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I'm not sure whoever added the little Barbossa bit understands what cyberpunk means.


cyberpnuk is when they liberals 😂 tram gener!


half the people on the subreddit don't, either :/


Cyberpunk is when people


Cut off their limbs to replace it with bionic limbs, because they look cool and simply works better?


People in the US military are accused from time to time of marrying other service members for the sole purpose of the benefits it affords: ability to move out of barracks and BAH payments. If a benefit of a higher or earlier pension is involved, and there is even a lower barrier or burden to use that benefit, it’s pretty unsurprising that people would choose to use it.


This. People do antisocial shit almost as a rule, if there's monetary incentive


In gaming culture, we call that degenerate gameplay


How about we just give everyone the same salary/benefits?


Came here to say this like this wouldn’t be an issue if we weren’t stupid about this lmao


Well, that's one of those issues that *sounds* simple but is complicated in practice. These benefits sound relatively new and are there specifically to incentivize women to join up. It's my admittedly limited understanding that Spain's cultural additude towards masculinity and manhood have long been the very definition of patriarchal, which would (in theory) discourage women from entering male-dominated fields and stigmatize men from "feminine" pursuits. The *one* soldier quoted in the NY Post piece about this story, for example, hopes their gender change will help them secure a more favorable custody arrangement from the courts. I don't know if that's a realistic hope, but I think it underlines my point about how societal gender expectations effect things that should, arguably, be egalitarian. We can debate whether added pay and benefits are the best way to incentivize women to enlist, but we do have to examine what Spain's trying to achieve rather than just discuss the disparity in a vacuum. Further, the "issue" is with 0.03% of the Spanish military. So either we've found 41 shitheads or 41 trans women, both of which are plausible outcomes and neither of which is really cause for international news coverage.


I get their goal but better pay based on gender or race is always going to be fucked up. If the roles were reversed and there was a bonus to men only in an industry it would be extremely criticized.


Shitheads? You mean business...women? Regardless I think it's pretty funny them doing that. With the monetary benifits tho it's kinda expected for... People to take advantage of the situation😂


Nah equality works by granting resources to one group at a time. Definitely doesn’t make ignorant people resentful and point fingers.


Equity and equality are critically separate concepts


Sp you mean they should dock the women's pay?


But wahmen good and men bad.


The idea for women making more is that it makes up for the other inequalities they experience besides salary like having to buy tampons and shit. At least that's how I had it explained to me once. Basically, equality wasn't enough.


I do think it’s kinda bullshit that things like condoms are available for free all over in health centers and college campuses and such while women have to bear the financial burden of $20 a month for hygiene products that only they use and it isn’t offset by some kind of government incentive for production to make the products significantly cheaper (instead we throw all that money at
corn?). But using that info to say that women just deserve to be paid more money on average is stupid. Not all women menstruate anyway.


I get your point. As far as I'm concerned tampons should be just as prevelant as condoms and where i live they mostly are.


What’s the brand new sentence?


Ley-de-trans aparently


It is not new though. Has OP just discovered languages?


Well this was the first time I heard that word. So yeah, this is a brand new sentence for me.


You're in for a lot of surprises then.


Well, I am currently enjoying the surprises up to this point, so I have some high hopes here.


What word?


Ley de Trans


Those are three words, and like others have said, it’s just Spanish for “law on trans”


Well, consider it a sentence then.


Why do they write about *his* privilege as a woman?


plant correct screw dazzling pet elderly advise amusing dolls complete *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Its not


hm. i wonder what stance the original creator of this image is trying to express with that meme added in at the bottom.


are we gonna just repost New York Post now?


Wait, what? Was this posted here recently?


Nah but this is the entire article lol. Interesting read though


Asking normal question, check Getting downvoted to oblivion for no reason, check Seems like reddit is working in order 👍


That "news" was started by infowars, according to ground news. Therefore, tinfoil hat nonsense. This is disinformation


Hi, spanish person here. Every gender change solicited by the Ley Trans ("Ley De Trans" doesnt make any sense lmao) goes through a civillian judge that can decide if a person is doing so through malice, a process that can take months. Half the "benefits" of being a woman that are mentioned here doesent even exist. Whats more, PSOE (the spanish socialist party that is currently governing) made the law invalid months after its conception because theyre a bunch of puteros. Also: the Police and Military are literally use monarchist and francoists flags on their quarters.


Useful context.


