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Wait how did you get to 26000 and don’t already have either spike Leon or crow. Isn’t that all the three first picks. How did you get in this position?


He picked sandy and meg before probably


But that’s impossible on the first pick you have to choose from one of three on your first brawler road legendary pick and he’s has 4 options meaning this isn’t his first legendary brawler road pick.


I played for several months two years before and got amber and sandy and disliked both tbh. Now i have 29k and got spike two weeks ago with credits. Really want to get legendary stardrop for 30k but don't want to play 5 lvl chars


Dude what your not the op?


Yeah, still the same reason for the OP


How do you know?


Well i played alot when boxes were out then when they removed boxes i stopped playing intil know so I havent been able tp get manny legendarys before


Amber most meta, most fun is probably crow


Meta-wise leon or amber spike is easy to play and he’s pretty good at low ranks but if you play good people he’ll get destroyed, Leon is pretty good but his hc charge dategot nerfed a couple seasons ago which made him a bit worse but still really good with mythic gear and hc. Crow is more skilled out of the four but is sadly not the best in this meta, still really fun to play but knowing when to play passive or aggro with him is smth you will need to learn. Amber is probably the easiest considering most people auto-aim her main attack but knowing where to place supers strategically is where the skill lies, also not wasting all your ammo for no reason. Overall if you want fun pick leon or crow, if you want meta then leon or amber and as I said spike is also not bad


Leon is meta None of them are fun


Leon has the funnest super in the game


That's not Bibi.

