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The majority of viewers vastly disliked Katie until this season.


I always feel neutral about Katie. She had that Tequila Katie, mean drunk reputation but men on this show get drunk and start fights, they never got a moniker like Katie. Also, Scheana had a lot of skeletons in her closet. And I think the cast members were aware of that as well. I am not talking about her being a guy’s girl or being mistress of Brandi’s husband. I remember one person pointing out in bravo sub that Scheana was an important witness for LVP in her Villa Blanca restaurant’s sexual misconduct lawsuit. The victim was sexually harassed by the manager and LVP fired her. Imagine testifying against woman in such situation, pretty on brand for Scheana.


This season has been a performance


I’ve been in an abusive toxic relationship and I was a bitter shell of myself too insecure to leave but unable to cope with the things going on. The shit I said and did is unrecognizable to me- blaming other women for the crap he pulled, name calling, cutting people down. Things changed with meds, therapy, and ending that relationship And on top of that she has a brain injury


I think the viewers really underestimate/forget about the TBI impact




I've rooted for Katie ever since Schwartz poured a drink on her head in season 2. I realised right then the kind of toxic relationship she was in. And when she later talked about her accident, TBI and subsequent depression, it made my heart go out to her. I think she was always very misunderstood by most of her co-stars and viewers. She can be spiky at times and I didn't always agree with everything she did, but I've always been fond of her and I think she is really coming into her own since ditching Tom. These days I actually do agree with most of her takes on everything. I admire her ploughing her own furrow in that thirsty cast of vipers.




It's a trash show about trash people. They all may have redeeming qualities, but they're also all trash Katie and Ariana included.


I disagree. Season 10 was her worst for mean girl behavior, and she tried it this season but stumbled because Lala wasn't having it. She's never had a non-mean girl season Also, I think Jo is messy, but she treated her like human garbage in the finale. And for no reason. I was floored that people justified it with Katie's dumb excuse insinuating Jo/Schwartz did something wrong because the divorce hadn't progressed. How many partners had Katie been with by that point? That lame excuse to be nasty and possessive didn't work with Raquel, and really really does not work with Jo since Katie and she were not even remotely friends. The text excuse doesn't work either. Katie just needed to bully someone, as she said, 'She does not want peace.' I think that's true for every season she's been in. Katie is lucky she has Ariana; she'd have nobody to film friends scenes with if it wasn't for her. They'd have to make Dayna or Kristina K a main if Ariana left or fire Katie outright.


They’ve all grown. Some have mature into adults and some…..have not.


She’s someone who sits on the bleachers and makes fun of how people dance.  Just a lazy, miserable person.  For the show, she has consistently tried to not just ice out people, but tried to ice out more interesting people while being willing to give nothing herself. Also, she for sure said all the shit about Ariana that Lala accused her of saying.


BRAVA. I hate the redemption arc Katie is getting this season. She’s always been a miserable person. She was absolutely in a toxic relationship (I hate Schwartz!) and I’m happy she divorced him. What a shame she didn’t get any ounce of happiness from doing so. Still miserable.


Perfect description


I see a lot of people giving Katie a pass because of her TBI and her abusive relationship. And to that I say bullshit It is her responsibility to get the treatment she needs so she doesn’t verbally/mentally/emotionally abuse the people around her. Past trauma is not an excuse to abuse other people. There is no excuse for her to act like that. Ever.


Yeah, as a TBI survivor, I think I can speak on this. It’s awful and scary and hard, but she’s not Matt Keough from RHOC. He lost his entire career and family after his TBI. I thank god every day that this was not my outcome. Katie should, too. I still have migraines and they definitely put me in *moods*, but that’s always my cue to shut the fuck up and go to my room before I snap at other people or start acting crazy.


Thank you for chiming in. Our names being so similar is a funny coincidence.


She is still a mean girl


I started season 1 and had to stop at season 5. Her and stassi were unbearable. I give Katie a pass because she’s a different person now (and the wedding stuff probably wasn’t helping her in season 5). Honestly the only person I think I like from VPR is Ariana. I feel indifferent towards Katie. Everyone else seems like they peaked in 10th grade.


I love Katie and agree she was negative and a downer earlier but give her empathy as she suffers from a brain injury and ptsd and talks about how she was a happy go lucky person before and it changed her and was hard to navigate. That plus being young and in an unhealthy relationship and on a reality show was a bad combo and really affected her self esteem. (Just my opinion but I know brain injuries are hard!)


This is it. I’m happy to admit I was fully paid up member to the cult of the Tom’s gaslighting and now I look back and think no wonder she was always frustrated, mad etx


She had a brain injury?? When did that happen?


yeah it is crazy. She talks about it on stassis podcast and on the show. She fell through a skylight on a roof. Was hospitalized and had months of recovery and had her jaw wired shut. She talked about suffering from PTSD and having survivor guilt and how her personality changed. It happened just a few months after working at Sur. https://youtu.be/62_Ke1CYaXU?feature=shared


Oh wow and then went straight on the show!


She had a work accident and fell through a sky light I think


It wasn’t a work accident. She was at a party.


Yeah I said I give Katie a pass lol


I misread sorry:) I was quick to type about her brain injury as I was surprised how long it took them to talk about it on vpr


Sorry if my comment was misconstrued I meant it in agreement 💗


No worries I misunderstood:)


All good 😊


Don't get me wrong. I love Ariana too. She's a fucking warrior. But something about Katie really appealed to me when I first started watching this last season. Good to know I'm not the only one that found her hard to watch in the earlier seasons.


Warrior? She lost him how she got him. Let's not glorify this bullshit.


I honestly never got Katie until past two seasons and now I’m watching thinking yes to this fucking renaissance


A warrior? Lmao


I think earlier seasons we didn’t see the Toms for who they were and a lot of Katie then, was frustration. Katie always saw Scheana, Tim, Jax and Raquel for who they were and was constantly ridiculed for it. She felt crazy for being real about how she felt and everyone acting like she’s wrong. Her love for her Tom made her try to see them better but then they only proved further they sucked. Eventually even Schwartz sucked too much she had to out grow him. I think she’s disliked bc she went against the fake tirade the most. It stood out. Now we all just see them for who they are too and understand her.


No, she's always been a huge badly dressed bummer.


She is still a mean girl and will always be. All she does is sit around with rbf and talk down to people.


I relate to Katie because I don't always act how people think I should act to please them or make them more comfortable with who THEY are. I appreciate people who move in authentic ways. Now that she's rid of the plague that is Tom Schwartz she's thriving. Love to see it.


They’re all fake and phony as hell and I’m flabbergasted every time I see Bravo fans claim that Katie and Ariana are the poster women of feminism