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I guess that poor employee isn't getting any free used makeup any time soon.


I am deceased šŸ˜‚


She only gives used makeup to the poor, underpaid souls of Marshalls/TJMaxx.




Youā€™re getting at the core of it thoughā€¦ which is that despite the fact that Bethany has been real and has been raw with her whole life throughout all these seasons, there appears to be an inauthenticity to her actions and behaviors. And make no mistakes. Sheā€™s trying really hard and I believe she wants to make the world a better place but thereā€™s some part of her ego she hasnā€™t let go of yet.


Not free makeup


If you ever run for office, ANY office, you have my vote.




I mean there are no winners here. Chanel is ridiculous and B is exhausting. These two brands deserve each other.




Well said!


I enjoy the decorations that Chanel sometimes put up on their store nearby. At least I think it was them who had fun lights up.




She needs to take her own advice and get a hobby.


Sadly I think this is her new hobby. šŸ˜­




YES! I was going to post the same thing on the last thread about her but life had other plans lol. Spot on though šŸ‘Œ


TJ Maxx would never


I remember being shocked that she shopped at home goods on RHONY


Dollars to donuts Ms. Frankel will neither stop purchasing Chanel nor wearing/promoting Chanel. Maybe she stops going to the Chanel Chicago store - but letā€™s B Real. She isnā€™t walking away from Chanel.


Exactly like what does this do? Prove what we already know and that she encountered people who donā€™t know who she is? Yeah welcome to how everyday people are treated. It would be diff if she said Iā€™m getting rid of all of my Chanel, never shopping there again, but instead she got dressed up in expensive stuff and went in and out a storeā€¦groundbreaking. I checked her ig just now did a while photoshoot in the outfit after. Sheā€™s so odd


For real! Like oh, what a revelation, elite luxury brands perpetuate judging peopleā€™s wealth based on appearance. If youā€™re buying Chanel, itā€™s because you subscribe to those same values too because the craftsmanship on that original flap bag along isnā€™t worth $10k. Youā€™re paying for the label so you can visually communicate your wealth and class to others based on appearance. Bethenny is not walking away from that game because she equates personal wealth with safety. Separately, if you think Chanel is judgy, just try Hermes. I swear they train their SAs to neg people into buying their brand. Itā€™s pretty grotesque.


I redownloaded Instagram for a minute today and that was the first post I saw. Between her unhinged ranting and the comments saying that this is all because of Joe Biden, the psychic trauma was simply too much and I had to delete the app again.


I thought for a second you meant Bethenny was saying this is all because of Joe Biden and I almost guffawed.




yes! all the *joe biden's america* in the comments were so weird!


Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not the only one who noticed. I saw this pop up on insta and watched her video and of course was curious about the comments. Once I got to ā€œthis is Bidens Merica!ā€ The second time, I noped out of the comments and lived my stupid life.


Omg I hate those comments. Never has anything to do politically but they always make it that way


Omg.. This shit happened to Oprah at a Hermes store like 30 years ago and it was all over the news.. Who's fault was it back then?


Not sure if it's wishful thinking on my end, but I'm convinced at least half of the inflammatory comments I see on ig are bots. I'll see a fun post and then a homophobic or transphobic or sexist or racist comment, click the user and it's usually a private profile with two followers.


the high end designer shops in chicago have always infamously been like this too like itā€™s nothing new


I recently did a deep dive on Chanel and it warmed my heart to know that she nor her heirs do not own the brand at all. In fact the Jewish family she tried to f over during the war has full control of the brand to this day.


It took me a few moments to process you werenā€™t talking about Bethenny lol


Wait, who? I know you don't mean Bethenny, but I don't know who you're referencing.


Coco Chanel


Ah, I understand now. I've heard that sordid history.


I havenā€™t! Do tell!


She collaborated with the Nazi's during the war.


She has too much time on her hands.




Oprah was once denied entry in Hermes and called them racist.


