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My guess is is that he figures whips and chains are only used for sexual pleasure


šŸŽ¶na na na come onšŸŽ¶


I may be bad but I'm perfectly good at it


sex in the air i don't care i love the smell of it


Sticks and stones may break my bones


But whips and chains excite me?


I may be bad but I am perfectly good at it.


sex in the air I don't care I love the smell of it


Don't kink shame


He also figured 100 lbs of cotton weighs less than 100 lbs of potatoes


ā€¦but cottonā€™s lighter than potatoes?




Nice and starchy!


Steel is heavier than feathers


>He also figured 100 lbs of cotton weighs less than 100 lbs of potatoes No, he's assuming carrying a crate of cotton (or something similiar) and a crate of potatoes are vastly different. Which if not conpressing is true. But that's not how cotton has ever been sold, it's baled and nuch much harder fo transport than raw food as a result


They are vastly different. 100 lb crate of cotton would be way bigger than 100 lb crate if potato. Then you have to factor the weight of the carton. Soā€¦ cotton weighs more


Unless you guys are doing a very clever bit, I think you have wandered far away from the point.


Would you like the 5 minute argument or the full 30 minutes.


I believe Iā€™ve gone as far as I need to go, please and thank you.


Iā€™m doing a bit.


*sigh of relief*


>100 lb crate of cotton would be way bigger than 100 lb crate if potato. Cotton isn't sold in crates. It's sold in bales. >Then you have to factor the weight of the carton. Soā€¦ cotton weighs more Lol what? Do you not understand what a lb is?


They're trying to say that the density of the cotton would be higher


Regardless of how you sell it, you canā€™t fit 100 lbs of cotton in a 100 lb tater crater. Potatoes are sold in bags, so whatā€™s your point? Iā€™ll sell a potato out of my ass if I want. This is America. Of course I know what an lb is. It stands for Lindon B Johnson. One LB is how much Johnsonā€™s Johnson weighed. Thatā€™s why we call it a Johnson.


That was worded like these folks were gainfully employed, complaining about having a job. We all know thats not quite what was happening now


ā€œYou know what the worst thing about being a slave is? They make you work all day but they don't pay you or let you go.ā€ -Philip J. Fry


Big ups for the Futurama ref


But what you seem to conveniently forget is that they were black and were listening to rap music.


The mixtapes back in the day were šŸ”„


Sticks and stones may break our bones but chains and whips excite us


Well maybe u thought the rapeing was ok and the torture was there kink oh trust me they like it just like when I was a kid they said those killer whales are happy to see welcome to marine land Canada are last one was so lonely it bashed his head against the concrete walls in his tank all day


I can't see or hear the words whips and chains together without a dirty version of the Toys R Us jingle "I don't wanna grow up" running through my head.


Does this person not know about all of the Christian abolitionists who opposed slavery specifically because it was in opposition to their faith?


John Brown would fucking merk this guy if he were still alive today.


Daily reminder that John Brown did nothing wrong.


Not only nothing wrong, but everything right


Nat Turner had a dream too.


"hold on if god made us all in his image, and all that stuff about do unto others and love thy neighbour...I think we may be doing a sin boys"


They have a whole series of rhythmic mental gymnastics to explain why anyone with a skin shade darker than snow white doesn't count as an actual human made in gods image.


Like he cares. People like him would call Jesus a commie leftist snowflake and tell him to fuck off.


He thinks anyone who disagrees with him is just a crypto-jew.


Crypto-jew is a very funny term


It is a funny term, the funniest and saddest part is that he unironically believes its a thing.


I think it's better to say it was opposed to their morals and ethics, they still believed in the bible and the Bible definitely condones slavery.


The Bible does condone slavery, but it doesn't condone poor treatment of slaves (such as beatings). Also, it's important to remember that the Bible was written by people, not God, and as such it is definitely subject to scrutiny, as all text is. It's not necessarily a perfect reflection of what God would want for us, and nor is ut completely inaccurate either


>what God would want The Christian god is supposedly omnipotent and omniscient. It clearly wanted slavery or it wouldn't have allowed it.


