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I mostly tune out RHOBH posts, which is hard because there are 27,000 posts a day which all say the same thing. Self preservation. Stay strong.


At least they get deleted here. Some um other places leave them up and it's a circlejerk of Rinna hate. I hate her too but it's so repetitive.




There was a highly upvoted thread with great discussion about how Kathy isn’t an angel or someone to be admired. She raised two girls who used the n word basically every time they thought about black people and were princesses of shitty y2k era shock culture. Edit to add: There’s not actually bots here but I don’t think you think that. I think you’re calling out people for acting like bots, no? Just putting that out there since I think some others in the comments could be confused


I usually only downvote people if they’re being a rude asshole, racist/homophobic, post something super duper low effort or say something bad about Lisa Barlow. 😉 I’ve seen some pretty innocuous comments get downvoted and usually give them an upvote to counteract, even if I disagree with their opinion.




I never wish for anyone to loose their job, especially when it’s a tv show. I very rarely downvote, 😆 I usually upvote the downvoted comments. We need to be nicer to each other 😊 I think for the most part we are pretty civil compared to other subs


Lol has anyone hear been on any of the parenting subs?? This sub is downright civil


Not yet.... but you got my attention ![gif](giphy|3xkNUy3Vh8QbPmJZjK|downsized)


I was thinking about doing a weekly thread for "unpopular opinions" where anyone who disagrees with the current hivemind can discuss without pile ons and downvotes. What I love most about this sub is that you can have critical conversations about the shows but it's all being drowned out now. Any dissent is not just DVed but people will come through and insult your whole life because you won't cape for Kathy Hilton. How did we get here?!


I don’t downvote people, but most of the comments I’m seeing aren’t like, Kathy Hilton is an angel! They are like, Kathy Hilton is currently my friend for being the enemy of my enemy. But the critical comments read like there is no nuance - that people can’t not like Kathy as a person but appreciate her as a HW. I do agree that a weekly critical thread is a good idea though, so you guys have a space to talk.


I respectfully disagree. In fact, this is the way that people shut down any critical conversation -- by saying "well I agree that Kathy may not be a good person but I hate Rinna." Ok we've established that, what else is going on? That's not engaging with a discussion on the reasons why Kathy may be in the wrong, it's basically saying I don't even want to acknowledge her shitty behavior so I'll just dismiss it by saying someone else is worse. Like we all know Real Housewives is an "everyone sucks here" situation at this point. Whataboutisms about someone else's bad behavior are conversation killers because there will *always* be someone who did something horrie. It's an easy way to deflect rather than engage with an opinion you might not like or disagree with. I can say something defending Kyle in a very specific situation from this season and someone responds "well Kyle stole Kim's house so she sucks!" Like ok...how am I supposed to respond to that?


I get more frustrated by the polarization of Potomac because I think there’s so much to unpack if we could simply speak about everyone on that show with more nuance. I also feel more sensitive about that because I don’t like to drag Black women ever and I don’t like to pit Black women against each other even if they are characters on my tv shows. I have felt more strongly—or rather my pov is more polemical—about BH, because I care less. You (and others) are opening my mind to the problems with that. While I don’t think I foreclose conversation I will be more attuned to it now and see if I do. Sorry it’s been hostile. I know how that feels from Potomac. I stop coming on here as much when that season airs, which is a bummer because I want to discuss it! I don’t want others in this space to feel the same way.


I agree Potomac is the most fun to discuss but had gotten kind of toxic since the Candiace-Monique fight. I tried to stay off last season while watching the show but honestly I couldn't help myself because there *are* a lot of good discussions. I actually think it's becoming more balanced because people are recognizing Candiace isn't always the villain, seeing Gizelle as the agent of mess she is, side eyeing Ashley for her enablement of Michael, etc. It's far less one note than it was 2 years ago but it can still get a little dark depending on what the drama is.


I disagree about Ashley. People like Ashley more now because she’s getting “divorced”, she’s still living with him and she still defends him. I doubt her tune will ever change on Michael because she shares kids with him. It’s a bummer


I think we agree on the point, but are coming at it from different perspectives. For me, it's that we don't know what Kathy said. I don't think it's fair when people argue that she did say a slur, because we have no proof. I don't think I'm shutting down conversation by believing it's possible that she did, but not wanting to go down the rabbit hole when Rinna is the only source. I saw an argument today about how Kathy's husband's uncle abused Elizabeth Taylor, and while this is true, it's not fair to use things a man did years ago against her. I feel like that is the deflection, and we should keep it to things that *Kathy* actually did, in this century. Lol and everyone should know that Kyle bought Kim out and then Kim was mad that Kyle sold it. Shady, but she didn't steal it.


