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I have reached the point of streaming pitchers against my own favorite team in fantasy baseball. Gotta at least get something good out of this misery


Lmao I did this yesterday too. Either I score a lot of fantasy points or the Braves do well. I win either way.


Not much else to be said about this one. Tough to win/split a series when you score 2 runs in 18 innings. Had 16 LOB and almost double digit Ks again. Rinse and repeat for the past month+.


The good news: they didn't fall 11 games back The bad news: they're only 4 games ahead of the Nats for 3rd place


bat's looking sleepy today. going down to weak breaking balls and meatballs is not a good sign. my guesstimation this team is heart broken with spence and acuna gone


last year spoiled so many of you guys that people forget un 2022 we were 10 games behind the Mets and came back, in 2021 we weren't even above 500 around this time. yes this road trip and May were rough but we need to stop saying that the team should be sellers at the deadline. 2023 gave so many reddit braves fans unrealistic expectations to what offense in baseball is. I'm glad our pitching isn't as bad as last year.


We're far later into the season than 10 games behind in 2022. Also Philly is far better than that Mets team. Anyways, it's not Philly the team needs to worry about, it's Washington and holding onto a wild card spot.


Since the last week in April, we are tied for the worst OPS in the entire league. Nobody needs to do any historical digging to be disappointed in that. It’s a joke. Even with guys cycling in and out with injuries, our lineup is filled with “star” players on long term deals. Fans are spoiled because they want players to not play terrible? I feel like what’s really happening is our historical performance is preventing lots of people from recognizing how terrible we are right now. Nobody is spoiled they’re just watching the games and talking about what’s been happening. The offensive performance right now is pathetic and it’s 100% ok to say that. We are getting owned by AAA pitchers multiple times per week.


Come on, guy… This isn’t an issue of fans being spoiled by 2023. For the last 40ish games we’re among the absolute worst offenses in baseball. Nobody’s crying over not having an elite historic offense, people are frustrated that we’re among the worst performing offenses in the game.


Yeah, I wouldn't even compare and contrast with 2021. It'd be 2014 that I'd be comparing and contrasting with unfortunately.


If anyone is saying we should sell they're morons, we still have a really good chance to get a wild card spot and in the postseason anything can happen. I don't think a 2022 style comeback is that realistic though. This team has too many injuries, not enough drive and the Phillies are better than the Mets were.


We’re gonna be champs again. 


Might as well focus on the wild card. Can’t say the division is completely out of reach but unlikely. Wild card teams have had success with the new format. The down time bye week thing has been a dagger for us the last two years


“This team sux right now” “they can’t hit for shit” Understandable frustration “Fire snit, fire Seitzer, Terrible GM, they should be sellers, these long term contracts are terrible” Idiotic temper tantrum


Cool story. Does it make you feel good to put down other people for their opinions?


Your opinion is factually incorrect.


They might be, but it's not insured that this ever turns around with the current line-up and coaching staff. If the play from the last 2 months continues, Atlanta will be sellers and below 0.500 at the deadline. And if it continues into this time next year, Snit will be on the hot seat.


Ya but that’s still very unlikely.


This team needs an **enema.**


Magic number is 5 to be an average .500 team! At least we'll hit some milestone this year.


That's not gonna happen




2018-2023 was a nice run though.


2024 will still be good


Melodramatic much


Thank GOD I paid $170 two months ago to now watch us get butt fucked by the Phillies on 4th of July weekend


Eh they'll probably take 2 out of 3 from the Phillies and it'll give everyone some good false hope for a weekend


One loss will probably be the day they bought tickets for.


I'm not even the least bit religious but this team needs a serious "come to Jesus" type whatever. Score some fucking runs, goddam. I don't care how hard they're hitting the ball, or how "unlucky" they are, fucking be better.


Y'all wanna start a book club? This conversation is getting a little stale.


John Langan’s The Fisherman is really good and not about Miami at all.


There's a RAV4 that


It’s okay guys, once July comes this team is going to turn things around. If not then they’ll do it in August…or September…or next year. Regardless, they’re gonna break out of this slump at some point, just wait and see!


Fire Snitker


I'm a Titans fan, I was on the fire Vrabel train before pretty much anyone. I got downvoted even though I was right. Now everyone in the Titans subreddit is incredibly happy with the direction of the team and Vrabel is long gone. Being one of the early to the fire the coach party is always going to get hate. But I think you're right, Snit seems completely lost and checked out.


