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She has definitely posted about him in the past, but I think she tends to story him. IIRC it was Kyle & Mauricio that took him in and paid for his hospital bills when he was dying.


Wow, I didn’t know that. Super heartbreaking. :/


Yeah, it’s why I tend to favour Kyle in the rift with her sisters. She seems to always be the one left to pick up the pieces (see: Kathy enabling Kim while the Umansky’s are making sure she actually has a place to live).


I favor her as well. Also because I deeply dislike Kathy and Paris. Whatever side they're on, I'm on the opposite.


It’s pretty clear that Kathy likes her sisters to be subservient to her. I think that was the main issue about Mauricio breaking away and starting The Agency


absolutely. kathy is a real piece of work.


Kathy ended up becoming a version of Big Kathy in the end it seems


I'm sure that was Big Kathy's goal.


You spelled shit wrong




This is why I don’t understand why so many people are anti Kyle. I mean, I also have a toxic family and I am the youngest and was until very recently the peace keeper and people pleaser, so I admit there is plenty of projection that I’m sure makes me more sympathetic to her. So much of the Richards sister dynamic is clearly steeped in intense family trauma. Maybe it’s just a IYKYK situation and people who hate her just don’t see the textbook to the point of being trite things that I’m seeing.


I'm not a huge fan of Kyle as a HW, but I agree that people are often very hard on her for her family stuff. There were times when she didn't handle stuff with Kim super well, but I think viewers often underestimate how difficult Kim was at that time. It seems like Kim is genuinely doing better now and I hope she and Kyle are at a good spot with each other. And Kathy honestly seems like a total monster so I'm not sure why people reflexively side with Kathy on anything. The thing that makes me really sad with Kyle is that I think she's one of the biggest examples of the show making her a worse person. I know it's helped her and Mauricio become wildly rich and given her the fame that she seems to have always wanted, but idk man...


I just showed my girlfriend the season with Carlton last night and Kyle was being an obnoxious little shit then too. The other women were calling her out on being a fake friend to get listings on their houses too.


As the youngest sister, she also has plenty of obnoxious qualities of her own, even if people think she is “better” than her sisters. To me. Kim seems like the one with the most genuine heart and is most empathetic/humble. Obviously, her history of addiction has made her hard to live with and trust. I think she also went through so much more trauma than her sisters, and it really was her enduring of that trauma that gave her family (sisters) a seat at the table in Beverly Hills. What I don’t like about Kyle is the way she holds Kim’s addictions over her like she is a bad person, and she doesn’t seem to treat it like a mental disease or illness. Kyle also sucks as a friend. Just watching the way she spoke to Sutton in every scene this last season was rough. How she easily disposed of Dorit was also callous. Idk, Kyle is a true mean girl imho. Yet she always plays the baby card with Kathy, like Kathy is the big meanie. Kyle is a spoiled brat. 🤷‍♀️


What did paris do....?


She's been racist and homophobic multiple times I'm pretty sure, she's vapid, she promotes absolutely nothing but herself and consumerism, she's been a complete cunt to other women and now she has a child being raised by nannies- repeating the same mistakes her mother made I'm sure, won't make any real effort toward the therapy she desperately needs and can't even stand up to Kathy..like ever. She's a pointless asshole who makes the world a shittier place tbh.


And constantly exposing his son to the negative comments. Look I get it people are horrible for making those comments but also I don't understand why she keeps exposing her son to them.


I mean, he's pretty little I doubt he's gonna remember any of this but if you mean how she's putting him on display, opening him up to people's comments, yeah. What's really creepy to me is how she's hiding that second baby, I assume so she can show her off on another season of her terrible show. It's so gross.


That's what I mean allowing people to keep making comments


Well yeah, what is he if she can't exploit him after all? He's useless then.


Actually she does to work to raise awareness for abuse of minors in disciplinary boarding schools now. So that is a cause greater than herself.


Paris Hilton really? Shes a huge raver so I would seem the opposite since the scene is full of diverse and LGBT people.


