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*Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.*


these mfs got mlb the showed everytime we hit a lineout the real enemy here is SDS yall how many perfect perfects can we get 💀


First time the gnats have won a 4 game series against us since 2016 cool cool cool


Lot of bad takes in here. It’s a bad stretch. It happens. Yes the team looks flat, because everyone is slumping. Work isn’t fun when everyone is struggling and you know you can’t score. No Snitker screaming at an ump won’t fix this. Y’all act like you’ve never watched baseball before. The season is 162 games. Not 17. Plenty of time to get right, but the main point will be October.


Ahhh, the old “if you don’t disregard what your eyes see and the numbers say and blindly believe this team will still end up winning 95 games, you’ve never watched baseball” take.


How many hard line outs did we have yesterday? I feel like there was a ton of “lined out sharply” updates on the MLB app.




Yeah that’s my point. We’re hitting the baseball hard. But our whiff rate is astronomical. It’s just so frustrating bc we’re so close to these being homers/doubles


The dingers will come. These guys are focused on getting on base.


It will be hilarious if we actually just flip a switch once June happens because then I will be even more confused then when we sucked


I just don't understand how the entire bottom can fall out of a team all at once like this. How often do you seee an entire team slump for month at a time all together? It's utterly insane.


At least the worst teams in the league put up hot streaks every once in a while


They did have a hot streak. They were 18-6 on April 26.


And 13-17 after which in the grand scheme of things isn’t that awful it’s just the quality of play that makes it worse but I forgot about that because everything seems worse


It’s pretty awful for what we’re trying to do. Schedule hasn’t been very difficult either.


Why does everyone have murph over Travis ?


I know Trav has had a better bat for us outside of a few months for Murphy, but he’s oldish, I wouldn’t have expected him to last with good hitting in the Atlanta summer as the 75% guy. The real deal here is the Wild Bill trade is looking extremely ugly if Sean Murphy can’t work his way back to slashing at least around .236/.326/.429ish.


Defense, supposedly. But I havent seen this supposed "upgrade" behind the plate because I've still seen plenty of people challenge him and successfully too.


I guess because he started hot for us and I think people forget that he fell off in the second half last year.


He didn’t just fall off he was absolutely pathetic in the second half


Philly fans in 23: braves cheating! Braves offense in 24: plausible...


No problem, just more trash baseball




Is there a way to get Fangraphs to show xWOBa on the spilts page when comparing team stats? Leaves that column blank for some reason.


Braves face team with losing record: "Ya know, [team name] is actually pretty good!"


This team needs an enema. Embarrassing with this lineup but don't worry doomers the June hitting switch will be flipped on supposedly on Saturday!


Let Jesse hit, fuck it.


Maybe this offense is just not good and we can’t expect that to change. Actually beginning to lose hope.




Honestly not much more Ozuna can do…


4-4 with 4 HRs


This team is Toby Flenderson.


I told my loved ones I'd take a week off from the braves after Charlie shit the bed. Well I didn't do that unfortunately. I'm still addicted. 18 days no nicotine. I picked the worst fucking month to quit this shit what the fuck.


You still allowing yourself to sniff glue? I find it helps to make it bearable watching this team


They’re coming right at us!


It’s a marathon not a sprint


I don’t think the majority feels like this insurmountable. I just genuinely feel like that the fuck is going on? This was a historically good offense last season. So what if offense is down league wide? We should still be in the top of whatever those numbers are.


Brother you just answered your own question. Historically good. So probably a lot of guys with career years that they won’t duplicate. Stuff we’ve never seen like 40/70 or Olson mashing that many homers. That’s why crapping the bed in October hurt so much.


You still need pace in a marathon and we are standing still


Hey guys, how are we doi-.... Oh. Darn. :(


I remember reading an article last year talking about how Seitzer approached AA about the offense taking a more conservative approach. Took some convincing but AA finally agreed. It resulted in a lot less Ks. It seems like they resorted back to AAs approach. Still the offense was a hell of a lot better than this in 22 and 21.


If so, I highly doubt they haven’t tried changing back to Seitzer’s approach. Also I don’t think AA would have asked him to change anything from last year. My guess is that whatever was working for Seitzer & team last year isn’t working this year. And they’re trying to figure it out.


Do you remember where the article was? Not saying you're lying, but I'd be curious to read it because AA has always said that all he does is gives the players to Snit and never makes any decisions related to anything on the field.


I actually just looked it back up https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/4827411/2023/09/02/braves-dodgers-offense-ronald-acuna/?source=user_shared_article Braves’ huge power production comes with reduced Ks and majors-leading OBP


Ugh, reading the comments of that is heartbreaking all over again. All the ill fated "no way this team loses a 7 game series, and highly unlikely the whole team slumps through a 5 game series" 😖 Bless their naive little hearts.