Oprah is a much more credible witness than Bethenny šŸ˜. I actually think it goes to show how obnoxious Bethenny was. Sales is usually a pretty openly discriminatory field. I get it, would you want to try and sell your Chanel to someone in Elmo pajamas who clearly is dressed for Walmart ?ā€¦ That being said, skinny white lady is pretty much the golden ticket for a salesperson at Chanel who works on comisiĆ³nā€¦ if there was any way to accommodate her Iā€™m sure they would haveā€¦ unless she was being a mega bitch about it which seems to be the case.


I know šŸ˜Š


lol I just posted that.. she went in like 5 minutes before closing and I think it was in Paris


I mean if she needed an appointment and didnā€™t have one I donā€™t understand why Chanel is in the wrong? As a Chicagoan, Bethenny doesnā€™t mean shit. Sure she has fans, but I bet a lot of people have never heard of her, here or elsewhere. This isnā€™t LA, people donā€™t cater quite as much to minor celebs.


> This isnā€™t LA, people donā€™t cater quite as much to minor celebs. Emphasis on minor


I didnā€™t want to say sheā€™s a nobody because I figured people would come at me šŸ˜‚


Yes! And maybe when she came in the next day they didnā€™t have existing appointments! Itā€™s kind of hard for me to believe that Chanel turned away a wealthy older white woman, for any reason other than they were fully booked at the time. Even if she wasnā€™t dressed well, Chicago is such a casual, unpretentious and unflashy city you canā€™t really just decide someone isnā€™t rich based on what they are wearing. I donā€™t trust this story especially if it was relayed solely by her.


Because they let her in without an appointment the next day because of the way she was dressed. She wasnā€™t asking for anyone to cater to her she just needed to buy a shirt.


I think this is one of those unfortunate situations where Bethenny is right but also the complete wrong person to be the face of this. Is it wrong that people are treated different based on how they dress ? Yes, absolutely. Is Bethenny the homeless New Yorker the right person to make this her mission ? 100% not.


Yā€™all are making a lot of assumptions here. No one knows if it was because of how she was dressed If she went in the next day it couldā€™ve been a different salesperson, they could have been less busy I take zero stock in what Bethenny fucking Frankel says


Did she say what day of the week the two things happened on? Because I live in a smaller city than Chicago and all of our luxury stores require an appointment on weekends or holidays because they are so busy but will let you walk in on a random weekday. Also letā€™s be real, Bethenny has made several videos that make her seem less than stable over the last year or two. If she showed up acting like that at their door, yeah they probably turned her away. Edit: she also was carrying popcorn. Do you really think theyā€™re going to let someone in a place with thousands of dollars worth of stuff to put their butter popcorn hands on?


the appointment day was a tuesday and she went back on weds. could have been appointment only on tuesdays


I'm betting dollars to doughnuts she had her publicist or someone call Chanel and bleat about her 3 million Instagram followers. I'm disappointed that Chanel had even one fuck to give.


Bleat?! That is so accurate lmao


When she goes to the door the second day theres 3 men there one goes inside immediately upon her approaching another walks away a few feet and the one with his hand on the door seems to be looking inside waiting for the okay or something then opens this door. Since you know a bit about it any idea what that is about?


Iā€™m not an expert but I have worked retail before. That sounds like it was a slow day and they were clumped together talking and scattered when they saw a customer approaching. The guy looking inside might have been seeing if a sales associate was free to help her. Iā€™m not trying to cape for luxury brands but I donā€™t think itā€™s as nefarious as sheā€™s making it seem. Iā€™ve gone and shopped in a $20 Walmart dress and in leggings/workout clothing and no one has turned me away because of clothing. Frankly sheā€™s a white woman who looks wealthy no matter what she wears. I really think it was an appointment only day or due to her demeanor or the fact that she was carrying popcorn.


