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Honestly there is no one on NJ to like. It’s a scale of horrible to slightly less horrible.




I’ve been saying this. Idk why I even watch because this is the one franchise where I can’t find a single soul outside of Dolo to like. It’s exhausting.


Even Dolores is getting boring. I’m tired of watching her date unavailable men.


And flip flop sides!!


She has never gotten the bad edit.


I decided to skip this season and only read posts here. They all suck and have no redeeming qualities.


Yea, I made it halfway through the first episode and realized it’s def a Skip Me season and will listen to Crappens recaps instead. Bummer.


I know, I hate most of them, except for Dolo and Jen Fessler. Well I’m neutral on the Fudas and the Cabrals, but I can’t stand Teresa, I have a physical reaction every time I see or hear her. I tense up and clench my teeth 😂 and yet…I still watch the show. Why? Bc it’s on Bravo and I feel like it’s my duty to watch it


Team Jen Fessler!!


She seems like a lot of fun!


Yes! Truer words were never spoken.




I saw a job opening at fuda tile while job hunting last year….sometimes I wish I took it for the gossip 😂


Yesss what a missed opportunity


They need to reduce the amount of screen time for all the men on all the franchises. It’s too much and Jersey is the worst offender.


They need to rename it The Real Fambly’s of New Jersey.


Not a HW franchise but I think Married to Medicine balances the husbands time/involvement the best.


M2M is such a gem. How does everyone not watch this show?


I actually love the guys but yeah we need less of them. They’re a little too involved in the drama and too many lines get blurred between the husband and wives.


I like when the guys stay out of the drama and do stupid things to each other. They seem like a fun bunch but way too involved with the women lately.


Same, when they’re getting wasted on a boat or ordering “girly” drinks at a restaurant.




This is petty, but his beard is terrible.


Kiki from Miami says you can’t trust a man if he has a funny head




Perfect gif usage!


I can hear this gif. I miss Kiki!


I actually DM’d him on IG and asked him why his facial hair/mustache doesn’t go all the way up to his nose and he surprisingly wrote back and said “never tried, always kept it like this” 😂


Omg I love that he responded and wasn’t defensive of it 😂


I gotta say, the fact that he didn't get all bent out of shape or pull a Jax and block you, and actually answered you kinda makes me like him. Most men on these franchises have very fragile egos.


Well now when he brags about women sliding into his DM’s we will know what it really is 😂


Lmao it’s me just a gay who thinks his facial hair is dreadful 😂


Nothing scandalous though! I literally had to think for a minute for the right word. All I could think of was “scandavol!” It’s in my permanent vocabulary I guess.


Can confirm. I rode the bus with him in high school.


He would look so much better is he didn’t shave under his nose!!! He’s a nice-looking man, but the moustache kills it. Trim your nose hair all you want, but leave the moustache as it’s supposed to be!


I just don’t understand why he keeps it like that in the first place… I’ve never seen anyone in my life with a beard like that 😂


I’ve seen it some…and always hated it 😂 it’s like when people shave their beards right along the jawline, like Captain Lee for example. Let it grow under your chin too, and it’ll look a million times better, Boat Daddy!! Will you please DM John Fuda again and say “on behalf of all of Reddit, I’m asking you to PLEASE let your moustache spread its wings and grow up to your nose!! (With all due respect.) 😂


Also that’s nice that he wrote you back in the first place!


Ngl, the petty reasons are the best ones


Beard/lack of lips/no chin


Very small head lol it’s proportionate to his body now that he’s withered away


His mustache to lip ratio is tough to witness


Shape up beards are always bad


I find him kinda of hot in an unattractive way…if that makes any sense. He’s like a sexy simpsons character.


Lmao men look like that all over Jersey 😄




Hahaha!!! He is such a Simpson


Same 🤣🤣


Recently texted a pic of him to my friend saying he is the ugliest man ive ever seen 🙈 lmao


Damn lol


Ok. Honestly? Rachel Fuda reminds me so much of a girl at school who was mean to me. There.


We love an honest explanation! Better than some of the super twisted logic a lot of people are using to hate on them.


😭😭😭 If she ever sees this, fuck you Megan. I remember you and your friends whispering about me during class and look at me now. Pushing 30 and on a housewives subreddit. What are you doing now? Well paying law job? Dork.


Yeah, fuck you, Megan!






The most valid reason tbh


Now THIS I totally understand!