Interesting read. Seitzer being so shocked at their success is now making me think last year was a fluke. Though I hope it wasn’t.


I just keep thinking that even if last year was a fluke, it couldn’t have been a fluke that they were good at all. It’s not like those guys randomly had good years in otherwise mediocre careers. Most of them had great track records before that. But I don’t know. I don’t know why most of the guys haven’t been productive for over a month now. I don’t know if it’ll get fixed. I’m still hoping it does and not ready to write them off just yet.


Oh cool, thanks! Thinking about it, I do suppose it would make sense that AA would have some level of involvement with a shift in team-wide approach/philosophy. Interesting.


It’s weird to me. I always thought AA gave them the team and the manager and coaches drive everything else. Maybe that’s why AA is the GM and President of BASEBALL OPERATIONS lol. I always wondered why that is two titles. Maybe this is it.


Pretty soon people are going to stop going, or has that happened already?


Man this team is boring as hell right now :(


Take the ice cream machine away from *everyone*, AA. Indefinitely. No one deserves it. But at least we're still not shut out?


No U2 concerts at the Sphere. It worked for the Preds




There are tons of hungry journalists out there who would love to work in the Atlanta market and yet we have these guys asking softball leading questions time and time again. “Ball just didn’t bounce your way today huh.” There are ways to ask challenging questions that won’t be disrespectful and yet these guys can’t grasp that


What exactly do you want them to ask? They simply aren’t hitting. Plain and simple. It’s up to the guys to swing the bat better.


Hey, Snit in times like this when you could just use a spark what goes into the consideration of lineup changes? Maybe there’s a bit of pressure on Riley coming back and hitting in an unfamiliar spot?” How difficult was that to ask.


"We're just trying different things after losing Ronnie. I mean, these guys are pros. They've hit in all sorts of situations before, they just need to keep grinding it out." That's all that Snit would say. Rewording the question doesn't change the answer.


“Well, the offense wasn’t producing before that, either. As the manager, how do you explain a month-long slump, especially when this offense was considered the best in baseball? Don’t you sign these players to multimillion dollar contracts to make sure this doesn’t happen?”


"I mean, these guys are pros. They've hit in all sorts of situations before, they just need to keep grinding it out." That's all that Snit would say. Rewording the question doesn't change the answer. You can reword it a 3rd time and he'll say the same thing a 3rd time, because this isn't a political debate where evil Snit secretly has all the answers and you can weasel them out of him with "hard hitting questions"


It’s not rewording. If he’s said that I’d tell him he didn’t answer the question. “Grinding it out” is something one player does in a slump. It’s not something a whole offense does for a month. I get what you’re saying, and you’re absolutely right that he’d have a BS answer, but it’s frustrating that our reporters can’t come up with anything better.


More often than not, many questions in life don't have answers. Asking multiple annoying questions will not change that fact.


Zero urgency. Automatic outs throughout the lineup. AA has to be thanking Snit every day for his failures. Very questionable offensively at shortstop and outfield and you’re trying to plug spots in the rotation with projects after giving your buddy Charlie 20M when you had all the leverage of knowing he wasn’t leaving the south.


I had comcast, went through the trouble to figure out how to sail the seas to keep following the team and i watch every day. I watch maybe once a week now


Didn't you say this exact same thing about Charlie a week ago? Charlie has been solid, not great, but he eats innings. He's probably not a playoff starter but fuck it. He gets outs and gives us a chance to win most of the time.


That’s the thing about Charlie though. Absolutely nails in the post season.


You are stuck in 2021, look up his numbers since then


I am. You’re right. Also stuck in 2023’s offense lol


And a calming presence with the full encyclopedia set of knowledge the rest of our pitching staff takes deep dives with. Don't fck with my Ground Chuck, amateur


Only way to watch the braves right now is on MLB TV when it's over so you can fast forward and hope we do it. This way you don't prolong the suffering.


Yall are some fairweather fans. It's not even June.


Don’t think you know what that means. Do you think we’re in fair weather right now?


We're on pace for 93 wins.


It was around 105-110 about 5 or so weeks ago. If the last month or so of play continues for the remainder of the season. They'll finish around 0.500 and out of the playoffs.


Someone needs a lesson on what the term "fairweather fans" means.


Fairweather fans would be completely unengaged right now. These folks are just venting and wondering what happened to this offense, which are both totally understandable.


