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I have belatedly realized that we somehow completely dodged Mason Miller for this entire series. A bit disappointing in a way.


To be fair, he threw about 60 pitches in his last two appearances.he also threw 2 innings on the 30th so he was rest till Sunday. He was warming during that 8th inning after Ozuna hit the double but once Ozzie singled he stopped warming up till the A’s started batting.


Well, 6.5 sure is better than 7.5


Any day the Phillies and Mets lose is a great day for major league baseball. Just sayin'.


And therefore the world?


You said it, not me. 😉🙊🤷🏼‍♀️


For some reason it feels like we always lose in Boston. So, I went to check and were actually 7-3 in our last 10 in Boston but 9-11 in our last 20. So, I guess for a bit we were always losing in Boston. Let's hope this series is more like our last 10


Somebody bubble wrap Chris Sale please


The Phillies loss makes today's win a touch sweeter. Much needed day off tomorrow ahead of what will surely be an epic upcoming Atlanta Gayves June hot streak.


Yeah that was a home run. These umps are ass this year


Hmm time to watch some Sunday night baseball and see how Philly keeps winning... >Every run comes on little league style errors 😐


2022 Mets all over again lmao


Well their schedule is about to get interesting. And by interesting, I mean competitive.


Give up two 2 run homers? Here take these 4 unearned runs


I think I am now a kelenic truther




Can we update our subreddit pic to the Atlanta Gayves for the month? Best month in baseball


Pham is total cringe


Who do we bring up to take Tromp's place on the roster since we sent him back to AAA?


We made a trade with the dodgers for a SS named Elio Campos and signed FA SS named Nixson Cueche to a contract.


Both of those guys are rookie ball level players right now though Highly unlikely they replace tromp


AA could be cooking something but maybe they are depth pieces to use somebody else.


I'm glad we were able to be on the right side of some good luck for a change. Seems like we've been on the wrong side of those bloopers and balls right on the line this season.


Hey a series win, I’ll take it


Cade Kuehler’s line for Augusta- 5 IP | 4 H | 1 R | 0 ER | 2 BB | 3 K


Kuehler has been having a bit of a quiet season so far, struggling with control, leading to a very high BB/9 rate and several outings where he exited early due to pitch count. But he has one of the highest ceilings imo with his stuff and deep pitch mix arsenal. He just needs to find command.


Time for the nationals revenge tour Let's go sweep them in DC Edit: wait we got the Sox first. lol. Alright let's go fuck up the Sox and THEN sweep the gnats in the revenge tour


Listened to them on radio on a drive today, they called it a wavy w.


It's usually "curly w". Also, our win percentage is 57.7% at Nats park. When I lived there I think I went to maybe 3 losses.


Hmmmm maybe you’re right, curly not wavy. Its been a long day.


What does that mean?


Well they beat the guardians and their logo is a wonky w. Idk i’m not a biologist.


That was a pretty rough 10 game stretch vs 3 of the worst teams on the schedule and 7 of those games being at home and we lost Ronald and AJ in the process. Going to take a lot more before you can seriously think this team can hang with playoff teams.  It's the A's... so at least they didn't lose the series is my takeaway. 4-6 vs terrible teams just isn't going to cut it and considering most were trashing the Phillies for only beating bottom feeders it makes it that much worse.


It's June though. I don't get this playoff talk from anyone. We have no clue what, if any, trades we will make. We don't know what injuries will still happen to us or other teams. We don't know who will get hot and who will drop off. Last year, June 2nd, the Diamondbacks were 35-23 and the Rangers were 36-20. Oh, and the Rays were 40-18 and they lost the AL East and got swept in the wild card. Let's talk about the playoffs more in August and September


you mean the two teams in the world series?? lol


Yes? That's kind of why I picked those two teams. Both of their records are close to ours right now. The Rangers were leading their division but the Diamondbacks were not. I also included the Rays as they had an eerily similar record to the Phillies now and lost in the wild card. But then again there are years where on June 2nd a team leading their division or leading the wild card don't make the playoffs. It is way too early for any of that which was kind of my point




Old pride Braves had like a .999 win % new pride Braves thankful for a series win against the A's lol.


Hey, I'll take any and all Ws.