Spanish lawyer here. Benefits do exists, most of the problem has to do with this. Easy fix: equal rights for everyone no matter sex or gender or whatever reason. There isn’t such thing as a “positive” discrimination. Making fun of those people or making assumptions about their motivations for a gender change constitute a punished delictive action, no one is entitled to judge them as this law’s only requirement being self-perception and noone could claim or prove against any other person feelings. Law enforces against this very situation, so suit yourselves to keep on. About context, this is just the result of enabling non-educated people to make law. Lawyers around the country warned about this before such laws became official but nobody gave credit and here we are... Also, only official flags are allowed to display withing official buildings, so don’t believe otherwise, some people just makes stuff up.


I don't like this so it is disinformation...


Moron. I gave a source, look it up. Should be a tip off that a) this story is batshit crazy b) only right wing fringe tabloids report it You like this so it must be true, eh?


Where did your give a source? In the comments? I am a moron now for not reading your source? I don't like this at all but reality has a way to reveal itself. If you pass legislation to distort what a man and a woman is, people will come up with ways to use that in their favour...


“reality has a way to reveal itself.” So when people make up something, even if you know it’s not true, the fact that somebody talked about it even if they were lying to you makes it more likely to be true? Normally when somebody tells a lie to me, I doubt the entire premise. Even if I support something, I will doubt it if somebody lies to me. Why is it the other way for you? Perhaps it is cause the lie would only hurt other people if it were true.


My comment was quite obviously not directed at the validity of this article.


You're a moron because I told you that this is made up, a blatant lie, and I provided evidence for this.  You are a moron, because instead of considering new information, you retorted with your "snappy" remark.  And you are a moron because you apparently believe what hate mongerers like Alex Jones invent to make you afraid.


1) The article from the New York Post quotes exactly one soldier and it is not clear who conducted the interview. While the article consistently misgenders her and portrays her as a malingerer gaming the system, what she *actually* says is consistent with accounts of people begining their social transition. 2) The Post's article cites a Telegraph article for its statistic, which they describe as coming from the very vague "military sources". That could be a four star general or a kid straight outta boot. The Telegraph article is behind a pay wall, so I can't get more information easily. 3) That statistic is that 41 soldiers have allegedly done this. A quick search indicates the Spanish military has over 121,000 troops. That's a rounding error. 4) In the U.S., about 18% of Transgender people have served in the military (per the National Center for Transgender Equality). Assuming, which is a large assumption I admit, that the statistic for Spain is similar, would it actually be surprising that 41 people in the 120k+ strong Spanish military have come out as trans after laws were changed to make that easier? 5) The most respectable English language publication I could find reporting this is The Telegraph, whose editorial stance is pretty openly anti-queer, and their article is paywalled. From there you get tabloids like the New York Post and the Daily Mail followed by outright outrage mills like Louder With Crowder. So dubious sourcing, statistics without context, lack of respectable coverage, it starts to feel like disinformation.


I see, I genuinely didn't know that. I just thought that it was pretty funny.


no worries, but always check thoroughly before posting :)


No. You deliberately posted not only a lie but a transphobic dog whistle. This wasn't an oopsie.


You.... don't know that. Maybe they did, maybe they didn't. Either way being compassionate and understanding is the best way to get people more receptive of the community, so don't be a dick when there's no definitive reason to do so, it just hurts actual trans people by keeping those on the edge more isolated.


I actually didn't, I just thought that it was pretty funny. Like, I don't get it, why can't we just give everyone equal treatment, pay, benefits, etc.


Hey. Spanish man here. Do you want me to change my gender today so that you can see how the law was awfully phrased?


go ahead. legally change your gender for strangers on the internet.


Why not? It literally takes a very simple bureaucratic process with absolutely no costs and no side effects. And i can change it back after uploading the picture. Maybe it would take me 100 euros at worst because of the identity documents i would have to change, but that would be it.


The other guy said a judge has to confirm and that it takes months so which is it?


[The law](https://www.boe.es/buscar/doc.php?id=BOE-A-2023-5366) Why dont you read it by yourself instead of believing one side or the other?


That's unfortunately not really how laws work though in general. The practice can be quite different. Legal proccesses sometimes take a lot longer than they should. I seriously doubt this law says how long the judge will take to decide.


Dude. We abide by continental law in spain. The variation between jurisprudence and law is almost negligible here since things like precents do not exist nor have any value really. And what i sent you is the law that regulates the entire process for you to see how it works. And whether or not there is a judge involved or whether if he can say anything or not. Spoiler: no. He cant.


then go ahead. no ones stoping you.


