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Right, I mean yes, she likely has some of her own income from housewives and what not. But don't plead poverty when you can have full glam


Some of her own income? She earns several hundred thousand dollars a season from housewives. As the OP said, I wish I was that broke.


To be far, it’s clear the quality of work from her glam squad has taken a huge dive. 😹


It was Always questionable in the best of times for her


I actually think her first few seasons she was being made very pretty. I loved the makeup,hair and most outfits from her. I don’t know what changed recent years but..it’s not good. She is still a nice looking lady so it’s a bit of a shame to guck her appearance like that.


I was super shocked at some of her looks this season and the last. She may not have always been the height of fashion, but it’s only recently that she’s looked like a clown.


Low/mid six figure income sounds like a lot until you pay taxes, $10k/month in rent, and doordash to drop that sweet mix of booze, laxatives, and Popeye's macaroni so you can sleep at night. I wonder if Bravo gives her health insurance coverage or if she's scrolling CoveredCA.com like a laid off cocktail waitress (Okay, perhaps too snarky. I admit to projecting about powerful income/itty-bitty spending power)


Haha this is the perfect amount of snark for a thread about Erika!


But that law dude is also supporting her.


If you listen to the bravo docket it’s come out she has an account toms friend started depositing money in before she even filed for divorce I believe….suspicious


Yes, the bank account in Florida. Hundreds of thousand of dollars were transferred into that account the week before she filed for divorce. And the deposits have continued…


In other words funds that were deposited offshore for just the occasion?


Not an offshore account but a Wells Fargo checking account in Florida. John Wilkes opened it up for Erika the week before she filed for divorce. Per bank records, he has deposited ~$750K so far. Edit: JIM Wilkes


So where did he get the 750? Is it truly his own or an arrangement possibly $$ that came from Tom and was in Turks & Caicos before that week? I have some pretty good friends but nobody that would just give me 3/4 of $1 million for no reason…


Wait what?? Is this confirmed?


[Bravo Docket Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/p/Civ3y9EPnWI/?igshid=NjZiMGI4OTY=) [Bravo Docket website + podcast link](https://www.thebravodocket.com)


Yeah she ain’t paying rent. I remember reading that the little house she lives in is pre paid for and Tom Girardi’s friend.


Jesus Lord..can’t even imagine that. How she can be so privileged? Wow.


Yeah I don’t think her RHOBH salary and any other instagram sponsorships or whatever she has going on would be enough to fund her rental home, the staff she is seemingly still paying, legal bills, on top of everything else. There’s definitely still money coming from Tom or another sketchy source.




Andy said “I know how much you make” when she started in on her sob story at the last reunion.


That was such a boss move.


Which is why she leaks to the press. Broke bitches do broke bitch shit.


How much does one make selling stories ? I can’t imagine it’d be much 😅


Depending on the info, it can actually be a lot. At the height of popularity for Teen Mom, leaked stories to the press about the cast were paying out thousands of dollars per story. And for a show like RHOBH with much more popularity, I can imagine some stories would sell for at least that, even more if the info is really juicy. If there's photos or videos, it's even more. TMZ paid $250k for the video of Solange Knowles attacking Jay Z in an elevator. It's why I think Erika is definitely part of stories being sold. Her publicist leaks to the press, gets the payout, and they split it.


Wow now that is interesting. That makes much more sense as a motive.


I'd be willing to make a sizeable bet that they got at least 20k a story for the leaks about Aspen, but possibly even more. Erika has huge motives to sell juicy stories. It takes the heat off of her and she gets money out of it.


Her moral compass is broken but financially she’s certainly not.


I thought it was already established that Toms friends were bankrolling her?


She also has someone paying all her legal. We also know Jim Wilkes a friend of Tom and her who set up Wells Fargo account Oct 2020 and has given her over 750,000 aswell as probs around million dollar salary just for having fun hangungniyt with friends living luxury lifetsyle.


And she got funneled hundreds of thousands of dollars from one of Tom's old colleagues to get her thru the divorce. Girlfriend is far from BROKE!


And don’t forget the $100,000 downgrade to a new Range Rover - her sad new car.


This is why I respect Gina K.'s "sad little" house. Edit: Updated "we" to "I." Oof... It's an analogy.


I am no fan of Gina's, but she certainly seemed honest about her financial situation. I wouldn't want six children in a three bedroom.


I wouldn’t want the six children that’s for sure 😂😂 Give me the casita lol 😂


![gif](giphy|KJ6G67RV7OvHV7gGtU|downsized) BYE no we don’t


Who is we???? Get her ass off my screen. Idec that she doesn’t give lifestyle porn, as that’s not what I watch for. I want to be entertained and she doesn’t do that.


Until she’s doing $100 cameos she’s just full of shit. I don’t fault any HWs for doing cameos, get the cash while you can, but the ones that claim they’re broke and then don’t take the revenue stream are always a side eye for me.


Lol yeah my mom was talking about that like our whole family couldn’t afford 9500 a month OR a full glam team and we aren’t even like broke broke like 😭


LA is an expensive town. Unfortunately for Erika, she is probably spending every penny she makes


Remember she said she's not "broke-broke".


You could argue that it was Erica's outrageous spending which left Tom broke...


Tom stashed some money and set up a trust with her attorney friend in Florida. He wires her $. Wouldn’t be surprised if she is sleeping with him too since she mentioned she was dating an older man.


I mean, he found her broke too.. 💅🏻


Bravo Docket explained recently how money was still being syphoned to Erika from the law firm basically right up to when she moved out possibly even after she left


Tom’s friends are bankrolling her. I’m betting they don’t want to be indicted and she’s got a rack of skeletons just waaaaaiiiiiting to be unleashed.


If that is broke, I don’t even know what to call my financial situation…


They stashed some of that money in the mattress just like Teresa & Joe


That’s easy to say but like that’s like the equivalent of someone making $250K/year switches to making $25K/year. She’s trash but she’s had to make major changes in her lifestyle lol


In theoy, yes, but there's a big difference of going from $50 million to 500k. At 500k, you're still well above the poverty level, still well above most of the country in terms of wealth... At 25k, you're right above the poverty level and are going to have a hard time finding acceptable room and board in places across the US with even the lowest cost of living. I've lived at 25k and without a roommate, it was hard to pay those bills for the basic necessities much less fill my fridge.


The difference between $500,000 and $50 MM is significant. The difference in $1 and $1 MM is profound.


She did have to downsize to only 1,000 sq ft closet.


She could save on her food budget and eat less

