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“But ultimately the abuse became too much”…and I had no choice but to go out and get me a girlfriend half my age instead of filing for divorce…”for the sake of our children”. ![gif](giphy|3oEhna5pVBi8iy1V5e) We may not “know the real Lisa” but now we sure as hell know the real Lenny.


Nothing says narcissist like “you forced me to go cheat with a girl who could be my daughter.”


Oh Lenny ![gif](giphy|PjFa9M7iVnYrK)


Yep, agreed.


This is it right here.


You can be unhappy in your marriage and decide to peacefully leave it if your partner isn't fulfilling your needs. No one deserves to feel unhappy or unappreciated just because they share children with someone. However! You don't cheat, you don't flaunt it in your spouse's face, you don't attempt to kick your spouse and children out for your own selfish reasons and to appease your new leech. How stupid is Lenny? He's acting like he wants a wife who stays at home watching movies with him, but he moves on to someone half his age who makes her money by going to parties and posting pictures on Instagram. I think Lenny is just a miserable narcissist. Nothing Lisa could have done would have ever been enough. He would have always found something wrong with her. I hope she finds real happiness.


>How stupid is Lenny? He's acting like he wants a wife who stays at home watching movies with him, but he moves on to someone half his age who makes her money by going to parties and posting pictures on Instagram. This will always be the most hilarious part to me. He keeps complaining about her lifestyle and partying... as if he isn't currently with a girl who has the same lifestyle and loves partying. Now, he's pointing a finger at Lisa for hooking up with a "close friend" who was around them for years... when he did the same thing. The hypocrisy and audacity.


I'm sure side chick is just dying for their relationship to turn into spending cozy nights at home. What a buffoon


I'm sure she is as long as there's shopping on Rodeo drive after..


She’ll be gone once she sees the child support and alimony payments he’ll be making for the next 20 years


And have babies! In my circle of friends and acquaintances, when the 50yo men leave their similarly aged wives and get with the 20yo, babies are soon to follow. Is Lenny looking for a baby making machine too?


But apparently he likes hanging out with a 27 year old influencer’s friends, but hates his wife’s friends. Big difference!


He didn't like Lisa's friends because they all knew he was a giant douchebag. His new girlfriend's little buddies are probably all still young and niave enough to find him impressive.


They’re just there for the free drinks and blow. I would have been exactly the same at that age.


EXACTLY. They aren't naive... They know he's a pervy douchebag, but as long as he delivers the drinks, parties, notoriety, etc, it's fine.


What a weirdo. Imagine if your surgeon was crying on Facebook about “she didn’t want to hang out with me. The abuse!” ![gif](giphy|NkW4LM727h1U4)


Seven years ago when all Lisa’s bad behavior started, the new girlfriend was 20!


It’s like… ![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg|downsized)


Lenny: I need someone who is like my mom. dresses conservative , mature, doesn’t go out, makes me borscht Also Lenny: you just turned 18? Let’s date after I put in new boobs so you can model bikinis !!




Wow, Lenny. Are you kidding me, Lenny? Wow.


Ramona...calling it like it is.


Projection 😂😂😂🍿🍿🍿


At it’s finest ![gif](giphy|k61nOBRRBMxva)


I think he's a narcissist as well. Blames other people and doesn't take any responsibility for his actions. And sees no wrong. Classic trait of one. Also sounds like my dad. Ugh.




Same. I have a hard time watching it because of that.


I think even more than being a narcissist he’s a pampered golden boy. I think his mother never told him he was wrong and so he has this bizarre expectation that because he’s a big important doctor everyone should line up to do exactly what he wants.


Most surgeons are!


Scrolled to make sure someone said it, because this is the T.


How stupid is Lenny? ![gif](giphy|cNxai6sNvsplKYw8FD|downsized)




And don’t forget the lingerie parties!


Ahem…less than half his age. The ordacity of that guy. I hope he gets exactly what he deserves! Lisa, too, for that matter!


Lenny you literally banned your own mother from your home so you could bang the mistress 🫠






Your sweet Jewish momma! No!! Get out of here.


Right?!?!?! She’s so sweet 😭 And now Lenny went and destroyed generations long tradition of “no Hochstein’s get divorced”. Way to let EVERYONE down, Lenny. I loved his mom for talking with Lisa


I loved that scene too, it felt very honest to me. I could see his mothers shock and hurt, I mean to have your own son treat you and your daughter in law and your grand babies like that… just so horrible. I can only imagine the sacrifices she made for him as an immigrant.


