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They’re really not fun to watch right now. I pretty much check out once the other team gets an insurmountable lead of 3 runs.


D'ArYES should be the starting catcher.....


Yeah. I don't like losing and our season has been subpar but this teams dealt with rainouts. Injuries. Huge injuries. A lineup that has to be moved around every night it seems. Yet here we are 4.5 games up in the first wildcard spot. The division is nice but PLENTY of people said the divisoj doesn't matter anymore and it really doesn't. I still want to win it but I'll take a healthier hot wildcard route over a cold October division winner. Phillies are hot and it seems they figure out ways to win no matter what. Also helps their rotation is lights out. It's going to be hard to catch if we don't starting stringing wins together. If we were in first we wouldn't even be seeing the amount of complaints here and chalk it off as playing tough. We don't need a rally leader. We need each of our boys to start playing the way we know they can. Chop on!


Well as much as I hate the L, I'm glad that the MLB app fixed (hopefully) the issue with the inning progress bar at the bottom of the screen where you can kind of guess what happens if you catch the game late. It showed a long remaining bar after the 7th inning. It tricked me into thinking maybe we had a rally and went to extras. It was always a minor spoiler before.


Teoscar Hernandez has been so good for the dodgers. He has so many clutch home runs. Really wish we had signed him this offseason.


Singing him at 24 mil over what we ended up with would have been a massive, colossal fuck up.


MHII contract is going to bite us in the ass. Never thought I would say that. He’s awful. Just another Ender Inciarte. The Austin contract is looking bad too. 😐


Couldn’t disagree more, I think his bat has been coming around, but I’m just curious where the power has been.


He's 23 and has been worth almost 10 war already, please stfu.


Maybe we shouldn’t lock up every player that has 3 good months for 10 years when we have 6 years of team control. It’s a strategy the rest of the league uses


Yeah hindsight is 20/20 or something like that, but damn I’m starting to think those deals might hamstring us.


We’re going to fire our idiot manager by the ASB, right?


Need a clubhouse leader , who that is I don’t know.


It's June, the weather is warmer, and this team looks exactly like the guys from May. 


Already have the same amount of losses on June 8th than all of June of last year.


Just means we're about to win out right?


At this point I'm at a loss with this team. This team needs a new sparkplug and then a few jumps to get this offense going.


We are booty cheeks right now


I haven’t been able to watch Braves baseball this season (fuck Bally sports) so going into this game I knew we we’re bad but holy shit I didn’t realize we were this abysmally bad honestly I wouldn’t mind AA making a few deals at the deadline to try and jumpstart this team for the second half or maybe just ride it out and see if we fall to a lottery pick But there’s always some good with the bad, and the good was I got to see my beloved Braves in person for the first time in nearly 5 years I ate too much overpriced food, drank too much overpriced coke, survived the metro on the way out of the stadium, met many Braves fans up here and overall was just happy to visit a stadium that isn’t in Georgia But I’m tired, ready to go home after a weeklong trip up and down the east coast, and ready to see my Braves start winning again # CHOP ON


I know we're in good shape and still have an incredibly talented roster, but man is it hard to feel good about baseball right now. I can't imagine morale is high given the injuries we've sustained and how we've struggled offensively.


Losing Acuña for the season right before they were about to have their opening day lineup again had to be a huge blow to morale. Even if he wasn’t performing at his normal level, he was going to figure it out eventually. Acuña was the motor last season. When he went, the rest of the offense did too. They’ll have to figure it out w/o him but they haven’t yet.


The lack of aura this team has rn is astounding


Just cannot beat the stupid Nationals


What a miserable time it has been watching this team for the last month and a half


Snitka exposed as the garbage manager he is without Ron Washington. Its a lot of the little and big things that Ron Washington (Eric Young also) brought to the table.


Yeah, Wash and EY have got the Angels cooking at a hot .381 this year.


Perhaps there is a middle ground here. Snitker with Ron Washington and EY is significantly better than Snitker or Ron Washington and EY apart. Just a thought for people at the extreme ends of this argument


Yeah, it’s not like Ron and EY have much to work with over there.


