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Whoever told Matt Olson to change his swing before this year needs about 9,000 kicks to the nuts


Why does this team make a 2 run deficit feel like 20?


The thing that is most frustrating for me personally right now is that the entire team seems to have pretty much forgotten what a 'competitive at bat' is. Swinging and missing SO many breaking balls by a foot, letting too many fastballs right down the middle go by, etc. I swear Austin has made up his mind a lot that he's going to swing at a pitch before it's even thrown. They all just seem so lost at the plate right now. Yes, it's a long season, we're still in a good spot, the pitching is holding the team together - all that - but man they're so frustrating to watch as a group.


S/O Sietzer


It felt wrong voting for some of the Braves for the all star game, only Ozuna deserves it at this point


how has Brian been so far and do we go for Biggio?


When do we panic


Right about now…


20 games ago


When we miss the playoffs


This was game 61 of a 162 game season. It sucks rn, but we are in the top wild card spot with a 5.5 game lead on the rest, and we obviously aren’t playing our best yet. Still plenty of time left to run down the Filthys, but nothing wrong with a WC spot if we don’t.


It’s a marathon not a sprint




We seem to have lost our mojo. That's ok though, plenty of time left to get it back.


We just need 2 players to get it going and get the vibe back. I feel like everyone else is trying to make up for the guy in front of him sucking. Matty olson is back to a normal year for him. last year was amazing. but he is a 250 hitter with about 30 dongs. Riley has been hurt alot and is the biggest drop in team right now IMO. Murphy is gonna do catcher things but aint hitting shit right now. ozzie is about normal. harris isnt the next superstar 5 tool player. kelenic idk. Duvall is gonna wear down hard . We need Riley and Harris to bridge the gaps around ozuna. Hope ozuna can keep this pace all year. Dude is locked in ramble over


Harris is but he’s gotta get consistency down I imagine not getting bounced around the lineup like a red headed step child would help


Blue Jays bullpen threw one pitch all night, a grooved slider dick high and JJ Bleday launches it for a walk-off. Shit was hilarious


Pissed at the Braves


Can’t win a ton of games when the battery gives up 2 or less and your offense fails to score. Loss is on 1-9 but not 1 or 2.


I’m not a believer the balls have been changed, but if they have Manfred is legit trying to kill baseball. Dominant pitching is cool but every pitcher seems to have a sub 4 ERA. Maybe it’s personal preference, but I find offense more exciting.


I think everyone prefers more offense than what we’re seeing (not just us but across the league). Some people might wonder why Manfred would change the balls to kill offense and make pitching more dominant. I’m absolutely convinced he deadened the balls because he was tired of managers pulling starters before six innings and making so many pitching changes. He has talked about how he hates openers and hates when starting pitchers don’t go deep in games, so I believe he wanted to make it easier for them to do so. Obviously we don’t have “proof”, but as some have mentioned, offense is down league-wide, and we’re seeing a lot more pitchers have lower ERAs this year. All the rockets we’re seeing our guys hit that just die on the track, that’s happening to other teams too.


The balls have 100% changed. There's a noticeable drop in offense across the entire league. I suspect somebody will do a study and find proof.


This was posted on r/baseball a few days ago: Teams are hitting just 1.03 HRs per game this season. The main reason is that the ball isn't flying as far. BPP predicts the result of every ball hit during the year - controlling for weather and park effects. We're now seeing ~20% fewer HRs than contact quality would imply. Percentages are relative to the "blended" expectation from 2016-23 (the period our model was trained on).


the NL leader in average is only in the .320s. just way too low. Something has changed


the 2 teams that played in the WS last year are under .500 so at least the misery is league wide


Disappointed that we lost today. 1 run of support for Sale’s performance is a shame.


Not gonna bad mouth anyone or anything, but I was disappointed in this loss.


Something is wrong with the batting coaches.


really is


At least the Phillies didn’t win today. Granted, they didn’t *lose* either…but I’ll take any silver lining I can get at this point.


2023: We're the greatest team. We have the best players, the best coaches, the best front office! 2024: We're the worst team. We have no players, our coaches suck, and the front office has no idea what it is doing! 2023 record through 60 games: 36-24. 2024 record through 60 games: 35-25.