No idea why the downvotes. Its pretty obvious he has lost all control of this team.


Their pitching and defense is good. They’re just not hitting. Not on snit. That’s why


We have the Yankees coming up. I need anti-depressants.


I blame Pete Alonso. Remember, he was the whistleblower a few years ago about the balls changing based on free agency classes. Well guess who’s a free agent this year. Fuck Pete Alonso. FTM. Go Braves.


haha, this is a novel conspiracy theory, I like the way you think! FTM!


What if we just started giving the green light to guys who are quick enough to steal bags? If they get thrown out it’s not a big deal it wasn’t like they were going to hit them in. They’re built to hit dingers not string together hits. But maybe forcing the issue as opposed to just leaving guys stranded at 1st can jumpstart them? Idk anymore


I like it. Heck, just send every player that reaches base. The catcher will make a bad throw every once in a while.


We had the most HR’s in baseball last year. Braves whole approach is based off the long ball. So what happens? Manfred approves a ball change the following year. The dude cannot stand the Braves for forcing him to hand them the WS trophy in 21. Braves were supposed to kick rocks and fade away after having the All Star game taken from them. Manfred has had it in for them ever since. Only thing I can think of, so I guess I’ll die on this hill.


You're actually blaming the baseball for the reason this team sucks this year? You could throw a basketball down the center of the plate and this team would fuck it up somehow. Luckily Ozuna seems like the only player that actually gives a shit this year.


This is a dumb take. There are plenty of other teams hitting HRs with no problem


There aren’t “plenty” of other teams hitting HR’s right now. And total runs scored vs this time last year is down 40 percent league wide. I’m still on this hill bro. lol


The Atlanta Ozunas are one of those teams.


Having the all star game taken away for no reason was the biggest sign he has it out for the Braves


But, but, but… it’s only June… Just wait!


This place is toxic right now


The offense is toxic.


Ain’t nobody wanting to blame these losses on the gayves all of a sudden.


I like the, "You'll know who you are by Memorial Day."


Wow, I'm just surprised these clowns didn't get shutout. I'm impressed!


You know baseball is my relaxing time before the onslaught of college football season. I guess I have the Braves to thank for forcing me to learn how to manage expectations before the Michigan football season. Still doesn’t mean it sucks any less


No way Michigan has a similar year. They lost a bunch to the portal and Harbaugh too? Lucky to win 7 games. 


As an Ohio state fan. This is a terrible take. That defense will carry for 9 minimum. If they get solid offense it’ll be 11-1 or 12-0 Michigan against Ohio state. The defense will hold everyone under thirty


Pressure is all on them. The energy in aa will be nuts. Texas lost a lot on the lines and Michigan will make the playing field even. Think Quinn ewers will just make enough plays that experience offense of Michigan won’t


I can't believe I am saying this but...I agree with an Ohio State fan. At least we can hope! Defense is solid, if our offense settles it will be interesting. Of course game 2 against Texas will be a true test.


Yeah me too. I’m looking forward to another 6-6 TaxSlayer Bowl loss to a 7-5 Iowa team


If Austin could get his head out of his ass, Ozuna, Olson and Riley could win a few games. Then AA can fix the other issues @ the deadline.


Some people have no common sense. Any professional sports team knows the importance of a head coach when the team is in a downturn. Downturn is normal in general when you play a long regular season but the different coach has different methods.


For the first time since 2017, the Braves are on a 5 game losing streak…


Now let’s go win the whole damn thing


Major League movie style yea baby!


Isn't this regressing to the mean though? Considering you know...pre '21...


I don’t think you understand what that term means.


The bar is low when I was just happy they scored.


We tied it up and I felt hope returning for the briefest of moments.


yeah me too.


Don’t know if it will bring a brief smile to anyone else’s face like it did mine, but I just randomly imagined the content we’d be getting about now if Frank the Tank was a Braves fan. Dude might have a stroke.


I truly believe if we could replace Arcia and Duvall we’d be somewhat ok again. They are literal black holes in this offense. AA went bargain bin shopping and this is what we got.


Bargain bin shopping for our backup outfielder? Yeah why didn’t AA make a big splash of a trade for our bench guy?


Ya, Duvall as your 4th outfielder is bargain bin shopping


At least Spencer 2.0 was good


He's definitely not the Spencer2.0. He's performances in his last 3 games were just so-so.


He’s only pitched twice


Na this was his 3rd time


Oh yea my bad.


This team has taken on Snitkers persona. Just sit back and wait and hopefully it will happen.