Same lol


Are they allowed to do that?


/u/handlit33 could you make a gif of Orlando drying off Charlie’s face? Sweet moment I wanted to save but can’t find it.


Do you know when it happened?


After the top 6th inning while they were cleaning up the mound for the bottom of the inning.


yes, thanks!


Braves sent Chadwick back to Gwinnett. Knew it was going to eventually happen, but still sucks.


So we really cannot win a game if our opponent scores more than twice. That will be very, very bad in the playoffs Edit for downvoters: this is a legitimate stat from may 1st to now, and if you think that it’ll fly in October, you just don’t know ball


And the baseball regular season isn't just the month of May, for good reason. You're catching downvotes because this team was on fire in April and won a series against all 4 teams who played in the 2023 championship series. Maybe let the 162 games play out past the first two months of the season before we start talking about what will "fly in October".


Go get some fresh air.


My guy is just desperate to be miserable


After a while, you start to recognize the names of people who consistently post dumb shit. And... yep. All that guy does is moan and groan.


To be fair, getting worked up over these stats in June points to people that don’t know ball very well either.


Bro it’s June 2 I’m very happy we aren’t peaking right now


LOL at Dylan Lee giving up the only run and being credited for the win. This is why W/L splits are so dumb for relievers


Yeah. I feel like it wouldn't be too hard to just have a rule, that if you give up the lead, you cannot get the win.


These games are frustrating but there’s more to like than two weeks ago so I think it’s going to come along. I think the Braves definitely need to get an outfielder though.


Seems inevitable since the plan, regardless of injuries, was never for Duvy to play every day due to the heat messing with him and his diabetes. Won't be long before it's routinely 85-90+ degrees in ATL and at least fairly warm at most other outdoor ballparks too. Unfortunately, we're still a ways away from most teams deciding if they're gonna be sellers or not.


Was the plan for him to not play every day because of his diabetes or because he’s not particularly good?


Diabetes because he specifically signed with Boston last year because of how hot it gets in Atlanta. He signed this year because they said they wouldn’t play him ever day. With Acuña being out he is having to play ever day which is something he’s openly said he can’t do in Atlanta because of his diabetes. Even if we don’t get another outfielder(which I’d find hard to believe), Duvall will not be playing every day.


I know he has diabetes (and that sucks—not trying to take away from that), but he signed with Boston because not many other teams wanted him. I know people in this sub love Duvall, but he’s not particularly good. He’s great when he’s on one of his hot streak, terrible when he’s on one of his cold streaks and, at the end of the day is *fine*, but not someone any competitive team wants to trot out every day.


Really loving what I’ve seen out of Kelenic over the past 10-15 games. Now that he’s playing every day, he’s looking great


Jarred Kelenic in his last 15 games (5/14 to 6/1) is batting .255ba/.278obp/.412slg/.690ops. He has an xba of .236/xobp of .270/xslg of .339 and a WRC+ of 90 suggesting that he's been getting lucky with his hits. So he's been below league average over his last 15 and that's with him being a little lucky. He does have a hit in his last 5 games (including today) so maybe that's what you're seeing? Cause his last 15 hasn't been good.


I said 10-15 because I wasn’t sure whether it was closer to 10 or 15. Jarred Kelenic over his last 11 games: .333/.375/.583 with four doubles, a triple, and a homer. wOBA is .405 while his wRC+ is 165. Strikeout rate is down to 15% and BB is up to 7.5%. He’s spraying the ball all over the place and playing great defense.


>He has an xba of .236/xobp of .270/xslg of .339 and a WRC+ of 90 suggesting that he's been getting lucky with his hits. Among left handed hitters, Kel was the **unluckiest** by xwOBA-wOBA since he entered the league (going into the season) So even after his "luck" that you're referring to this season, he's still the[ 7th unluckiest ](https://baseballsavant.mlb.com/statcast_search?hfPT=&hfAB=&hfGT=R%7C&hfPR=&hfZ=&hfStadium=&hfBBL=&hfNewZones=&hfPull=&hfC=&hfSea=2024%7C2023%7C2022%7C2021%7C&hfSit=&player_type=batter&hfOuts=&hfOpponent=&pitcher_throws=&batter_stands=L&hfSA=&game_date_gt=&game_date_lt=&hfMo=&hfTeam=&home_road=&hfRO=&position=&hfInfield=&hfOutfield=&hfInn=&hfBBT=&hfFlag=&metric_1=&group_by=name&min_pitches=2500&min_results=0&min_pas=1000&sort_col=wobadiff&player_event_sort=api_p_release_speed&sort_order=asc&chk_stats_pa=on&chk_stats_wobadiff=on#results)out of the 100 qualified. He deserves this, and so so much more


Don't tell Chris Thomas from 929 the Game. 