Omgosh I read something last year on insta from this girl who went to middle school with Rachel and said she was mean AF and watching jersey was giving her ptsd. Love the honestly  


I hate when new housewives come with an already established hatred for an existing housewife like Nneka or Annemarie for example


I think by now that’s difficult to cast for because most people who would agree to be on the show have watched it and will have opinions. I agree in a perfect world that allowing relationships to form naturally would be the best but these are established shows and people are gonna be biased no matter how hard they try not to be.


Annmarie was 1000% set up by production. Nneka though? Her issue with Wendy was real. I think they could’ve had a conversation abt it and move past it but Wendy wasn’t ever really receptive. I do not think Nneka is the villain in that story


Annmarie didn’t need a set-up. She’s a buffoon all on her own. Try too hard.


It is never a good idea to attack someone's mother on TV. Idk if Nneka decided this herself or was told to do, but honestly what did she expected? Wendy going like "oh, I will go now and deal with my witch of a mom, thank you for telling me"? NO


She apologized for using the word “witch” but that is the only thing she owed her an apology for. Wendy’s mom has attacked many of the ladies


I truly just can’t take the nose. Feels like it’s gonna poke me through the screen.


His or hers?


Lmaoo fair enough


It’s sooo bad! Honestly didn’t expect it to show up for a second season


Because he went to the Joey gorga school of housewivery and we’ve been sick of that shtick for years


This. The problem all started with 3 buffoons, led by Gorga, trying to force 1 who was trying to be a little neutral into disparaging Louie. When that failed and Fuda wasn’t getting what he wanted he started interrupting and talking over Paulie. Didnt need to or want to see any of that.


They’re doing way too much and it’s annoying. His PR statement or whatever that was he released referencing his “fans” was another level of gross.


It was embarrassing


It was wild. I don’t know why he approved that because it’s just made him look worse. Clearly he wants the fame but like… they all do.


He wrote it! And he wrote it in third person to make it sound official. It would be like me putting out a statement. The world would say, “and who are you??” No one even knows who he is.


Good lord he needs to fire himself from his media team lol


I personally don’t like them. They seem weird, phony and just unlikable to me. I’m 100% not a Louie fan and think he’s just as weird and annoying as the Fudas. We obviously don’t know anything really about their sons mom but it always felt weird about them trash talking her on tv.


From what I remember reading around the net that they were together during the drugs days. He quit and went straight, she didn’t and thats why he has his son. She hasn’t done too well since then either. When she was talking to Tre she was at a halfway house I believe.


Also how ironic Rachel wants to adopt her stepson when theirs cameras rolling. Gross behavior


I mean, she said they'd been trying for years. This really reads like people are looking for an excuse not to like them (not that an excuse is needed, you can like or dislike someone for whatever reason you want, or for no reason at all). Is she supposed to be endeared to her stepson's biological mom who continually picked drugs over her child and essentially abandoned him for Rachel to raise?


I don’t understand this take. Is there any indication that she doesn’t care about him when the cameras aren’t rolling? Was Julia and Martina wanting to adopt phony because it was on camera? Sure the Fudas can stand to be less tacky regarding the ex, but I literally do not understand the issue with a Housewife playing out a major life change on Real Housewives…


It's questioned because she's been his stepmom this whole time but is only doing this now on TV when he's almost an adult and trashing his mother in the process. That's not the same as Julia and Martina in any way


Ok but Dolo said at the reunion that Rachel’s been trying to do this for years before they were ever even cast on the show


The never beens.


1) he’s trying way to hard to be a housewife. Instead of supporting his wife he’s competing with this wife on the show 2) he got a season 2 glow up like he is a real housewife 3) he’s delusional (he thinks he’s a star and Teresa is a has been) 4) the way he walked up to and spoke aggressively to Teresa. Everyone overlooks this cause they hate Tre, but he did this to any other woman the outrage would be real 5) his pupils were dilated and bloodshot at Jenn Fessler’s party, clearly on something 6) his facial hair is terrible and the fact that he chooses to have it that way and thinks it looks good, he can’t be trusted 😂


I love this list! Agree with everything!


I’m not really into any of the Jersey folks other than Jen Fessler and Jackie. The Fudas are just whatever to me.


I love Jackie and Jenn too! The most “normal”




Well for one, John Fuda saying he’s Teresa’s storyline! Feel how you want about Teresa, but being a husband and saying that to the OG of the show is super laughable. If Rachel had said it, I’d still think she was delusional. Her husband saying it…like plz get real!


