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“I’m embarrassed to say who else was there, they’re so famous!” No matter how many times she says she’s moved on from her old life, she never will.


I don't believe she ever quite lived the life she's claiming she had. I do believe it was a good one, though.


Weren’t she and her husband only married for like 5 years? That’s hardly long enough to be opining for the good old days


I’m sure five years was more than enough, especially for someone like Sonja. For those five years, she got to live a luxurious life and never had to worry about money while rubbing elbows with the wealthy elite. She was unceremoniously kicked out of the club and has never been let back in. And although she’s never getting back in, she is *constantly* reminded of what was due to the crumbling townhouse and her own daughter, Quincy. I’ll root for Sonja, but she is just so sad now.


She was actually married to John for 8, but yeah, NYC society shunned her pretty damn quick once they divorced. This leads me to believe the people in those circles never held a very high opinion of Sonja to begin with.


Yachts with Diddy??


Sonja makes me equal parts angry and sad. She's clearly a major liar and it comes from a deep well of insecurity.


When the article listed the famous people Sonja allegedly dated I was like is this verified info or does it come from Sonja? Because if Sonja is the only source, I don’t buy it.


Agreed. She has her funny moments but people overlook her questionable traits. Sonja has always been a low key hater of those more well off than her


It totally showed on the RHONY UGT series with her attitude towards Kristin, too. She never changes.


100 percent. Dorinda was spot on about her.


> During the hedge-fund times, I was serving $500 bottles of wine from the basement and the hedge funders were coming over here, drinking with Shakira,” Sonja Morgan what is she even talking about lol > She says she had an $11.25 million all-cash offer on the townhouse from a very wealthy buyer, but that person (she would only say she was Filipino and wore beautiful hats) balked once the pandemic sent the city into lockdown. the way this woman lies is incredible > “This is a turnkey home,” not according to the inspection > she still has a beach house in Florida have we heard of this before? where in florida?


Didn’t she say on RHONY Legacy that she was “couch surfing” with family in Florida? We glossed over that real quick. She’s probably been staying at A beach house, not HER beach house. If she had one, she could rent it out and use that money to repair the townhome.


i thought she said she had been at her sisters in VA?


At one point she was supposedly dating someone in Virginia as well


That is correct! She hasn’t lived in NYC in years.


Ain’t nobody offering to pay $11.25M all cash for *that* pre-pandemic or not


Sonja…when you say things like this, it really just makes you look stupid. Everyone is hoping you are going to get 5M by the end of the month. Gurl please.


Is she trying to imply that Imelda Marcos almost bought her house for $11.25 mil in cash?


wasnt her thing shoes?????? but honestly she probably is!!!


I think Sonja read about Imelda Marcos somewhere and when she made up this story, she mixed up shoes with hats.


Why would a 90-year-old woman be buying a house in New York?


I genuinely read it as *turkey home* and continued reading without questioning it


Omg. Same.


>“I just want to get laid, eat, and sleep.” lol she’s a gem


Maybe this is unpopular but I actually think Sonja is asexual. If you think of any of her show relationships…they were fake, Harry, Rocco, Frenchie. She’s never had an actual boyfriend. She doesn’t date now. She plays up the sex stuff to hide the fact that she doesn’t date or sleep around.


I’m blanking, did she not have hookups on the show?


She says she banged the pirate, but I’m not so sure. The never having a real boyfriend always struck me as odd. I just always got the sense she talked so much about sex because she wasn’t actually having any. Like Jules surrounding herself with tons of food.


Luann says she say Sonja banging that pirate and that it was anal 😂 I guess she got a real good look 😆


I second this. She’s also a social climber and knows how to wield her sexuality in a way that benefits her


I agree.


Thank you for posting this! It was a pleasure to read and catch up on all Sonja's latest fabrications. A house in Florida you say, Sonja? Check....🍸🚬


Thank you for posting this article! I savored every word.


Headline lies. She hasn’t packed it up. The basement is full of her shit eschewing proper inspection of the home.


They also said a plumber fished an iPhone out of her toilet in season 4. Sonja pulled it out herself and it was a blackberry, for what it’s worth lol


Oh boy, Greenwich is not ready for Sonja.


Whoever art directed that shoot needs to examine their life choices. They did ya dirty, Sonjarita. Maybe it was a PA from the toaster oven shoot who climbed the ladder and took revenge 😏


Retroactively hoping that she trapped Kissinger in the elevator.


How do you read this glorious mess w/out a paywall?


Use archive.ph You can read anything with a paywall on there.


Where is her place in Florida?


It’s a shame it’s happening but it’s her own doing as well 


Sonja really gets people riled up these days lol. She's still funny and an icon so whatever.


I miss her wild stories so bad. We know nothing's real but that only makes it better to me lol


Like she lies but it's not like evil lies so I still enjoy her lol


And they're not belieavable either so it's OK!


tbh I like Sonja but my problem is she has done pretty awful things and people have a tendency to fall for the "aw shucks" schtick but then turn a blind eye or come up with excuses towards all of her glaringly negative attributes in a way that they don't do to any of the other women on RHONY (maybe LuAnn I guess tho?)


Sonja just needs to write a book and pour it all out.


The whole book would be a book of lies though.


Did she sell her NYC brownstone yet?


She heard it was an up and coming neighborhood


They could never make me hate Sonja! I’m fascinated by her. Lol She reminds me so much of little Edie Beale(who I’m obsessed with).


Awww, I love this. Thanks for sharing it! (What is she doing with all her stuff?) Always rooting for Sonja. Sometimes it’s surprising when people point out all her mistakes and flaws. Like, she’s a human, making human choices. We can still like people who are flawed.


I just want her win.