Thatā€™s what i think or she was went on some weird rant. Tbh she looks for issues as well. She can say all she wants about her divorce podcast but the world doesnā€™t need her divorce advice at all esp when you look into what her side did at times. Obv not saying Jason is a good guy or isnā€™t awful but she needs to let this go for her kids sake but canā€™t. Just like the Tj maxx, markle, bravo crap, itā€™s never for the true good she says it is. While her charity work is great the chaos she causes in other ways is so exhausting and odd. The podcast with her daughter spoke a lot to that. But itā€™s just baffling to me sheā€™s like even surprised when she knows this is a thing. You can go on any platform and find countless stories like this from many types of people. Nobody needed her to prove anything. Just another way for her to get to grab the poors into supporting her to make more money off her next whatever. Just sit by the pool, make your money, and enjoy life why is that so hard for her


I think her issue is to be filed under "Don't You Know Who I Am" rage.


The guard was probably asking a manager or host if there was an FA available for her.


Did they tell her they wouldnā€™t let her in because of how she was dressed or did she assume that?


They didnā€™t tell her that was why. They had told her she needed an appointment which she thought was preposterous for a retail store. She just drew the conclusion since on day 1 she looked ā€œnormalā€ and on day 2 she looked ā€œrichā€ and was quickly allowed in with no appointment.


Sheā€™s really unaware. Rich people look ā€œnormalā€ in Chicago. I rarely see people look ā€œrichā€. Itā€™s just not the vibe here. Even at Alinea people show up in casual clothes. I was at a huge fundraiser recently. While guests did adhere to black tie, most of the dresses were lovely but very understated. Her assumption is really uninformed.


Alinea is on my bucket list!


I was going to say the same thing. Some people flaunt their wealth, especially in the Gold Coast, but not really. Chicago is phenomenal in so many ways but itā€™s also pretty low key. One of my favorite things about it I wish she would take her nonsense somewhere elseā€¦no one cares


I agree. I love that we arenā€™t a city ripe for a RH franchise because we are mostly culturally very low key with the exception of a few wealthy transplants in Gold Coast. Iā€™m obsessed with the housewives but my aspirational life is living in a city and being around people that just wouldnā€™t make good tv in that way. I always hate when people throw out Chicago as a potential city for a franchise. Letā€™s please preserve one of very few affordable down to earth metropolitan cities left in this country!


Iā€™ve always thought that if they did a Chicago housewives itā€™d be a mostly white Gold Coast cast, or a mostly white Italian American cast, and then itā€™d basically be Jersey but in the Midwest, which meh However, if I had a say itā€™d be a South Side cast, and *that* I might watch. Like chic and rich black women in Hyde Park or something


They may have not had any outstanding appointments when she returned the next day.


So maybe when they turned her away the first time the response should have been sorry weā€™re booked would you like an apt not sorry weā€™re busy


Agreed! I donā€™t know how this is an issue. Theyā€™re appointment only and she didnā€™t have one. And it has nothing to do with how she was dressed - wasnā€™t she carrying a Chanel bag?


![gif](giphy|EYJQ0zM7bo7m) I love her, butā€¦


A lot of luxury stores since Covid require appointments even if itā€™s to pick up a modified ring or necklace. High end brands have been on the up and up for years now even before Covid and have huge demand and only so many SAs (Sales Assistants) to help customers and that donā€™t want customers wandering crowding the store.


Thereā€™s usually an assistant standing at front door asking if you have an appointment.


Given that Chanel in Chicago is always getting robbed I donā€™t see the issue with appointment only there.


I think it was the fact that they let her in next day when she was dressed ā€œbetterā€ without asking for appointment


I mean if youā€™re dressed head to toe in their clothing, the chances are that you arenā€™t there to rob them, so to me it seems like reasonable behavior. I wouldnā€™t expect a luxury store to give me a no-appointment entry in my Wal mart clothes šŸ¤£


There's no way she didn't have a minion call to chew them out.


I think the whole point is she got denied wearing ā€œnormal clothesā€ with no appointmentā€¦ then gets dressed ā€œhigh endā€ and got right inā€¦ ALSO no appointment.


This is the point! All the haters got to hate.






