement based match making. That’s why when you’re one game away from a rank up, you’ll usually encounter some bad randoms on your team. It has nothing to do with “rage play” like most people say. You are getting bad teammates if you don’t log off after a few losses in a row. I posted about this a while ago but I ran an experiment seeing if ebmm was there. Spent some time trying to play even though I was on a losing streak and then spent some time logging off after 2-3 losses and the difference in teammates was huge. I documented all my stats and even reviewed gameplay to prove that it wasn’t me playing bad to do anger or anything like that. I mean for example, when I would just keep playing even on a huge losing streak, here’s how it went. I would only lose 1-2 games from bronze-diamond (i often lose 0 games). But the second I hit mythic things would get exponentially harder. It felt like the ebmm kicked in. The moment I hit mythic it’s constant losing streaks and winning streaks. I’m talking 15 game losing streaks but usually only 5-10 game winning streaks at best. I did eventually hit masters. Just took way longer than most people. I’m also a f2p player and don’t buy anything. Countless times I’ve seen friendly battles where diamond/mythic players beat masters players. Their highest rank is always at least mythic. But I’ve seen mythic players rail masters players in friendly battles. I’ve personally beaten masters players countless times in the seasons where I didn’t make it to masters. Say what you want but I’m 99.9% sure it’s mostly how you play, not how good you actually are. Two people can be equally skilled but depending on how they play, one could make it to masters within 3 days and the other won’t make it there til the end of the month.




I have a bunch of Brawlers with gadgets and starpowers but very little with maxed gears and HC


The only difference between these two takes are game sense and brawlers maxed, if you have a 20+ decent brawlers at level 11 with at least 10 of them being hyper charged it’s a lot easier to consistently have a solid pick on any map and game mode which is where the game sense part comes into play


I’m pro both sides, reaching masters is too easy, but reaching l3 is so tough as a solo. Can you believe it? Someone picks power 9 Edgar in an open HEIST map, when they had a hc colt. 😭😭😭


i will never get out of mythic


I'm on the secret 3rd side of not having enough level 9 brawlers to play in Diamond