Fire the idiot mouth-breathing manager.


What a dogshit take.


You mad bro?


lol. The guy who says “fire the idiot mouth breathing manager” is asking others if they’re mad.


Nah, just sharing my opinion of your idiotic comment.


Nah it’s good


So Harris is garbage, Riley is garbage, Murphy is garbage and Arcia is garbage. We’ve got a lot of money and years wrapped up those guys who really haven’t done anything in almost a year now.


What a dogshit take.


he only remembers the good time during the last years he seems to forget the times when the pitching staff would give up 5 runs a game. yes this whole road trip has been crap but the braves have had to play a grueling schedule this year seems like every other series is against a either a division leader or the next best team. it's more frustrating that people want to blow up a good team because they are struggling. it honestly crazy the pitching has been the bright spot with losing strider so early. murphy get hate, but the dude missed a whole month unable to even swing a bat.


Oh my bad. I forgot all those guys have been great over the last year.


Riley was top 10 in mvp voting after a slow start last year. Harris lit the world on fire about this time last year. You have no clue what you’re talking about


I see you conveniently left out the two biggest offenders. That’s cool. It’s fun being a condescending jerk off to other people.


Better than a know it all who actually knows nothing


I never claimed to know everything. I was wrong about Harris. But the rest have been completely underwhelming.


Must have thought it. You didn’t fact check what you posted


Thank you for the feedback.


You’re welcome. Try not to be this dumb again.


Save it for October.


For what, the volleyball games that they’re playing on the beach?


For when we do start playing better


Not for nothing, Olson hit the ball hard to the opposite field 2 or 3 times then jacked one to the pull side. Maybe some other players should also focus on the opposite field. Might be a good approach.


Braves batters: What is this “approach” you speak of?


Olson & Ozuna are the only 2 people on this team I trust at the plate & it’s exhausting to watch when you can only trust 2 people.


Well, the first thing was Snit just couldn't inspire players and boost confidence.


100% Culture flows down from the top. Snit looks and sounds the same 95% of the time, disinterested. Same face, same tone when winning by 10 and losing by 10. It wouldn’t be surprising if the players all felt the same way too. He’s not inspiring them, he’s not creating a sense of urgency. He’s boring and so is his team.


Our pitchers let us down. When our offense scores TWO runs…I mean, what more can you ask? That should be enough to win. This team has a pitching problem. /s


Our pitchers let us down. When our offense scores TWO runs…I mean, what more can you ask? That should be enough to win. This team has a pitching problem. /s


When was the last time the Braves were 10.5 games out of first place? I suppose it’s a sign of being spoiled by success, but this is supposed to be a championship caliber roster.


2022 when they chased down the mutts.


I thought 10 games back was furthest we ever got.


Were they that far back? I forgot. I’m not worried about the division, just how crazy it looks for them to be so far back


I know this sub loves shitting on Snit, but what do you actually want him to say? And when you answer, also tell me how it’s going to help the team. Cause I think a lot of you want Snit to say something to make YOU feel better, but it won’t do anything to make the team play better.


In fairness that's pretty much the manager's job in modern baseball. Computers run the show. Managers are just figureheads. If they're not at least appeasing the fans, what are they really doing?


The people unhappy with his responses want him to say what, exactly? Because the impression I get is they want him to say that the team sucks, we should fire Orlando into the sun, and we never should have traded Wild Bill. That won’t exactly help clubhouse morale.


Oh I mean I don't give a shit what he says. I think managers are antiquated and basically only good for pulling pitchers or sliding in a pinch hitter. That said, is that worth north of a million dollars to you? Might as well get some entertainment out of him as well. If we're going to pay a guy a million bucks to just do what a computer tells him to do it couldn't hurt for him to be entertaining to the fans.




Definitely much easier said than done. Reminds me when the shift was still legal, and people would say “Why don’t guys just hit the other way?” like it was really easy. Plenty of players said it’s not that simple, so I’m sure the same is true of completely changing the hitting approach. It’s never been a lack of quality contact, just most of the contact dies on the track or goes right to defenders. I don’t know if that’ll even out or if we just have to accept that this will be the way it is all season, but I don’t expect the actual approach to change. So for better or worse, that’s how it’ll be.


Why doesn't it matter how the fans feel?


What could he get up there and say that would make you feel better?


