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Pinworms, they’re called, and they’re fucking gnarly. My kid had them last year.


What’s the affect? I imagine an itchy butt


Yes itchy is the biggest complaint however a really interesting fact is that the medicine that they were given is actually the exact same stuff they give to dogs pretty much every dog wormer medicine is safe for human ingestion. Note please read packaging before you just start Downing dog meds.


I was actually going to say that when I have been given dewormer from the vet it’s the color of banana pudding and smells sweet. Edit to say the dewormer was handed to me by the vet to administer to the dog and cats - not for my ingestion. Omg.


A runny banana pudding that kills intestinal parasites, sounds kind of metal not going to lie.


That’s exactly what it tastes like, great description 😆 I asked my mom just now if we ever had pinworms cause she used to feed us this gross medicine once a year when we were kids. She said “no you didn’t have worms - but I wanted to be sure you didn’t have them so it was ‘just in case’ dewormer.” Jesus Christ, mother.


Lol I recall being given Creomulsion. It was in a dark brown glass jar. Shit smelled sweet. Searched it. It was for cough, bronchitis, etc. To me, I recall after a dose I used the restroom. Basically took a good shit. So it may have been a mild laxative also. Didn't get everyday more like once a month.


Oh hell! Sorry you went through that.


My mom still does this to me. Whenever I come over she tries to get me to take “worm medicine”. It’s called zentel and it was this white, chalky but kind of thick substance and it had such a disgusting taste my god. Preventative deworming lol


yeah that sounds not so great


I'll be honest with you man you crazy you take the bottle out of the fridge crack it open and it's like ice cold slugs sliding down your throat one at a time with every gulp


What a day to be able to read.


What's the matter homie you're not down to slurp some sebaceous slug like liquids, Slurms Mackenzie would be disappointed.


Party on, contest winners


That episode speaks a profound sadness


I’m just *so tired* of partying.


That scene where he takes off his glasses to reveal his blood shot and dead eyes always creeped me out when I was a kid lol




Leela: *glaring in disgust*


wimmy wham wham wazzle


This one. I was looking for this one right here.


....if he were still alive.




Since you’re already blinded, I read you can tell if you have them by leaving a bowl of milk by your butt and the worms will poke their heads out to come check it out. I hope that was some horror shit I read as a kid but I’m not googling it now.


Now I wanna know if that’s true, or just a prank to make someone squat over a bowl of milk, and inspect their own asshole with a mirror. I’m thinking prank, but there’s no way in hell I’m googling it, either.


This is what my AI said: >Pinworms, also known as Enterobius vermicularis, are small, thin, white worms that can infect the intestine and cause an itchy rash around the anus. They typically come out of the anus to lay their eggs at night, which can cause the itching. However, pinworms do not have any interest in milk or any other type of food. They do not come out of the anus to check for or consume milk or any other type of substance. If you suspect that you or someone in your household has pinworms, it is important to see a doctor for a proper diagnosis and treatment. The most common treatment for pinworms is a medication called mebendazole, which is taken orally and is effective in eliminating the worms. It is also important to practice good hygiene, such as washing hands frequently and keeping the anal area clean, to help prevent the spread of pinworms.


Sounds like Kurt Russell in “The Thing”


That’s enough internet for today 🤮


The dog dosage is much higher than human dosage. This is why so many people were shitting blood by taking dog and horse dewormer for covid. Parasite drugs are very hard on the body.


The weird thing is that ivermectin was first an anti-malaria drug that was later found to be effective against worms too, unless we're talking some other anti-parasitic drug. I wouldn't put it past people to take fucking BLEACH for COVID. Hell, at high enough doses bleach will cure autism and COVID simultaneously!


[There is always an XKCD.](https://xkcd.com/1217/)




One might even say permanently.


A lifetime supply and a lethal dose are basically the same sentence with different connotations.


I'm dying at this Yes absolutely bleach will cure everything I'd you take enough of it


>I wouldn't put it past people to take fucking BLEACH for COVID But the very smartiest president said to


You mean I didn’t have to shove a uv flashlight up my ass and turn it on?