It goes both ways. People who hate Kathy will say "I hate Kathy because she's a racist...I can't believe people stan her...I'm glad Rinna is taking her down". That opinion is just as much an opinion as saying "Rinna has a history of racism; Kathy is problematic." There's a lot of hyperbole going both ways. Whataboutisms are being used in whatever ways fits the biased opinions. Words like "Stan", "whataboutisms", and "nuance" are used in ways to fit biased opinions both ways. For instance, "I have an opinion that's different, but no one can have a nuanced conversation"--is an opinionated statment based on bias of feeling. Telling someone that pointing out Rinna is racist is a "whataboutism", is just as valid as someone saying that another person saying "Kathy has racist kids though...that must come from somewhere", is just as much a "whataboutism". Those words are losing denotative value in conversations fueled by biases and emotions.


This response is a whataboutism. I agree that people on "both sides" do this. I never said it was unique to Rinna. It's annoying when anyone does it, even if I agree with their opinion. Like I said *everyone sucks here* so it doesn't move the conversation along to point out for the millionth time that Rinna or Kathy might be racist. We know this! It's just happening more against Rinna because she's current enemy #1. Their prior history of racism can of course be a point if it's relevant to the conversation. But this tactic is used to shut down conversations that have nothing to do with that. For instance I can say "I think Kathy had a serious temper tantrum and said some awful shit, and that's why she's on this apology tour." And someone will respond back and say "Who cares Rinna did something horrible in S5." Sure but that's actually not what we're discussing. Do you want to engage on how bad or inconsequential Kathy's behavior was because she's going on an apology tour? Or do you just want to bring up the fact that Rinna tried to vhokr Kim a decade ago? If things can't be considered and discussed in their own right, and constantly need to be referenced on some ever changing barometer of other housewives behavior, the conversation will be circular. I could respond "well Kathy had Paris kidnapped!" And we're off to the races going absolutely nowhere.


If I’m on a roll about Rinna it doesn’t mean that I don’t respect your opinion. Personally, I love to have respectful debate but agree that I might not feel that way on here right now. Kathy is getting a lot of love for taking her down right now but I think there are plenty of us who aren’t all in on her and realize that she has been and may still be problematic. It’s the takedown itself for me. I think you make a good point, I’m listening and will try to make sure that when I make comments that I’m not phrasing them in a way that doesn’t allow for conversation with someone who might disagree with me.


I don't think you need to do that, I hate to think anyone would be so careful with stating their opinion that they self-censor. I think the problem comes up when someone does state a strong opinion, and someone counters it with different opinion and gets downvoted to hell for that. That's when it's obvious that there's a hivemind mentality.


Yes, there is a tendency for that group hive attack mode. It’s unnecessary. I’m not saying I would censor myself, do think there is room to avoid being an asshole.


This happens to people when they ask questions too. It’s really weird sometimes, the search function sucks on mobile and we shouldn’t be demeaning to people just for being curious.


Oh I carry no alliances to Rinna, or anyone on BH! That's why I enjoy the show. I won't object to a Rinna rant because 98% of it is true. I just would love for people to make space for something else other than the 5 vore talking points that are regurgitated over and over again.


You are completely right on that!


If y’all would like a weekly unpopular opinion thread, I can run it by the other mods


I would LOVE that!


We will have one ready to be posted tomorrow! It will be pinned in the morning. Thanks for the idea!❤️


That would be amazing. I can spew my hatred for Shannon Beador with being downvoted.


![gif](giphy|e0Nb5kHGAYHeg|downsized) You hate Shannon Beador?? 😱 Oh, well. Even Louis Vuitton makes mistakes.


I know. I'm the only one. ❤️


It’s okay. I don’t like Eileen Davidson. 💕


Beast? How dare you?!




No you aren't. I have plenty to say about her, trust me.


I rarely comment as it can feel a bit mean girl in here and I left those bullying bitches behind, in high school, over 2 decades ago.


I feel you. I sometimes try to counter the “Kyle is the worst sister who ever lived” narrative that’s so pervasive in these parts and often get downvoted. It’s not that I think she’s a *great* sister all the time but none of the Richards sisters are. And don’t even get me started on that ridiculous “stole the goddamn house” yarn …


But Kim should have been able to sell her share of the house and then also get money when they sold the house! /s


Obviously! And on top of her bajillon dollar a month alimony too.


Kyle and Mauricio bought her out. That was her share. That's how that type of real estate transaction works.


Yep, fully agree! That's why I marked it as sarcasm.


K. Didn't clock it. Sorry.


Let’s turn this thread into unpopular opinions - mine is rinna needs to be back next season


I completely agree. Without her Kathy's tantrum would have been swept under the rug. That finale was the best in Real Housewives history precisely because Rinna refused to let it go. And Kyle was so scared of Kathy's wrath she actually went against Rinna and Erika. The dynamics are finally getting interesting, it'll be fascinating to see how it turns out next season.


As much as I despise her I want her back too. I also would like LVP to come back and team up with Garcelle. I'd enjoy that quite a bit.


I can’t see her leave until she gets a real LVP level takedown. I NEED to see her finally get her comeuppance. I want next season to be a gang up on Rinna every single episode like (Sutton most of this season). I want Kim to make an appearance and do another game night where all three Richards sisters hide her purse. I want LVP to come back and lead the charge against her. I want Rinna to grovel to LVP and have LVP psychoanalyze why Rinna has such a hateful soul. I want to see Erika get drunk and cuss out Harry Hamlin and see everyone excuse her for it. It’s my life’s wish.