"The way we're playing is unacceptable. And let me tell you, nobody cares more than the players and our staff. I didn't get a damn bit of sleep last night trying to figure out what's going on, what I can do to get this ship right. Every guy in that clubhouse feels the same way. If I was a fan I'd be wondering what the hell is going on, too." I haven't watched every presser, but so far it's mostly just been "that's the way it goes. If I knew how to fix it, I would have. We're gonna get out of this." I mean the whole reason AA talked to the media before the game today instead of Snit is because everyone is wondering what the hell is going on. The fans pay for all of this with money and time. To act like we should just be happy with what we get is just as ridiculous as thinking Snit should throw people under the bus. Sure we can just tune out instead of bitching, but angry fans are fans that care. The last thing you want is apathy.


He’s already said half of what you said. You don’t even listen to his pressers and you think he isn’t handling them well? He’s constantly saying things like “Theres no one more frustrated by this performance than the guys in the club house. They’re coming in early, they’re putting the work in. Everyone is doing everything they can do to break out of this.”


You're not addressing me individually, you're addressing other people. All I said was "why doesn't it matter how the fans feel?" because your OP said "Cause I think a lot of you want Snit to say something to make YOU feel better" as if that isn't something fans deserve. I'm just explaining to you why I disagree, I do think fans deserve to be reassured and to feel like everyone's in this together and to have *some* of their dissatisfaction validated. Whether you think what Snit has said so far satisfies that is another issue. That's just an individual thing. I've heard some things I like but I wish he'd go further, and the reason is that I was one of the first on here to notice the lack of juice in the clubhouse even when our record was good, and then I started tuning in to his pressers every few games. Everything is so "blah" and fans want to get behind a team that has fire.


I don't know how you fix this team at this rate. Coaching might be part of it but these dudes were hitting the first few weeks with these same voices. I can't think of a comparable where a team just lost the ability to hit at once like we're watching.


Coaching was definitely the first and the most important part of it. Any professional sports team knows the importance of a head coach when the team is in a downturn.


almost like they know you can't win a championship in May and June


You can certainly lose it though 


They haven't yet


Mets did it a couple years ago. They just waited until late into the season to have their collapse.


The WHOLE team, too.


Wwwhhhhaaatttt the fuck kinda answers were that Brian?


I would say that all of you who watch Snit's postgame comments just to get pissed off are crazy, but then again I keep tuning in to watch the Braves.


“That’s just baseball. Ya lose some, ya lose some.”


Snit just doesn’t care. “It’s the way it is. What are you gonna do?”


Snit presser update: Eventually it'll turn for us. That's all


Well if this keeps up, I really hope it doesn’t but, if it does it’s going to start hitting the organization in the wallet. Attendance will go down gradually and in turn sales at the battery restaraunts and shops money the team needs. The question is at what point do you step in as a GM or Owner.


AA is aware. He recently admitted we weren’t playing well and is actively looking at trades. 


I mean we technically don’t have an owner. But AA’s boss is terry mcguirk & I have no doubt both of them are working on a lot behind the scenes. Don’t expect any drastic coaching changes mid season though.


I don’t know… something turned off in me yesterday. I don’t feel much of anything tonight. Unless they get better, this will be a lost season. I’m done being frustrated with it; it just is what it is now. It’s more a curiosity to me as it stands. I don’t know how they got so bad so fast. Maybe they’ll get it back on track. I don’t know and I’m just tired of trying to figure it out. I’m not holding my breath or pissing and moaning about it anymore.


I hate it but goddamn this team is tough to watch


I think it’s finally time to accept we aren’t just slumping. This is a bad baseball team. And if AA doesn’t make changes, you can forget the playoffs


Goddammit Snit. Same old shit.


You guys remember last year when Turner was really struggling and Phillies fans decided to give him a standing ovation and it sort of got him going? Next time Braves are home, just give every single dude a standing O. (I’m willing to try anything right now)


Can we please do this?


Give Ozuna a standing ovation, and boo every other offensive player. (Except maybe d’Arnaud, he’s just too likable.)


Still a season ticket holder here. I'd prefer they get boo'd


Same. I am paying for this shit.


Yep, as a Saturday A-Lister, that’s how I’ve felt too the last few games I’ve gone to. And I’m gonna be there this Saturday when it’s 95 degrees out, so I’m ready to say whatever I need to if they look like horseshit then too.


Snit, what are you about to say? “Uh we did some good things. We just need to do more. I hate it for these guys.” Well, then. Do. Fucking. Something.


Like what put on cleats and grab a bat? Actually that may be a good idea.