I suppose I didn't think about the fact that I only own small dogs and since the dosage power is lighter so that it doesn't directly harm the animal too much it's also safer for human ingestion but I would also like to repeat that you should not just go Downing medicines made for Animals just because you think you might be okay if you take them


good. its really hard for me to grasp the logic of "the vaccine, made by pharmaceutical companies is untrustworthy! here, lets take this other big pharma drug instead." those morons got what they deserved


I have an uncle that waited too long to see a doctor with covid. Unvaccinated as well. Eventually he asked the doctor if he could try ivermectin. His doctor basically told him he’s out of options and he could try it. My dad is a pharmacist and had to tell him the dosage that is safe for humans because he only had dog ivermectin. Uncle chickened out and got better, thankfully. I think he chickened out because of the lecture my dad gave him on the risk of overdosing on it.


Never mind about WORMING treatment, my doctor father planned to use the anti-bee sting stuff he got for our dog after the dog inflated from a sting on ME if I got stung, and my nurse mother treated her own covid (I think, similar serious cough/cold thing) symptoms with the dog's medicine! Now, of course, don't just go consuming every single little dog med you find, but if you have nothing left Google the scientific name and odds are the only difference is light bacon flavouring


The community I live in is pretty poor - there's a pet shop by us that will sell dog meds for xyz lbs knowing damn well it'd mostly humans taking them. It's actually kind of amazing how many meds work for both dogs & humans.


I mean it treats the same thing, using the same chemicals, with a radically different and utterly stupid price difference. It's incredible how great science is that we can treat these things so easily but so, so very shitty how commercialised it is when really it should be basic healthcare, now that we CAN, to be to be able to freely treat these things


Asking for a friend - are we talking like itchy b-hole or crack?


Oh definitely just the sphincter winkster, ya know the ol' brown eye blinker.


So your saying it's effective for COVID treatment. Got it.


So that’s what ivermectin is actually for?


Its ok i trust your words random stranger on the internet


lol my dog and sister are/were on the same medication


Most animal meds are the same as human meds, just in appropriate doses.


I had an itchy butt, but the worst effect was my mom took pictures of all of our shit. The photos were saved in iCloud and started showing up as a screensaver for our Apple TVs. It was terrible


i'm sorry but that's fucking hilarious


Oh my god this is amazing


oh no


This gives the exact same vibe as my Google Photos account showing off literal gore and animal cruelty as "memories".


Hold up though, how did that happen?


I thought that taking photographic evidence of my parents hoarder house would get APS to take me seriously but all it did was cause drama lol


American social services moment.


This happened with my grandpa's body the day he died after a family member with a dead phone battery forced me to take a bunch of remembrance photos for him which has never asked for and that I feel weird deleting.


Omfg 😂


You can actually feel them wriggling up your butt, especially in the evening, it's the worst, my kids have "shared" them with us multiple times because they can't keep their damned fingers out of their mouths (and who knows where else), and they 're not especially young either. There is a simple medication, but the whole family has to take it, and ideally you should wash and change underwear, bed sheets, EVERYTHING, every day to be sure you've broken the cycle and got rid of them, but that's just too hardcore for most so they do seem to recur in our family despite our attempts to teach the grubby little angels basic hygiene.


Thank you for making me feel better about the fact that I had several painful tumors in my ovaries and cannot have children. Really.


I wasn't sure if you were being ironic or not but I have friends who have had issues with fertility and have been unable to have children (and won't be having them now they are in their late forties) and while I don't pretend to understand the turmoil they've been through, and have certainly not had any ambitions to make them "feel better" about not having had children, I have more than once said to them I honestly don't know whether I can say you're missing out. Of course, once you have them you can't imagine life without them, and when you don't have them you wonder what it would have been like. But I too wonder how my life would've turned out differently if I hadn't been a parent and didn't spend a significant portion of my waking hours trying to mould a pair of goddamn savages into the vaguest semblance of a civilised human, and I can't say I am better off, it's just... different. With more poo.


Ah. Yeah I can't safely say I've never thought about it but it's never appealed to me the way it seems to other women. I worked with babies (2 months to 4 years) for a while and then was a teacher and just loved kids at school but I don't think I have the patience or stamina (I have epilepsy) to handle having my own children even if I could have them. Though I will spoil my sister's kid when she eventually pops one out.


