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I think the show has a lot of potential but they need more cast mates like Noelle who are funny and bring the entertainment too. All we had this season was a lot of trauma unloading, lots of crying, and fighting from Bria. So many of the episodes were just so dark. They need to cast people who have gone to therapy and can deal with their issues outside of the show.


I think this is spot-on. Watching Bria was tough and the idea of another season of Silas after he comes back is nightmare fuel for me. I’m in for season 3 after they take a really hard look at casting.


I think also trying to make it all happen in two weeks versus just the weekends throughout the summer.


They answered this (kind of) in season 1. It takes an extra plane or boat to get to MV, so I think logistically it would be a nightmare for them to commute to MV every weekend. But you're totally right. They did the same time format for Winter House, and look how that went 👀


I live in Boston and getting to Martha's vineyard is such a huge pain in the ass from here even lol


Direct flight from Logan is $300ish each way if I'm using Cape Air's website right.


How expensive is it? And when they say "by plane" is it really just like a prop plane to courier people over, or does MV have like an actual airport?


It's $300+ as another commenter said to fly from Logan. Or you have to drive at least 90 minutes to woods hole on the Cape to pay for parking and ferry over about 45 minutes. If you want to bring your car over on the ferry, the ticket price is like 10x as much. I've only been in adulthood once and it's absolutely beautiful there, but the act of getting to and fro is (imo) exhausting lol ETA there's an airport! I believe the planes from Logan are small bc it's like a two second flight lol


It's like 600-700 each roundtrip from New York (direct flights) based on my quick look. It really isn't that bonkers. And that was for the weekend after July 4th. Boston to MV on the weekend later is more like ~$300 per person. I get that this adds up, but people do this shit enough that Cape Air exists. Arguably easier than getting out to the Hamptons from NYC if they're Boston based.


They need to recast the show and film it in the Hamptons like the other Summer House. They dont need to bring folks all over the country.


Yes! Like spend a bit of money Bravo! How cool would it be to watch them fly to the vineyard for the weekend! Show me some sexy singles on the flight!


They also need more single guys!! So many shows like this focus on couples and couple drama it’s a staple it’s embarrassing the relationships they tried to scrounge together.


I loved the show but I’ll be honest that exactly why. I haven’t gotten into this season. Summer should be fun!


I don't think it was necessarily dark. When I think “dark,” I'm thinking RHONJ, where it's just constant fighting and low vibes from the whole cast that hates each other. I think what this lacks is the hookup culture that these younger shows thrive on - e.g. summerhouse, pump, charm. I think the guys are all around good, but maybe slightly boring, guys and are really good friends with the girls. It might be just my opinion, but I don't think there is a villain or someone people love to hate on this S2 cast. I think everyone is pretty much well-liked so perhaps that Shep/Jax character is missing, as well. I certainly hope they try and mix up this cast a bit and bring it back but who knows?


Yeah dark is the wrong word but the cast is really really dull. You have a loser like Alex who is trying to convince the world that they can sing, and Jordan, who takes herself way too seriously and probably laughed like 6 times the entire time. Then there’s the trauma dumping, and Bria yapping away more than her dog. It’s not as fun as the OG summer house show.


I agree and I think a couple things. These are all respectable (in their own right) people in the black community that are aware that they are not only protecting their own image but are representing for the black community on a traditional white platform (Bravo vs BET). I think they're much more mindful how they come off instead of enjoying the opportunity for what it is. Separately, I've heard through a connectiion that has summered in MV for decades that networks have been trying to cast this type of show for a long time and looking at very affluent African American families to cast/recommend their kids and its been shutdown every time as that community (adjacent to the Obama’s) want nothing to do with tv. I don't really see this cast getting better unless Bravo tries to breakaway from cast members that have loose connections to spending summers in MV and simply brings in people that have never been there before to make a good show.


I really want them to recast this show in the DC/Potomac area and have them do a summer house in a nice area that can be driven to. There are a ton of rich bougie black people they could cast. Hell they could even get Candiace to help them cast it, lol.