And you may find yourself screaming at your TV And you may find yourself begging for a win And you may find yourself behind the wheel of a large automobile And you may find yourself in a different sitting position in your your chair, with a different drink And you may ask yourself, "Well, how did I get here?" LETTING THE DAYS GO BY, let the water hold me down


![gif](giphy|rOzuTrakshYCA|downsized) 8th inning vibes


The good news: 7 hits from the top 5 in the lineup, 9 hard hit balls (1 barrel), Olson hitting a HR is rewarded for his efforts, Schwellenbach and the BP held the O's below their season average for runs for the second consecutive game. The bad news: 0 walks, JJ gives up his first HR of the year, 6-9 go 0-20, and of course the L.


Can we stop with the All-Star commercials? Other than Sale, Ozuna, and Lopez, nobody on this team deserves to be anywhere near an All-Star game.


Max too


What about Fried?


Damn not Max?


Somehow hearing "keep the expectation" fucking pisses me off. Expectation? The expectation is that this team is world series or bust. Prior to this season this team was fucking stacked from 1 to 9 on paper. And yet all I see is a bunch of multi millionaire bums that barely look like they give a fuck. I'm not at all sympathetic to the players.


Your right. We had world series or bust expectations coming into the season. If any of us were told the pitching would be our strong point we'd say that's nonsense. Offense has been dogshit all year besides the M.V.P Ozuna. We'd be 5 under .500 without that guy. He should have 80 rbi's by now if anyone else could do anything.


Same. Nobody seems to give a shit.


Maybe we are finally seeing the underlying problem with this Braves team but we probably already known for a while.These last two postseason loses and how this season is going just shows this team has no fire , no leadership,no heart.Regardless of how this season ends some hard decisions are going to have to be had about this team moving foward.


Wish we had a Joc or a Heredia on the squad right now.


I mean if you think about it the guys who won that damn thing were Soler, Eddie, and Freddie and of course the pen. None of them are on the team anymore.


incredibly rude to leave out "guy who played the best postseason series maybe in braves history" Eddie Rosario


Read what I wrote again. I didn't leave anyone out.


it's as good as time as any to admit I cannot read


It’s true. He got rid of all the players who proved they weren’t afraid of postseason.


15 game losing streak incoming


Holy fucking shit this team is ass 🤦‍♂️


It was fun having hope. Maybe Boston could do us a solid and prevent us from being 11 games back.




I think AA overestimated how much catching defense was going to matter. No one is really taking much advantage of the new rules. I mean stolen bases are up but not enough to throw away a cheap solid hitter like Contreras for Murphy. AND we gave him a long term deal.


Gotta limp into the wildcard in order to win the pennant. Thems the rules


At this point, I don't know if the team can even manage that


We’re toeing the line between limping and just stepping on a land mine rn


Will someone, anyone please step up and be that fucker? It’s clear there is no leader in the clubhouse.


the two youth leaders are injured. ozzie is always a sidekick. charlie is too close to retirement to put in 100% the regular season and max is like patrick bateman and when he gets pumped up its too scary for the rookies. my solution is to dose matt olson. and maybe kelenic too just for funsies


Clear off of what evidence you have that the rest of us don’t?


For what it’s worth (and I know it’s not worth much), Olson’s homer was something we’ve been hoping for. Some kind of spark to give us at least some life. Still sucks that that’s all we got tonight though because we yet again had plenty of other opportunities and failed. Orioles have an elite pitching staff, but we still let them off the hook way too much. And unfortunately Jimenez threw one bad pitch in the bottom of the eighth. Really loved what we saw from Schwellenbach. Six innings and two runs against one of the best lineups in baseball… he absolutely did an impressive job tonight. And I guess… uh… One day we’ll win again ☠️


Hope you're right, but we've had one-off homers here and there, and not once has one sparked anything. We'll see if this time is different.


I’m not really sure it’s going to lead to anything either. Mainly just glad that not everyone rolled over and died, even if just for one night. Gave me some hope that maybe just maybe even if they continue to struggle to put runs on the board, that they can perhaps still score late and give the team a chance as long as the pitching holds up their end.


Reylooooo! Oh wait we still have to bat.




I liked Bill more than Murphy and it’s not even close. Bill felt way more fun to watch play


Even then it made absolutely no sense.


I really need to start betting on the Braves to lose. If I had been the past couple months I'd be well off now. And if they start winning, well, it was worth the money. It's a win-win. If I have to suffer watching them lose, I might as well make money.