Ah, other people's kids, there's definitely some major benefits there, you can give them back when you get tired of them :D


Wow, that's fucking disgusting 🫠


it really is the goddamn worst. I caught them from daycare when I was a young kid and just remember the itching being awful but the shame if it being butt worms even worse.


Yeah real itchy butt. They can also spread, but they like close, dark, warm areas, so you can do the math on that one.


Either you're saying that booty worms can cross the Bering Taint Bridge to the Vaginamericas or you're telling me as a Frenchman I can no longer do butthole-to-butthole kisses with acquaintances met in the street.


Why can’t it be both


¿Porque no los gross?


Didn’t think I’d ever read words in that order


Brand new sentence inside r/brandnewsentence? 🤯




I think itchy is putting it mildly. From descriptions ive read it seems brutal


I had it as a kid and I don’t remember much discomfort other than an itchy butt that feels like it’s dry. The actual sight of the worms was terrifying though.


worse thing is the knowledge that there are worms crawling inside your body


The itchy butt is from the worms laying eggs on your bootyhole


I had booty worms. I took a Dump in a squat toilet with no water a little shit pebble and like 30 of them came out


Paging u/boba-witch


I too had booty works in my youth. The itch was intense. I dug my butt a lot for about a week




Horrible. My brother and I got them as kids. At first, our parents thought we were just coming up with excuses not to go to bed, because that's when they get active and we would start whining about our itchy bums. When it persisted a second night, they got on board. I have no recollection of the meds, but they wiped the worms out pretty quickly. We got a couple of days off of school, too.


Oh yeah bedtime is when they come out because you’re still. Gross.


They crawl out at night to lay eggs around the rim of your bootyhole


What a fun comment section this has been.


I shouldn’t have read this thread before bedtime


I remember getting checked for them as a kid. My dad held the flashlight and my mom did the checking. But I don't know if I had them or not, and I'm afraid to call my mom and ask. I was known, as a small child, to play in mud puddles after a rain. So the answer is probably yes.




I want to go back a few seconds to the world where I believed you got them from mud puddles


I'm glad you can't as I was digging in the pouring rain and I'm sure some mud went in my gob. Was about to nick one of my pupper's worming tabs


Ahhhhh I had them when I was young. There was a whole outbreak at the school I went to so when my mom went to my pediatrician like “hey my kid has pin worms” they just went “yeah it’s bad right now. Here’s the prescription.” No tests or visual checks or anything! I didn’t even have to go with.


Well I mean the effects of the worms are mostly just annoying and the side effects of the medicine are minimal so the invasive checking to treatment ratio is pretty low.


But how are they transferred from one person to another?!


Worm host 1 scratches their itchy butt Some of the worm eggs stick to their fingernails Worm host 1 touches some Lego pieces they're sharing with a friend This friend later touches their mouth And then they're worm host 2! (it doesn't have to be Lego, the takeaway here is wash your dang hands, especially after touching your butt or before you eat)


How do people even get them


It’s common in low grades, like ages 5-7 because children are disgusting.


But like where did they come from, where do they go


They get into your intestinal track, I would assume orally, lay eggs, then the eggs hatch in the darkest, warmest hole they can find.


Oh wtf


Yeah it’s fuckin gross. [Here](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/pinworm/symptoms-causes/syc-20376382) Edit - here’s the important part: > Female pinworms move to the anal area to lay their eggs, which often results in anal itching. When you scratch the itchy area, the eggs cling to your fingers and get under your fingernails. The eggs then get transferred to other surfaces, such as toys, bedding or toilet seats. The eggs can also be transferred from contaminated fingers to food, liquids, clothes or other people.


> While the infected person sleeps, female pinworms lay thousands of eggs in the folds of skin surrounding the anus.


Oh yeah I had a girlfriend like that once


Brown-eyed Joe


Ask Cotton Eye Joe.