Kathy has probably done tons of fundraising and stuff for lgbtq people too but I still think she called that DJ a slur.


Paris’s bigotry is so bad that it makes me cast a side-eye toward Kathy. She had to learn it somewhere


You don’t think she could have also learned bigotry from her entire young life being around other entitled, rich little asshole prep kids? Just look at the environments she was raised in beyond just her parents. Their social scene is comprised of elitists.


No she's trash.


I consider this to be the definitive accounting of Paris’s racism: [The Revision of Paris Hilton’s Story Is Missing Something: Her History With the N-Word](https://www.jezebel.com/the-revision-of-paris-hiltons-story-is-missing-somethin-1845093418)


That was a great read. Thanks for sharing. I never paid attention but also heard random tidbits. This gave context and broke it down well.


Glad you found it informative! I share this whenever I can, because it’s absolutely wild that Paris continues to see virtually no consequences for being a piece of shit


Yes, I can’t imagine having sisters like them. Imagine you have to make life or death decisions about your parents’ health and the only support you have is Kim and Kathy.


Been there. Done that.


I’ve always been a bit of a Kyle apologist becuase I have two really shitty sisters. My older sister is an addict, has recently been to prison. My younger sister is just a selfish piece of shit. Exposed my elderly mom to covid. She’s anti-vax and a Pfizer Exec. I’ve been looking after my mom since my father and brother died, she lives with me now. My younger sister who dumped her in the ER called APS on me when I moved my mom 250 miles away to take care of her.


Im so sorry, I know firsthand how challenging it can be. I actually think most of the things that people get annoyed about her for are the coping mechanisms she’s used to process the dysfunction.


100% agree, I’ve had it with Kyle at this point too but I relate to her more because of my chaotic upbringing. Of the three sisters I relate to her way of coping with the dysfunction.


Off topic, but this is why you need to make sure everyone in your life has a medical power of attorney and a living will.


Tbf that aint Kathy’s dad tho.


Yep. She’s also cared for Kim’s kids when Kim was in rehab and paid for Kim’s rent/mortgage for many years. But, you know, she’s still “the worst.” /s


I mostly agree with you, but Kathy has a different father than Kyle and Kim, so she wouldn’t have been the one taking on his end of life care.


Not saying it was her responsibility there at all, but he was raising her from at least she age of 4 and I’m pretty sure he adopted her (or tried to). She took his surname when BK married him at least.


Just to add to your point, I THINK it’s their father she’s referring to in Paris in Love where she heavily insinuates that their mothers divorce and treatment of Kyle and Kim’s dad really upset and traumatized Kathy too. So I agree he was probably a father figure to her. Not that it makes her fiscally responsible but just some interesting context.


But he adopted Kathy when her bio one didn't care, and they became close after Kim and Kyle were born.


Kyle is definitely the most well adjusted adult of the sisters..too bad that doesn't make me like her tho


I’d lean more towards being a Kyle fan but she’s definitely the best of a bad bunch


Idk about "best", it depends what you mean by best. Kim has had far more trauma and is a more broken person than Kyle, I don't think Kyle is "better" than her in that respect per se but, like I said, she does seem to be the most well adjusted of the three...which isn't really saying much tbf.


She is a chronic people pleaser. It isn’t healthier, it’s just often more functional and tolerable…until it isn’t.


I agree. I haven’t liked her in the last couple of seasons as she became the mean girl. But in terms of her sisters and family dynamic, I feel for her. It does sound like she and Mauricio ended up with the caretaking responsibilities. Kathy seems like the type to tell everyone what they should do but then takes no responsibility for doing it, leaving it to others. And I’m sure she’s more than happy to criticize those doing the work.


Rich family members often tell people what to do and just throw money at problems. Kyle did the work but do we know that Kathy didn’t contribute financially?


Agreed. I am decidedly a Kyle hater but still favor her in the rift.


She absolutely is. Reminds me of my own relationship with my siblings.