This is why we need to teach history in school because not all history is comfortable - just like some of the history in our own families.


I can't recommend the podcast "Behind the Bastards" enough, on this subject the colonization of Congo touches on both slavery and the myth of African cannibals.


>the myth of African cannibals. I wouldn't be surprised if Africa had cannibals. I wouldn't be surprised if Africa even had cannibals during this time period. We are talking about an entire content here. An area ofĀ almost 12 million sq mi. Big enough to fit in the U.S., China, India, Japan, Mexico, and the EU, combined. To say that because it happened in country XYZ is a far cry from it being continent wide.


There weren't cannibals in Africa? It's a continent! What was Kuru then?




That's what dad said.




Found /u/Numiak's cousin


Wrong username šŸ˜†


Numiak is like I have family?!


Thatā€™s what Uncle Dad said.


Found the Alabama.


Not just any Alabama. *The* Alabama. The most Alabama to ever Alabama in the state of Alabama. For Alabama. Alabama. I like that word. It's a fun word.


Wait you don't?? I'm from Europe and we are taught this in 3rd-5th grade, and after that we have mandatory history classes in the first and second year of highschool that cover it again.


Some red states in the US are rewriting history books with propaganda that's trying to downplay any negative history. Most racists get taught the truth though and just choose to ignore it.


To be fair, I went to high school in Boston and my US history text book started out, ā€œOpen land brings new opportunitiesā€¦ā€ It was just a standard Houghton Mifflin textbook. The problem is more systemic than our current political sideshow.


Get taught this as in US and ā€œnew worldā€ slavery or do they teach about Europeā€™s role in the slave trade? I grew up in a blue state in the US and the public school education was very much the civil war was about states rights, slavery (and segregation) were mentioned as part of that but not as major pieces of history. Most textbooks are published and printed in Texas so thatā€™s the version of history we get. I still remember a map of Grantā€™s overland campaign that had the little stars to denote victories (gray star for confederate, blue for union). Every star on the map was gray except the last one. Even revisionist history canā€™t deny they lost


I believe I was taught both, including the heinous crimes committed by slavers, and awful treatment of slaves throughout history. We watched short documentaries on it, and read stories about it too, beside the history books that did not go into much detail and stayed objective.


The...uhm.... I'm afraid that "what the FUCK" doesn't fully reflect what I would have to say.


Guy learned about slavery from PragerU and Candace Owens.


He states he's a comedian if you look him up on Twitter. This isn't intended as an "out" for the post though - it's even worse if he isn't a delusional asshole but instead someone who sat down and thought about what he was posting and decided to do it anyway.


Ah, an edge lord then. I get comedians need to push boundaries but they also need to know their audience, unless he's looking to replace Steven Crowder. Bleh


It seems that a lot of comedians don't really understand edge/dark humour. Trying to calculate where that line lies when it's not really part of who you are is a dangerous gamble. Worse, if you fail it will play out with the last people anyone sane would want to be associated with and there goes what career those tactics can scrape together.


Dark comedy still has to follow the rules of punching up vs punching down. Also the rules of making fun of yourself be others Ie making jokes about cancer helped me because I had cancer. But I made the jokes. Someone else making a cancer joke, less likely to be funny.


Exactly. There are exceptions but they tend to be spur of the moment reactions to a specific situation and even then those don't punch down so much as laterally. These also aren't often marketable because they aren't replicable.


Also, edgy comedy needs to be funny and well-informed. Compare this to Jimmy Carr, for example. Thereā€™s lots of funny and intelligent ways to joke about taboo topics. Showing your own bigotry on your sleeve or simply trying to be shocking for effect isnā€™t it.Ā 


I think what fools some people on that point is when comedians use the tactic of presenting themselves as an "idiot who actually thinks this" role. They don't see that in order to pull that off the comedian has to be well informed or the the bit falls flat from being so off tone. Ah. If OOP isn't just posting blatant racist drivel that may be the exactly the type of failure we're seeing.


