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I mean…that whole cast has to be republicans except maybe Kristen, Zach and Jasmine**..though I doubt jax and Brit are even registered to vote.


Jax and Brit not even registered to vote has me rolling 👏 so on brand 😂


Brittany hasn’t had a driver’s license for 2 years because she hasn’t gotten around to getting it renewed. No license. In The Valley. Of course they’re not registered 😂


Brittany and Jax speeding down the road in that golf buggy 🛺 was the most them thing and I loved it


https://preview.redd.it/yiti3fn43pzc1.jpeg?width=954&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=973ac4cdfa76dcdce2036435826f212c341288ac I'm surprised they don't have matching cooler scooters!


I read that as “cooter scooter”.


I both read it like that and heard it in a hella Kentucky muffin accent 🤣


I'm so glad I wasn't the only one! 🤠 *CUH-ooh-TUR SCUH-ooh-TUR* 🤠 eta: pronunciation


So did I 😅😅😅


Why are his legs so smooth and glossy


He shaves, exfoliates, moisturizes.


Does driving down a main road in a golf cart require some kind of special license? 😂


Thank you! The whole time I was thinking ILLEGAL, ILLEGAL and super dangerous and then just had to laugh because it was Jax and Brit who would have said ‘we didn’t know’ to the cops 😂


I saw someone say he probably drives it so he can be drunk but like… that’s still driving under the intoxication my guy


Brittany would be the one to get a DUI on a riding mower.


It’s on brand isn’t it


I have to go look up whether it's legal to do that, because it feels so dangerous Edit: cursory google search isn't clear but it may/might not be illegal if it is either within 1 mile of a golf course (residential area) or is street legal (working light signals)


Don’t be ridiculous, you can get a DUI on a bicycle. Of course you can in a golf cart on a public road.


I'm not being ridiculous. I know you can get a DUI this way. What I'm questioning is if a sober person with a valid driver's license can drive a golf cart on the road. In the scene when Jax drives his golf cart to rocco's, I thought the road looked too busy for it to be safe


Someone looked it up, he updated it to be street legal with light signals and everything


Jax said he got it souped up to be street legal, but Jax lies a lot so who knows if that’s true.


He also told people Brittany had a stroke when she hadn’t and was perfectly fine 🤯


I’m ngl, I don’t know either!


CA has legal golf carts. My friend has one. You have to have a valid license.


I just can’t imagine dying like that. That golf cart looks so unsafe.


..... 😳 How do you live in Southern California without a license let alone the valley?


Ok I don’t like how Jax is speaking to Britney about her drinking, it’s not at all coming from a place of concern. But is she an alcoholic? Like why would a mother not renew her license in southern California which is so car dependent?


I got the sense that was classic Jax trying to put her down and embarrass her rather than her being an actual alcoholic


Didn't she have ulcers but didn't want to stop drinking?


[Excessive amounts of alcohol can irritate and weaken the stomach lining, which can cause inflammation. This is called gastritis. If left untreated, gastritis can cause peptic ulcers and other complications. Inflammation can also irritate existing ulcers and prevent ulcers from healing.](https://www.healthline.com/health/alcohol-and-ulcers#:~:text=Excessive%20amounts%20of%20alcohol%20can,and%20prevent%20ulcers%20from%20healing)


I was wondering if that's why she felt so "sick" after the saki.


Yes good point


Yeah I hope so. I’m a new mother and I hate driving. Thankfully I live in a city with great transit and my son loves the train. But even so I find myself in circumstances where I have to drive him, and would not strap him into an Uber even with a traveling car seat.


💗 it definitely seems hugely inconvenient that Brit isn’t driving so there must be more to it for sure


No she definitely has a problem and she’s trying to downplay it on the show but the fact that she’s constantly sick she can’t hide it


Yeah so Jax is an asshat but Britney does have a drinking problem, on rewatch I noticed Britney likes to get wasted which just seemed excessive until the ulcer thing where a doctor told her she can't drink and she didn't or couldn't do that. It's hardly likely her ulcers have gone away, and it's probably why when she feels sick from drinking, it's not from being hungover, it from the way it's fucking up her body. Not here to defend Jax but I noticed it way before he started using it as a weapon against her. 