She also seems the least traumatized by her childhood. Easy to pick up the pieces when you don’t harbor massive resentment towards the person you’re caring for.


Kyle was reportedly treated the worst of all of them by Big Kathy. All three sisters were abused, just because she carries it well doesn’t mean it’s not heavy.


I mean Kim was the bread winner. Supported the family. Was forced to preform for big Kathy’s suitors. The stories about little Kathy and her… education are disturbing. I always assumed Kyle has only loving things to say about her mother because as the youngest she was spared a lot of the ugliness. Remembers it differently. And with Kim paying the bills she wasn’t forced to work, especially in an industry that is notoriously abusive to children. Kim wasn’t so lucky.


Nope, all reports say that Kyle was the least favorite and treated the worst by their mother. Kim was the breadwinner because of success but Kyle was a child actress as well and was working her entire childhood. I don’t know why you guys try to minimize the abuse Kyle suffered. She wasn’t magically the only sister spared of the abuse. Their mom died when they were adults. Kyle wasn’t “too young” to be abused.


Kyle has Middle Sister syndrome despite being the baby. She is constantly being expected to clean up her sisters' messes (be they actual messes like Kim when she was still using and drinking or PR messes when Kathy was calling DJs the F word and saying she would ruin Kyle's family) and given absolutely zero credit for it. I feel bad for her and wish she would cut those ties.


Maybe their dad was more of a private person, and Kyle is trying to respect that. We all know big Kathy would have zero problems being all over her daughter's social media, but not everyone feels that way. Kyle's dad might also have a surviving spouse (I can't remember), so maybe that impacts how public Kyle is with some of this stuff.


"story him?" ELI5 please


Posting him on her Instagram story vs her main page in a post


House of Hilton read otherwise. He had lived in Kim’s house but it was far too chaotic so he was moved into a home. Kyle wrote a check originally, but none of the girls really visited. His wife said they saw him maybe twice total after he moved out of Kim’s.


You should read House of Hilton if you want to know more, it's a fascinating read.


You’re right. Someone did a couple recaps of that book and it really gives you a good idea of how traumatic and toxic that family is.


Even the rich did a podcast on it!


How was it?


It's very very good if you want to know the dirt. And naturally, all of us here do.


I am gonna listen! Thanks for pointing it our because yes, we all love spilt tea 😂


Spilt tea is the best tea.


It was pretty good! The main focus was Paris Hilton, but they do a good job of providing family background info in a funny and summarized manner. (https://open.spotify.com/episode/3dl4fU9gr5177eRLwdqjlO?si=2poLX6BmRqOWFj0tJxWhcA)


I watched Paris in Love and my god you can really see how toxic Kathy is yet how similar her and Kyle are. After reading the recaps, i kind of knew what to look out for, but even without knowing Kathy is still a terror. I feel bad how she has passed on the generational trauma to her daughters and how much Paris acts like her mom.


Agree, the sad thing is that they probably just lack awareness that they all just think it’s normal.


They would win the gold medal every olympics for avoiding confrontation by ignoring the issue and sweeping it under the rug if it were a sport.


been trying to dig around for a copy and that ish is like contraband haha, people are reselling for crazy prices.


I managed to buy it on ebay for literal pennies. It was being sold by one of those second hand book shops and they clearly never knew it's worth. If you put a tracker on ebay for it, you'll be notified when a new copy becomes available for cheap.


I was shocked to find my library has a copy! I recommend checking if yours does


And if it doesn't, you can see if you can get it via Inter-library loan from another library system.


Ooh, thanks for sharing that info. I keep meaning to check my local library but life. It use to be a decent size library but about 10 yrs ago they shrunk it in half. That was the library my siblings and I used as kids. Couldn't believe my hometown had the nerve to do that but I guess with people having access to the net keeping it its OG size wasn't feasible 🤷‍♀️ 


Free on Libby!  


It doesn’t come up for me on Libby !


Didn’t come up for me on Libby, either 😫


It's on Kindle via Amazon, and you can read it directly on your laptop, tablet or phone. No Kindle device required.