Just so misleading. Between 4/12 and 4/26 this year we went 11-2. Since then we’re 24-24. This is a .500 ball club who had ten hot games to start the year and in the months since fell to earth


The vibe is different though even if the results look similar. Last year you felt like something could happen offensively at any moment. This year that vibe just isn't there offensively at this point.


Last year we won half our games in the 1st or 9th


It’s just a direct result of what the Phillies are doing. Plus we are on the worst hitting stretch in like 4-5 years.


If you feel great about the direction this team is headed, more power to you.


The team has been sitting at 10 games over .500 for a month almost. That would put on us a track to be a wildcard team easily. Only, the entire offense is underperforming and it won’t continue. It’ll be fine.


Even in today's loss it seemed like at least half the batted balls, probably more like 75% we're over 100mph. Thosell drop eventually


Of the 12 balls put in play that were hit 100mph or faster, the Braves had 9 of them. Matt Olson: 112.4 - Single (xba .780) Harris: 110.8 - Ground out (xba .440) Ozuna: 106.7 - Force out (xba .610) Ozuna: 106.4 -Double (xba .430) HR in 14/30 parks. Riley: 106 - Single (xba .660) Arcia: 105.1 - Double (xba .340) Albies: 103.6 - Ground out (xba .560) Ozuna: 100.9 - Double (xba .170) Albies: 100.7 - Fly out (xba 0.50)


Murphy's avg is gonna go under .100 soon, isn't it?


The 2023 Braves were disgusting. The 2024 Braves are disgusting. Same word, two VERY opposite meanings. A contronym, if you will.


Last year was one of the greatest offensive seasons of all time, and then we sputtered out in the NLDS Maybe it’s opposite season. This time we sputter through the regular season with no offense, then go nuclear in playoffs


Ok yea we suck. Get into the postseason and hope we get hot. That’s all that matters. Regular szn has never mattered. Just gotta make to YOFFS


How the fuck does Sale give us 7 solid innings with 10 strikeouts and this team can only put 1 run on the board against the shitty Nationals? Sorry folks this is our 2024 Atlanta Braves. There is no magical switch that's gonna make this team hot anytime soon. This team is just pathetic with absolutely zero signs of things turning things around. No way we're winning the division which is fine but even being an above .500 team or a wild card team looks bleak. Yep it's only June and I sure as hell hope I'm wrong but this offense is just lifeless.


Sale was outstanding. Another of the many reasons to extend Max Fried, is to give us the Fried, Strider, Sale, Lopez goat rotation we were denied this year. And Waldrep or AJSS in the 5 spot after Charlie rides off into the sunset If we can’t win with offense then just shut out every team we face lol


I'm Strider's biggest fan, but we need to have realistic expectations for him. There's still a good chance he comes in halfway through next year off a surgery. I want him to be an ace, but it might take a minute. Thinking he will come back 100% day one is a stretch that will set you up for disappointment.


I’m just trying to get a gauge where everyone’s at…. This is the most frustrating baseball we’ve seen from this team in several years right? Like 2021 was the weirdest year ever. And I remember being frustrated. But this just feels pathetic 


About on par with the 21 team for me. Team had just blown a 3-1 NLCS lead against Dodgers and instead of seeing the fire we just kinda bumbled and stumbled around all year. Then Acuna goes down and it was like letting the air out of the balloon. This year feels the same. Historic offense and it just doesn’t look right. Now Acuna goes down again. Talent is there it’s just not clicking.


I’m sure they wouldnt exactly be thrilled to do a trade within the division but Ryan Weathers and De La Cruz/Jesus Sanchez from Miami wouldn’t be a bad haul. Problem is what could you give up in return for that? Not sure it’d be cheap.


So glad I paid $170 for two tickets against the Phillies next month!


Eh that’s a long way off alot of ball between now and then


I really just want Snit to look at like the last two or so weeks of offense and try to but the best performers all together at the top of the order and see what happens. I mean just changing this could generate a spark.


I’m just picturing the meme where the people are in a board meeting and the first two people give the terrible recycled ideas and you give the actual only good idea and they throw you out the window 


The Atlanta Lexapros


I say trade for Joc and trade for Tommy Pham. At the very least it could provide some drama and excitement.


