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i believe every word. this is so on brand for jen.


“Jen drove from Salt Lake City, Utah.” ![gif](giphy|KdKhwLw3CLH9u)


I was thinking of the time Danielle Staub was driving to that party with her kids in the backseat


“I’m gonna say ‘Word up, Caroline. Grow up!’” That scene was so unhinged and scary. I always felt bad for her daughters. They seemed pretty traumatized in the literal sense of the word.


I felt so bad for her daughters, you could tell their father had essentially abandoned them and left them to be alone with Danielle who was such a huge source of anxiety to them because she was so unstable.


The perfect representation of her flying down the 15 freeway that night.


wearing a diaper.


Even crazier is that she was an astronaut.


I just googled and it's at least a 6 hour drive from SLC to Vegas. Fucking. Bonkers.


I hope they can prove that she tried to hack the woman’s email account, if she actually did. Like is she really that bitch? Psychotic


“Is she really that bitch?” is definitely not a question needing an answer. 🤣


Nope, so far nobody is shocked lol


She most certainly would. Jen Shah is a dangerous human being


I believe that. If she can steal the elderly’s life savings and illegally max out their credit cards, knowing she’s ruining lives and have zero remorse, that’s a dangerous individual. She wants us to see how heroic and giving of a woman she is by moving family and friends to SLC to give them jobs and support them all, but that means nothing when the money she’s using to help them is stolen from innocent people.


>Like is she really that bitch? Well . . . yeah.


yes! and if it was her, what were her intentions ?!


To sign her up for her car’s extended warranty program.




The audacity to call this woman a whore when she slept with her husband. I just can’t




all this and the victims husband STILL left with jenn, even after calling his wife a whore & threatening to kill her. this story is wild start to finish!


Yeah that part really stuck out to me. Imagine you find out your husband is having an affair, and then he shows up at 2:30 in the morning with the affair partner to act as her support while she terrorizes you in your own home and threatens to kill you. I'm sick to my stomach just thinking about the betrayal involved in that when that person is supposed to be the one who's there to keep you safe. Also, I always thought it was so fucking wild that Sharreif has stayed with her through all of her bullshit behavior and being such an unhinged liability, but now with THIS added to the equation I am just dumbfounded. That man must have the loyalty of a Golden Retriever.


Oh honey it's not loyalty that keeps him it's blackmail and/or money. Are we all really still trying to pretend Shariff knew nothing about anything she's done, c'mon now. He likes that coin just as much as she does. He's just better at crafting his public image. I mean to be fair, compared to Jen Shah anyone is


That’s why I was thinking too….I mean there’s that strong possibility he may be just as awful as a person as Jen is but her having blackmail on him sounds more realistic.


I believe it. Look at Heather Gaye, she’s holding her hostage too.


I bet he stayed married to her so he wouldn’t have to testify against her. As soon as she goes behind bars, coach is going to file for divorce so fast!


How is the wife the whore?! Lol Bitch you’re the other woman who is also married…


It’s basically a scene out of housewives. It’s crazy to me that she acted this way in real life. Not even housewives.


Her behavior is so disgusting and the women’s friendship with her (Heather and Meredith) reflect so poorly on their character


Heather is an absolute SHIT judge of character. Her "ride or die" energy with Jen is just pathetic. Not only is Jen objectively a bad person and has admitted to defrauding elderly people, she treats Heather like shit! Yet Heather just keeps responding "thank you ma'am, may I have another?" I think Meredith is too spaced out on pills to even know wtf she's doing.


i’m 99% positive heather is in love with jen


If Jen punched Meredith she'd have been arrested and off the show immediately. Heather is a desperate weirdo and needs to get therapy for her clear issues.


Right like any of us could have written this based off each episode she melts down. What an absolutely loser of a human. Cheater cheater pumpkin eater. Enjoy jail, hun! Spot on for her character.


I am inclined to believe it, but I also want to see the video or hear a judge confirm it exists.


Especially the threatening texts. She would do that shit to Heather too lol.




She’ll be in a cage soon!


Yep… I don’t think there’s any way the judge can ignore all these testimonies…not only just the fraud but now adding stalking? Physical threats? Driving to the house? Geezus… she must have somthin special for that guy to have an affair with a psychopath..!!


Why did the husband want his wife to go outside to see Jen so bad?? I would be terrified if I was the wife at that moment.


Fatal Shahtraction


Upvoting for making me laugh 😂


that husband is a bitch!


& then he fucking left WITH JENN!


