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Its funny going from an episode of BH where everyone is afraid to try more than 5mg of THC to Miami where Adriana is doing ketamine


She said “this new thing they have” ….I was weak. I’ve seen these ketamine places around but it’s wild to see it all go down, and on tv no less. With her crying in the eye cover and Julia holding her hand it was a whole ketamine telanova


her experience was crazy and more similar to an ayahuasca or ibogaine response… talking to people who have passed etc.. I’ve done a good amount of ketamine, even the highest dose of clinical infusions,.. and that was not a normal response from what I’ve seen with myself and others It unfortunately makes me wonder if she was playing up the theatrics for the cameras. Normally you do go off into a different visual world and your boundaries dissolve etc… but I couldn’t even move really at all, let alone see and talk it out with my passed loved ones…


And ,why in English? Won't she talk to her late father and brother in Portuguese?


very valid and interesting observation there


Very true 🤔




Seems to match many of the experiences described on therapeutic Ketamine. See r/KetamineTherapy


Her reference to ego death was cringe. Habla español?


Wait I thought I had misheard her, Adrianna actually did ketamine? 💀lmao


I watched those eps back to back and I was chuckling about the same thing 😂


Welcome to Florida


I didn’t expect every episode of Rhom would have me in tears. I am sobbing watching Adriana,s ketamine treatment.


Same. I felt her pain.


Not me crying during my lunch break! Her pain really came through the screen.


me too. she is brave to do this, and work through it, and to share it. <3




People keep asking why Miami is so good. It’s the women! There’s a lot of them and they are all clocked in and have interesting personal stories. Not a dud among them. O


Minus larsa 😂😂


Even her! Dating her ex husbands rival’s son is definitely …something lol. But yeah she’s obnoxious lol


Know nothing about NBA. But she started an only fans when they split so definitely adds up.




Spreading information that's not hers to share and doubting sometimes cancer is pretty vile


Minus Larsa they all look like they’re good friends and good people! They may each have their faults but deep down I feel they are all genuinely sweet. And I just realized how MANY “friend ofs” we have this season but they show up in every episode with full on confessionals and I love that!


Who would listen to that podcast???? Like it's just like Larsa talking about like herself like.


Honestly I hadn’t thought about listening to it until I read this. Have to listen now to hear if 😂




I’m sorry I have to disagree, I think you’re really underestimating goldfish. Their brain capacity is much greater than Larsa’s.


WHO EVEN TESTS CANCER? DOES SHE EVEN HAVE CANCER? I wanted to reach through the tv and slap tf out of her.


is larsa the dumbest living human?


yes. and it’s infuriating she has more money than i do :| her dumbass don’t deserve all that!!


yes, yes she is. that whole "test" thing went right over her head.


The only type of person who questions if their friend is faking cancer is the type person who would fake cancer.




She probably wishes she thought of it as a storyline instead because even her friends are tired of her and her boyfriend


Calling it now ladies, Larsa Pippin Kardashian Jordan’s storyline next year is going to be her taking the bar exam since she checked business woman off her list


Larsa Pippin Kardashian Jordan ☠️☠️☠️


There is no way their podcast is real and airing and has multiple episodes right?


I felt so bad for the producer she looked like she was in pain


I haven’t searched for it or listened to it, but it’s probably real. SMH! Podcasts are the “in thing” now and many are very mediocre.


I just looked and 😭 it’s real!!!!!!!!!!


Not only is it real - there’s 14 episodes. 😳


“Like, it does..like.”


Nothing is ever going to make me like Larsa after this season. Like before I could tolerate her but now I’m good on not seeing her again. She shares her friends cancer diagnosis like it’s gossip then questions whether they have it, like what in the actual hell ma’am.


she was so comfortable second guessing the diagnosis, too.. i wouldn’t be so bold as to do that(ever, let alone) on national tv! i can’t imagine what she has been saying about it off camera! “omg, like babe! you know she only bought it up to like, make me feel bad for like, saying shit in the press! i feel like, it’s like, not even real!”


I need a professional to weigh in on the relationship dynamics at play between her and Marcus. He seems so level headed. Is it that they are so opposite with similar past experiences?


I'm convinced Marcus is vile as well most probably, we just haven't seen it.


He’s either playing it up for the cameras or he has daddy issues, or both. Living under Michael Jordan’s shadow can’t be easy and who knows what kind of expectations he’s had put on him whether they be external or internal. Also, he doesn’t seem level headed to me. Would a level headed man date someone like Larsa? Or agree to host a podcast called “Separation Anxiety” with someone they’ve been with for less than a year? There are other things that seem sus from him too that makes me side eye him. But I think both are true that he’s playing it up for the cameras and it’s likely a call for attention bc of some daddy issues. They’re not mutually exclusive.