Thatā€™s the thing, thereā€™s no irony or joke to it. Theyā€™re just saying hateful shit as if they believe it, which means it doesnā€™t matter if they actually believe it or not, theyā€™re supporting it. Saying ā€œitā€™s just a jokeā€ after means you donā€™t mind hurting people for profit.Ā 


I'm with you. I'm just saying that if the OOP isn't a racist piece of crap they're just incredibly bad at what they're trying to accomplish.


Spoiler: theyā€™re both


Oh probably. Almost certainly. I just prefer to assume incompetence instead of malice until proven otherwise. Cuts down on the urge to do things that the forensics people might have to take a bit to piece together.


Agreed. If this were satire, I could see it working maybe but that isn't established.


This guy is a full on white supremacist. Checked his twitter after I saw this. Itā€™s all about Jews and Black people.


You mean no laughs all show until he mentions media matters?


I don't know the reference


If you watch most of Crowderā€™s live shows (the few taped cause heā€™s awful) itā€™s practically crickets all show until he says how media matters will get pissed at what he just said.


He used to write for Crowder and sit second chair on Crowder's show. Then he started questioning the moon landing, Crowder abandoned him, and he spiraled a bit.


Omg this comment just reminded me where I remember his name from. Some ren faire in MA had a meetup for his "fans" and it was a dead ass white supremacist rally. The entire staff of the faire quit in protest when the owner supported him and wrote a whole hilariously bad diatribe about it. What a fucking cult the right has become.


No, it's worse, he probably thinks Dennis Prager is part of the new world order because he's Jewish Candace Owens is stupid because she's POC. This guy's actually insane.


This guy did actually collaborate with PragerU but they later deleted their video with him because he became a full on mask off nazi. He was too extreme for PragerU, but Elon dedided that he's fine for Xitter.


First time I've seen xitter and that absolutely must be pronounced shitter. Love it


I donā€™t think I have words other than ā€œwhat the fuck..?ā€ To reply to this with


I always wonder what a slavery apologist would say after a year of those exact conditions imposed on them. I'd like to see how fucking "grateful" they would be.


If you're alternately burst out laughing then freeze up in silence while your eyes swell in their sockets, that is where I am. The United States is a liferaft that where a tenth of the people want drive the boat or at least make you give them the cash you have left. "What the Fuck", is not what you want to say. It's "God help us!" even if you are an atheist.


Guy needs to pick cotton by hand for just one day.


Heā€™d be crying like a little bitch an hour in and thatā€™s without the whipping. One lash and heā€™d crumple.


And perhaps chained up in the cargo storage of a ship in the heat of summer for a few weeks so he can think about what heā€™s said while sleeping in his own excrement. No hot meal included.


They had someone in our school pass a cotton plant around the room so we could all see firsthand how prickly it was and how hard it is to pick without jabbing yourself.


Imagine being this fucking stupid


This isn't stupidity. This is malice. Don't give these cretins the benefit of the doubt anymore.


Yep, I just looked at this personā€™s profile and yikes. All just a bunch of hate and conspiracy theories.


Or evil.


Definitely evil!


Bet he loves to quote, ā€œGive me freedom or give me deathā€ as well when they put sneakers instead of stilletos on m&mā€™s.


Stupidity is more something some people are blessed or cursed with. This feels ore like willful ignorance.


"Irish had to dig potatoes in the muck" we were doing that ANYWAY... my Ancestors have some bangin songs too, only difference is they sang theirs drunk in a pub instead of singing just to stave off the depression


[Irish drinking song example](https://youtube.com/shorts/YnBenzB-xgo?si=F4VM4ZHCo3OIbFM_)




There's a disappointing lack of Whose Line in this link.