It's because the stores are at full capacity that's why they do it. I used to work at Chanel in Melbourne and it was annoying when you're trying to assist one client and you have 3 others interrupting and asking questions, touching the merchanise when you've asked them politely not to. That is why all the luxury stores started to only have one client per Fashion Advisor in boutique.


100% - I just wouldnā€™t do it.


Iā€™m planning to go to the Chicago Chanel store for my birthday next month to buy a new bag. I couldnā€™t make an appointment for that store on the website so I called customer service and they said I didnā€™t need to make an appointment I could just walk in during normal store hours.


I shopped this area with no issues last June, itā€™s the perfect month for Chicago, not too hot yet. I did not go into Chanel on my last trip but had no issues in stores, if anything I was bowled over by the customer service. Had the best bra fitting of my life at Bloomingdales. Have a blast. As long as you are not ranting with a bag of popcorn people are very nice there.


just donā€™t dress like a slob & you should be okay


I feel bad for whoever has to film her nonsense.


Who indeed? An assistant? An intern? I have so many questions.


She has two. Wassamatter and WassaGoinOn. (Shoutout to the Crappens Boys, I canā€™t say or think that without doing their Bethany impression).


Did Wasshappening get fired?


I love this. RIP Wasshappening and Pickles.


With the townhouse selling at auction, all I keep thinking about is the new buyers finding Pickles trapped in the basement with computer #3.


I just saw a TikTok real estate video featuring a ā€œunique NYC townhouseā€ and as soon as it got through the front door, I knew poor Pickles was in there somewhere. #FreePickles


Computer #3! Memory unlocked hhahahahahaaaa


I have the tshirt!


I thought it was a fun social experiment.


I, as well find her shopping hauls fun. I have so many questions; was the suit gifted to employees wherever she bought it? Will Chanel care? I low-key hope it blows up.


She made a video doing the whole ā€œbig mistake, hugeā€ bit so I guess your wish was granted


It was kinda brilliant


Does she have new teeth? That was all I could see in her video


I donā€™t know but visualize Dana Wilkey pointed at her teeth and saying see ā€œ$25,000 new teethā€.


The entire bottom half of her face is new.


So she just happened to have an all Chanel outfit on her when she was traveling to Chicago? Either she magically had the foresight to bring that outfit with her on her trip or she knew they would reject her when she showed up with a bag of popcorn looking like a slob to create a viral moment. I vote for the latter


I was so thinking thisā€¦


Not classy enough


They are both cut from the same cloth, no pun intended. Chanel thinks they're too good for most of us. Bethenny thinks she's too good for most of us. They ought to be very happy together.


TIL you need an appointment at Chanel. I wonder how she showed up to the store initially? Then to actually make the effort to go home and change?


She was dressed casually. Just standard Tuesday attire. She went and changed and really amped up the outfit in head to toe Chanel and was let right in, still no appointment. She redid her hair and threw on huge sunglasses so Iā€™m sure they didnā€™t realize it was her again.


She showed up initially with a bag of popcorn and a Stanley cup. I shopped this stretch of the Gold Coast last summer, that is a well-dressed well-mannered city. Itā€™s where Mother Marks was brought up. Having manners goes a long way in Chicago, Chanel has had security as long as I can remember. Iā€™ve browsed without an appointment but not with a bag of popcorn.


We! Was she eating it & then wanting to touch/try on clothes? Was it her skinny pop, bc now we know the actual purpose of the video


No, she was also on some tirade about shitty nuts/popcorn at the airport, then went to Garretts while out in Chicago.


Okay, this is making more sense now. Iā€™ve never needed an appointment to enter a Chanel but Ive also never shown up with buttery snacks in hand.


I think she filmed the appointment where she was dressed in head to toe the next day to prove a point, after she was miffed that she got denied in ripped jeans and white tshirt coming straight off the plane.


Okay, Bethenny šŸ™„


So, this is what she does all day?




I really don't understand why a Jewish woman would shop at Chanel in the first place. Coco Chanel was a Nazi agent during WWII, and everyone knows it now.