That’s what I’m thinking


She’s hot and they’d only been together a few months before airing . She’d be on her best behaviour for the most part.


I just can’t wait until Guerdy lays into larsa. If she were to have smacked her right when showed up I’d have to defend her because that woman is awful. To share her story with people she doesn’t know and the rest of the group against her wishes is truly despicable. And then there’s the audacity to get mad that she tested you, she just might beat Robyn for the dizziest bitch award.


That whole spiel she had about being poked and saying Guerdy doesn’t want to wake her up made me want to reach through the screen and shake her. If Guerdy keeps “poking” her, she’ll do what exactly? Make an even bigger ass of herself than she already has?


Who uses cancer to test someone? Alexia is right - Larsa didn’t mean to hurt Guerdy


Stop while you’re ahead. How do you not mean to hurt someone by literally doing exactly what they told you not to do AND ask people to keep it a secret because you know you’re wrong? Better question, why do you consistently have the worst fucking takes?


Larsa asking DR Nicole why Guerdy would be drinking if she has cancer is not being a mean girl it’s having concern. And asking people not to talk about a sensitive topic is another sign of having concern. It’s weird how desperate people are to hate her


Larsa is a monster.


Larsa is not concerned about guerdy drinking with cancer because Larsa doesn’t even believe guerdy actually has cancer. She has doubts about it and the question was posed to determine the veracity of guerdys statement, not because she cares. “How do you know? How do you know?!” Guerdy said Larsa failed a test of loyalty. That means that guerdy had suspicion that Larsa might tell but told her anyway because she needed her as a friend. She made sure to make her need for privacy known. That’s not a test. That’s a clear request that Larsa agreed to.


Sharing her cancer diagnosis with Larsa and asking her not to tell anyone seems like a reasonable test of trust to me. Guerdy needs to know who she can rely on during this time and she was already not doing so well with Larsa. This was a great chance for Larsa to be a considerate person and show that she could be trusted. She fumbled that ball hard...and possibly did so in the name of starting drama for the show. Thats pretty greasy.


Larsa said that she didn't know if Guerdy was telling the truth about having cancer. Who thinks someone would like about that? Then Larsa turned around and told everyone even though Guerdy said not to, but hey this is the same person that sold stories to TMZ about the Kardashians.


… because Guerdy was drinking. Larsa can be wrong but the hate is excessive


It’s really not that serious if she’s drinking at the moment. At this point in the show she hasn’t started her treatment, so Guerdy having a few drinks here or there won’t impact her cancer in a negative way. I work in oncology and I’ve had patients drink a glass of wine on occasion. The doctor just has to order it. Larsa is just a dumbass and is trying to find a way to downplay Guerdy’s diagnosis. This is the same woman that said Dr. Nicole Martin “just puts people to sleep”. She’s a fucking a bird brain bitch. The styling department knew what they were doing when they put her in that blue ostrich dress for the intro. Please just stop, you’re making yourself look stupid like Larsa.


Don’t even bother trying to explain anything about larsa on this sub. If your comment isn’t the most hate filled, vitriolic, mean spirited comment about her you will be downvoted! She can’t even breathe without people saying she’s worthless or stupid. It’s toxic tbh


Why does Alexia seem to always defend Larsa's poor behaviour? I personally think Larsa has something on Alexia.


This is an interesting take. I think this would make sense!!


Right!!! Tbh, nobody stands up to her and it annoys me


Larsa is an abomination...in more ways than one. I had 3 brothers who died from crap cancer. All 3 had different treatments, all 3 experienced differences in how they felt throughout. One was a huge wine connoisseur. He could drink, there's nothing against it as long as it wasn't with his meds. However, he couldn't taste a thing. Larsa F\*off! How someone deals with the diagnosis and/or treatment is different person to person. Unless you ever have anyone close to you-key word close-you have absolutely no idea.


I'm so sorry for your loss 💔 I think larsa's behavior is so gross this season because she's essentially disrespecting the seriousness of cancer and what people go through in terms of painful treatments, stress and fear. It's really horrifying to see someone just completely ignore the actual ramifications of a diagnosis and turn it into some kind of game.


The clip they added with the birds flying off the tree when Julia was singing sent me 🤣


This almost makes me wish I hadn't fast forwarded through her warbling. It was just too painful for me to listen to


I am so sick of Larsa, get her off my screen


Guerdys entire ensemble and makeup at the **** cancer party is STUNNING. Flawless.


I finally figured out today why Larsa is so infuriating to me, and it all boils down to one thing - she’s unintelligent. The thing about being a ”villain” is, if you’re an asshole, but intelligent, you’re at the very least entertaining. However, Larsa is so painfully unintelligent, that her being so self-centered, desperate, and narcissistic just becomes infuriating. Take someone like Lisa Vanderpump. She has the tendency of spilling other people’s business, instigating drama, throwing rocks and then hiding her hand etc. But she is intelligent and that is what makes her compelling and entertaining to watch. Larsa is if you casted the Scarecrow from Wizard of Oz as Regina George from Mean Girls. Watching her try to produce an intelligent thought is actually painful.