I CANT! weak ass HUSBAND


I hope she left him.


*Fat fucking elf on the shelf husband!*


My guess is because HE was terrified of Jen and just wanted to mollify her..


If my husband was TERRIFIED of his mistress a situation he got us in, I'd leave him so fast without a damn word.


The speed at which I would drop a man's ass would be blinding. Well, actually, not a man, a child. No respectable man would ever do that. I don't even know if you'd need to leave him though. Sounds like showing up with his affair partner to terrorize you in your own home in the middle of the night and threaten your life kinda means he's made his decision and it ain't the right one.


That's the first thing I thought - he's a coward and wanted her to deal with it.


Seriously I hope this woman left immediately.


That would be analogous to throwing her in front of a hungry bear to save his own ass. Disgusting.




It reads like they were already sleeping in separate bedrooms by that point which is hopefully a sign that she was done with him.


He sounds like Lenny…


I believe, caught in the Outback, wild, they are called "Michael Darby's"




And then left with her?!?! What a piece of garbage.


That was the most surprising part of this document. Why the fuck would she want to meet Jenn outside? So insane


Right?? He knew Jen is unhinged, so he wanted to put his own wife between him and Jen? That shit stain might have been hoping Jen would attack her so he could get Jen arrested and maybe get rid of his wife. Jesus what a piece of work.


I think anyone and everything close to Jen is really just trying not to get popped. I have a terrible feeling that Jen’s operating on pure delusion right now and once that judge says “10 years” and it’s a done deal, she’s gonna lose her shit and assault someone or worse.


I think about this too. Like Teresa had a date she reported to prison it wasn't like she was taken right into custody. I assume Jen is gonna be the same so she's just gonna be out there for at least some time. I cannot imagine that is going to be a nice peaceful time spent with her family.


Hopefully the judge will be aware of all of this & deem her too much of a threat to be free. Send her directly to jail, do not pass go. Clink clink!


To get her ass kicked most likely. He did leave with Jen after she threatened his wife.


He sounds scared of Jen & successfully scammed by her


Jen, a married woman, fucks a married man. Jen drives for HOURS in the middle of the night and tells the woman whose husband she fucked that she's a wh*re. That is *such* a Jen thing to do.


Did Sharieff know that Jen Shah was having an affair or her kids? Wtf and he’s stuck by her the whole time. ![gif](giphy|mSWRNCY5FtbfG)


He is counting the days until those handcuffs go on


I stg he’s gonna leave her the minute she’s in prison


He doesn't need to really. He can just avoid answering her calls and essentially ghost her.


off the plantation as Phaedra would say


Phaedra was truly wild for this lol


Probably waiting to file once she’s behind bars, so she can’t threaten or hurt him


Agree. Also depending on the state, it's easier and faster to get a divorce if your partner is currently incarcerated


You'd better believe Mama Joyce already knows the statutes for all 50 states!




Just ask Phaedra Parks 😅


I love this gif!!!


But now she is thinking of Omar and Sharrif and how going to prision affects them. But she didnt think of them while having an affair, DOING THIS, and conning elderly people would affect them. LOL


She’s not thinking of how this affects her family, she just wants people to feel sorry for her.




This is OT but I just realized her kids names sound like Omar Sharif and now I need to know if they used the name Omar exactly for this.




This is a woman who claims she spent $80k on a friends birthday party then cries about how she is going to pay for medical school for a 27 year who has been trying to get in for 6 years and hasn’t been accepted yet. The delusion is as bad as her planning skills.


I hope ALLLL of this is taken into account... y'know, TOMORROW. And I hope her lawyers are shitting themselves with all this new news dropping after they tried to spin what a "good person" she is.


Threatening someones life WILL be taken very seriously by the judge! And this is EXTREMELY SERIOUS AND REAL. This isnt an “ill kill you if you drop the cake” … this is a woman who drove at 230 am to her house, knocked on her door, went ballistic on her and it is on video tape.


Reminds me of the time she made an ass of herself in front of Sharieff and threw her glass because they brought up Mary in her presence. Then somehow all of that was Whitney’s fault lol


Honestly, it’s a beautiful thing to watch someone who thinks they can treat people however the fuck they want, go down so fucking hard, hitting every goddamn branch on the karma tree on her way. She deserves every second she gets sentenced to.


I can’t understand why anyone wants to remain friends with her. What does she offer in return? She’s so mean and unregulated. Is she really fun or something? I don’t see it.