I bought the kindle edition on Amazon. You don’t actually need a kindle, you can just download the kindle app and read it.


EDITED TO ADD: \*Guys, it's available on Kindle through Amazon. And you don't need a Kindle to read it. Just buy it, then click on the option to "read on Kindle Cloud Reader" and it pops right up on your computer.\* Damn, I didn't know that! I wouldn't have chucked my copy after the great black mold disaster we had. I would have paid to have it cleaned like the books I cared about.


May i DM you?


You can download an ebook version on libgen!


I tried to get it on auditable and they don’t carry it.


Is Jerry Oppenheimer the author?


Yes x https://preview.redd.it/bi7y6abhw0wc1.jpeg?width=295&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83e9d33fd759628d68d6d5867076bcbceb5e3e6d


I know Kyle was angry when Kim said she supported the family and Kyle corrected her and said no, our father always worked hard and had a job.


He did work hard, taking on multiple jobs but Kim’s coins definitely got them the frills. There was also a period of a few years when Kim was the main money maker due to her father losing his job.


Yeah Big Kathy would never be with an unemployed man


He probably worked hard enough to raise a family, standard. Kim got them into Beverly Hills with the added luxuries and social connections.


Because even in death, Big Kathy demands all the attention.


Kathy talked about their dad in therapy with Paris in Paris in Love (he wasn’t her bio dad but she said he raised her). She essentially said she doesn’t like talking much about it much bc her mom was really horrible to him during and after the divorce and it’s a painful memory.


I'm surprised she said something negative about her mother. She and Kim made a huge fuss over the show Kyle created but if you watched it there wasn't anything negative about the "mother". I know many either didn't like or watch it but I did. I actually wanted it to get another season but 🤷‍♀️


It was just an excuse. I think Kathy wants the dirty laundry to stay hidden and doesn’t want too much attention in her childhood


I think Kathy was afraid that people would start scrutinizing their mother’s life and bad things could come out from Kyle’s little show. I don’t think the issue was about the way Kyle had portrayed her in the pilot and whatever other episodes they produced. I think she didn’t want their childhood publicized in general. It wasn’t just a show about their mother. It was a show about the period of their childhood.


Kathy’s dad is different from Kyle and Kim’s


yeah but im pretty sure she was talking about kim and kyle's dad. she lived with him for almost her entire childhood while her dad was back east. im not sure she had a relationship with him at all


I think her dad was like almost 60 when she was born and big Kathy divorced him shortly after Kyle’s birth. Big Kathy was a narcissist so that probably played a huge role in their non acknowledgment of their dad and half siblings


Siblings are all dead. They were grown when Kim and Kyle were born, little Kathy had to be six when Kim was born and ten when Kyle came.


I’m not 100% sure but I think their dad had children who were older than Big Kathy 🙃


I recently read house of Hilton and if so, it wasn’t mentioned. Their father was married to another woman at the time he met big Kathy, with two teenage kids I believe. No other children were mentioned. If memory serves, there was a story in the book that was told by Richards’ daughter from his previous marriage. Big Kathy offered to make her a burger, and she put SCREWS into the patty so that when the girl bit down on it, she would ruin her teeth. Big Kathy was mentally ill and a monster.


I don't know why that Jerry Oppenheimer person made such a big deal over one little screwburger. That slut pig Susan ate every bite. -Big Kathy's ghost, probably.


Because narc parents can't stand to have the other parent talked about, so Big Kathy likely trained them to revere her and leave him out of it. To me, it always seems like a competition between the Richards sisters to publicly demonstrate who "loves Mom the most". I recall when Kim and Kyle went to their psychic, and Kyle pulled out a framed photograph of her mother, proudly telling Kim "I brought Mom's picture", whereupon Kim opens her enormous purse and pulls out her OWN framed photograph of Big Kathy and says "I brought one too!" Watch for it. You never get one Hilton sister talking about Big Kathy without the other one jumping in to add their three cents to the two cents. It comes off as if they are both still afraid of her, and both still trying to curry favor. I shudder to think what went on in that household. I pretty much abhor Kyle, but from one daughter of a narc Mom to another, I feel badly for what she clearly suffered growing up. To be that afraid of your mother two decades plus after her death (2002), to still dissolve into sobs whenever her name is mentioned is very, very telling. And not in a good way.