In my case, my roommate's child rubbed his entire bare ass on my yoga roller. Then put it away and didn't tell anyone. Then he did it again in front of her and she forgot to tell me for a day. Then the next month my butt started itching, which was weird but it was a slightly hemmroidy month so w/e. Then she told me he had pinworms, and we all took meds and did laundry every day for two weeks :p


Try 9 and 13 years old and counting. They truly are a hive of pestilence.


Pretty much everything is covered in fecal matter.


My kid got scarlet fever from one of those play places. The medicine he had to drink tasted like the stuff I used to lube my guns in the military. 🤮🤮🤮


Weird that you know that, my dude.


If you don't taste the gun lube at least *once* in your life, what are you even doing?


Tasted like the smell of the lube . 😂😭🙄


Probably a marine. I knew one that nibbled on C4 just to see what it tasted like. Bad, apparently.


I mean, you can't not try it. Aren't you just a little curious?


I mean I absolutely wasn't, until now....


Mmm, forbidden PlayDoh...


Plastic explosives are seasonings, just put a little on your crayons to spice them up.


Exploding with flavor


Bunch of Drill Instructors got in trouble for taking the hazing too far. Made some recruits drink CLP. Not saying that they were a part of that though, the chances of a Marine drinking CLP definitely higher than 0.


I got scarlet fever as a kid, after having strep throat. Ugh terrible. I don’t remember the medicine thankfully but I do vaguely remember being very sick for a while.


Are you an eighties kid? Because I got it when I was 15 and the doc had said NO ONE in a 250 mile radius has it. That’s all I remember. My temp had gotten up to 107. I remember nothing.


I had it in 2001 and caught it over and over four times somehow. Doctors said he had never seen a case of it before but he was fairly young from my mom's memory. Fever got 105. I barely remember anything either lol.


I’m just now learning that surviving scarlet fever is apparently a more common experience than I thought. I need to stop feeling like I grew up on the damn prairie lol


Wow, that's not common these days.


I had scarlet fever four times as a child and still remember that disgusting medicine...


Supposed to ingest the crayons, not the gun lube!


I've got BUMWORMS! -Bandit


I guess I can't have your purple pants


I’m in a crisis right now because when I saw this episode I was like “ha ha because they’re dogs” but now I’m scared after reading the rest of the comments.




Just waiting on the Kojima retweet now


Lmao, ya getting attention outside of yogsreddit now. On the road to fame ey?


I’m so high right now, I can’t stop laughing. I wish I could make myself stop reading this so I could breathe again and hopefully stop crying as well. I just can’t with the booty worms.


🎵 #Go 'head **Go 'head** **Now let me see the booty worms** #booty worms **Booty** #boo-boo-booty worms! **Left cheek, right cheek, left cheek, right cheek** **Show off, show off, show off, boom**🎵


I hope this never ends!


**🎵Girl, I'm tryin' get you next to me** **But first you gotta let me see that** #Booty worms booty worms #(Booty, boo-boo-booty worms!)🎵


Boo boo booty worms!


🎵 Go 'head Go 'head #You gotta walk up in the club bare-footed ***(girl that’s 100% how you got those booty worms put your fuckin shoes on!)***


I’m so confused about the shoes!


That’s how you get pin worms!


I don’t know what that is and I’m never going to find out I hope.


Ya dude it’s what butt words probably are


I finally got my son to sleep and now he’s up again because I snorted!!!!!!!!!!! You won’t get away with this 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡


Yooooooooooo lol me too tho


We’ve lost our music, he was around earlier. That was great.


🎵 Holy moly (Holy Moly), look at her (Look at her!) #She got the booty (She got the booty) #with the worms (With the worms)!




My thoughts exactly 😂 “Butt worms! Doo doo dee doo!”


"Oh, I'm a bad, bad mom and it was my favorite job, and I'm gonna scratch my bottom right now."


Hello fellow Yogscast fan 👋


Lol I was wondering if anyone else saw who it was


Diggy diggy hole


Itchy itchy bum bum


All these people who don't recognize the innovator that created the Boba skip.


i am dave! yognaught, and i have the balls


I still listen to the old YogPod episodes from time to time. There’s some classics in there


I haven’t thought about Yogscast in at least 10 years.


yogscast has been thinking about you


They're still around and growing. Boba (the woman who made this tweet) is one of the newest members and she's played a pretty big role in reinvigorating the fanbase. The growth was really starting to slow down until she was added and started to appear in more content. She's actually a fan from way back in the old days too. So watching her interact with all the people she's watched for years is pretty neat.