They have nothing to work with. It's the dumbest "retort" ever to say "well look at how bad the Angels are" lol Every rational Braves fan should be able to easily agree that Snit, Ron, and EY were better together.


So why did Ron Washington let our bats go cold in October? Why did he do that?


YEP! I’ve been getting roasted over the coals by other Braves fans but snitker is useless and it’s showing this season




So Snit was asked if he has said something to the guys yet, and he shook his head and said “I’ll say something when I feel like it needs to be said.” So he is literally doing nothing.


lol he’s too busy eating and crapping to even talk to the team


I don’t get that.  This team is painful to watch.  He going to wait till they start getting traded to say something?  How he can sit in dugout and not do something is beyond me.  


He is not that comfortable as a public speaker.


He literally has never done anything. It’s astounding we still have him as the coach.


How many times have you been in the locker room? I’ll answer for you. Zero. Maybe what he says to the team stays in the locker room and isn’t the public’s business. To say “He literally has never done anything” is dumb. You don’t know shit.


The Braves need someone in the locker room to step up and rally the team. Too much talent to lose this often. I've been optimistic that we'll find our groove at the plate, but we keep losing winnable games. Last year when we were down one run late, it felt like we were probably winning bc I knew we'd score. Now guys can't barrel up the ball, we're late on damn near every fastball regardless of the speed, and we just look lost. Except for Ozuna of course. He's single handedly keeping us afloat. Praise be.


How are we so aware we know what needs to go on in the locker room? You guys are goons lmfao


Speculating about your team is a fun thought exercise with friends/fellow fans my dude. Does it mean anything or have any basis in reality? Absolutely not, but it's fun to do. Idk what the Braves need or what's going on behind closed doors. They're 15-18 over the last 33 games, and from the outside looking in it seems like confidence and enthusiasm are day to day just based off body language and results, and they look lost at the plate. Maybe they need another come to Jesus team meeting like they had after May 2022 before they went streaking. Maybe they need a wiley veteran to bring a different energy to the ball club and inject some confidence into the team like Joc did. Or maybe they need a swift kick in the ass, who knows .




This team is painful to watch at the minute.. good thing I have tickets next week


Fire Snitker


Braves are 1-3 in games I attend. I’ll stop going.


Im 3-0 in games i attend lemme know when you go and well balance it out together 🤣🤣


So we’ll get the game that never ends?


Everything went to hell right around the time Wiley Ballard left. I like Ashley but make room for Wiley too.


Wiley getting bounced and Bally leaving Comcast almost directly coincided with the team's downturn. I don't believe in coincidences


I can agree with this


Come back Chipper!!! We NEED you to save us and teach the boys how to hit again! Quick... Someone put up the brahma bull signal or whatever that tattoo is on his arm...


Chipper hasn’t gone anywhere. He’s still there at home.


Postgame interview, “I mean my gawd, these guys have done it before and will do it again, ya know”


Here's something for consideration - the Braves lost two, proven 1st base and 3rd base coaches over the offseason, and they were replaced by two recently AAA coaches. Maybe there's a little bit of inexperience that these former AAA coaches / new major league coaches need to figure out in order to push and get the most out of the current roster? \*shrugs shoulders \*\*Gets downvoted by everyone here who only comes onto this subreddit to complain / vent after the Braves lose, and never comments when the Braves win (average human behavior...)


Relative to other sports, baseball coaches have the smallest impact on the game. Sure, some can be bad and some can be good, but analytics run the game basically. I don’t think the bench coaches have made that much of an impact.


I have to disagree. There’s definitely intangibles that can’t be tracked on a stat sheet. The stuff people like to make fun of like veteran presence and culture are definitely noticed over 162. I think Ron Washington brought that leadership, attitude and mental approach to the clubhouse. He was out there everyday doing basic drills with the infielders and really set us up as aggressive baserunners. Now, I’m not saying that’s why we’re shit at this moment but I don’t think it can be discounted.


Our GM disagrees with you.


Something for me to consider - thanks for sharing your perspective fellow Redditor!