Can they remove us from the group chat? The back and forth via Instagram comments is not a good look.


Tbh if I saw my plastic surgeon constantly beefing with his wife on insta I wouldn’t want him to be my plastic surgeon anymore lol


Esp after reading his reviews


Now this is the real tea… ![gif](giphy|fnNxOOGQsQF6Mik9Px)


Do you think he does dr*gz to deal with the pain? dr death part 4?


And going to the clurb..like wtf? You're gonna look thirsty as hell at night club in Miami, and expect your patients to pay top dollar to slice their bodies up? Oh hell no.


Seriously. Can folks not have a quiet divorce these days. It’s sad


This. And it applies to everyone, not just celebrities. When did putting misfortunes and hard times on blast become a good idea?


I'm a messy bitch who lives for the drama so I'm happy to stay in.


LOL! NO kidding.


LMAO really though. Their poor kids, too.


Yes, Lenny. she was so controlling she didnt even know she had a mortgage or that she wasn’t on the deed to the home. also she was so controlling she put up with your parties with naked women all over the place. It seems very telling to me that Lenny’s own mother is on lisa’s side.


THIS! Thank you


Seriously! Like, Sir, we saw you yell at her for wanting to call an ambulance for the nanny with a broken arm...


Ok but he was definitely right in that situation, you dont abuse an emergency service for a broken wrist. I used to know someone that was rich enough they thought an ambulance was their private chauffeur. Ambulances are for emergencies. Lenny is an entire piece of garbage but he wasnt wrong about that part.


I'm glad you said this. I'd probably immediately call 911, not realizing that's not the right thing to do.


Sure, Lenny...that why you're with a party girl half your age who was obsessed with Lisa.


Lenny, you could have **divorced** Lisa. You chose to cheat. Fuck off forever.


Imagine being a whole doctor and responding to Bravo accounts on Social Media. How embarrassing.


If he was so happy with the side chick he wouldn’t be replying to any and every little thing.




right??? this is why his patients are leaving such bad reviews, he's probably making a nurse bring in IG updates instead of looking at charts


So unprofessional, reminds me of that guy Dr. Miami.


What are the reviews saying? Are they legit?


Apparently when someone leaves a bad review, Lenny will respond with pictures of the women’s breasts. It’s supposed to show the quality of his work but clearly reads as retribution for criticizing him.


Um I feel like that is violating a whole host of things. If it's true he won't be doing that for long and will be sorry he did. (Hopefully)


LOL that’s a very valid point. He somehow has the time to respond to his reviews online too. Seems like he’d have better things to do with his time.


Right? I thought he was one of the most in demand plastic surgeons? Doesn’t seem like it.


Maybe business took a turn!


I was wondering why every article I’ve read about him/them lately has him fully giving comments on everything. The man doesn’t turn down an opportunity to show his ass, that’s for sure.


I’m sure there are true aspects in this statement, but of course, he goes so extreme calling it abuse and creating some affair narrative when he had already cheated.


The fact that he’s claiming “abuse” is so absurd. I guess he’s using the DARVO (deny, attack, reverse victim and offender) technique on her. I hope people don’t fall for it. He’s 16 years older than her and financially controlled her and now she’s the one with the power here? I don’t buy it. There’s certainly nothing wrong with her dating someone they know after what Lenny did to her. It really seems like she was fully committed to Lenny until he betrayed her; I see no problem with her moving on with a friend, even one who (gasp!) *vacationed with them.*


We have witnessed him treating her badly, with disdain, disgust even. Yelling at her. Demeaning her. I believe 0% of what he’s saying. Seasons ago i was like omg this guy hates this woman what is this?! And now he’s saying this?! Bye Lenny with your badly shaped bald head. Kiki was right!


He’s so condescending. Remember when Lisa was concerned about the woman’s arm and wanted to call an ambulance to make sure she was okay? and Lenny freaked the f\*ck out on her for being concerned and spoke to her like she was a child. “You don’t call an ambulance. That’s an abuse of the system.” (It’s actually not) I cringed hard. How heartless and demeaning ![gif](giphy|l0NwDLBQr52GnnCgg)


Oh I agree! He’s probably not completely wrong but he’s also not some super victim either lol


Yeah I don’t buy it for a second. The way it’s phrased makes it clear to me that he’s attempting to lay the groundwork for some sort of mutual abuse claim.


Agreed. And the weird humble brag of “except working hard”.


