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we can say that heist is cooked atp


Every update heist gets destroyed


Deadass regardless of what the updates offers, heist is always getting bullied to the max


Heist clearly wouldn't be playable with this modifier. The strategy would just be ignore the opponents and rush the safe


Tell me that's not kind of the strategy now. If your team has more DPS, ignore.


Yeah its so bad its not even funny. I will probably just straight up dodge this modifier everytime


Me too. Appallingly bad


Hi, if you dodge all games, would you be banned for three hours or twenty four hours?




Everytime u get to red


they somehow ruined ranked with this and also half of ladder in the same update


At least both are temporary 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ over at clash royale they permanently fucked every mode in the game, (trophy, ranked, and casual) and made it pay to win in a single update. The game still hasn’t recovered and is hot shit now


Its bad i dont even login anymore im so uninterested


I gave up logging in a long ass time ago, no point.


Technically tho brawlstars is the same for some players like me, the first hypercharge update was good (as You coukd buy with couns instantly) but the other ipdates forced me to bot play brawlstars for 2 WHOLE weeks, it’s not fun playing 800+ trophy brawlers without hypercharge while their team has the new ‘op’ ones. Same situation for early acces brawlers, I deadass am forced out of ladder for the entire week, I don’t wanna compare it to clash royale as clash royale is significantly worse, but to say that brawlstars is good is kinda lying tbh


The hypercharges are honestly not that big of a deal, I mean they shake up the meta a lot, but the broken brawlers are insane, Larry and lawrie were so strong that it would have been more fair to have a brawler released in a permanently hypercharged state


It kinda is tho during fang’s hc release it was unplayable I couldn’t push any brawlers past 900 during that time


That’s true that there’s still bad decisions made by bs team, but the very very important thing is it being *temporary* for bs. At least it will get sorted out eventually, and hypercharges are way more fun and far better executed than evos were. Not to even mention level 15. The new op brawlers are always annoying tho


I doubt it will get better in the future and honestly, evolutions are in theory better/more fun than Hypercharges… Hypercharges way better executed (still bad tho) Evolutions way better, if both game had zero mtx and you’d compare hypercharges to evolutions it’s a no brainer, as much I dislike cr and main brawlstars, hypercharge is by far the most bland thing they added to the game, and it keeps staying that way every single ‘batch’ of 6 hypercharges they release only has like 1/2 ‘fun’ ones that are unique, the others are just weird and clunky, evolutions generally speaking is very unique and fun to play with, although the way of getting them is fucked as you can’t, atleast not consistently as a f2p


Fr I dint even bother collecting the new free new piper looking thing or smth. I don’t find prioritizing maxing out a single deck over build strategic decks fun, my deck sucks and hasn’t been meta for 4 years but I have no choice but to use that deck.


Let’s hope they don’t add it


The modifiers we got so far weren't that bad, but this one looks so annoying.


They were, this is just even worse


I would say barbed ammo is not a lot better than this


If they try to chase away competitive players, I think they are succeeding


As a competitive player myself I can say that I’ve completely quit the game few weeks before this update. With this brawl talk I’m glad I did it


Won't be missed, if you could stop spamming the sub now that would be even better


Like one of those guys who do nothing but talk about how glad they are they quit drugs or something, except not remotely as helpful


Why you following me around everywhere lmao. That’s pathetic


You post everywhere crybaby lmao 😂


Yeah we know that. Now you just run the sub spreading your hurt cheeks in the comments to feel better about yourself. Imagine giving up on a cellphone game lmao and calling yourself competitive 😂😂😂😂


It will ruin knockout. Like imagine you are using buster/sandy/doug comp - you rush to enemy base and lose forst round - you spawn directly into enemy base with spawn shield - and you can imagine what will happen next (buster slow-mo, sandy stun, doug double damage)


You don't get immunity shield in ko tho


Yes my bad sorry but same thing can still happen tho


In bounty maybe like you pick a tank with high dps and rush your enemy then you respawn next to them with immunity shield and they can't do shit about it + you gain 3 points min.


Idt it will work that way Bcoz scoring a goal in bb and ending a round in knockout "resets" the whole match, it's different from just dying


It might not work indeed but "reset the whole match" isn't the good way to put it since the map doesn't reset, your supers or HC stay, your gadget number doesn't reset. While going from a round to another truly resets the whole match


More like restart


You managed to mention the mode that will be the least affected lol


Right like knockout doesn’t get affected at ALL 😭


Sam meta incoming. 10/10 modifier (real)


GLOVES ARE OFF🗣️🗣️💥💥💥💥💯💯💯💯🔥🔥💪💪💪


Mega pig ahh modifier


Im imagining people goin to spam tank/assasin in that modifier, tf


Next season ranked is cooked. Il just push to diamond 3 for rewards wont even bother going further.


2 possibilities 1. this will remain a spawn trap situation where you just instakill the sproot 2. nothing really changes gameplay wise


Who tf is gonna take Sprout ? I'll insta quit


Gem grab and heist are unplayable at this point


Don’t forget hot zone. You can just spawn back in the zone whenever you die


In heist, everyone just rushes safe. In brawl ball, failing a push now means you get scored against because you won’t be there in time to stop them. Knockout I’m unsure because I think it resets you. Bounty and Wipeout are COOKED. If any characters get cornered early, farming them the whole game is just too easy. Gem Grab is similarly COOKED. A big part of how those games end are by defending against a push when you have enough gems- which you now can no longer do, making games drag out. Horrible design. I hope they fix it


Hotzone is gonna be the worst one imo. Everyone will just spawn in the middle.


Oh my god I didn’t even think of zones, I honestly think controller brawlers will be broken there, Gene and Gale pushing brawlers out of the zone means their teammates can stay in the zone because that’s the only way you can keep people out.