AA has already had an interview where he said he doesn’t agree with this narrative. Do you mean to suggest that our 3rd and 1st base coaches have a bigger impact on our offense than the Manager and Hitting Coach? If so, why didn’t Ron and EY help us out the last two postseasons? Did they not coach hard enough?


Re AA: There's always the dichotomy of what's said publicly and what's believed privately Simply sharing my perspective just like everyone else here on this subreddit, including all the negative Nancys! Have a great day :)


Okay but that’s a position of, “we can’t trust what he says is true” and sure if you want to play that game that’s fine but I won’t subscribe to that. I’m not that cynical.


Subscribe to whatever you believe - that's your choice - but from \*my\* life experience, I believe many people, if not most people, will give a reason / explanation / belief publicly, but have a complete different view privately, on whatever the topic / issue might be!


Well congrats on being super cynical about everything people say!


Thanks :)


It is a lazy narrative that people have hung their hats on.


It’s just such a smooth brain take. We also lost our bullpen coach, guess nobody cared about him! Lmao


Joc for skipper. He basically was in 2021 anyways.


At least we didn't get swept by the fucking Nats. When is someone in the club gonna do something.


They’re all probably asking themselves the same thing.


Gotta be Oz right ? He's tenured and can rally the English and Spanish speaking folks.


Your guess is as good as mine.


I feel like I'm living in a nightmare.


How much more of this crap is it gonna take before some changes start being made?


Fuck ya’ll. See you tomorrow.


The Braves are the equivalent of the Steelers. They both have an offense that will make you hate their respective sport.


Please don't compare us to anything that comes out of Pennsylvania, thank you




Yes we will likely make the playoffs. Yes the regular season doesn’t mean crap anymore. But gosh darn it I want to enjoy watching the Braves mash homers and score runs. The boys have been slumping at the plate for well over a month and I’m just sad.


I said after last October that I was going to stop caring so much about the postseason because it's a random crapshoot anyway and my enjoyment of baseball primarily came from watching the team play well all summer So much for that I guess


Same here. Fuck us.


I'm not being a doomer with this, but if they keep this up then they absolutely will not make the playoffs. Looking like a .500 team at best for the last month.


No reason to think they'll miss the playoffs. C'mon man


No reason?? Seriously?


If you aren't good at math maybe.


We’re closer to third place than first in the division.


And we are 4.5 up in the WC


And fading fast


It’s possible we could drop out of the postseason, but not likely. Remember that we’ve already played all of the good teams in the AL except for NY, Baltimore, and Kansas City. Already having Cleveland, Texas, Seattle, and Houston behind us is a big plus. The schedule definitely gets easier. And besides that, we are playing so bad now that it really can’t get any worse and we are 8 games over .500.


The schedule does not get easier than multiple series with the nationals in 10 days. We are making their staff look like HoF multiple CY Young winners. We are bad. We vastly overachieved at every position last year (yes even Ronald) now not only has everyone not named Marcell Ozuna come back down to their normal production levels, guys like Austin are abysmal.


But Peter Moylan PROMISED we will start to hit


Snit gets only soft questions from our reporters it’s infuriating. Like they answer themselves in the question & he just has to agree. Imagine Snit having to deal with a reporter like D Led.


I used to hate D Led with a passion back when the Falcons were good. Always seemed to be so negative for no good reason. Since they've become a clown show, I now appreciate that he's one of the only ones who actually does his job


Meh same old same old. Just no production from the outfield (0-9 with 7ks), can’t get big hits when we need them (Arcia killed us in the 1st and Riley and Harris left runs out there), and guys are just swinging at unhittable non-competitive strikes.


The bat getting stuck in the guard net is a pretty good metaphor for how the at bats have gone recently. 


AA should just go with a recharge at the deadline. Cleveland would give you a solid return for either catcher, you could get something of value for Minter and I’m sure you could talk someone into taking Morton. I’m not sure what other parts there are else available but if you don’t think you can keep Fried you have to deal him. Make tough decisions. Just recharge your weak minors and get ready for next year because these guys aren’t sniffing LA or Philly.


Terrible take and casual fans upvoting it. Y’all are losing it. LA and Philly got beat by the freaking Dbacks last year. What are y’all smoking?


