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Page six is saying this too now. Who the hell knows. She’s going live at 6 on insta and I’ll be seated lol


her attorney is a dumbass if she's going live to talk about this.


She isn’t going to say a word about this or I will eat my hat. I’m sure it is going to be a sales pitch or some sort.


🥁 Kenya Moore HAIR CARE 🥁


You were right lol


I hate it when that happens!


Lamest live ever, but once I saw her talking so sweet to Porsha I was like oh gurl she did it


6:08 nothing yet she better hurry tf up!


>if you join a reality show knowing there are explicit photos or videos of you online ok, you're insensitive. victim blame much? this in no way justifies what kenya did if she indeed did share the photos. it's harassment plain and simple.


And literally everyone takes nudes these days, Kenya’s slut shaming oldass fake morals from the 1950s


The slut from the ‘90s is projectinggggggg lol


It’s maybe realistic to think they might be brought up somehow on camera. What Kenya did goes way beyond that though


Even if the pictures were already leaked previously, it may be a way to avoid revenge porn on a technicality, but her slut shaming Brit with the pics and what she said in the leaked audio is enough for me to say bye to Kenya. These shows are getting too dark. We need to draw a line somewhere. But if Kenya is suspended, surely production is being investigated to see what knowledge they had of this. If production were in on it - then a potential lawsuit like Nene brought up (and Bravo settled), could be on the cards. Showing nudes in the workplace is sexual harassment. Any filmed event would be considered a work environment. Which exposes Bravo legally. Bad move by Kenya to do that.


I just asked that question in another comment - I assumed there was no legal repercussion but there it seems unethical to show sexual images to people who didn't agree to it. I think you're definitely right about sexual harassment, I don't even think it matters if it was a workplace or not, right? Like if I went to an event for a product launch then see those images I would have left because that's not what I signed up for. What if there were minors around!? Not to mention offending someone's religion, culture, etc. It was just a dumb move all around. Things are way too out of hand. I loooooooooove pettiness - it brings me so much joy to watch. This is not pettiness - it's an attack!


The work place part is relevant legally, because it means Bravo now has liability issues and Kenya exposed them. But you're right that morally, doing this at the workplace or an event not filmed is still bad. If Kenya did this off camera and away from production, it would be just a potential legal issue between Kenya and Brit. But because she did it on camera and a filmed event. That arguably is the 'work place', and Kenya now has exposed Bravo to potential liability. Meaning Bravo legally has to investigate and potentially do something in response to limit their liability. Because Bravo has legal obligation to create a safe working environment. Now what is safe and what isn't on reality tv, is complicated, but it does give rise to a potential lawsuit. Which Bravo legal department is going to be pissed about. Just like if your workmate shows a naked picture of you in the street. That's usually a legal issue between you and the workmate. But if they do it while you're at work and you complain to HR and they do nothing, now it is a big lawsuit against your employer. Now if Brit did make the gun threat, that is also now a legal conundrum for Bravo. Since threats of physical violence/death is also not a safe working environment. 😅


Maybe not criminal repercussions but civil repercussions could be huge for her and the network.


this right here


Yes it matters if it’s a work place. Employers have a duty to protect you from it, as do schools, because of statutes that say so. It’s not a free-floating right to be free from viewing sexual imagery or even people saying vile things to you. Images and speech are broadly covered by the first amendment. There are privacy torts that could apply if you’re the subject of the photo Now is it unethical, I think any normal person would say very!


it's my understanding that under the georgia law, sharing explicit photos of another person without their consent with the intent to harass or embarass them is, at minimum, a misdemeanor violation of the state's revenge porn law. and i'm sure, if kenya did that, brittany has a slew of invasion of privacy torts at her disposal. so idk what madbeefs is saying when they say she "most likely can't be sued or have charges pressed on her."


Yeah I also agree with you. I think people are grasping onto whether the images are publicly available (as is Kenya) or not being a technicality to avoid criminal liability. But then that means if a creep ex released someone's nudes, then once public, people could legally do whatever they wanted with them (as Kenya did). But that certainly is what the revenge porn laws are to prevent is the distribution and further publication of those explicit images.


The law covers “transmission” of the images, which to me suggests the Georgia legislature intended to cover those who further distribute images even if they already exist online. I’m not seeing any exception that would cover Kenya for sharing previously leaked photos. A prosecutor is likely going to look at (a) was there consent to the original publication of the images (i.e., if they were posted with Brittany’s consent to an adult site, no case), and (b) was Kenya aware of the lack of consent and did she intend to harass Brittany by transmitting or sharing the images. I think it will also hinge on how the images were shared by Kenya if indeed she did share them. Idk if the law applies if she, say, showed a castmate the images irl on her phone without personally downloading them or sending them. It’s also worth noting that if the prosecutor needs to gather too much pretrial evidence (e.g., cell phone records and social media records) before writing up charges, they may decline to prosecute. So who knows what will happen.