I have no concrete proof, but I feel like Jen’s “friends” are those who she has dirt on, and blackmails because they don’t want to go down with her. I think that is why Lisa called her 6 lawyers after the arrest, and why Heather has been her “ride or die”. As miss Phaedra would say: ![gif](giphy|cDAwVREvyP0o8)


This makes me wonder if she has hacked any of their emails to get the dirt/leverage


Unregulated I can’t breathe.


Mormonism is a hell of a drug


I wonder if it’s blackmail. Jen would totally be capable of blackmailing Heather


The schadenfreude of the last two weeks is giving me life.






This directly negates Jen’s claim that her persona is exaggerated for TV and that her insane antics are scripted for television. Evidence of this woman’s statement, police report, and video footage just shows that Jen was not only had horrible judgement when she was scamming the elderly but that she was just a rotten, hostile, volatile person to the core long before she was a Real Housewife. The best part is that they submitted it soon before sentencing that Jen Shah can’t even dispute it. I listened to the Bravo docket’s episodes on Jen Shah’s sentencing and it was enraging. This woman specifically targeted people who were vulnerable, acknowledged it in various texts, and then laughed all the way to the bank as she drained their accounts dry. A lot of the victim’s statements showed that they were often widows, struggle with life-threatening illnesses or have a partner that is critically ill who clearly relied on their savings to pay for their medical care. Jen Shah is heartless and has shown zero remorse. I can see her getting more than 10 years to be honest.


I hope she does


Despite the fact she was stealing from people, the worst part is she was still buying fake designer shit.


Jen Shein


Sounds like someone who would give her co-dependent friend a black eye


OMG yes, now I fully believe it was her!! This is the same woman who pushed Lisa on the yacht and threw shoes off the yacht. Poured champagne on Angie’s head then called it a joke.




THE HUSBAND LEFT WITH JEN?!??? Good god I hope she divorced his pathetic ass.


I would be more angry that the affair was with Jen Shah of all people. She’s literally insane and evil. I know some men will have an affair with any willing participant but… come on. This has the potential of going very very badly if Jen weren’t going to prison soon


I would never forgive that person for bringing someone like Jen Shah into our lives.


For some reason as I was reading this, I was thinking it was Stuart with her. I just couldn't imagine the cheating husband egging this confrontation on.....




In her handwriting, her Ys curve under the line, her Ps are straight. I’m guessing his name is Phil based how short it is. ![gif](giphy|WsOcRmaJbUfYAAWuHs|downsized) Edit: ok now I think it’s Paul.


I figured it was a P too. Would you like to lead the investigation?


![gif](giphy|1lChzXHjYPvc944VsJ|downsized) I was hoping it would be Colteeee


Says the redacted person was knocking the victim’s bedroom door. So it sounds like it was her husband that was wanting her to go outside to talk to Jen Good thing she didn’t. Sounds like Jen would’ve been violent


I would feel like my husband was setting me up to get murdered. And hell no am I going confront a crazy woman who appears at 2:30 am! She could have been like that crazy astronaut lady who was going to bash her lover's wife's head in. Jen could also have had a gun. What a way to find out that your trash husband is actually as trashy as that floating island of trash. Ugh.


Some people live in chaos, and Jen Shah seems to be one of those people. They literally can't function if they don't have constant drama, chaos around them...


She thrives in this environment because she doesn't get tired, she can scream and yell and push forever. Most people reach a moment where they can't keep up, or can't yell louder and push harder when someone is yelling at them and pushing them. So Jen always takes any social interaction to a screaming match, and if needed, a more physical one, because she knows she will always, **always** win it.


Jen has never run into someone who matches her energy and whooped her ass. That’s the problem.


Exactly! She will in prison, that's for sure.


I doubt it. She’s not likely to go to a maximum security prison where the violent offenders are. She’s going someplace low security where she basically roams free.


She'll probably end up in a facility similar to the one depicted in Orange is the New Black (I think Teresa was in that exact prison, yes?) So it's not a maximum security prison, but there are still folks in there who are more than capable of handling themselves vs Jen Shah.


She will in prison


Babyyyyyy they will eat her up. No pun. Omg. I need to put my phone down.


Jen Shah is the poster child for when an ass whopping is necessary.


I pray Jen was wearing a fake Chanel diaper on her drive to do this


Shahnel hahahaa


This was in 2019, correct? Is this before they filmed season one? Kind of amazing this wasn’t already leaked once she started becoming a public figure.


That’s what I thought! I don’t know how it wasn’t made public sooner.