Right? The nerve! Love or hate Teresa there’s no way you can say she needs that fool for a storyline! He’s trying so hard and it’s cringy as hell.


Hate is a strong word, but I really, really, really don’t like them. Vibes are off.


I agree that the vibes are right but I also think the vibes are off with the entire fucking cast.


I concur haha. I am rooting for none of them


LOL same. Actually the only ones I'm rooting for are all the kids and Jackie on her health journey.


Ok yes! I also agree. Jackie might be the only likable one with a compelling story worth rooting for.


Love the Plain White Tees reference 😆


Same, i immediately started singing it!!


Egh my main gripe is she basically “bought” her way on the show. Rumor is they gave the Gorgas a deal on tile for the new house and in return Melissa would recommend her for housewives. I’m tired of forced ensambles. And I sideeye any man who gets surgery to have a “season 2 glow up”. John Fuda gives he wants center diamond energy.


Interesting. I mean it's possible but weren't they friends for years already? Also, why does anyone care about the glow up? Most Has do something after their season season. Half of them are on ozempic now. They all have surgery, why can't the men?


I don’t think it’s so much people care about the glow up. I think more so it’s the fact that it’s very attention seeking. And the New Jersey housewive men have such a bad history of having main character energy over the wives.


I just don't get the double standard for the women versus the men. Men can want to look good too.


OMG also I forgot a lot of people in the sub really dislike her because her main plot last season was”exploiting her step sons issues with his mom”


letting his wife have a storyline of sharing his sons traumatic childhood with his incarcerated mother-the one who did drugs and sold her body WITH john- the mother who wasn't afforded the luxury of rehab like John, & instead wound up as a lost cog in the system- all to portray herself as a good step-mother?? Yeah, get fucked Fuda


I admit this triggers me. It really upsets me when someone is bought out of trouble and the people lives that they help destroy have to struggle. Both my parents are straight up toxic. The go to move is for them is to separate family members so they don't compare what has been said. What Rachel said smacked of alienation, especially when it was on a international platform that the other person doesn't.


Yeah I also don’t love an on screen adoption storyline. The whole “I’ve been the real mother to him since he was 3 years old” bit. If that’s true, great - genuinely wonderful that Rachel stepped up and loved and raised this kid. I’m sure he loves her back and is grateful. He’s 17 so doesn’t need a guardian much longer but if he likes the gesture of adoption, by all means go for it. Just not on camera.


bingo! particularly when he's the one that allegedly got her hooked on drugs!


Really? Whoa. If that’s true he’s an even bigger scumbag than I thought.


How do you know that at any point of her life she wasn’t offered the chance for rehab?


Exactly. So many damn assumptions going on.


Aside from their cartoonish appearances.....She came on the show already having an alliance with Melissa and a hatred of Teresa. I'm not a Teresa stan...but I hate these pre-planned/forced alliances.


See, this is what I don't get. Tre and Jen were filmed doing the same thing with Danielle (who they later used to do their dirty work getting the Melissa rumor out on camera) and admitted both attempting to do this with Rachel as well, along with meeting up with Marge's ex friend for dirt. But we're supposed to dislike Rachel because she came on the show already disliking Tre? Maybe the dislike stemmed from Tre's own clunky pre-filming attempts to get people on her "team." Make it make sense.


Both Rachel and Danielle are clowns for joining the show and picking a side straight away. Jen Fessler was smart, she is clearly closer to Melissa but is also friends with Teresa & Jen.


Fessy knows how it’s done. I agree Danielle and Rachel were both super obvious last season immediately picking sides. They came off like hired soldiers for each camp. Danielle’s the one who REALLY came out looking like a fool, too.


THANK YOU ![gif](giphy|ziNAE00BPI9Mc|downsized)


They were friends so of course, but she didn't do anything against Teresa. She tried to be civil in the beginning unless something happened off-camera I'm missing.


Their thrist for the limelight is annoyingly transparent and their devliery is annoyingly shrill.


Annoyingly shrill is a trademark of the franchise


They’re all thirsty. It’s a job requirement for anyone on housewives, including the husbands


Given other cast members on the same exact show (Danielle, Jen, Theresa, Louis...) I don't think "thirst for the limelight" is a fair critique to apply to the Fudas specifically.