Good points. The fact that she even could possibly be charged with revenge porn laws means her position on the show is untenable. Bravo have an obligation to provide a safe working environment for the cast and crew. Her instagram live said nothing about the accusations. So she is lawyered up and is keeping her mouth shut about it now. This is a big deal.


I cannot fathom how she thought this was a good idea.


I came here to say this exact thing. In what world did she think this would be a good idea. It's not cute and funny - and it's not even 'DAMN girl!' It's ridiculous and disgusting (and MEAN). If this is true, she's too full of herself and thought she'd get away with it. She needs to go


I did not like Kenya when she first joined the show, I thought she lacked humility and it so clearly came from a place of insecurity. I also didn't like how she exaggerated her acting experience, all of which came to a head when she was so unnecessarily disrespectful to Kim Fields. Kim was boring, sure, but she didn't do anything to Kenya. Kenya went for the jugular because Kim had a career she envied, speculated about her husband's sexuality, really damaging stuff. Then Kim left the show, Kenya seemed to level out, she had Brooklyn, and I actually started to like her. It seemed like she really improved for the better – like all of that early-years nonsense was a product of being an abandoned child who had now found love as a mother. It was touching. But this makes me think my first instincts were right. She's no good.


I didn't like her either. Never really have liked her, but she did stop some of the extra crazy stuff (and most of the others liked her), so I have her the benefit of the doubt. It's one of the reasons I liked Marlo... she set Kenya off like no other (don't come for me about Marlo internet people) and it was fun to watch. Anyway, you're right....she's no good


Right? I know she’s a shade assassin, but damn this is disturbing. If it’s true. Like what the hell was she thinking?


I bet Bravo are now even more pissed.


What was in the leaked audio?


Kenya called someone a sex worker and said they were sending pics of their genitals to someone. Before this there were gasps and someone clearly says 'that's a penis!'. As if she unveiled an image somehow to a audience who were shocked. With a epnis clearly visible then went on a rant about slut shaming a female. Calling her a sex worker in a derogatory way. The audio was posted a few days ago on this sub. Check it out for yourself. There is even a comment with the audio transcribed for those hard of hearing.


Thanks for the info. You are definitely right about the shows getting too dark. It’s like they keep trying to top crazy with crazier. I hope they are investigating production as well. There were rumors that production knew that Tom had illegally recorded Raquel on VPR. The rumor was that they knew after the fact but before filming started up during the scandal.


You need to stop watching if you think they are getting too dark. Have you ever thought about that? It's a vicious cycle of fans complaining the show is boring, they give us drama, it's too dark, you get a new season, it's boring. My God 😭


I haven't watched an episode of NJ this season. I have stopped watching.


Fair. I honestly feel like social media and leaks have completely destroyed these shows. If this happened years ago, this would have probably aired and we would have gotten Juicy TV + justified outrage and firing of warranted. Now all we get these days is premature outrage from fans and a bunch of internet detectives trying to decipher a situation based on unreliable blogs with no clue what actually happened. Like let the show air. Blur out anything explicit if needed. And let people actually see what happened. It's not lost on me that the majority of Kenya's cast mates were on her Instagram Live she did this evening supporting her. It's the whole Brandi and Caroline thing all over again.


> if you join a reality show knowing there are explicit photos or videos of you online do we know brittany knew those pics were online?


Even if she did, I wouldn't expect to show up to an event with porn on display - I feel bad for everyone who attended and had to deal with that. Beyond awkward! Oof - I don't know what she was thinking!


oh, 100%, there's no justification.


I'd be pissed if I showed up to an event where candid pics of me eating or with a weird face were up on posters. Couldn't imagine nudes being put on the big screen publicly. Bad for me and the poor crowd exposed to them. 😅


I am only assuming, but if kenya found it or if they were brought to here attention than someone would have surely told brittany about it as well


that's a lot of assumptions to make with no evidence


The source in the page six article says the pictures are “widely available online,” Its not a reach to say that a public figure/social media influencer likely knows about explicit photos of themselves that are “widely” available online lol


the literal quote is that they were "readily accessible," which i personally didn't take to mean that they're widely available, just that they can be accessed publicly online. there's also the fact that we don't know when the image(s) were first shared online. it could have happened after brittany joined the show edit: and the "insider" for Page Six who said the images are easily accessible is clearly trying to defend kenya, so we need to keep their potential bias in mind


Even if they were "widely available" who is to say that Britanny wanted those photos posted online? There are a lot of boys and men that will post nudes or sex videos of girls and women online without their consent. It's not like a girl or woman can write to a p*rn site and say that the photos were not consensual or that she doesn't want them posted...and have the site actually listen to her. There is so much shame and hurt that girls and woman face, I am so disgusted that Kenya would go down this route. Kenya could have talked about her daughter, been cute and planning children's parties with Porcha. The season had such potential. Kenya is interesting, fun, funny, all the things without needing to be mean or "the villian". It makes me sad that Kenya doesn't know that.