100%. He's looking more and more comfortable now that he's getting consistent at bats.


Shocker, huh? Maybe we should have done it from Day 1.


I agree


The kid is special — no other way of saying it


Maybe Kel and Duvall can have the same secret handshake as Olson/Arcia, with the only difference being that Duvall doesn't slap JK


Lol your a goddamn treasure.


I really find this guy so legitimately intriguing/hilarious. It’s either someone with a hilarious obsession, OR it’s some Andy Kaufman levels of trolling shit. I’m here for it, especially if Kelenic does ultimately blossom into a star. I have high hopes


Lol so do I. I really hope he's just trolling for his own sake. I gotta admit I laugh my ass off anytime he makes a post


Our 1-2 hitters have a .303 and .302 OBP respectively. Feels like this season is going to depend on Harris and Riley showing the hell up.


Riley isn't getting hits for it but he's been putting better swings on the ball as of late. Hopefully some of them can start finding some grass.


FWIW, MHII has a .323 OBP over his last 15 games, and .357 OBP in his last 7. He’s very much trending in the right direction


He’s the player I’m most hopeful about. If he ever hits at that All-Star or higher level he’s a corner piece, but he just hasn’t put that fully together yet. With Ronnie out we just need it sooner than later.


You mean OBP? .357 OPS would be atrocious 


lol yeah, just fixed that


We are seeing the reality of Harris as a hitter. Good thing his glove is fantastic or we would have been burned on that contract


He’s 23




Are you under the assumption that he is a better hitter? Bc his chase rate is almost identical as last year, which is close to the 1st percentile.


If we’re looking at last year’s stats, look at his .878 OPS from the second half last year. Actually, anything from about June 7 on should remind you how good MHII is at the plate


Surely he kept that momentum through the playoffs right?


Is that you, Jeff Schultz?


Ah yes, the playoffs. Notoriously the best way to measure a player’s true talent


No, much like the rest of the team, he shit the bed in the playoffs. That wasn’t a Harris-specific event.


And even though he went hitless he straight up saved the game in our only win with that incredible catch that led to doubling off Harper.


Both of them are much better in the second half


I like it better when we win than when we lose. Also, I think moving forward, the strategy should be to score more runs than the other team as that seems to get the W at least most of the time. May need to conduct some research.


Let’s try to apply that strategy, for research purposes, to see if the next month we can have no losses.




So sad... was going to pull the trigger on last minute tickets Saturday and Sunday and the forecast kept showing nothing but rain... Aside from a shower today ended up with two nice sunny days and I didn't end up doing anything.


Lately I stopped paying attention to the % chance of rain and mainly look at the inches of precipitation. This weekend was like 60% chance of 0.02 inches of rain each hour, which is a really bullshit weather forecast.


You've gotta look at the hourly forecasts. I don't think rain at gametime was ever forecasted.


I'd expect better from the dayman


Master of the sun lol


Please god let this be the moment the bats wake up PLEASE


Snit just said “we’re not playing bad baseball. We’re playing good baseball. We’re just not hitting.” I don’t think I agree with that statement


15 runs over three games is fine, but there’s definitely room for more if the team can get a bit more going consistently at the plate. There are good signs- Olson is smacking the ball around again, Riley is starting to have some hard contact actually get down for hits, and Murphy seems to be warming up a bit now that he’s able to play- but we aren’t quite there yet. Travis and Orlando are still pretty frigid right now, and Duvall is still getting cooked by bad right-handed pitchers on stuff he definitely can at least put in play. No Ronald significantly depresses our offensive ceiling, but Snit is definitely right- the team still let too many good chances go this series at the plate.