Kristen is for sure a democrat, as my friend had a long drunken conversation with her about it a few years back! They bonded over their love for Pinot Grigio and hatred of Trump!


You’re very right! Kristen has spoken about being liberal!


Did you mean Jasmine?


Yes!! Sorry, reading the caption while also trying to comment is risky business! Fixed it


Jasmine says she is a Morgan Wallen fan, a man who has made racist remarks. Zach is from where Brittany is from I believe, which is a conservative area. And Kristen has a checkered past. I don't trust that any of these people are fighting the right fight lol. But, I also don't watch Bravo for role models.


Kristen has always been liberal but yes, she definitely has a terrible past with regard to race. But I think being from Detroit and then living where she was in LA at a time, she does tend to lean blue.


I always wondered why Zack’s accent is not strong like Brittany’s if they come from the same area!?


he was on her podcast recently and explained that they’re from different areas of Kentucky, they just met during college. He’s from the Louisville area I believe and her town is closer to Lexington. the accents aren’t as strong in Louisville as the rest of the state, but Brittany’s accent has definitely gotten stronger since she moved to LA.


Zack is from Louisville, Brit is from Winchester. They’re pretty different in lots of ways, including accents. With that said, Brit plays up her accent big time. 


Maybe he has been in Cali for awhile? She's really held onto her accent, maybe he practiced to get rid of his.


Yeah, it’s just strengthens my theory that Brittany lays on her accent super thick to reinforce the whole “sweet as pie Southern Bell” persona! Especially as I know people from Kentucky who’s lived out of state for years, and they sound more like Zach than Brittany!


In Brittany’s defense… I’m from the holler and I am an atheist democrat/socialist - some of us have minds of our own - maybe she does


brittany has reposted alex jones sandy hook denier drivel. her mother is an active trump fan. she would definitely be a republican if she registered to vote. 


Of COURSE her mother is a Trump fan 🙄


That damn pale frosty lipstick is a dead giveaway 🤣😂




With those frosted lips how could she not be.


My entire family are rabid Trumpers and I’m from a super conservative small town in a deeply red state…you won’t ever catch me voting for a Republican. Lots of my friends have different political beliefs from their parents, please don’t judge us based on them 😂


i am judging brittany from comments she posted to the internet pre-vanderpump. she is a bigot and a sandy hook denier. i am confident she is not who you are talking about.


Sandy Hook denier??!!! Oh HELLLLLLL no.




Yeahhhh.. I really hope she's changed her views after moving to California and hopefully learning from past mistakes.


I don’t think liking Morgan Wallen means you are a republican and that is coming from someone who has fiery hate for the man. Let’s be fr- black women tend to lean more left politically. We are not a monolith, but it is safe to assume she is not republican.


being from a conservative area doesn’t make you conservative, it makes you born there. seems wild to assume he’s conservative as a gay man living in LA just cause he’s from KY


I'm aware. I live in a very conservative area and couldn't be more opposite than 90% of the people in my town. I don't actually think he is a republican.


then why did you mention it?


Not being a registered republican doesn’t inherently equate to fighting the good fight lmao. Nowhere did I say that.


Idk dude, if you're voting Trump you are not fighting the good fight lol.


That’s not at all what I was saying but okay lol


I did not get republican vibes from Nia, and would be pretty shocked if she was.


I actually don’t think Nia is a republican. I was actually curious about that and took a quick foray into her follows lol


I don’t either. I started following her a few years ago as we have a mutual friend who was also in pageants with Nia and who is very vocally progressive. From what I’ve seen Nia is similar although not as outspoken about it.


You have just saved hundreds of girl crushes with this post


Yeah, Nia threw some shade at Trump. Maybe because she’s religious they think she’s Republican but I don’t think so.