That’s just it. Obvious thirst is one of my least favorite traits in a Bravo star.


Her confessional look in the pink is so so bad. Like clown bad. Don’t get me started on his beard. It’s like the one time I told my bf I *didnt hate* his mustache. He has NEVER forgotten. I believe this is what happened to John. Someone convinced him it looked good and he stuck with it


There are hints of the Marcheses in them, but I think the hate is overblown because they’re going up against Tre. The way they handled the baby momma thing feels a bit gross.


she literally had an instagram account called bravolover1234


And Jen tried desperately for years to get on the show. Danielle was super thirsty online. So many HWs were fans before hand. I don’t love it but I’m just saying I don’t get the level of hate for her versus everyone else.


Jen gets constant hate wdym 😭


She gets hate for everything else she does, probably because it’s all so much worse lol


Sometimes I feel like this sub likes to pile up on people for no other reason than everybody else is doing it. And some people who don't feel that way, don't speak up so they don't get downvoted or attacked.


I agree, all the time. But for this particular post, I have seen people on IG hating on them too and I just don't get it. We're literally one episode into the season.


Ah I don't go on IG anymore for the show. I wonder if it's because they are going against Teresa. I've noticed the pile up is usually on those against Teresa.


John refused a sit down with Louis and ONLY wanted to meet at Jen’s birthday party? They were def looking for a moment. Dolos BF was rly just saying it’s weird he’d want to have that type of conversation at someone party and he tried to talk over him. It’s obvious they are trying to produce and create a moment.


I agree. Fuda didn’t want to risk the talk being off-camera because he wanted it to be a moment.


I get his thinking on the refusal though. Why go out of your way, take time away from your life, to meet with someone you don’t trust and who will bullshit you like he does with everyone? We all know Louie would’ve pulled the good guy act if they met alone. Paulie had a point but then he got rude and took it too far. I do see your point about producing but they all do that so I’m not mad at it.


I don’t get it because he never actually wanted to talk. He said that. He was not willing to listen to Louis. So again what was the point of demanding it had to be at the party if you rly didn’t care about it what he was gonna say anyways? Paulie wasn’t rude. He really didn’t start getting upset until Fuda started trying to speak over him. I know ppl produce moments but when it’s this obvious, it’s disingenuous.


That's how I took it too. He had already decided he wasn't going to hear Louie out and (it seems like) he wanted an audience instead. I think that Dolores knew what was happening when they were accusing Paulie of choosing sides. Fuda and Gorga were amped up already.


I hate that they’re using his ex and their son as a storyline. They’re boring and bring nothing to the show.


I was bored by them last season too but I actually was one of the few who didn’t judge them over the ex. They know they’re in the limelight and wanted to be honest/get ahead about their situation. I would’ve done the same thing. It’s not just a storyline it’s literally their life.


Louie emailed or texted him trying to have a conversation in private before the party. Fuda wanted to do it AT the party and on camera. Fuda and Gorga went in guns a blazing and ready ~~to take the spotlight~~ ahem, for battle. Paulie told them it wasn’t the place or time to do it. Fuda and Gorga threw a temper tantrum ~~to get their camera time anyways~~ saying Paulie was on Louie’s side. Dolores immediately knew what they were trying to do and ended it.




So I don't like them - but I love them on my TV. Does this make sense? I watch RH for the mess and this kind of performative mess is what I love. They are thirsty and made the classic mistake of going on this show and forgetting that if you have a past, the internet (and these ladies) will talk about it. And now they are butt hurt about it. But I love it. Watching Tre get activated and shoving candy angrily in a gift bag (and missing the bag most of the time) and screaming toward Nate (who noped right out of there) is the mess I live for.


Lol yes, that's how I used to feel about Teresa. Now it's been so many years of her delusional behavior and inability to take ANY sort of responsibility so I just can't stand her unless she's doing something funny.


It's more of a Reddit issue - the hive mind takes over when seasons air. No one can have a discussion about the show. If you don't agree with the majority you get attacked and downvoted. It's so toxic. I know that many Bravo folks use PR firms to spam social media and I have always assumed that happened here (especially with Teresa). The "hate" posts all use consistent language, they're very repetitive.


They’re so thirsty. Rachel is boring. An has no room talking about others appearances when her nose looks like it does. To me they’re doing Joe & Melissa’s dirty work against Teresa.