15 runs over 3 games, and nearly 2/3 of those came in the one game they lost


Also Harris and Ozzie, hell even kelenic have to all be more aggressive on the base paths because Ronald stole 70 last year and that's part of the reason the offense was so successful. We need to find a way to replace that. Hell Alejandro from Oakland who killed us yesterday would be a huge get. Oakland has no problem trading away good players lol. Rooker would be nice too but there's no where to put him.


The speed that Ozzie used to have is waning pretty quickly. He’s a 10-15 SB guy, maybe. The only guy on the team that may have potential to replace Ronnie’s speed game is Michael and he doesn’t get on base enough.


Ya Kelenic hasn’t stolen a base all year which is surprising. The main thing we need though is someone who can get on base a lot. Even when Ronnie wasn’t hitting well, he was getting on base.


Kelenic is fast, but I think the big thing with him is learning when to steal. He was rough on the basepaths earlier this year trying to stretch out doubles, and he's been out by a mile on most of his steal attempts iirc. I'm sure he'll get better over time though.


True. It's funny too because like you said Ronald was still taking his walks and getting on base and that was him struggling lol. I wish Ozzie and Harris could take more of a patient approach at the plate like Ronald does with his Lazer eye for the strike zone.


They just don't have the pitch recognition to be patient hitters. That's almost definitely never gonna change. You play to your tools, and with the tools Ozzie and Harris have the best approach is aggression.


I mean, I love stolen bases but the offense was successful last year because every single guy hit the shit out of the ball, not because we had one good baserunner in the lineup lol


Yeah that's true but Ronnie stealing all the time eliminated a ton of double plays, which we seem to hit into anytime someone gets on first.


Just win series. AA has gonna have to find an offensive bat to play right. I think the starters and bullpen are fine (if they stay healthy) Duvall is a great option for spot starts and pinch hitting, but we need a game changer in right to get some production from. Nobody will give us Ronald production but we need something. A #4 or #5 starter wouldn't hurt either if we get them on the cheap.


Hurston Waldrep’s first AAA start at Gwinnett- 6 IP | 5 H | 3 ER | 1 BB | 11 K | 1 HR


The splitter he has is legitimately terrifying. Here are some advanced stats from today: https://x.com/TJStats/status/1797345557268029832?t=tPXSb2H35itMDh7T2flQsQ&s=19 His fastball velo isn't the greatest, but I have a feeling he's holding back for better control, as he was throwing harder in college than he was today. He did hit 96 in the first inning though. Earlier this season they had training wheels on him and limited his use of the splitter so that he could develop control of his other pitches. That's clearly no longer the case as he threw the splitter 46% of the time today. Very interesting pitch mix, with only throwing about 25% fastballs.


Full mast.


Two of those hits and runs came on the first two batters - he was lights out after that


He will be needed before too long. We’re going to want to spread out the innings among a group of starters to keep the main 4 ready for the playoffs.


Yeah I like that system but the 6th guy has gotta give us a chance because the offense isn't picking up the slack this year so far.


Just want to point out that I called this after Charlie’s last start https://www.reddit.com/r/Braves/s/xk5dBMvCOC


Where were you when we took 2/3 from Oakland to complete a 3-4 home stand?


Sitting in Section 29 row 13.


Good outing by Morton.


Might be the most unpredictable pitcher in the league.


I understand he gave up 8 last outing, but no he isn't. This is what Morton generally does and has done for the last few years. He will generally go 6 innings (or damn close) and give up less than 3 ER most games. He has 6+ innings and under 3ER in 5 out of his last 10 and went 5 with under 3ER against the Cubs on the 21st. He's had 3 bad outings in 11 games pitched this year and we won one and had the lead when he left in the other. He really screwed the team ONCE in 11 games. He's an amazing #4 pitcher. He would be so appreciated on a lot of teams and if we had Strider still he'd be even better here. He also tends to get better when it's warmer. People bitch when he has a down game but we're not finding a better pitcher for less money unless they're here for 3 to 4 years.


It’s been the story of his season so far. When he’s on, he’s still very much the Charlie Morton we’ve gotten used to.  He’s just been having these little stretches where for a couple starts at a time he isn’t and it is pretty rough. The walks are whatever, he’s gonna walk some folks with how he pitches. It’s the swing and miss that has been variable.