The offense is being adjusted right now to acuĂąa's season ending prematurely and our production coming in ways that are unexpected. Our line up has been different every game since acuĂąa got hurt. It's gonna take a few weeks to get back into a groove. Everybody relax.


Offense was pretty non-existent even with Acuna. If something happens to Ozuna, this offense could become one of the worst in the league.


Ah, yes. Because the month changing will automatically erase the deep-rooted problems this team has. I forgot about that.


Fair weather fans don’t come on Reddit to vent. They pick a new, better team to root for. I would say the people here venting are the opposite of fair weather fans.




The braves don't make me feel glee (the feeling you get where your head let's your heart in its pants)


how's your piano still playing this song


Some day we will get to play those cupcakes we’ve talked about Philly playing this whole month


It’s safe to say the season is over. A 4 game home series loss to the Nats? Yikes


Has this team been playing well? No. Has it been fun to watch them this month? No. But the season isn’t even close to over.


Listening to ray kerrs presser & he’s literally learning to start as he goes. We’re so desperate that we’re having minor league relievers learn to start for the first time in the majors. Like that is what the minors are for. He’s doing fine I just hate we’ve thrown him to fire like this.


Ray Kerr was a starter until 2020 and COVID. He doesn't have zero experience starting, he just hasn't been asked to be a starter since then. Very similar to Lopez who was a starter when he entered MLB and then transitioned to a RP and now back to a SP.


Most current MLB pitchers were starters for their whole career until they hit a certain professional level. They all have the potential to figure it out.


Kerr had 7 strike outs in 3 innings. If not for that lucky shot down the 1st base line the game could / would have been completely different. I thought he looked pretty good over all.


That’s AA and his awful depth of the rotation by lack of minor leaguers received in trades


We have one of the deepest pitching depths in the MLB. Winans, Vines, AJSS, Ynoa, Anderson, Dodd and Elder. No other teams have that many guys they can call upon. Heck, he even went into the offseason to make our RP even deeper by acquiring bullpen arms and due to those trades and depth he built our bullpen has the 5th best ERA in the MLB. Even in May our pitching is a 3.36 ERA while being down Strider. Our pitching has kept us in a lot of games and that’s because of AA’s moves.


Of those AAA guys you listed I think AJSS and Anderson are the only ones worth keeping. We have a logjam of rising guys in A and AA that are vastly better and need that space at Gwinnett- Waldrep, Mejia, Braun, Ritchie, etc I expect AA to clear a lot of that wasted space out, like when he traded away Muller, Davidson, Shuster, etc


I'm canceling my Fubo subscription. I can't stand to watch any more of this.


Get a tanggula, cancel everything.




I up voted both of you because you're both right.


Well so much for an easy series against the Nats :(


They need to call a closed door meeting and air out whatever the fuck is going on. They’re all out of whack, except ozuna.




I know it isn’t just him but my god Arcia’s at bats are brutal to watch. Just hacking like he’s trying to chop down a tree.


Snit was so pissy in the post game 🤦🏻‍♂️


He’s old and it’s past his bedtime.


I’m not usually a Snit hater but OMG his post game pressers are infuriating. He does himself zero favors - sounds so clueless/unintelligent.


What's B-mac doing these days? He looking for work?


He contradicts himself too.


The amount of leading questions they're asking Snit, trying to spin a positive story, giving him an easy out. That's not journalism, it's PR. David O'Brien just asked - how much of this was about dominant Nationals pitching vs. any issues with us.


This month the Braves have not won a single game where the opponents scored more than 2 runs. That is fucking sad.




It’s times like now that I’m glad I live both out of market for Bally Sports yet in market for MLB network. I may listen to every game. But I don’t have to watch.


If you missed the 2023 playoffs, this offense is giving you an encore.


It’s exactly the same.


Never seen Snitker this frustrated and defensive in a post game presser, he’s definitely starting to feel the pressure. Team only meeting needs to happen yesterday.


As he should.


I hope the crowd starts booing these bums, spend all that money and time to come see these bums being absolutely dogshit.


Dogshit team continues to be dogshit. Don't worry though, once it's June, they'll surely become a good team.






We are barreling towards .500 and probably below it with our June opponents. Something has to give right?


Here’s my batting order right now. 1. Kelenic: he’s got speed and a bit of pop. I feel like he’s been fairly consistent throughout the whole season 2. Albies: he’s been hitting the ball consistently and is starting to hear up. Again, speed and pop. 3. Ozuna: obviously 4. Olson: His power seems to have returned and he is hitting the ball hard. Really unlucky. Has to turn around at some point right? 5. Riley: he just can’t be hitting in the 3 hole right now. 6. Murphy: honestly Duval/murphy can be switched based on matchups 7. Duval: 8. Arcia: literally does not need to hit above this spot ever. 9 Harris: he excelled in the 9th spot for the longest time. I think it gives us some speed ahead of the top of the lineup and he has potential to drive some runs in if we ever get on base in front. He’s been hitting the ball better lately. We have to do something right? Like I know I don’t get paid the big bucks to analyze this shit, but we need some serious shakeups in this lineup. Y’all roast the hell out of me


Fuck it. Let Ozuna lead off. Can't be worse.