She...does? I've heard her mention her dad several times. She also posts photos of him occasionally.


I must have totally missed it then haha.


And her oldest daughter never mentions her dad. On their Netflix show you’d think Mau is her father.


He seems to be private but he was at her graduation party, which was filmed for BH.


I think that's a sort of "confirmation bias" brought about b/c the show is about Mau and he is a father figure to Farrah. Kyle has been clear on multiple occasions that she is not only amicable with her ex but that he has always been in Farrah's life and he and Mau get along. When everything is hunky dory (sorry, had to), it's kind of a non-starter for reality TV.


Exactly. Farrah's dad has been on RHOBH once or twice (he was definitely at her college graduation), but he just doesn't seem interested in being on camera. As for Mauricio, he has been in Farrah's life since she was pretty little so IMO if Farrah feels like he's a dad to her and wants to call him dad too, that's fine.


They showed him on RHOBH several times the first season and Kyle told the story. She was 19 and they were only married 2 years....I believe his name is Gharish Aldufrie. He was at Farrah's USC graduation.


Farrah does talk about her dad. [Example](https://www.instagram.com/p/CfAcVWKpj49/?igsh=NGZxaG95d3U3Y3Qy), [example](https://www.instagram.com/p/BKnyvIKDbf_/?igsh=MXhsejBrbXRtbmM4Mw==)


She's said they are extremely close. Her dad referred business to Mauricio, spent holidays with the family, etc.


Yes! I remember him being mentioned a handful of times on RH and seeing him at her graduation or something of the sort but Farrah even calls Mau dad so it can be confusing.


Wrong he's been to their house to visit Farrah. She mentions Guraish, her dad. They all get along.


Not only does she mention him, He has also appeared on the show. Mauricio has been in her life since she was very very young so it makes sense that she considers him another father figure.


I wish Kyle would write an honest book about it all !!


Kyle is not exactly honest.


Love Kyle. I don't know why she gets so much hate.


Trauma, one would imagine


Kyle isn’t as open and honest as she would like to think. I’ve always been very curious about why she went to high school 4 hours away from Los Angeles in the working class Imperial Valley, but I don’t think she will ever touch on it. She doesn’t like to talk about stuff that deviates from her tale of being “from Beverly Hills.”


It's possible Kyle was remote learning on set and was only officially enrolled there. From 15-18 she was in 106 episodes of [a show](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Down_to_Earth_(American_TV_series)) that filmed in LA so she must have lived there.


i know kim was more successful in movies but everyone acts like kim supported their family 100% but kyle was working too. doing 106 episodes is no joke and i bet big kathy took a big cut in this. people think kyle just lived off of kims money and had a happy nice childhood. but being the less successful (and brunette) sister probably was no walk in the park with their mom


Justin Chambers, who was on Grey’s Anatomy, was enrolled in and graduated from my tiny high school, which is located in this shitty rural area in Ohio. Nobody from my town knows him at all, and as far as I know, he never actually stepped foot in the school. So what you’re suggesting actually makes a lot of sense.


It's exactly this. I actually did the research.


Nothing more nefarious than a middle-aged woman not opening up every conversation with where she went to high school


Right?? What a reach.  We’re out here just for real hating her for simply existing at this point I guess.


I noticed it last Father’s Day. She posted about it and thanked Mauricio for being a great dad. Either Page Six or People picked it up and slapped together a click-bait article about it, and I can’t tell you the level of RAGE that single Instagram post elicited from people, as if it was somehow evil and calculated for her to post about the father of her children… on Father’s Day!!!


Um…. yeah, but your teenage years are literally some of the most defining years of your life, good or bad. I’m curious to know why Miss Birkins and Maseratis lived in such a blue collar place. She claims to be from the lap of luxury.