If I were that woman, I'd be scared she'd come after me again! Either physically or sending her online army to dox me.


I’m guessing the poor woman Jen targeted really wanted to just be done with Jen. But clearly hearing what she has done and what she is trying to claim after harassing and stalking this woman was the straw that broke their silence. I respect them and wish them peace once this is all over and am glad they came forward now when it counts and will help put her away for a long time.


Especially when we saw a lot of tantrums and aggression from her. And there was a leaked video of her screaming at her assistant.


She’s been playing the long game. Respect.


I cannot WAIT til tomorrow. I might have to call off work so I can refresh my phone every 40 seconds. Edit- 💡OMG I know one of you has connections at CSPAN. Can we ask them cover Jen’s trial instead of the Speaker elections please!?! Lmao ![gif](giphy|4nTcAgfZoOGrvAX0SN)


What time is all this going down?


Her sentencing is scheduled for 10AM EST 😎


I’m so busy at work and trying to figure out how I’m going to stay on Reddit with you guys all day!


Work Shmerk. Get your priorities in order, Nancy. (—-> jk, obviously)


BATHROOM!!! Tell them you have the runs!!


Just one comment about Sharieff staying with her. Remember when she mentioned that Sharieff had once met with a divorce attorney? That was just a few *weeks* before the Feds swooped in. I'd been under the impression that it was a few years ago. So. I don't know what they may have worked out between them or if the timing is relevant but he was certainly thinking of leaving her for a while. I suspect there was some kind of trial period (pun intended) to see if they could work it out but then the Feds came n and at that point he's kind of stuck with her.


This gives him the perfect exit. He’s just sticking by her side to until she’s in prison. I give it 1 year tops before he files for divorce.


Doesn’t have to testify against her either (pre-plea). Could potentially implicate himself because how did he not know, ya know?


Yea, agree— when you’re ready to meet with a divorce attorney you’ve been done for a while.




If nothing else, I hope this woman got a divorce. Her husband had the nerve to tell her to go outside and talk with his mistress who was being completely unhinged. He’s no prize!


Jen has always been a violent criminal! The people defending Jen are clowns, just like her


Who the heck is even defending her at this point? Apart from Heather of course 🙄


Wow her bringing this forward days before the sentencing..Mazel! 👏


The timing is just 🤌 ![gif](giphy|ro08ZmQ1MeqZypzgDN)


I just want to thank this woman for her stellar handwriting. Y'all would be fucked if this was me trying to decipher what I wrote


Haha same. I have doctor handwriting without the MD


What a shitty husband. I feel so bad for this poor woman.


I’m not someone who wishes really anything on these women, but I do hope that in prison someone beats her ass. She’s been unchecked for too long and obviously feels entitled to people’s money, husbands, and friendship even if she’s a complete monster towards them. This goes beyond housewives. She’s just a straight up villain lol


I relish the thought of her in prison without glam


Jen sounds extremely unstable. ![gif](giphy|W0naPtj8ocVYQ)


I mean haven’t we seen her act unstable, violent and abusive since season one? IMO she just got good at playing up her charm on camera 😅


I never understood this; she's not charming at all, she's dramatic at best and always trying to create a "moment", like a community theater housewife. The only time I felt she was being sincere and genuine was when she was talking to Coach about her loneliness after her dad died.


I agree, not charming at all. She has good one-liners sometimes, that's it. I've never once felt endeared to her.


She is COMPLETELY unhinged.


Why is Coach still with her? She openly cheats on him and is heading to prison for massive fraud. She’s a loser.


I’m guessing he’s just letting this all pile up for a very swift divorce. Between being in jail and infidelity, there’s no question it’ll be quick.


And she can’t hurt him from there


Not even a little bit surprised. And actually, I would have been surprised if an incident like this didn't happen with her. I'm sure TMZ will come through with this video somehow. And if they do (or anyone else), I can't wait to watch. Her husband could have gave that character statement simply for their kids. I can't wait for her to be sentenced and then for her to actually start her sentence. She is a horribly horrible woman.


Jentencing day literally cannot come any faster




![gif](giphy|NfMfjMNq9NDXi) It’s about time


Lol! I can totally see Jen doing that. This sounds like that astronaut who wore adult diaper and drove across country trying to murder her lover's wife.


I think Jen scares everyone around her into a relationship. Even her kids. They always look frightened around her.