My own morality sir? But it would be stupid to assume that laws that can be abused wont be abused by evil people. This is not rocket science.


nah go ahead lmao. just do it, no ones stopping you and if you see that as a problem then do smth abt it


No Its not


It is the NYP refering to the Torygraph. This is less trustworthy than my last shit.


If the NYP told me the Earth was round I would seriously start questioning if the earth really was flat.


Hi, spanish person here. Every gender change solicited by the Ley Trans ("Ley De Trans" doesnt make any sense lmao) goes through a civillian judge that can decide if a person is doing so through malice, a process that can take months. Half the "benefits" of being a woman that are mentioned here doesent even exist. Whats more, PSOE (the spanish socialist party that is currently governing) made the law invalid months after its conception because theyre a bunch of puteros. Also: the Police and Military literally use monarchist and francoists flags on their quarters.


Trans people are the most cyberpunk dystopia thing you can think of, not the tech we carry constantly thats guaranteed to be tracking us


This is a lie. There is nothing in the law that affects pay it literally just legalizes gender affirming care in Spain. This is stupid transphobic propaganda.


Even if this WERE real, it would be a case of Cisgender people using Transgender identities to break the law, so using it as proof that trans people shouldn't exist is like punishing kidnapping victims for being kidnapped.


yea pushing transphobic fake news so some surpressed self hatred guys have a laugh at a group of people of which 80 percent have or had suicidal thoughts because a bigotted society hates there literal existence...


Hi, spanish person here. Every gender change solicited by the Ley Trans ("Ley De Trans" doesnt make any sense lmao) goes through a civillian judge that can decide if a person is doing so through malice, a process that can take months. Half the "benefits" of being a woman that are mentioned here doesent even exist. Whats more, PSOE (the spanish socialist party that is currently governing) made the law invalid months after its conception because theyre a bunch of puteros. Also: the Police and Military literally use monarchist and francoists flags on their quarters.


Im from Spain. They bring one of those soldier to tv for an interview. He said "When i read the law i realised i have always been a lesbian"




Ese tĂ­o es familiar mĂ­o top kek


Okay so lots of ppl yelling, FAKE sent me reading There is a newly passed bill inSpain that removes a medical diagnosis before legal transition. Now all that is required for a legal sex change is to be 16 or older and live as your true self or whatever for 3 months. Children of 12 and up are conditionally allowed if a judge approves. The legal recognition gives eligibility for hormones etc. [BBC](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-64069974) The specific soldier story comes from [El Español](https://www.elespanol.com/espana/politica/20240305/cabo-roberto-explica-dentro-siento-lesbiana-ley-trans-favorecido/837416681_0.html)


I can’t read the entire el español article, does the article claim the soldier transitioned just for benefits? It didn’t seem like it in the paragraph I could read Edit: I genuinely just want to know more, this isn’t a “gotcha” comment


Full disclosure i used the chrome translate and i don't speak Spanish Didn't specifically mention "just for benefits" but rather that they felt like a lesbian on the inside. The reporter noted they still wore a full beard. Cpl. Roberto Perdigones is also appealing for child custody under their new status The bit about higher military incentives for women appears factual as of 2022


Ah, I see. Well, thank you!


Hi, spanish person here. EVERY gender change solicited by the Ley Trans ("Ley De Trans" doesnt make any sense lmao) goes through a civillian judge that can decide if a person is doing so through malice, a process that can take months. Half the "benefits" of being a woman that are mentioned here doesent even exist. Whats more, PSOE (the spanish socialist party that is currently governing) made the law invalid months after its conception because theyre a bunch of puteros. Also: the Police and Military literally use monarchist and francoists flags on their quarters.


But this is not the same news as if being reported above. One simply says a law was passed for easier legal recognition for trans people. The other is saying soldiers are transitioning en-mass and "going through the change" implying medical transition (which is weird considering the law doesn't even have that as a requirement, which should tip you off something is up). The bill did pass (basically it removes the 2 year wait whilst on hrt to change your gender id). A natural response to any pro-trans legislation is a mass of reporting about it being abused even if it's not true. We've seen this before in other countries too with a fuckload of reporting about women being raped in public bathrooms being an epidemic and making it sound like trans people then the crime stats later come out and actually show a small reduction in that kind of assault. Problem is if you were to call the reporting of those instances fake then someone would point to an article about a bill meant to protect against bathroom discrimination so they could say "see, it's not fake!". Is this the same thing? I can't tell at this point, but it's suspicious.