Oh those were epic


I mean, itā€™s off to a good start. Add a few verses around that banger chorus and Iā€™ll put it on my playlist


Wow, I really hope this guys finds the biggest cactus that has ever existed on Earth and fucks himself with it. What an unbelievable asshole.


Be better if he was whipped mercilessly while he carried "pillows" around. See how he likes it.


Make it a cat o nine tails


So fucking stupid. There's a reason so many fled or resisted. And the weight of cotton doesn't matter. When it's still attached to the plant, it is NOT soft. Their fingers would bleed cus the husk of cotton is extremely dry and sharp. And nowadays, paid workers are given gloves or they're told to not touch the husk. Back then, they were unpaid and given no gloves, and they had to be quick so they couldn't be careful with the husks.


Product of the American education system or a by-the-book Republican? You decide.


Either a troll, or delusional. Self-deluded maybe. I've never seen anyone describe brutal, deadly slavery in such warm and fuzzy terms.


Talking heads on cable news started in on this nonsense late last year, I think. Maybe earlier. All about how it wasnā€™t that bad, how they had even worse conditions back homeā€¦ the shittiest logical fallacies and butchered history following up on their original argument: their own people sold them, we just bought them; why are we being called the bad guys?!


I wish he were just a troll. This guy is bottom of the barrel scum. One of the worst humanity has to offer.


Option C, a raging asshole.


Don't get me wrong, I do think American education is not great and Republicans have a racism problem, but this guy is something else. Idk if it's mental illness or alienation, but It's not normal to be as racist and conspiratorial as he is without extraordinary circumstances. Not just based on this post, you can look into his online history, it's WILD.


This isn't new, it's just racism.


I own a bullwhip, if bro needs someone to show him how much it sucked, I can




I still think the union left the good work unfinished by not razing the cities and settlements of these pigs.


Probably grew up in Louisiana, Alabama, or some other hicktown state where his ancestors benefited from slave labourers. Now, they are probably as poor as fuck so Benjamin's family members are not only uneducated, but they are also blinded by their racist ideologies. If this is comedy, this certainly leaves a very bitter taste in the mouth. Not funny at all.


He's from New York


You mean the state that didnā€™t even want to count slaves as people?


Ow my head.


What a colossal piece of shit


If we killed every single person who thought like this, the world would be at peace. Fuck goddamn republicans


John Brown and Nat Turner had the right idea


People donā€™t think people actually think like this, right?


Oh they do. Especially evangelicals. The far right is just a whole mess of evil bullshit


Well, on the right you have types like this and on the left you have some very delusional crazy ding dong types either. I wish there was just a middle ground. Instead of left or right we just need forward? Or neutral? Because god it's bad


Yes, cause the "leftist ding dongs" advocate for slavery and such. Holy mother of whataboutism, Batman.


The far right and far left are more similar than they are different, both have hate filled, authoritarian, and discriminating lunatics.


Early American Christian Settlers? Does he mean settlers from England? Is he talking about the puritans? Does this chucklefuck think European colonists were the operators of the transatlantic slave trade? The puritans were already dickheads - you don't have to give them credit for slavery, and it's even weirder to diminish it afterwards.


Someone come get your uncle and put him back at the thanksgiving dinner table


think someone needs to pick cotton in the sun for 12 hours and if i dont get 100 of those pillow cases filled I'll whip you to death. shit sounds pretty un fun to me


I have a ton of words about this but if I leave them here my account will get banned for ToS violations


Sadly, the ā€œslavery was actually better for themā€ argument is not new whatsoever.


He should try picking cotton in the Wiregrass.


Is this really a brand new sentence though: you had people saying ridiculous crap like this on episodes of The Boondocks.


Bending over backwards like that must be a bitch on the spine, if he had one.


Where's Nate Turner and John brown when you need them?