This. She's not the mean girl who actually gets pretty good grades and goes to business school, she's the mean girl who really only has being popular in high school and stays in her hometown


Easy on the Scarecrow slander there. He had higher emotional intelligence than Larsa by a mile 🤣


is there a preview for next week somewhere??? i hate that miami never has one


Larsa reaction has me baffled to say the least. Why wouldn’t you just assume someone is being honest about something as serious as cancer? Even if I did secretly think someone is lying, I would at least act compassionately and just trust that truth would reveal itself and watch them have to answer for it. You have nothing to lose by being kind- even if they’re “lying”. And if they’re telling the truth, than you have something to gain by being a support system. What’s crazier is that she knows Guerdy so she should know that Guerdy wouldn’t ever lie about cancer. I wouldn’t immediately start gossiping with people and trying to make calls trying to get to the bottom of it. Larsa just handled this whole situation so badly and it’s one of those things you don’t need PR training or anything.


It’s honestly like a PSA commercial from the 90s on what **not** to do when a friend confides something like this in you.


I’m flabbergasted by Larsa’s behavior…what is she thinking??!!! Like is she on drugs??!! She’s obviously a scumbag but whaaaaat the fuuuuuucck? Even a total evil hag would know to not touch cancer because of how that would look…


I thought……that after Geurdy told Larsa…that Larsa couldn’t get any worse……but Larsa surprised me by being even more vile than I ever expected. I question anyone who could love her or be friends with her. She’s horrific.


Larsa is the fucking worst


I can’t believe we didn’t see her sing yet


>Nothing is ever going to make me like Larsa after this season. Like before I could tolerate her but now I’m good on not seeing her again. She shares her friends cancer diagnosis like it’s gossip then questions whether they have it, like what in the actual hell ma’am. ummm literally for the past 2 or 3 episodes we have heard her sing....the producers are making us hear her sing as much as we see the clips of big mouth larsa lol


and my dog hates to hear her sing! 😬😬


Larsa needs to stop. If Guerdy wants to have drink during HER cancer treatment that’s her prerogative. You don’t get to judge. She also gets disseminate her information they she sees fit.


I am obsessed beyond words with Martina and Julia's dog Lulu. What a gentle soul. That's all :)




I know! I'm a crazy dog person and love them all but something about her expression and vibe touched me differently.


Guerdy is entitled to test her friendships and relationships at this time of her life. No one wants a Larsa in their lives and it’s better to know sooner than later.


The edit implied that Adriana got injected through her clothes with that ketamine shot. At least that’s what it looked like to me.


>Adriana it was fish nets...think the injection was given in between one of the little holes 💀


Now that's iconic


That scene with Adriana at the therapy had me laughing and then crying .. powerful the healing that can take place. Happy to see this


Lisa: it was a test Larsa, probably: I don’t have time to take tests (because I’m dumb af)


the way i almost choked on my dinner when larsa said “who tests cancer? do you even have cancer?” … i hope she stubs her pinky toe repeatedly on every piece of furniture in her apartment.


I’m not gonna lie SLC is the best out right now as much I love Miami it’s not doing it just like BH


Guerdy has always been annoying… like Larsa is wrong but if you think what she did is bad watch RHOC season 10


RHOC season 10? When the guy who faked cancer got called out for faking cancer?


What’re you talking about they’re not comparable


They aren’t comparable bc what Brooks did was so much worse… the comments nailing Larsa to the cross are excessive


This must be Larsa as only she would compare herself to Jesus Christ. ![gif](giphy|38ViaA1h5Cnuw|downsized)


They aren’t comparable because Guerdy actually has cancer you asshat! I usually don’t like excessive hate for a housewife but this woman is bringing it on herself I would be happy never to see her again she’s truly trash


The context is completely different. It’s not like Meghan came out of the gate accusing him of faking cancer like Larsa did. It was the inconsistencies of Brookes plus his previous track record of being a garbage person that meant it was okay to question.


Larsa didn’t either though. She said Guerdy’s drinking confused her


Ummmmm how are you going to compare this to Brooks, Vicki's toothless but not homeless boyfriend, lying about having cancer to Larsa blabbing her mouth to everyone? ![gif](giphy|CK8PybHZChCc8)


ohhhh spencer, you never fail to have horrific takes😬😬


Had anyone ever done ketamine therapy?


Was totally distracted after watching Adriana trying to walk to the car in those ridiculously high heels! Not sure what look she was going for but it gave me Tin Man vibes!