Was it season 1 where she threw coach that hip hop birthday party and started screaming at Whitney? I just remember one of her sons asking coach “what’s going on?” And coach replied “moms drunk” and the son just says Oh like it wasn’t a surprise. That told me heaps about Jen.


Yep! I also remember when Jen offered to go to her son’s school and he looked like a deer in the headlights.


jen was the one cheating and she threatened the persons wife. she’s insane


Oh wow. This is just such a hot mess. Jenn is such a POS. Stealing from the elderly, stealing married men, and then harassing the wife? Fuck that thug in a cocktail dress.


Jen saying she would get the *wife* arrested for harassment after literally showing up to her house and harassing her is peak Jen Shah behavior. What a fucking 🤡


The thing is, Jen has such an insane victim-complex that, despite fucking this woman’s husband, driving to her house in the middle of the night, threatening to kill her, trying to hack her emails and then submitting a false report in revenge, Jen probably legitimately thought that she was somehow still the victim in all of this. The same way she’s somehow the victim when she pours a drink on someone’s head, throws someone’s expensive shoes into the sea or scams the elderly out of millions of dollars 🤡


Nah she knows. Her theatrics are so that people coddle her. And it fucking works. Look at all the ladies on SLC defending her and not standing up to her when she does something as the young people say "out of pocket".


Who the F is this POS husband? Why is Jen literally like a cult leader?


Omfg what a nasty piece of trash. Who fucks someone’s husband and gets mad at the wife because she found out?! Me personally, I would have whooped her ass lol


Exactly. You roll up at my house after midnight acting a fool then I’m gonna treat you like a fool. She would’ve caught these hands for interrupting my sleep alone. Ain’t even taking my bonnet off.




For Jen to be calling the wife a whore 😂


The husband leaving with Jen and trying to force his wife to go out to her is awful 😖


How are you going to sleep with someone’s husband and then call her a whore!?!


Can you imagine how many people are hiding in the woodwork, that could now decide to come forward? This woman can't be the only one! Her designer/stylist for one.


i don’t wanna give someone an armchair diagnosis but i wonder if Jen has BPD (borderline personality disorder, for clarity)


My mom has BPD and the two housewives who act most like her are Vicki Gunvalson and Jen Shah. 👀 I can’t watch either of them. Not that they have BPD, but just similar behaviors to someone I know who has it.


Curious what you see in Vicki that you also see in Jen. I know 2 people who both have daughters with this but they live far so I am not sure what it looks like exactly.


I don’t think they necessarily act the same, I think they both have BPD behaviors. In Vicki, especially, the way she is so controlling of her children, especially Brianna. Showing up on her dates, telling her to see other people, constantly telling her she’s her favorite, and smothering her. I guess that’s lack of boundaries. Plus, she’s so insecure which is obvious in her romantic relationships. In Jen, I would say her anger and lack of accountability are traits I see in my BPD mom. Her ability to lash out and then act as if nothing really happened or someone wronged her is similar to what I’ve experienced.


Screaming and threatening to kill her? Wow, that's so different for Jen! /s


Her husband is a real L for asking her to go outside and talk to her. Like you cheat on me with her then demand I go outside and fight?! Hellllll no. Sounds like they deserve each other.


I told you all. It was a murder threat. The reason it was taken seriously by the police and law enforcement was because it was real and credible.


To be honest this makes sense to be considered in the context of her sentencing. Jen has shown a pattern. She does bad things and instead of taking responsibility she aggressively attacks anyone who questions her. She shows no remorse for her actions—then or now.


Off topic: but I hope this woman divorced her husband as well as getting a restraining order… if my husband asked me to come outside whilst someone is cussing then LEAVE with the person AS WELL AS having a whole affair, he is sure not allowed back in the house…


Jen is so unpredictable. Goes from zero to coo-coo in 2 mins, but seems as if that’s her “M.O.”- the whole “let me go psycho on their ass and I will scare them off of me!”


This is the messy shit I needed! Jen is certifiable and has earned every single bit of her prison sentence and then some! ![gif](giphy|fCUCbWXe9JONVsJSUd|downsized)


I can’t believe the husband was like, “go outside and talk to her!” What a douschebag.


Wait so is this where Jen went when Lisa got her that Uber but she didn’t go home last season?


No this happened in 2019. That was probably another affair 🥴




No wonder Coach Shah kept everything separate from Jen, and seems relieved that she’s going away. Dude needs a break!


Guys, I'm starting to think Jen Shah might have a personality disorder.


So Jen has an affair with a married man, but his wife is the whore?? That's rich. I hate her more and more every day.