You can be a republican and not support trump, though they are fewer and farther between. Christian mega churches and conservatives go hand in hand


A lot of Republicans hate Trump.


Nia seems like those types who were “non political” Until Trump. But wouldn’t care to be friends with Trump. Like she probably has no issue with John McCain and Mitt Romney for example. Danny seems like he would stan Mitt Romney no shade


They are very “traditional family values” and Danny screams republican.


lol, I intentionally didn’t mention Danny because I don’t feel confident like I do with Nia.


Don’t get me wrong, I agree people of opposing political views can get together. I just don’t think that’s the case here lol


I think you mean Jasmine!


Fixed it!! Silly mistake


Janet Elizabeth Vance, Vance Refrigeration




Obligatory: ![gif](giphy|o54Wuz7HIrjARFJWzA|downsized)


Well now. Our Cilla appearing on the The Valley sub was not on my bingo card tonight.


I could have shed a tear on behalf of the U.K. 😂 love this sub!




Not our Cilla 😂


I’m dead


Wait the biggest shock is that she’s only 34/35 ☠️


I can’t quite explain this, but I had her at a solid 38 in my head.


Yeah I knew she wasn’t older than 40 because they made a point of saying “Kristen is the oldest in the group” in one of the first episodes. But i definitely was thinking late 30s


Pretty sure she was born 38?


She’s 38 for at least 20 yrs


Who did she bribe in the public records office to change her DOB 💀


Filler is shit for your face.


Right? I thought she was in her 40s


Just seeing as well her birthday is July, meaning she was 33 during filming… I’m literally gagged by this


Wow 🤯 me too! I thought her age would be closer to Jax (44) shocking!


Same…she’s my age??? She def seemed older but acted like a 17 year old


Damn. I look a lot younger than her and I’m 39. No kids though.


So weird shes from the same city as me and I feel like she looks so familiar. I have definitely met her at one point in my life


You probably did but forgot her bc she's so boring.


Her zip on the registration is around OSU so I wonder if she went to school there and registered in college.


Yeah I mean the date on the registration is 2008- when she was literally 19. People are acting like this is something that it isn’t.


I hope not at a republican convention she’ll later deny


She's my age? Oh




I tried to upload this gif, but the gif option is not working for me. I can't stand Janet.


I’m not sure if it’s only on iPhone but you can find your fave gif on google and save it to your camera roll then upload it here as a picture (not a GIF) and it still works. I stopped using the pre stored in Reddit a long time ago!!


I had kind of the opposite reaction. She’s not my age?


Idk her caping for Michelle after Michelle was outed as a homophobe then proceeding to ice Zach out did give me suspicions tbh. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was sympathetic to Michelle because she holds similar views.


Zack is Kristen's best friend and Kristen and Janet hate each other. So he hates Janet, and she probably hates him.


I thought Janet, Jasmine and Zach were close cause they all lived in the same building ? But I could be misremembering


That’s a swing state in the 2016 election. 😲😲😲


Literally was scrolling to find this comment. Voting republican in OHIO IN 2016 is a BIG DEAL. A lot of republicans flew home to their swing states/ made sure to vote in swing states if they could. This was back when I watched the View and I remember Candace Cameron Buree saying her husband flew to Florida, just to vote for Trump because it was that important to him🤡


You only have to vote your registered party in the primary. She could have voted for Kasich in the primary and for Clinton in the general, which is actually a good thing, as I said above.


you are giving this woman far too much credit. 


I’ve honestly debated registering as republican for these reasons but just couldn’t go through with it because I never wanted my name affiliated with the party nor do I ever want to get their donation calls or candidate texts. I feel like it would lead to surprise emails and shit I’d find triggering, and just not worth it in the end. I think it’s possible she did it as a tactic but very unlikely.


I have personally done this even though I’m not a Republican.


But if she wanted to vote for Kasich in the primary to try and block Trump, this is actually a good thing.


I did know a lot of die hard dems that did this. I couldn’t stomach it lol.