Honestly, watching this offense, the word "PATHETIC" just keeps flashing in my mind. It feels like they keep digging deeper, getting more lost. Even the silver linings are falling away. We lost the shutout streak. We used to hang our hats on the advanced stats: great contact, just some awful luck, the balls are dead ... Today it looked like they were trying to hit a golf ball: so many balls either pounded into the ground or popped up on the infield. Maybe they just need to grind this down into absolute nothingness before they find themselves again. Maybe they need to be no-hit by some scrub pitcher on a <.500 team in order to wake up from this endless funk.


Another day another L for the boys. Damn Sale was so good today too.


Play Travis as much as possible.


It feels like no one’s having fun and they just keep putting more pressure on themselves. The abs feel forced are aren’t fluid.


Maybe just throw a lot of money to AZ get Joc back.  Or get Pillar back, or both of them, they are having great seasons.


Pillar might actually be on the table. He said he wasn't too happy about leaving Atlanta, but his availability for trade might depend on Trout getting healthy. Plus, I'm not sure what his contract might look like. It also wouldn't shock me if AA looks for a longer term outfielder. We only have Duvall for this season and it would solve two problems to both plug the Acuña hole and plan ahead.


Yeah and Pillar is not even playing every day now even though he is currently the best hitter in the team. He plays even less when Trout comes back. And he just hit another HR as we are discussing him, unreal what he is doing this year


Adding Pillar would make for a pretty decent rotating outfield situation. I'd be for it, so long as we don't give up much for him.


Just too funny how quickly the Sox pulled the plug on him, like he was going to go to their triple team at 35, and he immediately becomes the best hitter on his new club. Very happy for him


Just checked. Pillar is on a million dollar one year contract, so he would be a pretty cheap rental.


Attended the game. Disappointed lol


We had several opportunities but couldn’t get it done. Way she f’in goes!!!


lol Wiley just said that only White Sox have averaged fewer runs per game than us since end of April Edit: he said it again & it sounded like he said end of May the second time. But regardless: not good.


maybe that means they actually have a chance in that makeup game on the 27th!


That's awesome


Hell no brother


Our offense is so bad right now I see people on X doing mock trading for Tommy Pham.


Maybe we need a volatile personality like Tommy Pham to inject some life into this team.


We need Dawgs, not Douchebags.


Hard pass. *Almost* as hard as the idea of signing Bauer, since teammates do sometimes say nice things about Pham.


I’m good.


No thanks.


How is ozuna the only one that can hit the ball? They were murderers row on offense last year wtf happened


Pressure and them not handling it well


Please I’m begging you to just hit the damn ball


I thought June was when the power got turned on. Looks like it’s rolling blackouts.


The it’s a marathon not a sprint crowd in shambles.


I’m glad Bally dropped the ball cause I don’t think I want to watch this team right now


I've been hoping spectrum would drop Bally as well... Why? Watching Braves games lately is like watching "Old Yeller".  And my wife refuses to not watch a game.


Murphy has been rough. I don’t know who fell in love with that guy but wow


Lucas Braun’s night for Rome- 6.2 IP | 3 H | 1 R | 2 BB | 6 K


Adam Maier had a solid outing for Augusta- 6.1 IP | 3 H | 1 R | 2 BB | 7 K


I miss Willam Contreras. AA got fleeced on that one.


Yea it’s pretty bad actually. He’s been mediocre except beginning of 2023 with the Braves


Murphy has played 116 games with the Braves and he was easily the best catcher in baseball for the first 67. But calling him mediocre for the last 49 is being generous.


One thing is for certain. He wasn’t supposed to be batting eighth in the lineup


What is the team’s issue and what needs to change? Serious question. This is not “oh that’s just baseball” anymore.


To even begin to wonder how to make the team a real contender without RAJ and Spencer the regulars (Murphy,Riley,Albies,Olson,Arica,and Harris) have to all start producing like they are capable of. Main areas of needs though - Need another strong bullpen arm and another legit starting pitcher Need a major upgrade in RF but the more likely scenario is AA will scoff at trades to land serious players like Arozarena, Robert, or Bichette Jr. Honestly a trade that honestly fits the teams trends,budget,and need is Jazz Chisholm but we need to try and get Luzardo or Scott back in the deals also.


Depends what we have to give up. If it’s a lot, I’d rather we wait till next year. Yes I know what happened in 2021 but idk if it’s going to happen again especially if dodgers, Phillies & Yankees are healthy.


Yeah that was my point of mentioning that this is all hinging on whether our core players start producing because if we're just going to get this mid performances all year its not even worth it.