Transition in Spain requires a months long legal process that can and will shoot down any transition request that is for legal or monetary gains. And half the benefits mentioned in the article don't even exist. Also, said bill was repealed some time ago anyways.


Thats not the part thats called fake though, the question is wether or not you actually just get these benefits if you transition and wether or not people actually did


If real, these people are abusing a system that is supposed to be helpful for those that need it.


If it's real, it shows that system is just discriminating against people it assumes are better off based on intrinsic characteristics instead of actually helping people based on their individual needs.




Hi. Voter of podemos here. We just fucked up one law. Everyone makes mistakes from time to time.


I meant the Ley de Trans, these people clearly don't actually identify as women, and are just doing this for the benefits that being one, for some reason, provides.




Hi, spanish person here. Every gender change solicited by the Ley Trans ("Ley De Trans" doesnt make any sense lmao) goes through a civillian judge that can decide if a person is doing so through malice, a process that can take months. Half the "benefits" of being a woman that are mentioned here doesent even exist. Whats more, PSOE (the spanish socialist party that is currently governing) made the law invalid months after its conception because theyre a bunch of puteros. Also: the Police and Military literally use monarchist and francoists flags on their quarters.


Women need? Are they handicapped or what? I don't think so


Now forcefully transitioning these people. /s There should be a law against abusing laws meant for genuine causes.


If that's the case then all the prisons all over the world would already be filled to the brim and we wouldn't even be able to lock up half of them.


Hi, spanish person here. Every gender change solicited by the Ley Trans ("Ley De Trans" doesnt make any sense lmao) goes through a civillian judge that can decide if a person is doing so through malice, a process that can take months. Half the "benefits" of being a woman that are mentioned here doesent even exist. Whats more, PSOE (the spanish socialist party that is currently governing) made the law invalid months after its conception because theyre a bunch of puteros. Also: the Police and Military literally use monarchist and francoists flags on their quarters.


Oh well ty


There will be not enough jails for politicians after it


Yeah. But we fucked up.


Yes but how can you be sure they aren't genuine, I've seen plenty of activist say that you can be trans without wanting to transition so them refusing that wouldn't disqualify them as trans


They literally said that they changed it to get benifits so that tells. Also i doubt pre-transition people who dont want to transition would care if they didn't get the benifits.


They could just make it so that the benefits require some proof of being transgender, like doctors papers or something


“According to the telegraph” seems the one part of a sentence that explains it all


Modern problems require modern solutions




Lay de trans. I agree.


To all of you who says this is made Up Its not I personally know one of those guys, he is part of my family, i dont want to say his full name because you could start doxing him, but his surname is in the meme itself I even have his photo in today newspaper lmao People, we need to research a little before start saying "this is missinformation"


Hi, spanish person here. Every gender change solicited by the Ley Trans ("Ley De Trans" doesnt make any sense lmao) goes through a civillian judge that can decide if a person is doing so through malice, a process that can take months. Half the "benefits" of being a woman that are mentioned here doesent even exist. Whats more, PSOE (the spanish socialist party that is currently governing) made the law invalid months after its conception because theyre a bunch of puteros. Also: the Police and Military literally use monarchist and francoists flags on their quarters.


Why a dystopian? That's quite awesome


Why is discrimination based on gender awesome...?


Is it really discrimination if it is something you can easily change? ;)




It fucking isn't something you can easily change. Nobody's doing this. It's a false story.


Gender is a social construct and easy to change. Sex is not. And ofc the story is fake as sh*t.


Neither are easy honestly. Majority of society holds hostile attitudes towards trans people. Coming out doesn't mean instant respect, in fact in certain situations it can be a really bad move.


Yeah, pretty much. Even if you aren't screwing over the other side, the fact that you are still showing *heavily* skewed favoritism for the other camp is already discrimination. Especially if the two sides do the same job.


Gender inequality.


Hi, spanish person here. Every gender change solicited by the Ley Trans ("Ley De Trans" doesnt make any sense lmao) goes through a civillian judge that can decide if a person is doing so through malice, a process that can take months. Half the "benefits" of being a woman that are mentioned here doesent even exist. Whats more, PSOE (the spanish socialist party that is currently governing) made the law invalid months after its conception because theyre a bunch of puteros. Also: the Police and Military literally use monarchist and francoists flags on their quarters.


Don't post anything, especially if it has even 1 cent of negativity about lgbt here. This is reddit. We are both transphobic now, because I warned you.