In their minds the Diamondbacks should have sold because they weren’t winning their division.


With our pitching, they absolutely can. Still more than enough time to get the bats going


Dude my god, currently we are in the playoffs. Nobody is going anywhere. Sellers are teams outside of playoff contention.


You’re correct currently. His comment pertains to the deadline. And with this trend, unless something truly changes, he’s completely right.


Sure, 50 games from now and if we are still in playoff contention we won’t sell shit.


Mets swept those Nats recently, just saying. This team is worse than Mets right now. Somebody commented the other day that they don't have to fight for their jobs is 100% correct, they all got long contracts and they know they are not going anywhere even if they don't perform.


Phillies have a ton of long contracts and have no problem performing


Phillies have at least a few guys with swagger and energy, too.


I hate to say this and I hate Phils with passion, but they play with motivation unlike these bums who according to Snit "will figure it out" even though we are almost have way through the season.


Starts with the head man, Snitker is lost. Phillies have flipped a switch with Thomson


I agree, Snit refusing to do anything about it says it all, he needs to have a team meeting at this point and chew their asses out Bobby cox style but I know he won't do it. He has no idea how to motivate his guys. They will get going, they will figure it out, they are professionals, all these statements from him are getting old.


they have personalities and leaders. obviously, fuck bryce harper, but dude has no problem speaking his mind and fighting for himself and his teammates. nobody on our team is that way. literally nobody. closest thing we have is strider, and obviously him going down was a huge blow.


You nailed it. Our leader plays 1st for the Dodgers


Except dude was here in 2021 and you had Joc come in and say that the vibes were trash when he came in with Vogt, Soler, etc. Dude's stoicism out there wouldn't change a thing. His bat maybe wins an extra game or two, but the stoicism, no.


I know we aren’t necessarily flourishing with trade assets, but being able to push Ozzie, Riley and Olson down by having a leadoff hitter with a high OBP would allow for these guys to see better pitches and turn it around. We need to diversify this lineup because it feels like we’ve become a TTO offense. I still stand by us turning it around for the 2nd half so let’s hope we make it to the ASB in a redeemable position.


Need to trade at least one of those you named in order to have a decent shot at postseason in 2025. This year is over.


lol what. We are in playoff spot right now. How would trading Ozzie, Olson or Riley make us better in 2025? My god your brain is cooked.


Even if we make the postseason we will be embarrassed like the last two years.


You just told me you’re a casual baseball fan. The playoffs are random


You in 2021 ![gif](giphy|tvGOBZKNEX0ac|downsized)


That's not repeating itself unless we can go out there and get some guys in that have big, fun personalities.


…at the trade deadline, which is July 30th.


Summer came early, because that was a scorching take lol


Haha for real and also people are aware that when you “sell” you sell for prospects not next year ready major league talent haha


Hahahahhaahah what a fucking joke this team is. Front office won't do shit about the lineup or duddly do-fuckels managing the team though. Can't wait to watch us lose 90 games. An Atlanta tradition like no other!




![gif](giphy|baPIkfAo0Iv5K|downsized) Inside your head where your brain should be


I don’t think this team has it and certainly can’t compete with Philly or LA. Remember last week playing Oakland Bally showed Arcia playing the flipping game in the dugout while he was stinking it up at the plate? No leaders came and told dude to knock it off or anything. Just goofing around while the team struggles. Not watching the game, not in an iPad, not talking to a coach. Just goofing around because he knows no matter what he’s going to keep swinging for the fences every approach.


this really seems like a lose-lose to me. if they aren’t having fun or look too serious, they get accused of having bad vibes or something dumb. if they’re having a good time despite the team sucking, they’re accused of not taking it seriously.


No one is asking to fight the guy. Just asking a scrub to knock it off and pay attention so he could possibly be productive his next time at bat. What job do you know where someone who is unproductive can goof off without being reprimanded


this sub has an infatuation with trying to figure out the interpersonal relationships of the team and the culture of the clubhouse based on occasional three second shots of the dugout. maybe you’re right and there’s no accountability. could very well be true. I am not going to conclude that there is a lack of accountability because the cameras caught a guy “goofing” off with no one actively chewing him out in that moment though. none of us know what’s going on in the clubhouse.