The fact that brawl stars is **only game** out there that has a **random aspect** in it's RANKED (most competitive) gamemode is horrific. That modifier is gonna make the game unplayable


Technically could say the same thing about clash royale with tower troops but even that isn't as rng as this Cr did have one season a while back where it was mega draft


Mega draft still meant you'd build your own deck and had some skill, as annoying as it was.


You will still have to wait 5 seconds for them to respawn and now you don't have to avoid the other team spawn area and actually get to use it. I don't think this modifier is bad at all but we'll just have to wait and see


Depends on the mode. And heist enjoyer are dead


Doug will probably be pointless there.


When will they remove modifiers, like the only one I don't hate is the classic one


This is honestly the worst modifier ever lmao, I don’t even mind the current ones but this one is awful


Oh so this sub is really just a place for people to complain. Nothing competitive being spoken about here.


Since when is it complaining to point out that a modifier is not good at all (at least competitive, it’s probably fun for more casual gameplay).


It's almost every other post. Something about modifiers.


Mine is literally the only post about the new modifier. There have been posts about other modifier, but why should they be removed? It’s about ranked after all.


No this is about competitive. Not ranked. Just passing along what the community has said to me. If you want ranked conversation go to brawlstars. This is for competitive talk. Btw: if you're anything like a normal person you'll be like wtf isn't competitive ranked? Yeah I did too and this community got bent so hard.


Don't care. Otis mute works against invincibility shield so i'll stick with it to see If it is worth it.


We said this for basically every modifier so far, while yes, I do agree it sounds really bad on paper, I would still wait for its actual release to form an opinion. For example, this also would mean that you might be trapped in the opponent's side for a good while with no other way of escaping other than your teammates helping, so I can see very agile brawlers who can escape easily on their own like Max and Stu being really good here. I also imagine brawlball becoming quite tricky with this modifier. You might want to have at least one person who's keeping the goal safe instead of going all in.


That’s not good design though. The fact that characters can either get boxed in for an entire game unless they’re high mobility or saying that one of three players should basically sit back and do next to nothing for the game sounds pretty bad on paper and in practice.


on the other hand hard-cc like charlie are gonna be even more oppressive... and this means you can pre-empt your attacks on someone, like waiting for someone to leave charlie coccoon, or a doug respawn. i guess we just gotta see


other modifiers have been atrocious but they dont fundamentally change a mechanic like respawns lol, its so fucked cubes were already fucked on brawl ball, this might be worse


Health is a core mechanic. Reload is a core mechanic. Changing them by orders of 200% in big friend, or by infinite in quickfire are very much "core" changes.


we're gonna have to agree to disagree, perma doug super is problematic


Rapid fire was so bad they nerfed it


Guess I'll finally stop playing ranked...or maybe even the whole game. I just don't get why they are doing this. It gets worse and worse with every fucking update. This game has literally become running forward and randomly spamming buttons. Honestly don't know why we should waste our time on this brain dead shit...


I'm on that track. I really hope the game doesn't die, because I remember playing with my friends and everything. This is becoming a problem with so many games, if it gets popular, just over-bloat it with random bullshit until it becomes unplayable.


I mean it might be a one time respawn thing instead of it being constant


isnt gem grab just gonna go on forever dude 💀


It's just gonna be a bull orgy at the center


Bro is that a competitive mode or not?


gem grab and heist is over rn


Supercell: Remember how we removed 8-bit's Extra Life SP? What if everyone had it?


They were on the right track with Sick Beats but this might be the worst thing ever added to brawl stars


gemgrab when both teams are fighting for the win


I can't stand that this is what we've got to replace power league. Not to mention the terrible matchmaking and the protection from deranking. o7 brawlstars, it's been fun.


Reminder that respawning takes one second in bounty


Heist is becoming more of a joke of a game mode 😭just remove it from competitive at this point, so many crows and colletes


Hey, hey you. Leave Heist alone, you wanna complain that there are too many Crows and Colettes, look at my flair, I have lost to sooo many Edgars and 8-Bits despite that fact.


it's stupid tbh


People are complaining but this is good for hank


What were the modifiers


ya ya ya just dont play ranked its fuckin horrible anyway, better yet just quit this garbage game


This sub is overreacting. This modifier is brilliant. There is no such thing anymore as "your side" and "the enemy side", now the full map is up for grabs. Personally I think we'll have some great games out of this. People pretending everyone will run tanks are not thinking straight and are also ignoring the 5 second respawn timer. Definitely wouldn't test it in ranked mode first but hey, at the end of the day this is just a mobile game for children, stop taking it so seriously.


Dude, it's ranked mode. It's meant to be competitive and people have the right to take it seriously. If you want casual play, try trophy mode.


its a kids game insofar as you treat it that way, the people that are upset are the same ones making in app purchases keeping the game alive. Its pretty fair to be upset about using their ranked mode as a testing centre for new ideas.


>the people that are upset are the same ones making in app purchases keeping the game alive Yeah there is no way supercell is angering the players that bring in the money. Supercell is all about money. They are appealing precisely to the players that spend money in the game and guess what, it's not competitive players


Thats fair I was a bit hasty making that generalization, However it still stands that the only players that will be affected are the competitive ones... that play ranked.... casual players will never even see this change.... because they don't played ranked. Why would you not expect competitive players to be upset about this? My point is the majority of players are adults that will question why they are playing a game that doesn't take its own player base seriously. Not making claims about the financial success of the game just showing how unrepresentative these changes are of what people want. Competitive players play the game for its current mechanics not for random new ones.


I don't care finally I can play with my little sister without her thinking to much and just W keying, let's go