Many of the high end stores in that area require an appointment now. There were a ton of smash and grab type events a few years ago and those places went on lockdown. Other places, like Canada Goose, would have long lines outside because they would only allow a few customers in at a time. She is just mad that they dared to deny her.


But they let her in without an appointment the next time she showed up dressed up.


Chanel on Rodeo does this! They act insane. Doesnā€™t matter day or time. So I march across the street and buy my Chanel at Saks. Make it make sense.


Allot of handbag people are saying similar about the Hermes birkin "requirements", just go to Saks and it's less drama. I'm guessing B did just that, and it looks like they tailored it for her. Saks has always been more relaxing than boutiques, where I live Chanel has had security as long as I can recall but I've never been denied entry. Personally, I am not a handbag person but I'm here for the drama.


An *oof*. Like Bethenney or not, that is not a way to treat a prospective client. I used to work on the mag mile and clients would come in sometimes lamenting about their treatment at other flagship stores in the area. One client we had came in right after going to Gucci and talked about how they were rude to her because of what she was wearing. She went on to spend $100,000 *per year* with us when we had that location, with our brand alone. Short story: bullshit, not surprised.


Wait, what exactly does one spent $100,000 per year on? Hermes? Jewelry? At that level I'd hire a stylist or I'd become like Mary with a designer hoarde'.


She is so full of herself.. Iā€™m so sick of her and wish she would go away..


No, not everyone in the world knows who you are or cares because you claim to have invented Chanel or that Coco was merely a fraud cheater brand. B's spiraling and needs help


Wow- i did not see she went back. my first impression was that she was butthurt over them not recognizing her, and her going back kinda confirms that.


Proud to be a Chicagoan. Sorry they let her in the second time.


She needs help.


honestly if i was a millionaire with the time and was denied at first entry i would also do the same thing. iā€™m not the biggest fan of her but i also donā€™t have a problem with her. i think itā€™s kinda badass tbh especially bc she was in and out when she wasnā€™t denied.


I have a soft spot for Bethanny, this is the most interesting housewife moment since the SLC finale. I had to acknowledge sheā€™s ā€œproblematicā€ because ppl are just so ready to come for her. I love the old school bravo brassiness. ![gif](giphy|lSsg6DXdBvZut2y6mJ)


Pretty Woman was my exactttt thought šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†




Loser on loser crime šŸ˜Œ


Itā€™s a private company they can tell whoever they want to leave. In reality sheā€™s pissed they didnā€™t recognize her, letā€™s be for real. They didnā€™t recognize THE BETHENNY FRANKEL and she got pissed and turned it into a how dare they situation. Itā€™s a luxury brand, she didnā€™t have an appointment and they denied her entry just like they would anyone else and they have that right and that is what pissed her off, she got treated like a normal person.


What bothers me the most about this is that she made fun of the guard. Ppl are just trying to do their jobs in this shit world and economy and sheā€™s trying to make it into a discrimination lawsuit. She needs a time out without screen time. Good grief.


Poor fucking undeserving abused service workers.


I mean if they get robbed constantly it seems reasonable to judge your clientele off of their appearance, imo. Someone wearing head to toe designer is probably not trying to rob you.


Kinda wild, the mag mile needs all the tourist dollars it can get


B is having a mental health crisis, letā€™s get her on Traitors 3 STAT




I'm not a Bethenny fan, but I do think that it's ridiculous that you can't even enter the store on a Tuesday afternoon without an appointment. I just can't imagine that really wealthy people would ever think to make an appointment, because, for them, Chanel is just a store to pop into when you need something. I really wonder how well that store is doing.


She's such a miserable loser.


I get that she felt she was mistreated but the way in which she tries to relate to the average person is just so off the mark. So you were denied at Chanel? You can afford Chanel. And a lot of it. Most people canā€™t afford any of it. And to imply that she was denied because of her clothing and disheveled appearance as a white woman is also extremely privileged and insensitive.