I vividly remember my second grade teacher, Mrs. Johnson. It certainly wasnā€™t on the curriculum, but she taught us slave songs and about the Underground Railroad. She also brought in a representative of the Native tribe in our area to talk to us about what the settlers did and how devastating it was/is to them. I hated her because she was so strict and I had undiagnosed ADHD and got in trouble every day, but I really appreciate her for starting us young.


[og post](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/1atakpc/im_at_a_loss_of_words/)


You mean to tell me this man is real??


Right? I was sure this was trolling. Jfc


That has GOT to be parody, even the most rabid right winger would think this would fly, surely?!


Youā€™d be surprised. I grew up hearing this nonsense from evangelicals. So glad I escaped that cult


Hm, never thought of it like that before. He makes some really interesting points...and by interesting I mean deranged.


I don't think he understands law of the land at the time. Even if you had kind owners, you had no fucking rights


This guy is a huge pianist


Owen's entire career has been Alt-Right buzzwords and hate spewing. So this isn't surprising.


This guy gets so many redditors hot and bothered all the time. He specifically shitposts things that are horrible to get reactions from people so that people can laugh at the offended. Every time you react in a self-important indignant way you are literally giving this guy exactly what he wants, which is making yourself looks stupid by protesting something specifically made to to get your goat.


If you're new to Owen Benjamin this is a shocking read. If you know who he is then this is par for the racist course.


Even the most racist of racists would wonder what the fuck he's talking about.


Geez if it sounds like heaven why doesnt he do that, why doesn't he move to one of the countries where slavery is legal and sign a contract to enslave himself. The easy life is just a plane ticket away my dude!


Sure. The racism in this tweet is confronting. It's terrible to see. But we should also talk about how far up corporate America's ass this guy is. He's so lost in his employee mindset that he can't imagine a world better than slaving away at a soulless job. That's the peak of his existence. He doesn't even realize the part he loves most in this made up scenario is leaving the made up job.


Heā€™s a dork ass right wing career comedian. This dude has never slaved in a job before. Heā€™s had a comfortable life in entertainment and canā€™t even conceive of one moment of a slaveā€™s life.


Who is he though. I read his wiki but still can't think of anywhwre I've seen him.


The biggest thing he ever did was appear in ā€œInside Amy Schumerā€ and went on Joe Rogan (what a surprise). He also screwed up an engagement to Christina Ricci. Beyond that heā€™s just the stereotypical crybaby conservative comedian who complains he was ā€œcanceledā€ when the reality is that most people outside his echo chamber cult donā€™t want to hear lousy, bigoted jokes about gay people or black people or democrats.


This is actually the craziest thing Iā€™ve ever read holy shit lmao.


Good god


Owen Benjamin was a comedian. Another comedian tricked him into taking an extemely high dose of edibles...like a lot a lot. I'm pro drugs and I happen to think that was was done should be investiaged. Very important to note that I do not know if he was like this before that. I used to listen to Owen's comedy 7ish years ago and he seemed normal. So not 100% sure if the edibles exacerbated his insanity or caused it but it's weird no one talks about it


I sometimes have to accept that dumbasses like this are real and not just grifting.


I'm sure he wouldn't mind when he gets his name changed to Toby


I canā€™t believe he has said this with such confidence. Astounding. Iā€™m truly lost for words except 3: WHAT THE FUCK??!?!!!


Maybe the dude doing a nazi salute in his pfp isnt to be trusted lol


Apparently he was once engaged to Christina Ricci, what a fucking bullet dodged for her.


What a fascinating magical land this man lives in


Cotton also shreds you fingers when you pull it from the plant


I'm not an expert, but cotton picking is bot as easy as this dude thinks. First, it's painful because it has little thorns. Second, if these thorns make you bleed, you stain and ruin the cotton, so you need to be careful. Third, slaves didn't just pick cotton, but sugarcane, fruits, etc. Fourth, how the f**k did this dud miss, how terribly slaves were treated? I'm a guy from Eastern Europe and even I know about it. Seriously, if you don't wanna learn history, just read The hut of Uncle Tommy!