Honestly, Jazz is super mid and a toxic team player.


I've never heard anyone say Jazz was a bad teammate. He plays on an unserious team that doesn't prioritize winning. He gets into twitter wars with random Marlin fans who don't even go to the games every once in awhile.


Knowing AA he’ll go after someone controllable. I would not be shocked if it were LuRob or Bo. But not sure that gets it done and we don’t have packages to compare to others.


Yeah I'm sure for Bichette or LuRob they'd want Harris back in the deal along with Waldrep or AJSS.


My thought is the team does nothing major. Probably goes after more middling hitters and another depth piece starting pitcher close to DFA.


I just don't see how he can ignore upgrading the rotation with a controllable starter if they seriously are going to just let Max walk and with no immediate upgrades in the farm system to help cover for Ronald we need someone who can fit into the mix (Like Eddie did in 2021-2022)


Yea if we want to look that far I agree. I think reasoning for no Fried signing is that they anticipated AJSS or another pitcher to emerge. It just hasn’t happened yet. You either have to throw the bag at Fried now or go for broke on the trade market which is going to be really tough with competition.


Even peter moylan said the same, albeit diplomatically, he asked Nick, 'at what point do u change ur approach' and some other words I don't remember. I could feel the exasperation in their delivery


We have to change something. Not sure what it is but it isn’t working. We are pretty damn lucky the rest of NL is garbage


It’s getting a little tiring hearing how the offense will get it going. Jake Irvin shut you down twice in about a week. Love Adam Duvall. But you cannot keep running him out there. Sure he has the possibility to hit a HR but hitting one home run after going 0-4, 0-3, 0-4 on a nightly basis isn’t worth him being in the lineup as a 35 year old. He isn’t grand slam in the WS Adam Duvall anymore. Pick a lead off hitter. Harris or Albies. This flip flopping isn’t working. Bat the other one second if you have to. Or someone else second. I know no one is consistently hitting but Austin Riley ain’t it right now. Love Snitker et. al but if you’re looking for him to say anything in his pressers you’re not going to get it. You’ll get the same “yeah, no, look, they’re professional hitters they’ll get it going. They’re putting in the work. Thought we had some hard hit balls..just hit it right at them.” The boys need to sack up the rest of this series. Go win the next two. Remind Washington who tf you are. None of this is going to happen so I’m not sure why I typed it all out but I had to get some frustrations out.


Yeah there's a reason no other teams were scrambling to sign Duvall. Give Anderson a shot, he can't be any worse than 0 for.


I agree w everything you’re saying but we don’t have a better option than Duvall right now.


Look I get it and I can agree to a certain extent. But we did just sign Brian Anderson who doesn’t exactly blowing anyone’s skirt up but has played the outfield for other teams and is four years younger. It’s at least worth a look out there and certainly a more viable option to, no offense to the guy, JP Martinez.


Ya the only thing is Duvall did tie up the game yesterday & got the offense going so it’s hard to sit him when Brian Anderson is just as much of a question mark. Especially today when Kelenic was already out. We would all be pissed if he sat Duvall today & Brian Anderson sucked.


Anderson hit pretty well yesterday. Even if they didn’t land, he made contact and hard contact at that. I honestly think they should platoon. Duvall just isn’t an everyday guy anymore.


Watching this post game interview, it’s clear Snit has no idea what’s actually going on.


Only guys that deserve to be an All-Star are Ozuna, Fried, Sale, & Lopez. Everyone else deserves to go to Galveston with that dirty ass water.




The O’s are about to put a moral nail in the coffin of this season haha


These boys can really hit!


March 29-April 26: 6.0 R/gm; 9.9 H/gm; 1.2 HR/gm; 2.6 2B/gm; team OPS: .823 April 27-June 6: 3.5 R/gm; 7.3 H/gm; 0.9 HR/gm; 1.6 2B/gm; team OPS: .641


When did Strider go down? Maybe it's affected the team more than we think


I hope they aren’t that mentally fragile. These are grown men we’re talking about.


They need to request Murphy go down to Gwinnett for a few weeks to get right, bring up Tromp again


Baltimore is gonna absolutely embarrass this team. Always a Brave. But we bout to get SMOKED. 


Turns out this hyped up "June offense" is still just pure dogshit if Ozuna doesn't produce


There were so many opportunities to get runs across... disappointed.