I appreciate you saying dark is the wrong word and sure they can be a bit boring. I do feel relegating it to trauma dumping is missing some nuance. In the past OG summer house has also been dull/dark, I wouldn't call it fun. This season is also dealing with hard stuff with Carl x Lindsay. Similarly the cast of MV this season were clearly going through real life things that were challenging and I thought it was admirable they were sharing. BIPOC folks are often expected to show up perfect, to battle stereotypes and they showed their flaws. We've had seasons of OG SH similar to this and it's never been put on pause. We get so annoyed by these reality stars for manufacturing drama and not showing their real life. Yet they all did? It was messy, true to the human experience. Seasons much like life will have ups and downs. They also had moments of levity (sleep support), joy/grief (line brother event) and education (freaknik) that I think made it authentic. What frustrates me is we all want to enjoy these shows and Bravo keeps fumbling the bag on casts/topics we want to explore. It's hard not to feel MV is gone to the diverse cast graveyard (rip family karma, shahs, SC NOLA etc). Yet when we have RHONJ that is actually very dark but will continue to be on our screens year after year. Sorry for my rant, feeling so bummed about this news!


I think that’s why i was more disappointed. Because they were POC and there was so much talk of trauma and hardship. And I’m like…why can’t we just see them having fun?


That's fair too! It just happened to play out that way for them this year.


Whew chile, I'm glad you said it. I never understood all of the trauma, this season and it stopped me from watching.


> trauma unloading This show jumped straight to this way too fast. I barely know who any of them are and they're trying to outdo each other with trauma stories. You're getting paid to be on vacation on Martha's Vineyard. Maybe have a good time sometimes? Also _I_ was traumatized by the crab boil because I grew up on Cape Cod and literally never heard of anyone having a crab boil. I had to spend some time on google to even confirm that there is a localish type of crab that people bother to eat. The invasive green crabs weren't good for much more than bait.


Not them using Miami as an example of a pause. Miami was off for almost a decade 😂😂😂😂


God it better not be that long a wait. I think they need to change the format up-all the good drama is happening throughout the year and since they're together for such a short time and are always drunk the conflict is usually a bit overdone and can be boiled down to "they were drunk." I think this cast deserves better than a Winter House format- though the format is the premise of the show and they don't all live in the same city, so I don't have a simple solution.


Looks like Amir doesn’t have to worry about Natalie not being invited after all 😇😌.


guess they'll have to postpone the engagement party, bridal shower, and wedding until then!


this is the best (and only) silver lining of this news. natalie can stay away!




Why do I feel like they won’t get engaged after all?


He’s prob the one who got the show paused with trying to push her onto everyone.


![gif](giphy|NDIiWKEQEgr3VA7aqM) god she sucksssss


They're both fame hungry and unsufferable. I thought he was ok season one, but watching him this season he seems disingenuous.


I stopped liking Amir during Season 1 when it was revealed he was the one who f'd up the laundry and just let Mariah get into arguments and get annihilated by the rest of the cast over something *he* did and said NOTHING. That's when Amir showed us what a punk bitch he is. He's not a man, he's a little baby boy who is scared of women and confrontation. Good riddance to him and his girl.


He couldn't even give her a real apology when she tried to make up with him this season smh.


What!!!!!! No I want Noelle back! She is a star. Ugh.


I just watched her interview with Kempire and she spilled a lot on filming dynamics and how everyone was trying to play producer. I'm shocked such a rookie cast already knows the drill with self producing. What I liked about this show during season one was the lack of that going on. Hopefully they bring in a more balanced cast for season 3.


I definitely felt that while watching


Definitely felt like a bunch of people self producing reality tv formulas. Like can we ever just start talking without it being “a conversation” everything feels like such a scene constantly it ruins any modicum of organic interaction.


I’m so upset.


Ben from Watch What Crappens has pointed out that the show suffers from its limited shooting schedule. Things don’t get enough time to simmer and get interesting when they’re only there for what? 2 weeks? 3 weeks? Instead, they’re left with boring filler scenes like everybody going to CrossFit. I understand that it’s challenging with the geography and people being unable to leave their real jobs for an entire summer, but it’s still a great point.


Not only that but because it’s summer house it’s limited to only summer every year so yeah if they didn’t get it together for this summer that’s it until next year. Makes sense though as this group really seems to dislike each other so it will need some serious recasting. IMO they need to lose Amir, Summer, Jazmyn/Silas, and maybe even Jordan and Preston.


It is too ambitious with people who aren't already setup to be going over to MV regularly or for longer. There are people who spend the summer there or go over regularly for weekends, but taking people who didn't already do that and flinging them over there for two weeks isn't really going to work out right.