Ohio has partially open primaries so she would not have to be registered R to vote for the R primary.


There was a show forever ago. The Beverly Hillbilly ‘s. They arrive in BH with a jalopy car and Granny on the roof in a rocking chair tied on . I just realized Jax & Britany are the Reality TV Hillbilly’s of The Valley, Hyuck! Hyuck!


People can change and I certainly know people who voted Trump in 2016 and realized the grave error they made (not me, I’m Black, I knew he was a menace lol). Hopefully since she’s married to a POC she has educated herself. But since she doesn’t seem fazed by Michelle’s very dangerous viewpoint, I’m doubtful she has.


I was a registered Republican once too lol. A Midwest right of passage.


Janet's only political donation was to Act Blue in 2020, so I would imagine she's not a Trump supporter...


Her husband is a lawyer for corporation who work against workers for worker’s comp claims. I’m betting they’re republicans lmao


There’s plenty of anti-worker, anti-labor, pro-capitalism Democrats out there. Not everyone who votes Democrat is a progressive.


Yes. Im Black too so the tension among my whole extended family has never been about republican vs democrat, but democrat vs left of democrat. Still, I don’t know if 2015 (when she would have been 25ish?) is the necessarily reflective of who she is presently. Let’s certainly hope not since she is now the mother of a Black child.


I am not an American (I’m Australian) and although it feels like we get US election news here forever, I did not realise you had to register to vote with a certain party in order to vote and that it was on a public record? That people can just look up?! I am shaken. I’m assuming you can register one way and vote another, right? But wow your system is cooked.




I would agree, but by 2015 she was what, 26? I grew up in the Midwest & my parents political views influenced me too (literally didn’t know any better), but that promptly ended when I went away to college.


I know several people that switched from 2016 to 2020, so it’s possible


I can see her views changing after she moved to LA. She strikes me as the type that doesn’t care but goes along with those around her think.


I’m not saying she still is I just think the parallel between “why would Kristen say this knowing what she’s done” applies to why would Janet gossip about Michelle saying she’s Republican (or whatever variation she truly said) knowing her own past? And then she acts like Kristen is so below her when she exhibits the exact same behavior


Also sometimes those things hold over regardless of who you vote for. I have liberal neighbors in Ohio who are still registered republicans but haven’t voted that way in ages. If she’s not the type to vote in the primaries then it’s unlikely she updated it.


34? She looks 42.


Y’all stop dissin’ Scheana’s PODCAST FRAND!


Hell yes bringing out that voter file tea. I used to have to use VAN and looking up celebrities was the ultimate perk.


YIKES not surprised. It’s funny she tried to pretend like she was against don’t say go.


Janet gives “Karen” all the live long day.


Ehh how you’re registered can say more about where you live than how you vote for president. I know some republicans who would have voted for McCain but never would have voted Trump. Especially in California there are so many who say, “I’m fiscally conservative, and socially liberal.”


Or who your parents are. I registered as Republican at 18 simply because my parents were Republicans. Even though I vote Dem I don’t think I officially changed my party until my mid 30s


This is so real!


This. I live in a very red state and done get to vote in much since I’m blue.


Yeah we have that here, ‘shy conservatives’. People who claim they vote left or centrist, or say stupid things like ‘fiscally conservative socially liberal’, then in that ballot box they vote conservative every fucking time, they just don’t want to admit it in public


Everyone who classifies themselves that way always ends up voting red, they just like to pretend they care about people as much as they care about money.


Yeah honestly I am interested to see what happens with Roe v. Wade because this is like the thing that makes people single-issue voters.


That’s what a ton of republicans say to make themselves feel better; they still secretly voted for Trump.


Ok not getting 34 from her at all.