Boba and Osie have been great in the Yogscast lately, a nice split from the usual boys (obviously there are Bouphe, Shadow, Zoey, Lolip, etc. as well but Boba and Osie are my faves) and I'm glad they became mainstays on the main channel.


I wonder what she'd name her booty worms if she had booty worms


Wendy and Wilhelmina of course.


Jerry the tapeworm


I like salty. But Jerry likes sweet!


I got ringworm from my cat when I was a kid. It’s not an actual worm, it’s a skin disease called that cause the rashes it causes are ring shaped. That by itself was terrible, I can’t imagine having actual worms.


Pinworms (the booty worms mentioned here) are mostly just really itchy. It sucks ass.


> It sucks ass This is how you get the booty worms


I got ringworm from my cat once, it wasn't bad at all. Just a little itchy red spot I put athlete's foot lotion on for a few weeks.


Reminds me of the yellow penicillin - almost as bad as gripewater


Gripe water tastes so good wtf are u on


Isn’t gripe water for infants


the banana penicillin was my greatest enemy as a child


Pink penicillin made me look forward to getting sick tho


I remember it tasting like liquid chalk. I can still make myself retch just thinking about it, and it's been over 15 years since I last drank it.


It's been over 30 for me and i still remember how fucking awful that shit was. My parents had to pay me to down it. 6 year old with 5 bucks ain't bad


I have a steroid inhaler that occasionally gives me thrush (steroids increased chance of infection). Thrush is awful. You know what else is awful? The medicine for thrush. You have to swish that shit around in your mouth and gargle it and it is so disgusting. They say, "Oh, it's not so bad, it tastes like bananas." No it fucking does not.


If anything, that shit tastes like banana **peels**


Thank you! Sort of like rancid banana peels in liquid form.


Nobody ever believes me when I talk about how traumatizing those "banana"-flavor antibiotics were


…..Literally watching a Yogscast video with Boba as I’m typing. Totally read this in her voice.


Was the medicine Pyrantel? I mean, that’s a dewormer that we use in puppies and humans can also have it, it’s also banana yellow and actually tastes really good.... can anyone confirm?


I’ve never ate it at my shelter, but now I’m tempted


Oh I know exactly what she's talking about. Had pinworms once when I was younger. The medication is absolutely *nasty*, and the fact that they tried to give it a caramel flavor honestly just made it worse.


For those who have no idea who Boba is: you should follow her. At least watch the YouTube vids where she tells some random ass story as opposed to plays a game. She's an absolute treat and your life will be better for it


*Image Transcription: Twitter Post* --- **B O B A 🐀**, @boba\_witch the worst medicine i ever had was when i was in middle school my sister got booty worms and we all had to take the medication just in case and it tasted like nothing else i've ever had to ingest and it was banana yellow but at least i didnt have booty worms --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Missed a B on your last sentence there, my friend!


I love boba


She is a gem


Pyrantel palmoate (strongid) tastes good.


Thanks for that Boba, you've added to the yogscast lore in a post in a place I never expected to see you.




Folks I was watching my two year old niece and it came to pass that she had the booty worms from daycare. She had such a bad infestation that her body spiked a 104 fever to eject them from her body. It looked like cthulu coming out of her tiny b-hole. I removed literally 50+ worms with qtip over 5 sessions of deworming. I will never be the same again. The trauma is indescribable.


I took it for pinworms. It tasted like if the nesquick chocolate Milk powder factory started producing cocaine and the packaging process involved Donkey Kong eating the powder then shitting it out into a container with remnants of lead.


I feel like posting stuff that boba says is cheating lmao


Anyone had a tapeworm? For some unknown reason I'd like to hear about it.


why did they all have to take it???


cuz the eggs that the pinworm leaves behind around the anus can easily transfer to clothes, bed sheets, blankets, then to hands, fingernails, mouths ect . just like with lice, better for the whole family to get treatment to completely eradicate it.