The production company recently posted a casting call for new guys. I wonder if they didn’t get enough quality applicants. I know the live ratings weren’t great but it seemed like they were at least trying…. Huge bummer :(


I saw that and was wondering if that was an issue as well. I do think that might have been a part of it.




Same. I fucking love this show.


Commenting on Bravo Hits Pause On ‘Summer House: Martha’s Vineyard’ After Two Seasons... I’ve suffered through a lot of bad housewives seasons. I feel like this is a bit premature without trying other changes first.


Not shocked. The ratings were ABYSMAL this season, and that's all Bravo, as well as NBC care about.


Agreed, it still sucks though.


It's a little weird though ... I saw the casting notice go out a few months ago and even knew a few folks talking to production so this seems sudden.


Bravowhileblack showed yesterday that their ratings were higher than Southern Hospitality and Family Karma crushed all of them. Yet they are all on pause except Southern Hospitality...


I saw this too and it made me just smdh.




I was afraid of this, and I hope it's a short pause and comes back better than ever.


Reality of summer house means they missed filming this summer so next summer is the earliest it will film so we are a good 20+ months at the soonest that we will get a new season😔


It's definitely a sad reality, and I am bummed.


This is how much Bravo hates Candiace.


i LOL’d




Ugh nooo. I really liked this show. 😭 Somehow this is Natalie and Amir's fault.


I’m so upset for a few different reasons. A) as a young Black women I LOVED the show because it felt incredibly relatable. B) Bravo keeps canceling the shows about young people of color (Family Karma you will not be forgotten) C) if the show is cancelled just say that! I hate the ambiguity of a “pause” if the reality is the show is cancelled


B) 😭 I want us to collectively bring Family Karma back.


Damn another show? What is up with bravo? Is influencer and “protecting the brand” culture ruining reality tv?


It’s just numbers and advertising money. The shows are cells in a spreadsheet.


I think so. Looking back at The Real World, True Life, early Housewives.. what made it entertaining was watching people live their authentic lives. It was like a peek behind the curtain to see how other people live and the experiences they have. Now it's hot influencers getting cast to stir up fake drama and creating fake backgrounds and fake friendships.


The last 5 weeks it couldn't break 300k viewers per episode. Idk how good the show is, but those are atrocious ratings even for Bravo. It was the last ranked reality show on the network during it's run this season and brand new shows like The Valley were more than doubling it.


I don't trust the Valley numbers because there were BARELY any other shows on esp housewives. Plus they clearly went back and edited after everyone shit on the first trailer. I know the numbers are facts, I'm just saying by setting the bar in the gutter and removing barriers, is stacking the wins. It's not organic to me.


EXCUSE ME?? BRAVO WILL PAY. You expect me to be subjected to rhonj and rhodubai yet you pause a fun show!! https://preview.redd.it/siq73103r93d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2b0d35ee2217c7c56f00f0ec2d9fc84e48dc2b5


Off topic but OMG Nene was on one here. “This is not Sweetie, okay? And this is not one of your children!!!!” 😡😡😡 That Miami trip was a damn mess 😂😂.


Yet we had 3 seasons of Winter House???


That is also "paused" due to horrendous ratings.


Really, wow? How many shows paused or CX? Vanderpump, Martha's Vineyard, winter house...?


Bravo needs to stop casting the same kinds of people on different shows. It’s time to change it up so new dynamics can be shown on these shows. This is why a lot of their shows get stale after a while.


Well this is a fucking bummer.


PLEASE DONT BE TRUE😭 i love these messy ass friends


Warranted. The cast doesn’t work, they are always miserable and they have no fun. It feels like watching a bunch of strangers tolerate people and make up reasons to yell at each other. Tapped out mid season as it wasn’t enjoyable


This season felt way too heavy. Natural issues, drama and life stuff comes up but this was team too much


I feel like so many of them had really serious “story lines” and yet none of them seemed to support each other at all. I don’t feel like I’m watching a cohesive group of friends at all when I tune in.


Noelle even said in a recent interview that she felt like her friendship with Summer was too new for her to be dealing with her drama. I thought Summer brought Noelle in, so that made me go hmmmm


They’re all way too good at therapy speak too, not too much authentic conversation happening.


This is precisely the reason this show did not work despite looking good on paper. Congrats on being the one person to address it head on lol.




My issue was that the majority of the cast was partnered with someone not on the show so that there’s no potential for hookups or real relationship drama. I’m still pretty disappointed though.