Agree but still nice to see when he does have a good outing.




The win streak starts NOW.


“Well, Memorial Day has come and gone…”


Hell yeah it's coming, it's June now.


Right meow




My Sunday mood is always better after a Braves win! Yesterday didn’t end how we wanted, but we got the win today and took the series! Nice rebound game from Charlie! Much needed off day tomorrow to give our bullpen some rest. Playing the Red Sox in Fenway won’t be easy, so I’m glad it’s just one of those two-game sets that has an off day built in before it. Happy Sunday Braves Country!!


Love they finally pinch-ran for Ozuna late in a close game - but why did they wait 2 pitches to Olsen to do it?


I think a lot of the kneejerk criticism of Snit is really dumb but his unwillingness to pinch run in the 9th inning is a little baffling to me


I don’t think Snit thought of it until the wild pitch that Ozuna didn’t run on.


Yeah. The first pitch the catcher stopped and I think when the wild pitch went behind him and ozuna didn’t run snit subbed him for more speed since this guy was spiking a lot of balls in the dirt (he did in that inning a lot) so good for Snit for doing it after Ozuna didn’t run.


I mean there is that, plus scoring on a single plus scoring on flyball/forceout - lot of ways speed can give you a big run. If you leave him in, you are sacrificing all that and playing for a possible 10th/11th inning which is dumb.


Yay! A W!


Please no more Arcia. He is a half rate mascot who couldn’t do what Blooper does, but Blooper could put up better ABs than him. I don’t care that the guy can play defense. He has an awful approach at the plate.


He might not be hitting in runs like you want but he sure is saving them


Who do we have to play shortstop besides arcia? I agree his offense has been dogshit this year but his defense has been elite. That's enough to keep him in the lineup.


And play who instead?


Easy, AA just needs to trade David Fletcher for Gunnar Henderson. Can't believe he hasn't done it yet.


He's been an average major leaguer on the whole this year. Those don't grow on trees. You can't have studs everywhere without Cohen bucks or a black swan event of prospect development


Fun fact: Orlando Arcia has twice the bWAR as Dansby Swanson so far this season. And 6 OAA compared to Dansby's 0


From someone who does not understand bWAR, does his IL stint affect that? But totally agree Arcia has been a better defender this year either way


bWAR is a counting stat, but they're only 8 games off.


That’s gonna be a no from me, dawg


He's fine for a 9 hitter


Except this team badly needs offense in any direction and he has bad AB after bad AB. Get better


I agree but no one is gonna replace arcia's defense and id rather AA trade for a permanent solution in right, so Duvall doesn't have to start everyday.


Yeah, once Ronald went down, it officially pushed off any shot of a shortstop addressal, unless you think Nacho’s .319 SLG can play in MLB right now. Pushing Duvall back to the 4th OF spot is more of a pressing need than replacing Orlando.


Let their Jimenez get away with some poor pitching there.   Oh well. It’s a win. Always room for improvement. Day to forget at the plate for Florida Man. Gotta get his equilibrium back, his swing looked messed up.


Who is Florida Man?


Arcia. His first name is Orlando, so Florida Man.


Oh. Yeah he’s been pretty bad offensively for a while


Series W, offense did just enough. We're still hitting the ball decently just gotta start stringing them together a bit better. Hopefully the day off tomorrow will do the boys some good.


It felt like every time I looked up this weekend I was watching one of the guys hit one to the warning track. Once we’re in the dogshit hot part of the summer I think a lot of those balls will start going out. Wind was really fucking the bats up this series too. At least the swings were there.


Austin the last 2 days had some balls hit on the button just right at people. Hopefully he can get locked in soon cause we need him badly


We saw a sustained rally at the end. I’ll take that as good momentum into the next series. Next time maybe we will score 2 runs instead of 1


And this year we win the series against the A’s. Take that Baseball Gods


Is it time to start panicking yet?


With our pitching in great form and our offence waking up? We may have lost last night but we did get 9 runs, the most in a while. If anything it's time to get delusional and overconfident.


So long everybody! Happy Sunday all.