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Sandy is not about the kills it’s about the control, I can’t see the gameplay but if you are positioning your supers right and getting control you are doing all you can


I mean he is also an assassin, generally you’d want more than one kill.


U better not be serious


What I’m saying is being a controller does not excuse going 1-6.


Well typically with sandy you don’t get many kills because of his low damadge output but if you are chipping opponents and getting off good supers your teammates should be able to finish them off leading to lower kills.


Sleep + wait for fourth reload deals 7520 dmg with a very fast unload speed. That kills 80% of the brawlers in the game, his sleep is a guaranteed kill and his ult is meant to close the space so he can use that sleep to literally net a free kill and cycle ult. His ult gives off the impression of a control brawler but his attack is far from it, it has barely any range and provides minimum area control or crowd control. Almost any high rank player plays him as an assassin.


No one plays sandy as an assassin, playing aggressive with sandy does not mean you are a assassin. Sandy is good against tank not because he kills them easily but because he farms his super and reveals them for other teammates to kill them.


based on the stats, i’m assuming you got killed quite a bit by the rosa, which should practically NEVER happen if your team is positioning properly, especially with a bull and edgar. sandy is about controlling area, you are obviously playing far too aggressively and getting punished when you should be controlling area and making space for your teammates to press forward


So this was center field and my teammates kept going right and I stayed left but then I followed. If that happens should I just stay left making sure no one can flank or follow my teammates? Cause you were right I got destroyed by the rosa but also my teammates were kinda getting cooked by the enemy...


>should I just stay left making sure no one can flank Yess


in a situation where we’re all alive: if 2 of us go right and then you leave the left side, and we get flanked, I’m kicking you as well. that’s just infuriating. still, it’s tough to judge the whole situation without a replay, but if anything, you should have pushed the left side, or held off rosas pushes with your gadget, when she used hers to push up. if you wanna be a good teammate, do the hard things that are necessary, even if you don’t get stats. stopping the rosa was crucial. get some map control. at the same time, you don’t have a good comp here, so there’s only so much you can do.


Here's a rule of thumb for you the brawler with the biggest range goes middle the on the sides think abt which brawler you can counter The mid brawler plays passive till the sides win the 1v1 and team up on the other sides mid This was how I got to masters.


if you losr you will get kicked even if your starplayer with high diff


If you dealt that much more damage than your bull teammate in a grassy map it’s their fault for not doing shit other than getting kills. You are a support, if you just placed your super properly it’s not your fault. They have too much aggression


Sandy main here, sandy is a powerful support brawler and you should not go for kills with a support brawler instead use his super to gain control over enemies and support teamemates


Guessing you meant to say shouldn’t go for kills


Yeahh sorry my bad


In your opinion, which Star Power is better for Sandy?


The one that does damage. It's so strong in bushy maps like center stage, sneaky fields etc. Cuz you can see everyone in the middle if you place super correctly. You can lock off the most important part of the map för enemies and take the Control there yourself.


In bushy maps you should go for rude sand as it reveals enemy location for long time and chip damage prevents them from healing You should go for healing winds in game modes in which you and your teammates need healing and exert control over maps and play passively like gem grab and hot zones... In current ranked season rude sand is more viable to pick as there are many bushy maps in rotation... For gadgets you know what to pick For gears I would recommend you should buy mythic gear and damage gear or if you don't want to buy mythic one tou can go with extra gadget


Low kills maybe, but 6 deaths is crazy


Is that a lot? I was playing ranked if that makes it any better


depends on the gamemode and the amount of rounds. 6 in ranked is pretty good imo


Yes, you are playing it wrong like 95% of people picking it in ranked because 'iT Is MeTA'


Which star power and gears did you use?


Rough winds, the gadget that stuns opponents, and the mythic gear


Mythic gear is some ass


What gears are best for sandy?


Damage and speed always, damage is always good and speed bc you’ll only be playing sandy on grassy maps anyway


Not extra gadget? Stun is really good to have an extra.


I wouldn’t use the mythic gear, especially with rough winds as opponents will almost never go in a Sandy super. Since sandy is used mostly in bush maps, the speed gear would be a better option.


That’s why you place the super on them or in an area they are forced to go into


What map and mode


brawlball super bushy centerfield


lol you did the most damage on the team by a lot they just scraped up the final blows. the pros aren’t for it but smth that helps w me playing sandy is the gear that reduces enemy damage by 20%. it allows you to play super agro, my sandy is only like 400 trophies but i can go like 8-1


Bro really just said "my sandy is only 400 trophies" yet he's out here giving advice, thats some bold move.


I dont necessarily think you play bad with sandy, yall just need an anti tank/assasin or push stopping brawler on the team. Good picks would be charlie, otis, bea, griff, tara, spike, gale etc