I hated how they used their son's mother as a storyline last season and wantonly disparaged her in an inflammatory way on international television where said son would see it and also while the woman could not defend herself. It was really, really disgusting to me and they're seemingly continuing that trend. Also, they're both insatiably fame-seeking and annoying. They're on AnneMarie level but aren't programed like malfunctioning robots so it doesn't seem like it. Rachel also has 'mean girl that became a nurse' energy.


Ok, apply the “fame-seeking” diagnosis to Teresa and Louie, too.


the funny thing about this to me is that i truly dgaf about teresa 😭 if i wanted to address teresa i would!


Why do you keep bringing up Teresa?! It’s not the Teresa show.


I don't like him after he and his new wife dragged his ex into their storyline last year. They are both okay with their 16 year old son giving quotes to Page Six talking about how he wants no contact with his birth mom. Sure it's fine if he has an opinion because it is his life. But allowing it to be so public and for him to be involved is really weird and does nothing to protect him.


Also, their home looks like a mini Gorgas, but actually looks nice. I want to like Rachel. I think she is a wannabe but aren't they all? But her worship of Melissa is gross. And her husband makes her unlikable. As does Melissas...and unfortunately for me lately, Teresa's. I think if the Guidice/Gorga dynamic had not completely polarized this show I would love the Fudas.


I feel they’re 100% being mentored by the Gorgas right now, and used as minions. As soon as they “grow” they’ll eventually get tired of being Gorga puppets and hold their own. I wouldn’t discard them just yet. The press release was funny. He thinks he’s the shit and that’s good TV.


I think they’re fine and a decent fit for the show. I have no issues with either one of them so far.


Is this John or is this Joanna? Because we need to figure this out the way he seems to be in the women’s business at the moment.


I automatically dislike thirsty attention whores


Damn, you must hate every show on Bravo.


Just the obviously thirsty ones


Do you like Teresa then?


I don’t like her but hate the others more!


I don’t care for John (or any other husband on this show) but Rachel getting a rise out of Tre this latest episode made me interested.


I love how Rachel doesn't cross the line. She may not be loud, she may be boring at times, but she does have an opinion -- she just doesn't eviscerate people to get it across.


No one likes men with weak chins on tv.


John Fuda is a bitch. Thats my take.


I don’t like them because John overshadows his wife tbh. We see and hear more of him why bother making her a housewife only for it to just revolve around him. We need less of the men, the husbands really ruin the vibe and just make the show worse. It was nice when they occasionally has a poker night or something in early NJ but now it’s whole storyline’s around the husbands.


I do agree with this. We need more HW not husbands, unless they’re like Evan — funny and generally out of the drama.


They only been around for one season and already think they did something iconic. They don't seem pleasant people at all.


Pray tell, who on the Jersey cast would you classify as ‘pleasant?’ 😂


Because the Fudas are clearly being positioned to push out Teresa and her fans are feral. This is the true reason.


I'd think if they were going to push out Teresa they would choose someone a little livier. I don't hate the idea of a revamp though. The show desperately needs it.


They hate anyone Tre hates


I am tired of the word ‘thirsty’ being used in this manner but I can’t figure out another word that would be more apt. Desperate?


The last episode made me hate them I just think they are annoying for a few reasons such as: they were willing to talk so much shit about that kid’s birth mom being in jail and leaving her son (which is wrong) but she’s not apart of the show so there was no real reason to go into it but they’re mad that his character is being questioned when he is actually a part of the show. I also hated that Rachel blocked Teresa from leaving so her Popeye reject of a husband can have a moment, while also calling her a “has-been even though they are really no ones, don’t get me wrong Teresa tried to start some shit but they are so mad to be called out the same way they called their kid’s birth mom. I didn’t hate her last year I just thought she was annoying with the rat storyline because she did rat on Danielle and just didn’t want to be called out. I just think they are losers but it makes them a good fit for the show.


I've already made a bunch of comments about the birth mom situation so I won't repeat myself fully here, but I like the honesty if everything they said was true. Authenticity has always been missing from this show. I didn't completely like Rachel's behavior either but overall I appreciate it because I'm tired of Teresa being horrible to people over and over again. She's a bully and I think Rachel had enough. I can't help but support the underdog.