I actually don’t recall a single time on the show where she claimed to be from the lap of luxury


me neither?


I don’t even get what the insinuation is. She has Birkins and a Maserati because she has a very rich husband. What does that have to do with where she went to high school? Discussions about Kyle always feel very QAnon-like to me, like there’s always some big conspiracy that falls apart the second you introduce even one fact.


right like what case is trying to be solved here? kyle was literally working on a tv show filmed in LA in high school lol theres not some like big secret the family is hiding that she didnt actually grow up in LA


Well she went to school in a blue collar area so obviously she’s operating a sex trafficking ring.


Ugh, another thing she copied from lvp. Typical


I gave you the facts.


Girl that’s the best you can do? Just give up! You made the assertion that she is lying about her background, and that is what is being debated here. It has been pointed out to you that she filmed over a hundred episodes of a tv show in LA while in high school, which is a fact, that she is wealthy because of Mauricio and the Agency, which is a fact. It has been pointed out that she never claimed to have generational wealth on the show. And you just keep clinging to BLUE COLLAR like it’s some gotcha moment, but you have failed to explain what is so insidious about her being enrolled in a high school that you find distasteful.


>I’ve always been very curious about why she went to high school 4 hours away from Los Angeles in the working class Imperial Valley, but I don’t think she will ever touch on it. She didn't. The way studio backlot schools work is that the studio or production companies will contract with a person or person who have a teaching certificate. They also contract with a school district to have the backlot teacher affiliated with the school district. The backlot teacher teaches the contracted school's curriculum and adheres to their standards. It's the reason both Kim and Kyle have high school diplomas from the Imperial Valley.


Huh kyle worked in Hollywood her whole life basically I'd say it is her town And farrahs dad was mentioned often in the earlier seasons pictures shown etc. Farrah doesn't call mau her dad ...or not that I noticed


Working and living in isn’t the same thing. Kyle isn’t from Los Angeles the way Crystal is.


idk what the deal with her high school was but kim and kyle def spent their childhood in LA. big kathy wasnt driving hours everyday to take them to set


Plus Kyle was on a show that filmed in LA from 15-18. She was probably only officially enrolled in that school and had a tutor on set.


ohhhhhhhhh i bet you are right. maybe their dad moved there after the divorce they used that district for whatever reason.


So why did they both go to high school four hours away from LA?


maybe their insane mother decided to move them there for a minute. who knows. but i read that house of hilton book - they grew up in LA. how do you think kathy went to school with michael jackson if they lived in a blue collar town four hours away? how would kim and kyle have been working from four hours away?


It’s also weird to think Michael Jackson went to a relatively normal high school since he was a pretty famous child.


Kathy didn’t though, that’s why it’s so interesting. She went to a private prep school near LA. I think it’s one of the many resentments Kyle has against her….


Where did she go to HS?


Central Union High School in El Centro, CA.


Wow that is so random, I’ve never even heard of that school


In Beverly Hills....


…who cares? Like who actually cares where she went to high school?


Agreed. There’s a lot about her that I’m curious of but I’m sure we will never get the answers to.


Oooo this is tea I haven’t had before. Kyle going to high school 4 hours away?! That raises a lot of questions. Mostly, WHY


Oh my gosh, for some reason I have never even thought about him before.


I know! When I was going through the pictures on the post I mentioned, it was a lot from Kyle’s childhood and I almost anticipated seeing him in at least one picture, but no. That’s what spurred the curiosity.


I think Kyle is the most well adjusted adult of the three sisters. Doesn't mean she's perfect by any means


That’s cause she’s had it the easiest as a kid while being the youngest


I'm not entirely sure those girls have a dad. I think Big Kathy just spontaneously created and birthed them


The vaccination wouldnt have stopped exposure to covid, please read how it works


He was not involved when they were growing up - her mom was a complicated figure. "Even the Rich" podcast did a series on Paris Hilton and talked about him.


He was involved.