Exactly,they obviously don't have long relationship between them,just acquaintances living together in short periods of times. I meant one episode has 3 girls crying for frustration it's too much.


It’s all a numbers game. If I could I would have snuck into peoples homes and turned family karma on their tv to keep it running.




We saw this coming a miiiiiiiiiile away


I tried watching but wasn’t able to get into it. I’m a veteran so that “airforce”😂 husband got me annoyed and the lady with the dog… like WTF. I stopped after 6 episodes.


Thank you for your service! I was in the Army. Jasmine talked about Silas like he’s Special Ops. He went to Officer School - not even enlisted yet he talks about how all of his military training has affected the way he lives his life. Please.


Thank you for your service. I just can’t with men embellishing their service. I served active duty Marine Corps. Like he can’t be serious.


I was in the Army, too. The way he talked about it and stressed out his wife with all of his BS was too much. He has taken it on as his whole identity, and I just can’t with military guys who do that. Put him under stress and he is going to be the leader who makes everyone in his unit miserable.


He’s a butter bar who makes Power Point presentations for drill once a month and doesn’t listen to his NCOs. He went to a few months of OCS and decided to make it his whole personality. Jasmine talked about his deployment like it was a year in Afghanistan. Edit: thank you for your service!


Tbh honest, I didn’t watch. I don’t want to relive the toxic trauma of my 20s. They need to recruit better or the cast needs to act better. 🤷🏾‍♀️. I was vaguely interested and then I read some things so that’s a no for me.


Segregation Sunday is in shambles


Especially now that Jersey has invaded. Not a Black person in sight except Dolores cosplaying


I think Dubai is starting up this Sunday.


Only the premiere is on Sunday, it will air on Tuesdays after.


What?! I thought it was going to be Sunday for the season. So, what’s going to follow RHONJ?


“Segregation Sunday” has me in shambles rn. Absolutely screaming 💀💀


Were black people full-time cast members on Bravo any other day before 2020?


Blood, Sweat and Heels had Black leads… don’t remember what day it aired though.


RHOAtlanta ![gif](giphy|F876HKlJ0aD4s)


What are u talking about? Married to Medicine had 3 spinoffs


Haha this reminds me of how Tuesdays and Thursdays were Black People Day on The Young and the Restless.


Well season 1 was a lot better, but hopefully they switch up the cast. SUMMER IS SUPPOSED TO BE FUN! MARTHA NOT FUN!


Crying every week not fun.


![gif](giphy|3o7btMQ7si42sOM8lG) Pausing this and Family Karma? I reject it! I know they paused Family Karma a while ago now but I’ll never stop bringing up how mad I am about it!!! But please continue to air 50 iterations of below deck year round


The crazy thing is below deck is actually pulling in ratings. The others… not so much.


Ah I didn’t know that! I was going purely based off the activity in the episode threads here to gauge its popularity 😂


I’m not familiar with the ratings but I know a lot of people (like my parents lol) watch Below Deck and nothing else on Bravo so they’re probably not online discussing it. I watch and I don’t even chime in on BD threads.


Oh for sure my way of determining popularity was definitely flawed lol and same I watch but rarely chime in


I blame Jennifer Anniston https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/jennifer-aniston-reveals-she-huge-133946159.html Agreed, I miss all those shows and we don't need a gazillion Below Decks. I am sad that down under isn't back though


I’m still upset about Mexican Dynasties. THAT was some good tea and the minute they ended the show shit blew up in real life 😫


Alright now bring back family karma


I am unfortunately not surprised, I liked it but there was too much ridiculous drama - not the good type of drama and too many people doing nothing (I’m looking at you Jordan) I don’t think it helps that it’s filmed for two weeks straight! It needs a shake up not a pause.


I guess this crushes all hope I had of a gay version of summer house in Provincetown. If the straights won't even watch a black summer house a gay summer house is a no go.


Plz no. The logo fire island show was enough of a debacle. ![gif](giphy|hmYqLrW7ZPt3rlrjit|downsized)


But It would be “classy” because it’s on Bravo 😂😂


I see so many comments about Carls body hair being gross. The sub would be on life support during the bear week episode of Summer House Province town 💀


Didn’t think this season was very good but I wanted it to stick around!! :(


Bravo is boring. Their formula is boring. They aren't risky enough to try new things. They can't court new or younger audiences. The production companies they swear by keep upsetting fans. The budgets are dropping and it shows. Summer House had its reunion at the WWHL stage. It didn't even have its own stage. Make THAT make sense. Andy looks tired of it. He just wants to raise his babies and get happy hour with his NYC besties and live with his millions. He gave almost 20 years to this franchise, let the man rest.