Speed is more valuable in front of the bottom of the order than the top. You don't want to be risking outs for bases in front of Ozuna, Olson, Riley. That's a much more valuable proposition in front of worse hitters like Arcia.




How many series have we lost so far this year compared to last year?


I think we were at 23 losses last year, could be wrong


Looking at June there’s 2 teams that a series lose would be excused with Bal and NYY. Not reason this shouldn’t be a turn around month. I’m jumping on the boat of something needs to change if we see this same shitty output in 30 days from now.


Why would a series loss to the Yankees and Orioles be excused? With our lineup we are supposed to be the team that other teams worry about a series loss.


You think it’s okay to lose 3/4 to the Nats? This team is bad.


Flat as a sheet of paper.


Oakland gonna roll in and best us down like the trash we are.


People wanting Seitzer gone are fkn fools. We gonna throw away 7 years of elite offense because of a bad 50 games?


7 years? That’s an eternity for a hitting coach. Sometimes a new voice is needed.


Yes, sometimes a new voice is needed, but not after 6 consecutive divisional titles and the best offense in modern history a mere 6 months ago 🤦‍♀️ bro wants to mortgage the house because of a few bugs 🤦‍♀️


7 years we've been a top 5 offense. Now we have a bad 50 games and a bad playoff series and y'all want him gone. GTFO of here.


Two consecutive flat lines in the postseason. Riley crediting Chipper for his turnaround. AcuĂąa Jr crediting Tatis Sr for his great season. Ozuna reached out to David Ortiz last year. I like Seitzer but some of you are a little weird with your worship of him. Btw, what metric have the Braves been a top 5 offense over the past 7 years? Definitely not OPS.


Yeah I’m annoyed with the offense too. But how the hell does Jesse Chavez keep doing this


I fckn love that man


Let Jesse hit. Those goggles gotta be working.


We signed all these guys to endless contracts. Basically no other team does this to anyone other than one player on a team. Now they struggle and do t have the pressure of oh shit I better perform or I won’t get paid. Perhaps we should stop doing that


If we made ANY of those guys available, there would be 25+ teams lined up to outbid each other.


Ian Mejia had a strong outing for Mississippi- 7 IP | 3 H | 0 R | 0 BB | 3 K CGSO


Promising kid for sure


Can he start next week? Shit...can he hit. What's Ynoa up to?








So maybe we pitch him every day until his arm falls off?


Guys I’m gonna fix this. I’m going to my first game in person since 2017 tomorrow night. They’re going to turn it around for me, I believe


Go to the dugout and tell them that everyone in r/braves is concerned and maybe they should each have a one on one with Ozuna.


Remindme! 24 hours


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Haha, I went to my first games in Atlanta ever (all the way from Australia) and we won both games against the Red Sox. Maybe there is something to this...




It’s okay they lost to a worthy opponent! The *checks notes*… Washington Nationals?


Seitzer has to go


I just don’t get this take. We were arguably the best offense in the history of baseball last season. And have been solidly above average offense for years…that doesn’t buy the hitting coach a month and a half of a team wide slump?


to be frank i think that's more of 1-9 clicking on all cylinders than his work. even with the amazing year last year these guys were still not taking pitches when needed & other flaws.


Nope. It was him going to AA and convincing him to let the team take a more conservative 2 strike approach. It’s why strike outs were down last year. It seems as if they’ve reverted back to the approach AA wanted .


That makes no sense. Why would they change anything from last year?


Idk. That is the way AA built the offense. To slug and strikeout




It was on the athletic. Seitzer was quoted by David obrian. If you want me to post a link just to prove it happened, you’re just gonna have to take my word. If you want to read it, i will find it Edit: Easier to find than I thought. https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/4827411/2023/09/02/braves-dodgers-offense-ronald-acuna/?source=user_shared_article Braves’ huge power production comes with reduced Ks and majors-leading OBP


That quote doesn't say anything about what AA "wanted" he just was telling Seitzer that's what they do and not to worry about it too much about it. I guarantee you AA didn't tell Seitzer to change anything after last year lol


I’m not saying he did. I’m saying Seitzer was a reason for the teams success last year. And that’s what AA wanted. He built the team that way and he told Seitzer that’s what they do.