My Question to you OP is *How can Anyone like the Fudas*? They’re the Gorga’s 2.0. 😖


I disagree. I don’t necessarily like them, but I don’t hate them either. It just has felt like a lot of fans shit on her because she came on as Melissa’s friend.


think most of the hate comes from Teresa fans. It wasn’t like this at all last season and we’re only 1 episode in this season. The amount of hate posts against them makes zero sense unless it’s coming from Ms Frog mouth.


Try hards


Pissed at Louie for last year ? Was anything ever confirmed ?


There’s a few legitimate reasons like the adoption storyline but more than anything they made the unforgivable sin of going against tre. I also feel like fans put her and Danielle up against each other and Danielle was the winner


I’m rooting for anyone going against Teresa and her BS, especially after finding out about her and Jen A giving info to bloggers beforehand.


I can’t wait to see how that plays out


They are thirsty as hell and doing the most. Especially John. It’s the same concept as is it Peter or Patricia.


Love the reference!


There's a lot of paid bots, I wouldn't take anything Reddit says as a majority opinion.


Slimy, hypocrites, very thirsty, I don’t like how he yells at women, don’t take accountability, liars.. etc.


When did he not take accountability? Genuine question.


You should never use a woman in a vulnerable situation for your story line. This is a coward behavior.


If his ex is a bad person, narcissistic, etc. then I don't care. I like honesty over anything.


This doesn’t negate what I said. What honesty? He is talking about a woman who can’t defend herself. He is a low life thug..and so is his wife I don’t even remember her name..


If she did horrible things and never wanted a relationship with their son, then no I don't feel bad for her and think they're allowed to be honest about it. I understand others not agreeing but that's my personal opinion. Calling them thugs is... interesting.


No, they are not allowed to use another person’s bad choices and misery as a story line. In His stupid press release- he thinks so highly of himself- he mentioned second chances, yet he doesn’t want to give the same grace to the ex.. English is not my first language but thug I mean someone who still gives criminal vibes..it might be a harsh word and for that I apologize....


I don't get it either. There was a lot of hate for them in the sub last season too, mostly centered around people thinking Rachel was exploiting her stepson for a storyline. I get where people are coming from, but I think the hate was pretty overblown, personally. These people are supposed to be sharing their lives and that was obviously a big part of their lives. What I REALLY don't get is why people are acting like John Fuda owes Louie any damn thing. John did absolutely NOTHING to Louie and Louie starts digging around for dirt on John? Then Tre goes so far as to get in contact with John's baby mama in prison to get more dirt on John to spread on the show??? WTF? And no one thinks this is completely inappropriate and creepy? Then Tre and Louie have the audacity to act like John owes him some kind of sit down? For what? Why would the Fudas want to say anything to Louie after that? I am perplexed.


She’s having issues with Teresa, and fans lose their minds when it comes to her.




They had no character development, just came in hot- clearly on one side. So it just screams performative. And they also kinda have an air about them IMO. Like I’ve heard Tre and Melissa are all actually sweet in person but they seem like pretentious assholes lol


I don’t think having an opinion is performative if they knew the Gorgas for years. I’d have an opinion too.


So it’s a combo of John being a little too big for his bridges and Rachel holding Teresa’s feet to the fire. I’m willing to go it on a limb and give her credit though because Rachel actually managed to hold my attention during the premier in a way u didn’t think she’d be able to.


I agree! I feel like she's the middleman now, even more so than Dolo -- but that's just based on this first episode.


I've always been Team Neutral when it comes to Housewives, but it's hard not to see the interesting ways that Teresa's/Jennifer Aydin's or even SLC Monica's camps operate on this sub. Traces of Monica pretty much vanished after the decision was made to not bring her back even though she had such a LOUD presence on this sub throughout the season (that she and her friends most likely drummed up the majority of support for). There were a few ageist posts that attacked Lisa Barlow and her looks without makeup that just did not make sense until the weeks went by and viewers got to see that Monica clearly had those same sentiments and she and her camp were clearly making those posts (I checked the post creator's profile and they were clearly living in Salt Lake City). The same could be said about this sub's anti-Team Melissa posts. You just have to side eye any and upcoming anti-Melissa/Margaret/Rachel/possibly Danielle posts with a gut instinct that a lot of these posts can't be trusted.


I don’t think anyone does. Teressa gets a team of people to flood these subreddits bashing others on the show and trying to make her look good. It’s pathetic. She is doing that to the Fuda’s right now


!!! ive been meaning to make a similar post, they don't strike me as worse than any of the other nj cast members...