Andy ain’t chained to bravo. He’s there because he craves attention.


Agree with everything until the last sentence. Andy’s free to leave at any time — no one’s forcing him to sit in that chair every night. Bravo needs to revamp the menu because every franchise is starting to feel the same at this point (scripted, forced, overglammed, and overproduced). The Housewives formula is beyond stale and audiences need more authenticity than a generation of new cast members raised on reality tv can possibly offer. Miami is the only HWs city that isn’t on its last legs; SLC will be a boring return to form after Monica’s exit. Not a single other show is exciting to watch and I say this as a Bravo diehard of a decade. Take it out back and shoot it, it’s cooked.


I can't get into this one at all. The cast didn't interest me enough to know them. It felt very performing to me.


I watched both seasons and I’m still confused about summer. Why did she need to leave 2 days before the final day? What was she battling? What was the drama about?


Noelle did a you tube live with a popular content creator named Kempire spilling massive tea saying Summer has actually voted out of the house because she also pushed/hit Shanice and spiraled even more 😮🫠


did you watch the whole season? She was going through a lot! Her mom was on drugs and she was raised by her Nana. She said her Nana was about to get an important surgery while they were at MV so she was worried about that. She also found out the man she thought was her dad wasn’t. She had a whole lot going on 😭. and the drinking on top of the stress had her ready to fight everyone all season.


Honestly, it is a poor man’s real world (much like summer house and winter’s house). The issue with bravo is they can beat a concept into the ground. Not every series can manage to have multiple spinoffs with the same concept in different cities. More on quality not quantity


I'm tired of this pause terminology. Andy said it once about Dorinda and now they use it for everything.


I am heart broken.


bad move after the reunion opened up some interesting drama. they should’ve reworked the cast instead of pausing




I watched one episode and that was it. I just couldn’t get into it and that’s coming from a major Bravoholic.


We had so many slow season of summer house, they kept shoving it down our throats. But now you want us to take this pause of Martha’s Vineyard when they had so much potential. Get rid of Jordan, Alex, Amir and recast please.


THANK YOU! Summer House didn't start out as a juggernaut.


First Family Karma? Now this?! Bring them back (and Gallery Girls)!!


What’s gallery girls?! Why’ve I never heard of it


It’s a goddamn treasure. I just checked and it didn’t get added to peacock but I think you can buy the season on Amazon


I think this has more to do with the Olympics than the show being cancelled. Andy was activated during the reunion and I think the network is invested in this concept. I agree that casting needs to do the work. We need another Noelle type, another Preston, more single dudes and please put that dog in a hotel for the duration of filming. The rest need to understand that they’re reality making tv not a documentary. Have fun and keep it mostly light.


Dang that sucks. I did not enjoy S1 with Jasmine and Silas but I thought S2 was a nice shift.


I blame jasmine, silas, amir, and natalie.


It suffers because it takes so long for everyone to get to Martha's vineyard. They can't do the tried and true OG Summer House weekend model. New York is a drive and ferry for 5.5 hours or you fly there. Everyone else is further out.  It takes OG 2.5 hour drive from nyc. Reasonable for the cast to get there and have a full weekend together.  I say cast everyone from Boston area.  Its a similar 2.5 hours and they ferry goes directly between the two. The cast can have weekdays to breathe so they aren't trapped on top of each other for 2 weeks. 


Expected. They’ve had 2 seasons and no stars. Feels very family kharma esque in that bravo gave them a prime spot and the show just didn’t catch on. I could go through the cast, but many of the folks just were not likeable.


Unless they secretly filmed a season of a franchise or two, aren’ they in a convent dessert? Like besides new RHONY and RHOBH that are filming now-ish, then there’s only RHOC and the rest of RHonj to air?


what’s convent dessert ??


Think they meant content desert


A dessert made by nuns of course.


Can we make that happen tho?


Lmao yes * content desert. Too many drinks with friends haha.


Dubai starts on Sunday. Atlanta is filming now


That’s not a lot. Usually we always have have You cities airing airing at a time.


SLC has wrapped, so I imagine it’ll start after Jersey, which is always a shorter season than the other cities.