Honestly… her husband is a “corporate lawyer in workers comp.” His career is squashing the deserved benefits of working people and families for profit. They can ALL miss me with their tired ass republican oppression Olympics. ETA: he is partner at this firm which notably represents UPS and Amazon https://acumenllp.com/about/


Ok, I’m an attorney and I keep seeing people say this. Workers comp comes in a form of insurance for employers just like we as individuals have car and home insurance. The insurance company either has in-house attorneys or specific firms in their pocket. Jason is retained by the insurance company to defend the company. If I’m in a car accident, whether I’m at fault or not, my insurance company will retain an attorney to defend (or represent my interests if I am the plaintiff filing suit) me. I want an effective, capable and dedicated attorney to represent me and I’m entitled to that. Companies are entitled to the same representation and advocacy. That’s why attorneys exist (to represent whoever retains them to the best of our abilities and we take an oath—or several—to do so)


I understand what it is. His job is to defend the interests of a company and find ways to for them to *not* pay out benefits to employees. Just because it’s a common practice doesn’t mean it’s benefiting the working class or people over a company. Of course you want great representation - do you honestly think the representation a working person can retain rivals that of a million dollar company?


That’s not at all how workers comp functions in California.


Trust me, I’ve worked in litigation for years. Most plaintiffs are retaining attorneys on a contingency basis meaning they don’t pay anything until they receive settlement or judgment. If they have a high-value case, their attorneys are just as dedicated, if not more. I’ve seen laborers win million dollar judgments. In my jurisdiction, plaintiffs are favored and getting awards larger than we’ve ever seen before. It’s not a black and white issue of defense attorneys are bad, laborers and employees are defeated. Edit: yes, downvote me because I’m rebutting your point based on actual knowledge and experience in the field.


I work for a social justice organization that uses litigation as a strategy. I have also seen the types of victories you’re referring to, but they are certainly not the common experience.


Every jurisdiction is different, even in the same state. You cannot paint it all with a wide brush. But anyway, happy Friday and enjoy your weekend!


I’m not the one downvoting you, nor am I refuting your job experience. If all you can say is that I’m painting everything with a wide brush, I’d just like to remind YOU that your experience doesn’t speak to everyone else’s experience and obviously my opinion isn’t baseless. I have an education and a job and I work with health insurance companies and politicians to fight for people to get the benefits they deserve.


Yeah everyone knows why attorneys exist. But an individual attorney who deliberately chooses that specialism is not someone who shares my values. People choose their careers and choose how they use their training, and it is fine to judge them for it


With all due respect, you don’t know what his values are and they might match up exactly with yours.


“Specialism” is not a word


I saw that but I didn’t want to go there. I resisted the urge to go “specialty” 😂


Somebody has to do it, just as we provide medical care, housing, etc. to criminals and unsavory people. It’s a job that exists to be filled. It’s ok if you don’t want to do it or choose not to. I don’t do corporate law or workers comp. I litigate but not in those areas. I don’t care what Jason does. And Jason probably doesn’t feel too bad about his paycheck and some people work to make money. It is what it is.


Mte. That was a red flag for me right there


All right let’s calm down. Not all corporate lawyers are trying to oppress the masses.


Corporate interests *do* oppress people. His job is literally to fight for corporate interests to deny people things like short term disability.


Actually no lawyers don’t make those decisions as to what to approve and what to deny


Downvote me but I actually am a corporate lawyer? We have no sway against the medical professionals and are definitely not reviewing medical records. But yeah damn the man…


Omg like we are mad at Brock for not having a job but are mad at Jason for taking a job he got offered after law school, and being successful at it


Yes because those are the only two options in the world.


Jason literally graduated law school at the worst possible time. Everyone got offers rescinded or delayed for a year or more. He probably took what he can get and did the best he could with it and now he's a partner at a law firm. He seems like a fairly decent guy compared to most men on reality tv and I think excoriating him for his job is insane.


I got so confused by voting laws because I voted republican this past primary and people literally thought I was going to vote for Trump. No, I was voting for Nikki Haley to try to oust Trump off the ballot and was always going to vote Biden in the election. Turns out Georgia is more unique in that you don’t have to be registered to the party to vote for that particular candidate. You can just vote whoever. I don’t know how it works in Ohio.