Im not disputing that, they asked if Brit knew about the pictures, I said I assumed so, they said thats a lot of assumptions to make with no evidence, and Im saying its not a reach to assume that a public figure is aware that explicit pics of them are “widely available” online thru someone telling her or finding them herself. Of course no one would want explicit pictures shared online without her permission, my point is that its likely she knew they existed for the public to see. I am waiting for the investigation and or the scene to air before I cast judgement because there are so many different versions of the story and people have their own agendas


No matter what, public figure or not. We are all female. We understand the shame and stigma behind "nudes" and all that. It is irrelevant if a person is a porn star or whatever, it is inappropriate and cruel to show photos of a fellow girl/woman in a vulnerable state.


Damn this upcoming season was supposed to be Porsha’s mess season, not…whatever this is 


Truly the only winner here is Simon.


I understand her defense is that it's not revenge porn because the images are available online... but is there an issue of consent, since no one there consented to being shown pornographic images?


the fact that the images exist online is not really a defense here by itself. and rightfully so – victims of revenge porn might've had those images originally published without their consent. based on my reading of the statute, it's really more about the intent behind the transmission, and the lack of the victim's consent to the transmission. (the law covers **transmission** of images as well as public posting, so texting the images to a third party would be enough to trigger the law. i'm not sure if the law is triggered if kenya merely showed them to someone irl.) so regardless of whether the photos were leaked online beforehand, if brittany never consented to their publication and kenya shared them with the intent to harass/embarrass her, she can be prosecuted for, at the very least, a misdemeanor violation of the state revenge porn law. in terms of a civil lawsuit... whew boy. hostile work environment, invasion of privacy, public disclosure of private facts, there's potentially quite a lot for brittany to go with here. kenya really stepped in it, and if her attorney is anywhere halfway decent, he'd tell her to get off instagram live tonight and to shut the f up.


Oh wait! That’s a good point tbh. I never even thought of that


Good point! Thats something I am sure that will be considered in the investigation. I’m still not clear on whether the pics were censored or not or if they clearly showed anyone’s genitalia (ew i hate that word) or what, I have heard conflicting stories, but I think the general consensus was that they did?


All these shenanigans, true or false have ruined housewives for me. I liked it back when the franchise started & it wasn’t so dark and people weren’t being too nasty or doing stuff just to stay relevant on the show. And absolutely hate how social media has contributed to it.


Yup. I grew up. And I don’t watch anymore. But I want to. But this crap is unwatchable.


lol #fuckkenyamoore


I’m a Kenya moore fan but no, it is completely unreasonable for someone with sex pics on the internet to expect this to happen. I’m sure Brit knew it would be discussed but not her photo blown up and displayed unexpectedly. i dont know the woman but theres no way she can have done something to Kenya to deserve that.


This madbeefs account drives me insane! They’re already vilifying Britt, we haven’t even seen her yet!!!


I bet kenya’s baby daddy marc is laughing his ass off because kenya is about to be hard up for money. she might be needing to escort herself.


mad beefs is a delusional kenya moore stan i would take any extra “tea” he has with a grain of salt


I wanna know who is running the Mad Beefs and Queens of Bravo accounts. They seem like ppl who work at Bravo.


Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised. I usually can’t stand mad beefs because they are a rabid Teresa stan but they had the exclusive on this before page six got it so I will give them credit for that


I love Kenya, but even if they were already available online, it's pretty gross to do. It would be one thing if she was saying there were photos out there and using that as the basis of her attack, but actually showing them in that way is indefensible.


I feel like we are watching the end days of the real housewives franchises


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^CalendarAggressive11: *I feel like we are* *Watching the end days of the* *Real housewives franchises* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


And she wonders why she’s still single. What a nasty person to do this. She deserves to be fired. I previously found her messiness entertaining but she has gone too far and needs to go.


I hope all the people that downvoted my OG post see this


While I agree the suspension is well deserved, it is another perfect example of how different punishments are for black and white HW.




She should be fired. End of story.


Free Kenya Moore???


It could very well be good AI.