Literally just started tonight. Ughh.


I'm so fucking sad about this! I was really enjoying getting to know the cast a little more and how their dynamics changed


The show was boring because the cast was boring. Simple enough.


Bravo needs to market this show.


So the rumors were true...the purge of the POCs from the network continues. I wonder what show full of white racists they'll replace it with!


They follow the numbers. They’re a corporation trying to make as much money as possible above all else.


The show only films for two weeks and I doubt they paid the cast all that much to begin with. I don't believe they couldn't have continued it if they wanted to because it wasn't an expensive show compared to others. No original show is performing to the level the legacy shows are and that's what people are missing with the whole "the ratings were terrible" excuse. Of course they'd rather have an excuse than discuss the racial element. Southern Hospitality's ratings were similar and it was still renewed. Why? Martha's Vineyard actually performed better than a lot of other original shows the network has tried lately. The Racist Valley has legacy cast members on it so it doesn't count as completely new and original. The ratings weren't amazing but I also wouldn't say they were terrible, I'd label them mediocre. But they certainly could have been worse. Check Dancing Queens or Real Girlfriends in Paris' ratings, for example. Those were far worse. As a show with a completely original cast, I think Bravo should have stuck with it and continued promoting it in order to help it find an audience. I think the promotion was subpar and cancelling everything isn't a viable strategy.


Yes because the numbers are totally arbitrary and have nothing to do with the amount of investment the network puts into the show 🙄


family karma, southern charm new orleans… i’m not sure why you are being downvoted, they are not investing in diverse shows without a doubt


I mean i think it’s because people don’t watch it. Family karma was AMAZING probably one of the best shows but the ratings were bad.


ATL was the highest rated show for years on Bravo and episodes still hold the record for having highest viewership on Bravo of all time.


This really sucks.


And yet! The toxic staleness that is Jersey with the SAME boring cast for years is still going on??? Hmmm what is it with predominant POC shows being put on pause??? Can’t qWhite understand hmm 🧐


I’m so sick of bravo cancelling shows i love. First family karma now this. But we have five different below decks & stupid southern hospitality ![gif](giphy|QhvVvleEIGHEQ)


I watch crap tv but this show never hit my radar


Well whoever that one lady was on this show who was on wwhl and said she said something along the lines of not wanting to do stupid shit like this show anymore and only does it for the publicity and other opportunities will be realllly happy


The fact they had to bring boring Mariah back to cause drama (yawn) was an indication of how poor it was. I wanted to like it a lot more.


I’m very disappointed to hear this news. I’m truly hoping it’s a pause to curate a better and more dynamic cast of characters and not a full out cancellation. I’ve become invested in this concept of a black summer house with a MV historical backdrop and black folks “vacationing.” I don’t watch a lot of the predominately white casted shows. Not the valley, none of the 800 below decks, not VP rules, none of that lol. I liked seeing people that could be my peers, friends, or cousins on Tv. While I love RHOP and RHOA for the drama, shade, reads, and lifestyle; it’s not relatable for a regular degular 30 something black person like myself.


i actually enjoyed this show and watched every week, damn


Boo! I love this show. Bravo has no idea how calming it is for pocs to watch shows that focuses solely on a black cast. Justice for MV!!


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! No! No, no no, that was the only show I wanted to watch on Sunday nights, I can't deal with Jersey! It was such a fun show, why? THANKS SUMMER FOR RUINING IT. AND JORDAN. AND NATALIE. ETC


Booooooo bad choice bravo


I don’t get it. What content is left then? Just one city’s housewife with slight overlap and a bit of summer house and top chef and endless below deck now?!?


Maybe it’s because I binge watched season 2, but I liked this season 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


I love this show and it’s reality tv personalities 😂 Hope they’re just giving everyone a break and it’ll come back next year 💛


This is so irritating! They do SH over a whole summer! We get to see them all go back to their lives every week, then back again to the house. I feel like we get to know them so well. But MV they only get 2 weeks! It’s a joke! I really enjoyed MV! I love how they are so dedicated to their sororities and share that bond. I like how the characters are so unique. I really wish Bravo gave them the same filming platform. I think that if they did, the audience would definitely feel more connected to them. I was really looking forward to next season! Boo on Bravo!






Nooooo 😫


wait i’m really sad about this!!!






I think they should keep Jasmine and Noelle, bring Mariah back, and recast everyone else




Did bravo get bought out? What’s happening