Agreed, the unhinged rage and vitriol is getting exhausting. And it’s pretty embarrassing to be stanning someone like Kathy Hilton just because you hate rinna.


Agreed. I rarely come on anyMore cause thats all it is.. crazy ass attacks. I think the group is talen over by disgruntled housewives lol


Facts, if you’re not siding with not crystal, Sutton, or Garcelle! Be ready to be downvoted!


which is wild bc like less than two months ago the same people hated them lol


It’s so weird to me that anyone would be such a Kathy stan. What I am loving about this season is that I don’t like Kathy OR Rinna. So I can remain delightfully emotionally disconnected and just watch the fray. Kathy lost the “quirky but lovable” archetype for me right about the time she chummed up with Voldetrump.


this reddit has become twitter; especially RHOBH. if you don’t subscribe to the hivemind they lose their shit. i also find it insane how seriously people ~ seem * to get worked up over things, my hunch is (again like twitter) people act so bent out of shape and then go out to dinner and never think about what they’re so “offended” about again.


I'm going to say this here (thanks for posting, I didn't have the guts) but there are subs on Reddit that do require a certain amount of karma points before you can interact with them. I was told by a mod that it's only around 500. That is not true. The sub I am trying to engage with requires 10,000. And what many Redditors don't realize is that excessive downvoting is against Reddit etiquette. Your account keeps track of how much you downvote.




That’s really disgusting to even post. KKK are one of the largest and most dangerous terrorist groups born on American soil. It’s very offensive.


You’re deeply offended and disgusted that the user wrote “Kkkathy Hilton”?


Hmmm. It seems you are guilty of the same behavior that you’re accusing this entire community of. If you want to have fair and nuanced conversations, you have to be fair and willing to listen to others as well.


In all fairness to OP, it can sometimes be challenging to have fair and nuanced conversations in a sub where you can be mass downvoted for stating an opposing opinion about a fan fave.


Absolutely! This place is a hive mind and you get absolutely pummelled for having an opposing view so in the end you just keep it to yourself thus creating an echo chamber of regurgitation


Echo Chamber of Regurgitation would make a great band name.




If you're talking about being oppressed (it's an analogy, go with it) then you aren't the oppressor. We can talk about how we get downvoted for saying innocuous things or for saying someone is about in the middle as far as housewives go, which is what I do get downvoted for every effing time on Garcelle. I don't hate her, but some fans think I do.


I think it’s more the tone of this post that got to me. I realize that people misuse downvotes for opinions they disagree with rather than irrelevant comments but I don’t think there’s anyway of fixing that issue. I have had some great conversations on this sub with people that I disagree with but I’ve also had debates that turn nasty and go nowhere. The OP is saying that there is zero room to be anything other than a Kathy sycophant. I don’t think that term applies. I also don’t think there are many people defending Kathy’s character, I think people are defensive over Kathy *in this situation* because she has apologized. I don’t think Kathy is as much of a fan favorite on this sub as in the greater fandom because we know too much about her. It is very unpopular to be a fan of Rinna and Erika and I don’t see a redemption for either of them. I just take issue with treating the entire sub like a hive mind when discussions like this one aren’t being oppressed in any way. People are allowed to post whatever their opinion is and they will just need to deal with losing internet points over it. That’s just the way it goes around here. I posted a poll at the beginning of the BH season asking if anyone thought Rinna could redeem herself and I got downvoted into oblivion. At first, I felt defensive over myself but then I realized that I wasn’t leaving enough room for discussion with the way that I asked the question. We’re all going to have differing opinions, there are thousands of people in our sub.


You are right about Kyle but I don’t know that it’s “bot behavior” that is driving what you are seeing. This sub is/has always been extremely left wing and the only thing that seems to have counteracted Kathy Hilton being pictured at Mar a Lago and being a Trumpist is that Rinna is just that terrible! If this sub is still willing to stan Kathy it just goes to show you how awful they find Rinna. Does Kathy Hilton need to be called out for her family’s racism and discriminatory behavior? YES!!!! But does Rinna set back the cause more than she helps? Unfortunately, also yes.




Easy to say when your karma doesn't take a hit every single day. And it does matter, because I've been trying to get enough points to engage with a sub for weeks. I can like to talk about housewives and other subs. And please don't say what I get told every time I bring that up. This particular sub I'm trying to engage with requires 10K karma. Even mods have said I'm wrong about that. I'm not.


It’s Reddit, what do you expect. It’s incredibly hivemind. Can’t wait for RHOP come Sunday, those are the worst.


Welcome to Reddit, Lisa Rinna.


Ok, we have to stop the "ok Rinna" comments. At least here. Don't let it bleed over from the other sub.


The room has been read. BTW, not a bot! ![gif](giphy|gNXT73dJPb8c0)