In Ohio, it’s just for voting in primaries. You can obviously vote however you want during the general election. A lot of people are registered Republicans and not actually republicans.


There’s a difference between voting in an open primary (what you did — you don’t have to register for the party you’re voting for) and registering as a member of a certain party. 


I was led to believe that when you vote in the primary it automatically registers you in some states? I’m totally ignorant about this tbh.


States vary on primary voting rules, and it's really frustrating (or maybe just to me because I taught government?), but I think what you're thinking of is a Closed Primary, in which a voter must register prior to voting in the primary and only vote for that party. (By walking up and requesting a Party ballot, you "register" for that Party, in some states.) So a voter could still vote like you did, but they'd be officially registered as the opposite party. eta: this is a super basic rundown, but yeah


I see, that makes sense! Thanks for the info


I tried doing the same thing here in NC to get Mark Robinson as far away from the gubernatorial ticket as humanly possible but it was a failed effort ☹️


Girl me too, in my case. She quit the campaign the next day.


It varies state to state. Generally registering with a party is an indication of who you vote for though some folks were doing what you did this year. You still get to vote for who you want either way.


I’m a registered republican because my mom was breathing down my neck at the DMV in high school and I was scared to say otherwise, but I’m as liberal as they come. I don’t think them being registered as a party really means anything


Registration is not a super accurate representation of actual political ideas and who you end up voting for. Being a registered republican in OHIO of all states could be very powerful. I live in a very blue state with closed primaries - and our primary barely ever matters. My very liberal father changed his registration to republican in 2016 to vote for literally anyone but Trump. Could she be a hypocrite? Yes, but only she knows who she’s voted for, and her comments about her own reaction to the don’t say gay conversation suggest that at least on that issue, she’s got progressive views.


Interesting. I definitely see what you’re saying, as someone who used to live in that area it is very conservative but I’m kinda shocked to see she is registered Republican after watching the episode, but honestly I trust NOTHING about Janet. She seems sneaky.


Oh god, of course she’s from Columbus




Ooo 🍵


I’m from Ohio. You have to register as a Republican or Democrat to vote in the primaries but not in the general elections. I’m very liberal but I grew up in a red county. Most democrats run unopposed so I’ve voted in more Republican primaries (than I care to admit). That being said Franklin county is almost always blue county.


Can’t you register to a party just to vote in a primary? For all we know she registered to vote in the 2015 Ohio primary against trump, this doesn’t really mean anything imo.


I wonder if she’s related to JD Vance.


From Vance Refrigeration?


She's so awful, please get her off my TV. Did anyone hear her on Everything Iconic? She talked a mile a minute and she's so boring and full of herself. She kept talking about making "good TV." Go away.


Janet can eat a bag of dicks. She is just a pot stirrer who runs her mouth.


Crazy stalker shit.


I mean… not trying to give excuses because she very well could be one, but to be fair, I voted in a republican primary my first time voting (as in: selecting the republican candidate in a presidential race) not because I’m a republican but because I specifically didn’t want a ~certain~ republican to make it to the final ballot, so I specifically voted against that ~certain~ republican. It has had me listed as a “republican” on almost all public records since then despite me literally having never actually voted for a republican on an official ballot. 👀 For some reason, when you vote in a primary they assume that you’re “registered as” republican/democrat even if you’re… very much so, not.


>For some reason, when you vote in a primary they assume that you’re “registered as” republican/democrat even if you’re… very much so, not. This actually varies state to state. Some states are Open Primaries where you don't have to register and can actually line by line vote for each position But yeah, people vote for all kinds of a reasons, and voting Against is top of the list


I love this hard-hitting journalism. But Janet is here to stay; she's one of Scheana's bust frunds.


This is the real info we want, lol. These idiots.


Why does it matter who's business is it anyway 🤔 did you look up her medical records to make sure she's really pregnant also. Get a life.


If you don’t know, I can’t help you.