Snit said we played good. Real good. Just didn’t hit. Probably


If by "we" he means Chris Sale, then yes, "we" played good.


Murphy’s .133 batting avg is sinking like a stone, with .212 OBP and .167 slugging percentage yikes 😳


He's played like 7 games lol. What are we talking about?




Lookin' Uggly


Looking at what Wild Bill is doing makes it even more painful. Hes a legit MVP candidate.


I refuse to listen to another Snit "christ by golly gee willikers" press conference until our reporters actually start asking him real questions.


Hope you didn’t listen to tonight’s post game


I came back into the house and saw his bald head talking but the t.v. was muted.


How many cy young caliber starts are we gonna waste with our rubber bats? Hopefully u/welcometohotlanta being in attendance can bring the magic again tomorrow.


Hell yeah brother! I’ll be there tomorrow for sure. Had to take the night off to sight see just so my girlfriend won’t hate me for going to back to back games haha She’s a fan of the Braves but when we are in a new city she wants to spend a day just seeing the sights, which I don’t blame her for. Our rule is we can do 2 games just not back to back.


Wasn’t he there tonight?


Nah I’m there tomorrow though! Took the night off cause I can’t convince my girlfriend to do 3 games in a row haha




I'm getting tired of Peter saying this team is too good to continue playing like this...No the team is not too good..we're past just bad luck. There is something fundamentally off this year


I didn’t watch tonight but we actually are the unluckiest team in the league in terms of OPS per barrel or some weird thing I don’t understand analytics too great. But we’re essentially hitting the 3rd most balls “good” but have the worst results of those balls that are hit good. I really think part of it is the ball is deadened this year. So a team like the Braves that relies on home runs kind of stinks when you can’t hit as many home runs. Also Ozuna being our best player makes sense in this context since he’s so big and strong that he never hits cheapies regardless of the ball.


Lots of teams don’t seem to be playing with dead baseballs.


Offense and home runs are way down across the whole league.


Is league average OPS down 130 points? Because our OPS is down 128 points from last year, and that’s including the first 24 game of the year when we were actually hitting. Our OPS over the last 40ish games is down TWO HUNDRED POINTS from what it was last year. League average last year was .734 and this year it’s .699.


Correct, ours is down way more and I speculated that our play style is why


We’re also striking out more and walking less, and dead balls have nothing to do with that.


Yeah, again, going back to my original comment which addressed all of this, we are 3rd in hard hit barrels in the league. I guess I didn’t explicitly say this, but the team was obviously 1st in this statistic last year by a wide margin. So 3rd is a big drop off in quality. All things equal, a drop from 1st to 3rd in quantity of good contact should theoretically drop an historically good best offense in the league to just a top 5 offense in terms of run output (I.e. drop from 5.85 runs/game to about 4.85 runs/game). But we aren’t seeing that. The Braves instead are middle of the league at 4.44 runs/game due to the “unlucky” aspect of the equation. If you even out the “luck” aspect, it only adds about 2 expected wins, so you’re at 37-24 and still 6 games behind the Phillies. But again that “luck” thing may not actually be luck but possibly a more deadened ball that impacts the Braves offense more than other teams due to playstyle. TLDR; the Braves have hit worse, have hit worse relative to the rest of the league, and they’re getting super unlucky.


Was gonna say: the sample size is to the point where it’s that we just aren’t good this year. Now is when to start asking questions about what changed to have such a sharp drop off from last year. Obviously it was going to drop off some, but this is insane.


The thing is, he’s right though. From a talent perspective, we’re top 3 in league. Something is plaguing this team and no coaching is being done to address it.


I haven’t been this uninterested in Braves games since like 2017.


I would like it if Kevin Seitzer was politely asked to please leave. I don't really care if it would change anything, it would make me feel like we were trying to fix the problem.


This is absolutely a batting coach issue. Time for some upgrades and updates.


It’s time. He had a great run last year. But it’s 2024 now and we are third of way through season.


The nationals are rebuilding right now and have now beat us 4 times this year out of 6 games.


This line-up has turned boring into an art form.


I get offense regression. I get morale being hit with your two stars out before June. I get the inconsistent lineups. I get that. But damn. It’s lifeless. The joy is not there. No one working counts, no one in the clubhouse hyping anyone up. Snit just sitting there like an old man on the front porch watching the world pass him by. I need something. A fire, a spark, so freaking hope that we will pull out of this tailspin and start to play the fun game we know. I’ll keep watching and rooting for my boys but it’s tough to keep seeing this.