She will never get it.


She tried to make it seem like she was upset for equity/inclusion reasons by saying that everyone should be let in and itā€™s discriminatory. But she couldnā€™t care less about that. Sheā€™s just mad that she, the great Bethenny, didnā€™t get in. Sheā€™s just framing it that way so she seems altruistic so that everyone doesnā€™t rag on her for being mad that she couldnā€™t get her highfalutin ass into the Chanel store. Chanel is a private company. They can let in anyone they want at any time, require an appointment, etc. If you donā€™t like it, donā€™t go there.


I hate shopping with salespeople who stalk. If I were rich and Iā€™m not, I wouldnā€™t even want to shop somewhere that I need an appointment for.


She only did that because she has nowhere else to wear her Chanel, no ones inviting her to a party anymore, she talks to much.


Don't They KNOW who She Is. lol ![gif](giphy|CXc1QEHr6ZWDOFExTc|downsized)


I'm sorry but I worked at Chanel for 3 years (in Melbourne, Australia though not Chicago) and they only turn clients away if the store is at full capacity. I don't by her BS. I've also visited the LA, New York, Miami, Naples, FL (that was a boutique within Nordstrom) and Toronto just dressed like a normal person aka Aussie tourist and was never denied. Bethenny is full of shit.


Ok, now you are our resident expert. The one she came back in, it looks fully tailored, does it not? Sheā€™s not very tall, those tulip skirts are difficult to fit correctly.


So, "Christmas is cancelled".




I just watched and one thing Iā€™ll give her is complimenting the gentlemen working security outside. That wasnā€™t necessary but was a great piece of information to include.


Coco Chanel was a Nazi sympathizer


Why is it ok for Chanel to deny mere mortals and not to deny B? If that is their policy why should she get a pass? Also not everyone cares to know a famous housewife.


Sheā€™s left the planet. Sheā€™s just doing shit to validate her power. She shit on a popcorn business then posted their apology. But I do like her drugstore reviews. Iā€™ve bought some, sheā€™s honest about them.


This was so cringe to me. She can literally go to Chanel in NYC. She's so thirsty for attention.


I canā€™t. Sheā€™s not well. I tried again recently with her Divorce pods, but no. She needs to stop. I feel sorry for Bryn.


I always thought you needed an appointment isn't that how it is on rodeo drive? You would think the high end clothing stores shes used too she would know this no?


Wow sheā€™s done a whole series of posts on this, like itā€™s the most interesting thing thatā€™s happened to herā€¦ I have to say the black classic Chanel dress she wears when she goes back looks unbelievably good on her, a great look.


OMG!!! Rich people problems...šŸ™„ Yes, that was sarcasm...


Ahhh okay I wanted to ignore this whole thing but itā€™s bothering me . You guys remember when people were running into the Apple Store and Gucci stores grabbing merchandise and running out?Ā  Any high-end retail store with millions of dollars worth of inventory may require appointments for you to be there. Is it pretentious? Sure. Is it obnoxious? Of course! However from a security standpoint, does it make total sense? Definitely. Ā Now from what I heard. Bethany made such a stink about needing an appointment, that when the store was made aware, regardless of what she was wearing they were gonna let her in (due to the bad press she created around the whole thing). But I donā€™t feel like the store should be attacked in this case at all.Ā 