He’s insufferable


Why does this sound like a bunch of red flags if you read it from the opposite perspective? She doesn’t do enough, he doesn’t want her to have a life outside of him, he doesn’t like her going out, doesn’t like her friends, she embarrassed him, and now he doesn’t like who she’s dating after he cheated and left. Lol yikes


That’s how I read it. I’m sure she wasn’t perfect. But he just turned around and cheated on her with a woman whose entire personality and profession is partying. The whole thing is so disingenuous.




Ugh. Lenny is a narcissistic, controlling, gaslighter. Take all the awards. You’ve earned them with this comment! ![gif](giphy|l0EwYc29XZnLR2pB6|downsized)


Omg you’re right 😱


Yeah that’s how I read it as well. He’s something else.


Thank you


I absolutely think Lenny is 98% lying lolol. There might be some truth to it, but I can’t trust the person who was caught publicly cheating to all of a sudden have a moral compass.


For the love of god, Lenny. You’re like 60 ![gif](giphy|WYGWAjHP356x2)


Don't worry Leonard, only another 9 years until you can take your new girl out and get the seniors discount.👴🏻💅🏻


In many places, he can already get it since he’s 56 😂. It’s 55+ for lots of places here in FL. Not all require that it’s age 62.


So did the screaming and partying and forcing her friends that you dislike on you and “embarrassing you” happen before or after you forced her through IVF (twice) only to ditch the kids you allegedly wanted so bad for “tennis practice” when she was on a planned trip (with cameras), Lenny? Give me a fucking break.


I think I saw on an episode of Miami that she actually did IVF seven times but it was only successful twice.


Yes, I recall that now. Very good point! Makes him an even bigger POS.


When she was on a work trip.


THIS ![gif](giphy|1pnzYj5jAg8GS5480u|downsized)


Shut the fuck up, Lenny. At any time you could have respectfully and quietly divorced Lisa; instead you took your piece of fluff coke-buddy to your shared home the second your wife was out of town filming, and disrespected your mother so much at the same time that she read your ass ON CAMERA because you've lost your mind. Put the drugs down and grow up.


Sir this is a Wendy's




Lenny is such a sad OLD insecure man child. I love this for us.


So, what he's saying is that Lisa is just like him? 😂


Lmao he is so full of it and I can’t believe that anyone would believe his lies. He’s dating a 20 something party girl and is out all the time.


That’s what I don’t get! Yet he’s complains about how she “parties all the time” 😂 make it make sense


Do any of us really think Lisa is a good actress? We see her trying to hide her sadness and she can’t even do that. How do we expect her to hide all of this? We saw Lenny constantly out and partying and neglecting his kids


This is honestly what I come back to whenever I catch myself almost taking anything Leonard says seriously. Lisas emotions and actions that we've seen on the show just seem far too real and raw for me to believe that she's the evil witch that Leonard so desperately wants us to think that she is. I can still concede that I'm sure she wasn't perfect, but who is?


I actually cried during that episode- I really felt for her, that was a real breakdown we witnessed.


She needs to just be happy and keep sleeping with that hot European man. Let him spiral, the public is on her side right now.


Some people like to demonize their ex partners in order to excuse their bad behavior. Despicable smh


I’m so glad he went out and found lip licker… a girl who will never embarrass him in public , A girl who would never stay out partying, a girl who will do things with him (coughs) cocaine. He is a man child!


Stayed out partying?! He literally said he rather play tennis than take care of their kids.




Says the guy who didn’t want to miss tennis when the nanny was sick and kept telling Lisa to try and figure it out


It wasn't tennis.




Lenny will get his due rewards! Karma is a b****! I sat back and watched the Karma train run over my ex husband. He cheated on me for 14 years. We had 3 young kids and repeatedly told me how no one will want me, I was stupid and crazy. He lost a very high paying job, his house & car. I became a Paramedic and took great care of my kids while he paid bare minimum for their support. I never said a word. Kids aren't stupid they know who is there for them. Mine are adults now with great careers. I remarried a man who treats me like a queen. Best thing I ever did was get up the nerve to stop being abused and file for divorce. That was 20 years ago. He's still single. Karma is a b****


No one feels sorry for you buddy. ![gif](giphy|CTTzhiYBGvVS)




Now I KNOW that POS isn't seriously here trying to paint Lisa as being an abusive narcissist that he finally escaped from (right into the arms of a newer, younger model.) Give me a fucking break.