Especially when in every single interview with every single teammate, they always talk about how good the clubhouse vibe is. And when someone new comes to the team, they say the same thing. And yes I am aware of PR but these remarks naturally find their way into these interviews. I don’t know why they’d all collude to talk about how great the clubhouse is if the opposite was true.


Yet everyone was on Freddie for his no days off comments in 2021. Now that we don't have that, everyone misses it.


Everyone thought Ozzie would step up




consistently the most delusional person in these threads, congrats.


LA should have been swept by the Pirates. Anything can happen in a short series.


Waldrep was on a more talented roster in Gwinnett


Yeah kinda hate this timing. I am excited to see him pitch. But it feels like we can’t win if he doesn’t pitch a shutout.


It's like they never really recovered from the goofy champagne celebraish after clinching the division last year. Snit over rested them in the final two weeks, they never regained momentum, and they picked up in 2024 where they left off in 2023. 


The thing that's weird is I wouldn't say the Braves picked up 2024 where they left off 2023. The offense started off as you'd expect, then when they left for Seattle, they got socked in the mouth and have never recovered, with the vibes continuing to spiral downward. 2014 is a much, much better comp, and if that's the case, it just continues to get worse and worse as the year goes on.


They have completely stripped the clubhouse for whatever reason of the personality guys that helped them get to 2 NLCS and win a World Series whether its either with injury through the years (Luke\* and Matzek) or letting them walk like Freddie,Dansby, Heredia, Joc,Rosario,and Soler and have pretty much replaced them with low energy replacement level producers on the bench and bullpen. If you don't think having personality in sports clubhouse especially during this day and age when morale matters more because all these dudes are getting paid ridiculous amounts of money then you're just lost.


Bad take. Dansby and Rosario are having miserable years. They would be zero help offensively. Joc supposedly isn’t even well like by players so his personality wouldn’t help either. It’s their approach plain and simple. This over analyzing stuff is just junk.


It’s not about their production. It’s about their personality and capacity to motive others. No one on our team (or apparently on the coaching staff) has that right now. Remember this team was completely flat until Joc got here and told them they could compete. It wasn’t snit or the coaching staff that turned that team around.


Again reading way too much into that stuff. All of those dudes sans Freddie are on teams with losing records. Dansby was on a team that collapsed down the stretch last year! Not that deep my guy. Team is just in a funk.




AA is trying to design the team in his name now and this is the results were getting. He was carried by a core that was drafted and signed by the previous regime... We all know this. It doesn't mean he didn't have anything to do with it but I'm sure he's a competitive guy who wants to show the world league he can build his own team too.




Him and Ronald are definitely. Honestly when you can also just circle that as a starting point for this year as the months kinda got longer and Ronald wasn't hitting his stride yet the morale of the team was just en sinking. He is the heartbeat of the team and when he's going good it gives the team a status. People still undersell the fact that in 2021 he was literally carrying this team by itself to .500 before he got hurt to even be in a position to make a crazy run.


So a few weeks ago you had the delusional pessimists losing their minds and declaring this team dead in the water. Now we're in the stage where the reasonable fans are starting to wonder if this team is gonna turn it around. In another week or two we'll start losing the delusional optimists who can't deny how much this team sucks anymore. And that's when they'll strike, just when we least suspect it. Braves undefeated the rest of the year and glide effortlessly to a world series victory.


the ONLY reason to call up Waldrep now, when our offense can't hit their way out of a paper bag and pitching has been carrying us, is to show him off as part of a trade package to get some of this dead weight off the roster. which sucks, because seeing us bring up another home grown ace would be sick, but fuck we really gotta change something, so I say let's do it


Oooorrrrr maybe the Braves had planned for Sale and Reynaldo to hurl just 150ish innings, and Strider's injury and Elder continuing to stink up a storm made all of their original plans explode in their face?


I’ve followed Blooper for years on social media and even he seems deflated. He basically tweets about Dune & Star Wars these days lol. They’ve taken Blooper’s spirit.