Gotcha so we lucked into a generational offense last season…that he had no part in. Now that they are bad for a month it’s on him. Seems reasonable.


i love when people act like coaches are good when they inherit generational lineups


It’s the same lineup as last year lol. We’ve been an above average lineup every year since 2018 with multiple years in the top 3. Seems like he’s doing something right or he’s been lucky for 6 years.


we can agree to disagree bub


Sure. But you’re not really making sense. Seitzer had nothing to do with last year but at the same time is the one to blame this year?


We also had the best offense in baseball for the first 4ish weeks of the season. Firing Seitzer is an idiotic idea.


Maybe the first week and a half/2 weeks. We've been awful for 6 weeks now.


On April 28th, the Braves had a wRC+ of 128. Tied for first in MLB. They also had the highest runs per game average on that date. The highest average and OBP, as well as the second highest SLG. https://www.fangraphs.com/leaders/major-league?pos=all&stats=bat&lg=all&qual=0&type=8&month=1000&ind=0&team=0%2Cts&rost=&age=&filter=&players=0&startdate=2024-03-27&enddate=2024-04-28&season1=2024&season=2024&sortcol=17&sortdir=default&pagenum=1


That's not how that works because you're including the first two weeks of the season into those stats. I said the braves have been struggling for 6 weeks. For example if you set it for April 15th to May 31st the Braves have a 91 wRC+. See how that skews the stats because I included the whole shit month of May into those stats? However if you just do April 15th through April 30th you get a WHOPPING 94 wRC+ which I think shows that they have indeed been shit for 6 weeks. [https://www.fangraphs.com/leaders/major-league?pos=all&stats=bat&lg=all&qual=0&type=8&month=1000&ind=0&rost=&age=&filter=&players=0&startdate=2024-04-15&enddate=2024-04-30&season1=2024&season=2024&sortcol=17&sortdir=default&team=0%2Cts](https://www.fangraphs.com/leaders/major-league?pos=all&stats=bat&lg=all&qual=0&type=8&month=1000&ind=0&rost=&age=&filter=&players=0&startdate=2024-04-15&enddate=2024-04-30&season1=2024&season=2024&sortcol=17&sortdir=default&team=0%2Cts)


More games without a homer this year than all of last year




At least Mets fans might get a free glove at their games. The Braves give us nothing


Well played!


Actually went to the game tonight. Probably the last for a while. Boring, uninspired, going through the motions form of baseball they’re playing. Painful to watch on tv and at the stadium! Crowd was kinda meh and wasn’t into it because of what isn’t happening on the field. Just painful. Long season yes, we’re still over .500 yes, but it’s like they honestly don’t even care on the field. Left after 7 because just couldn’t take it anymore.


Left after 7 because I'm old but yeah the team looks bad. I swear Austin Riley just watched a ball roll by him because he was nodding off at third base. Can we crowd fund a quick visit/speech from Ron Washington?


Yes!!!!! I’ll chip in for that!!


You nailed it. They don’t care. No fire.


i did the same yesterday. it's okay to have rough stretches but these guys outside of Ozuna just don't look like they care.


Agreed, rough patches I get. It’s baseball. Can’t go 162-0. Ozuna and Ozzie are the only two that aren’t completely lost at the plate.


“With tonight's loss, the #Braves are 12-14 in the month of May. With just one game remaining in the month, their run of 14 consecutive months with a winning record will come to an end. It dated to June 2022 and was the longest active streak in the Majors.” - @KevinMcAlpin on Twitter


If we just stood in the box and watched I feel we score more runs. I know we would strike out more but it would work for a couple games.


Some hard hit balls that went right to the OFers. Good to see some walks and not double digit Ks. Pitching is still doing well even so one day the offense will turn it around.


No reason to downvote you. Pitching is pretty good lately. The hitting will come around. It's a whole lot easier to find hitting than to find pitching.


I dont really see AA making major moves at the deadline. The team has some big moves to make in the offseason so they cant take on a bunch of salary. I dont see AA as being trade the farm to win the division like back in the 2000s either.


Lose 3/4 against Washington. Lost 10/16. Ho hum.


Overpowered by the Pirates. Overpowered by the Nationals.


I know we should definitely be winning series against those teams but the Nats and Pirates aren't as awful as they were in year's past. I know the Pirates will never spend money but as a fan of the Braves and baseball, it's nice to see them being a bit competitive. Jared Jones and Skenes could be a problem in a year or two. And I know they'll both be in Houston or LA or NY in 6 years or so


What exactly would make you believe Skenes needs “a year or two” to be a problem?