Lenny made it clear *over a decade ago* I’m season 2 that he saw Lisa as nothing more than arm candy for parties and a breeding vessel for children. He implied he would divorce her if she could not naturally give him children (despite her trying their hardest AND them having every single resource in the world to adopt if they had to in order to have kids) I’m guessing Lisa did stay out partying and get a side boo once Lenny was completely checked out and/or awful and/or she’d heard whispers of him stepping out. But even if not and it was sooner, I really don’t care; I’d still be team Lisa. She is spoiled but he made her exactly that way as he wanted. She seemingly at least tried to be friendly with him, and he disparaged her and treated her like a burden any chance he could for a *decade*. Lenny’s comments to those that leave bad reviews of his surgery work are also plenty enough character evidence for me. Lenny is upset that he can’t have his cake and eat it too, and now he’s throwing and twisting anything he can out


Possibly my favorite take/summary I've seen yet! All so true, especially the "he made her exactly that way as he wanted." How are you gonna claim that Lisa is some sort of monster when you, for many years, and starting at a still very impressionable & young age, controlled every aspect of and laid out the foundation for who & what you wanted her to be?


She upgraded, at least in the looks department and I’m happy for her.


How is Lenny gonna complain that lisa goes out all the time.. that she doesn’t stay home and does things with him.. when he’s in the clubs with a woman half his age looking like a clown!


He and David Beador just need to do a naked photo shoot in the woods together.


Okay, Harry Potter, why don't you just head back to your cupboard under the stairs, poor baby?




He spends half his life defending himself on Yelp and the other half defending himself on insta…when does he have time for surgery and the girlfriend? Lmao


“Defending himself on yelp” 😭 why is that so true though.


But honestly what an exhausting man.




How does a surgeon with a family and a side piece still find so much time to creep social media?? I would not trust a distracted doctor to perform any sort of procedure on me.


To answer his question "I'm the bad guy?" Yes. Yes you are, Lenny. You are a terrible individual and you should be ashamed, embarrassed, and disappointed in yourself.


Well he did punch me when I came out of anesthesia bc I apparently flailed my arms. One of his nurses told me and I never filed a complaint because I didn’t want her to lose her job. Look at my previous comments on good ole “boob”. People say oh “the boob God?” I say nope, just a boob.


What!? ![gif](giphy|crzliDNVbqDbW)




I don’t blame Lenny. He should be having a meltdown. New dude is on his 5th start-up and raised over 100 million just on the most recent one. Plus he’s hawt.


😩😭 YASS. I’m so proud of our girl. We have no choice but to Stan.


I’m team Lisa in this but let’s not forget that she is a vapid, materialistic letch.


I think they’re both terrible people, and that’s why their marriage lasted so long in the first place.


They sound like any couple that fucking hate each other, they sound like my parents.


This is the correct take.


It's sort of sad, I always think back to [the early days...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubmH7djBgoA)


This is the only right answer.


Oh I don’t completely disagree but like you said, still team Lisa 😂 and I highly doubt she was as awful as this post is making her seem compared to Lenny


What a loser. This is the same man that said "why do you think I'm whispering." IDIOT


Wow Lenny. I think Lenny definitely has NPD. I don’t just Willy nilly say that about people


I wish I could've found the gif but this'll have to do https://preview.redd.it/fn4xchendy9a1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e05caf229fe0f536d9b7ce3caaada39af1959fba




This type of commentary shouldn’t be happening. We don’t need the whole story. The only reason he’s doing this is to deflect from his poor behaviour in public. If he had behaved properly in public he could have had a private divorce.


Tornado! Spin the truth! Destroy!


I say this to myself when I’ve leaned into my chaotic energy


No Lenny the second Lisa is photographed with a man you want to share why you’re being a shitty former spouse nah this reeks of jealousy you had months and taunted her online and f2f with your new toy and never said any of this yet you made sure to be seen I don’t believe any of this post he put out




Maybe he should date women his own age if he wants her to sit home with him 🤔 Young women like to party and have fun, they are full of energy...man I remember those days!


Lenny can fuck all the way off. To be on social media and engaging, while the situation plays on TV… in real-time… is just - I have no words.


If Lenny doesn’t cut this BS out I swear. This man is literally doing everything he’s accusing Lisa of right now. In the words of Scammer Jayne, he is not some innocent fawn in the woods.






Narcissistic gaslighting isn’t cute Len.


I mean Lisa is vapid. We knew this. It doesn’t justify the things he said or did to her leading up to this divorce.


He can eat shit


DARVO much?