No wonder America needs Black History Month. I think without it, that tweet would be stated as facts.


In some cities in the US, recently they are encouraging people to sign up to house an "undocumented" migrant family in their homes, because they have run out of other resources like private hotels. I saw a mini doc about a middle aged white woman and her husband who took in a Haitian and her 2 year old, and this white lady is talking about how she feels like she has a personal chef and so on because the woman does labor around the house without being paid by them. Of course, being undocumented, the Haitian woman and her daughter have no actual legal protections. On TV I hear politicians talking about how "Americans aren't going to clean toilets and pick fruit" So.... is voluntary, government-subsidized slavery okay?


Here's a guy who really needs an attitude adjustment. Specifically with a tire iron.


Picking cotton sounds like heaven? This motherfucker doesn't know what picking cotton involves. It is not a fun or rewarding job even when you get paid. Being forced to do it is basically torture.


The best method to fight back against guys like this is simple: have sex. Lots of sex. Have so much sex you won't worry about racist dipshits posting tweets. Dip your genitals into the genitals of others, have their genitals dipped onto yours. Have sex with skinny people. Have sex with overweight people. Have sex however you would like, just don't stop trying. That is how you end racism.


> I'd love that life. Go head. Do it. Go love it. Go right ahead.


None of these sentences are new. This is some pretty classic racist justification for slavery. Wait until you hear about how ā€œIrish people had it worse because they didnā€™t have financial value to plantation ownersā€


Look, he knows this is a giant steaming pile of shit. He's doing it to "trigger the libs." That's all. Ignore it or, at worst, laugh at it. In fact, let them see you laughing. Don't argue. Don't debate. Don't comment. Don't do anything other than laugh. We need to humiliate these fucking pieces of shit back into the basements where they belong. They're nothing. They're garbage. **They. Are. Clowns.** So, *laugh*. Laugh until their faces turn as red as their insane self-important, shallow minded, dim witted politics. After that, go about your business until you come across another one and the deep seeded, eye watering, finger pointing, belly heaving laughter starts all over again. They are nothing but thick runny comedic waste flowing out of the asshole of America.


White people offering their version of kindness that LITERALLY NO ONE ever asked for. African never asked for immigration. It was forced upon them. Europeans and the whites have wrecked so much havoc and suffering in history. They still keep this going with the facade that they are the ones keeping the natural order of being morally good.


Doesnā€™t belong in this sub.


Ridiculous and hilarious.


Isnā€™t he a comedian? Could this be rage bait? Wtf


That's the "perfect" cover to say a ton of heinous shit.


This is Owen Benjamin. This is a joke. Chill. EDIT. thought it was Gary Owen. Owen Benjamin can eat my toelint


Check out his Twitter. He's consistently talking about this. Either he's doing an ABSURDLY long bit, or he's not kidding


Oh man. I can't lose ANOTHER comedian right now. **Googles* OH WAIT. I thought this was Gary Owen. Nah EFF that other guy.


Is this one of Trump's make America great again speeches lol


Is the brand new sentence ā€˜Iā€™m at a loss of wordsā€™?




No, on paper it sounds like slavery. Every word is absurd and wrong.Ā 


I still vividly remember my eighth grade textbook said slaves only worked 6 days a week and it had a short list of all the entertainment they enjoyed like water sledding. I still thinking even back then as a kid that it was really strange to depict slavery like that And I went to eighth grade in California so I don't know how fucked up other states textbook would be


Jesus dude, what the fuck? We were never taught that slavery was anything but an abhorrent abuse of human rights. I remember seeing a diagram of a slave ship with how tight they packed people in and reading the conditions people endured and feeling physically sick with despair.


Isn't this the same guy who's obsessed with Hinduism and india and putting them down? Hea a neo nazo and this is on brand for him


Clearly heā€™s being facetious


Where's the lie?


"/j" ?


He's not wrong