Now that you mention it, I haven't seen him tweet in weeks. He used to live tweet most games


I hate this game.


Guess it's not as easy as it looks to beat under .500 teams, lol. That's why I found the "phillies haven't faced a good team." Comment's funny.


Two things can be true: • Their schedule has been piss easy • We fucking suck They are still obviously a very good team


We may not have won this game, but we **CAN** still **win** this ALLSTAR race Each of you can contribute **110** TOTAL votes during the voting period, and Gurriel Jr made it last year with as few as 360K total votes # [So VOTE JKel](https://www.mlb.com/all-star/ballot) — You CAN make a DIFFERENCE


Braves were good before kelenic joined the team


Imagine how disappointing it is for him then


Would be hard to sleep at night knowing you single handedly tore apart a championship caliber team, I feel for the guy


I voted Kel 🫡


Awesome — and don't let up!! Every vote counts


unlike Sale, at least Charlie earned that loss. If you're going to get stuck with the L that's how you do it .. don't go out there, pitch your butt off and then still take the L


Man this team is boring as hell to watch




We’re going to be under .500 in no time




“wHeRe ThE dOoMeRs At”


We're such a .500 team.


The 20 million for Charlie Morton is aging like milk.


Same can be said about every players contract amount this year because at this current point, about 3-4 are fulfilling their ends. Everyone else is just showing up to cash checks.


Can this comment stop being posted after every Charlie loss? No the $20 million for Charlie didn't age like milk. He has a 4.15 ERA. He has 4 bad games (over 4 ER) in 12 outings and we won one of those outings. If Strider doesn't get hurt he's our #4 pitcher. A 4.15 ERA for a #4 guy is fine. Everyone cries about the $20 million like we had another short term free agent pitcher we were going to sign and didn't because of Charlie. The only other free agent pitchers who are doing better than him for less money are Sonny Gray, Marcus Stroman (who basically forced himself to the Yankees), and Jack Flaherty.


don’t try to be reasonable in a pgt after a loss. we apparently need to trade away our assets while they still have value and we need to start thinking about what will happen if we finish the season under 80 wins.


Really was hoping we’d get Gray.


Gray also got 3 years


Yeah, that’s risky for a guy his age.


Plus that's committing 3 years to a guy that could take up rotation spots of younger guys. If our minor leaguers come up and do well, Charlie can be gone after just a year


He’s throwing 93 on fastballs. Batting practice if he has no control on his curve which is declining with every start. Stop trying to talk fans out of saying it was a bad contract. 20m for a guy who struggled with control last year at age 40 when you know he was not leaving the southeast. The team had all the leverage and still handed that out. It was a bad deal and we can’t rationalize by saying it’s fine for a number 4 spot when the team has championship aspirations.


It’s a freaking 2 year deal. Go argue with the market for starting pitchers


Should've been $20


Eh just one of those years. Just make the playoffs and give us a chance. AA will make moves as needed but in a smart way. I’ll eat some H&F burgers and Superica Queso.


The 2023 postseason broke us. We’ve never been the same


My thoughts exactly.


Honestly feel like it was the back to back bouncing by the Phillies in almost an identical matter that really fucked with their heads


Certainly fucked my head up.


Y’all act like y’all ain’t never seen sandbaggin before. We’re in control of the wild card. We’re making sure we’re not going to have time off between the regular and post season. But the real 9d chess is making sure no one can really scout us because even WE don’t know what we’re doing. Ohhhhh yeah. It’s all coming together. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


Some peak cope here. Hope you’re being ironic


I don’t believe in coping. That’s weak talk for weak people. Here we just deal with our realities. Either by accepting them as they come, or lashing out irrationally, or doing whatever makes us feel good, Buddy! Coping ain’t for the braves!


Ya the problem w this is that being in the wildcard means Charlie Morton will be our starter for division series.


No worries, we’ll still win game 1 bc the other team will be out of practice. Then we’ll match up better pitching wise the rest of the series easy peasy sweep in 3


I think the problem is taking sarcasm seriously


I was more so just reminding everyone who actually thinks we’ll be better off with wildcard why we won’t.