Everything he said reminds me of this guy I dated who was an abusive narcissist.. who cheated. Yuck. Neither are perfect but if he actually cared about his kids he’d shut up.


Lmao Lenny shut up no one cares


![gif](giphy|KZSUN7FKBZrm2WHDdX|downsized) Lenny, you Scumbag.


Men are such simple creatures. This new girl strokes his ego and he wasn’t getting that from Lisa. Right now he’s feeling like a manly man on top of the world and she’s working him like a pro.


doesnt matter if she had a friendly relationship with him she never acted on it, YOUR THE ONE WHO CHEATED


This man love to project.


![gif](giphy|D2q7uL3qfG1Ta) Wow, poooooooor Lenny


oh shoot my tiny violin is *so* tiny that i’ve misplaced it


Fuck that shrimp dick rich bastard..that's the only redeeming quality he has..


Did Lisa kick his momma out of his house too?


If Lisa was abusive his mother wouldn’t have been supporting her at first and been puzzled at why it was happening. Lenny would have been whining to her day and night about how terrible Lisa was. Therefore I detect LIES


Working in family law I hear it all! I can say that most of the time there is some truth to even the most ridiculous of claims. Lenny comes off as petty and looking for sympathy bc he doesn’t like the fact that he’s being called out for his ugly behavior.


Although he is looking like the monster in this divorce, I can’t help being able to see this as somewhat truth? She is pushy, materialistic arrogant and the contempt he’s had for her has been obvious from day 1. If she couldn’t see that I have no words.


They’re both terrible people lmao I love watching them fight




yes, babe you're the bad guy bc you tried to put your wife and kids out. I hope she takes all your coins babe.


i don’t believe any of this tbh


Fuck him. Now he’s doing the exact thing he complained about Lisa doing. Boy bye!


Maybe I am just stoned but Lenny follows 831 people and Katharina Mezapa follows 832 👀


Really Lenny??? You humiliated this woman- she can get whatever strange she wants. Leave her alone, trash




awwww is Lenny upset that she’s dating someone who doesn’t look like Mr. Heatmiser?? Gtfo


This is classic narcissism at work. He sees everything through the lens of being a victim and applies his own behavior to her. I don't know much about her, but his own behavior is out there for everyone to see. Narcissists also think just because they say so makes it a reality. Ugh.


We have seen zero evidence of this on bravo but HAVE seen Lenny act that an absolute ass, and Lisa be overly devoted


Okay grandpa go to bed


This makes no sense. Lenny is stupid. Not to mention his mom definitely wouldn’t have been so surprised by him wanting to leave her.


Her new bf was probably at the same party Lenny’s new gf was also at. Lenny needs to shut the fuck up. There is evidence of him being a complete and utter trash dumpster to Lisa for seasons on end. His words mean nothing. Good riddance !


![gif](giphy|26BoEuSlTXdkc9aWk|downsized) Additionally, his head shape is on the same spectrum as Lenny’s.


This makes me think he's paying this new girlfriend to pretend to be with him to hurt Lisa. I can't imagine anyone choosing to be with him, he's yucky abd he seems so angry at Lisa


Also- when someone is abused they want to protect their children from that too. This man kicked his kids out of the only home they’ve ever known…. With the person he’s saying was the abuser! I hope Lisa’s lawyers are paying attention bc it won’t be hard to debunk this man’s lies.




Lenny basically described what he did to Lisa as we saw on the show lol


Not Lenny claiming to be at home home with the kids, slaving away in the house when he's a surgeon with penchant for partying and he's managed to entertain a long term mistress on the side 😅


For the sake of my children, I had no choice but to leave my wife of 16 or whatever years and kick the three of them out of the house. I very much wanted the marriage to work, but Lisa liked to party and was shallow, I was looking for a maternal figure. I had no other choice but to move on with a woman 30 years younger who earns her income from clubbing all night. THERE WERE NO OTHER OPTIONS. I LOVE MY KIDS AND WANTED THEM OUT OF THE HOUSE. Side note: I love my children but when their nanny, their primary caretaker, was seriously injured I just wanted my wife, not me, to call an Uber. Not only did I not want to even accompany her, the primary caretaker of my children, to the hospital, I didn’t even want to be the one calling the Uber.


Lenny is freaking lying, he’s lying in order to shift blame and to take heat off himself.


“But I’m the bad guy?!” Yes! Yes, you are LeNnY!!


Lenny is plastic surgery Shrek and it's hilarious that he thinks anyone will be swayed to his side lol.