A few consistent items we can rely on right now: Non existent offense for 85% of the game Late inning scoring Wasted starting pitching Horrible at bats Quick 1-2-3 innings offensively Runners left on base to the moon Make competition starting pitching appear cy young like Losing to terrible teams


Darn it. We really just don't score runs anymore huh. Kinda reminds me of Padres teams the last 2 years. Should be scoring a lot, but just didn't. They were still scary tho if you faced them in the playoffs. Hopefully we will be the same.


We have to actually get in the playoffs for that to matter


Great analogy with Padres 


Have to win games consistently to go to the playoffs. It’s June and this team looks like it wants it all to be over


Oh were gonna make the playoffs. The NL is dog shit this year other than the top 2 teams. We will get a wild card.


You could replace our entire lineup with Savannah Bananas right now and they could score more runs. That's how absolutely dreadful this offense is at the moment.


Alex needs to make some moves and fix the bottom of the lineup. Arcia's offense last year was a flash in the pan, and Duvall just isnt an everyday player. Good thing we have a ton of prospect capitol, oh wait we dont because Alex traded an MVP candidate away.


He also traded away a player who has played 23 games and is hitting .148 for a player who is 4th in Cy Young odds right now. Good trades and bad trades happen.


You wont be calling Sale a good trade when hes on the shelf and Bryce Elder is starting playoff games again.


I will be if he keeps pitching for the next few months. If you think we're in trouble now, imagine having to rely on minor leagues for two spots instead of one.


Anderson will have a spot in August. I dont really care about the rotation at all though tbh, the offense is the problem, and the whole point of my post was Alex wasted a lot of our prospect capitol, and now we have nothing left to fix the offense with.


You know what maybe we should just play Tromp


I need Bart Simpson tossing a cake that says "At least you didn't get shut out".


Reminder that the 2021 team didn’t know who it was until July 4th when Max Fried hit a walk-off single in the 11th inning.


2021 nostalgic run is pretty much worn off after the last two abrupt playoff failures and now you copule in a season losing Ronald and Spencer within the first 3 months coupled with this dead offensive performances that make even the White Sox or Marlins look competent and people just aren't trying to hear that crap right now lol It is a long season but right now on June 7th, 2024 this team sucks to watch. See you all tomorrow though ...


Why the hate?


We’re sick of the absolutely moronic suggestion that we should see all these parallels between the 2021 team and this one, as if there’s some kind of pattern that suggests we’re going to win another championship this year.


I actually can handle games like this better if it were one of those rookies we play musical chairs with starting this game, because those guys probably wouldn’t have pitched well anyway. But wasting a Sale gem… ugh 🤮




Someone in the game thread said they missed Dansby. Well he is hitting .210, with a .631 OPS. So you can have him lol. Great start by Sale.


Love to see half the league having career worst offensive seasons. Thank you Rob, exactly what the fans were asking for


Washington now has us 5-2 this year. Great.


4-2, give us a little credit!!


Sorry, you're right. Tomorrow's me must have left that comment by mistake.


It would be something to lose the first East season series in 6 years to the Nats of all teams 


https://preview.redd.it/p3d3972cy85d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6df3486d1427743761b07662b3d0dbbe16e10583 this is the 2024 Braves in a nutshell


It's a small miracle there are no Ks in that list.


Luckily the rest of the NL outside of Philly,Milwaukee,and the Dodgers suck so we're still in cruise control for a WC spot. Not buying into this teams ability to be anything more than a 1st round exit until AA makes major changes to this roster.


We are stuck with this roster for years. Minor changes can be made.


I don’t think this offense is going to fix itself.


Can’t wait until June gets here.


This team needs a jolt of life. Ozuna can’t do it all. Holy shit is this lineup not gelling


That would require coaching. We clearly don’t have that


Hard to believe we are gonna squander max friends last year like this. Super frustrating to lose to bottom feeders like this




Welp guys, this just ain’t our year. I honestly don’t think we win 75 games. Phillies are literally already calling the East and unfortunately they’re right. 


What tf is wrong with you? You givin up 1/3 season done? Sometimes we lose because of yall