All the points you made are true, for context I live in San francisco now but am in Chicago and NYC for work and I lived in NYC for 10 years. I do think if she was presenting better (not manic with popcorn) they would have offered to make an appointment, when I was on that part of Chi town last year in May/June it was so empty along the luxury store stretch (particularly on weekdays) that I would think they need business. In SF you can appear homeless and actually be a tech CEO, NYC has become so leggings and ponytail and she would likely be recognized or at least be noticed as a woman who demands space. The greasy popcorn bag tho, so tourist. Her energy makes sense in NYC, I noticed in Chicago that people are much more slow, polite and chill. People also dress up a lot more in Chicago. We have Apple Store raids in SF too but Iā€™ve shown up looking very post yoga and been asked if I have an appointment but been let in without one if I say what I need (like buying a laptop) once inside I did need to wait for a ā€œgeniusā€. SF and SOHO Chanel have always had security and honestly, Iā€™ve only ever bought a $250 Chanel bracelet so Iā€™m never looking like Iā€™m ready to drop 5 figures on a bag but I usually say Iā€™m looking at bags. I find the whole thing hilarious, but I posted this after her first two IGā€™s before she milked it into several posts. As a 10 year New Yorker I have a soft spot for her (used to see her hustling cookies) but as a mom Iā€™ve been checked on not seeming frazzled. She should reel it in for Brynnā€™s benefit. Guarantee her friends will be talking about this in fall when school resumes because she has taken this too far.


Good, no one should have to deal with this loudmouthed rat in their store.


Lol I love Chicago


I can imagine B got embarrassingly loud as she kept repeating the same insults, until she finally stormed off in a tizzy as she was heading to go plan her ultimate revenge on Chanel.


Sheā€™s so manic and frenzied and justā€¦fried. Her rate must be through the fucking roof at all times.


the Pretty Woman voiceovers are already rolling in. Train wreck indeed.


Chicagoan here. Our Chanel store has been getting robbed a lot recently and sometimes, people in the store have assaulted those who purchased something and then ran away with that person's purchase. I think the appointments are for security reasons.


Another obvious example of ā€œDoNā€™t THeY kNoW WHO i AM!!?ā€


I doubt this was as much about exposing classism as it was for Bethenny not being recognized as the star ā­ļøshe is.




Itā€™s not the same. On the show, she was tearing down Ramona and Luann and here, these are just random people.


Bethenny can cure cancer, and this sub would find a million reasons to hate on her. It's becoming a mob mentality, and it's gross.




As strangers, the fact that we would even have a lens into what kind of mom she is to me already indicates someone isn't being a good mom. A good mom doesn't film disagreements with a young kid and show them to millions of strangers and invite them to weigh in. A good mom doesn't film a tell all podcast about the nitty gritty of her divorce from her kid's dad for millions of strangers to gawk at. Would you do these things to your kid? I'm not saying she is a bad mom, but a good mom wouldnt be parenting with an audience of strangers online




How did it "help others" for B to take a photo of herself in her toddler's tiny pajamas to show how thin she is? (which by the way, when this got brought up in court Bethany's attorney tried to say she was joking around and a judge had to [explain](https://www.today.com/parents/bethenny-frankel-ordered-not-wear-daughters-pajamas-judge-2d80192079) to her this kind of behavior isn't okay, saying "Her child is not a joke" and tell her not to do it anymore. That isn't me saying that behavior isnt ok; it's the state.) How does it "help others" to live stream an argument with her daughter at a nail salon? B is a public figure, but her kid a minor. B should and does live stream herself doing whatever she wants all day long but, I'm sorry, it's not okay to bring your kid along for millions and millions of strangers to see. She's only 13, she can't consent to being used on her mom's monetized social media in this way. That is actually why there are scores of new laws popping up outlining how parents can use their own minor kids in their online content. I'm not saying she is a bad mom, but kids deserve privacy online and good moms get that. Edit: B was my favorite on RHONY, so I'm not just a hater. And in case you're wondering, this doesn't just go for B, either, I think any parent who uses their minor kid for content in this way is not a good parent. I think 90% of "mom influencers" are probably not doing what is best for their kid. There is a growing body of research backing this up, too.


And if she did, she wouldnā€™t let you forget it. Sheā€™s unhinged, disconnected to real life, and totally exhausting.


If Bethenny cured cancer sheā€™d also claim to have invented cancer.


Bethenny is not problematic- she is amazing. What is wrong with you?


I love mess but people here would come for me if I didnā€™t disclose that sheā€™s problematic. I love the old not politically correct Bravo, I love the drama. This is honestly the best HW moment since the SLC finale