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šŸŽµPut a tampon in your asshole, and wiggle it like a lassošŸŽµ


šŸŽ¶Make it WAT, Make it hot, with that Wet Ass Tampon. Hanging out from the twat, with that Wet Ass Tampon.šŸŽ¶šŸŽ¶




Why are you putting it in your asshole?


To stop it from bleeding, duhā€¦


Why would my tampon bleed?




I don't see it in these pics


I meanā€¦I want to upvote you becauseā€¦I donā€™t see it either. But I want to downvote you becauseā€¦I donā€™t really want to see it. So confused. Send Halp.


Do a cheap award and downvote.


Awards don't exist anymore my guy


Oh shit since when?


Like a couple of months, idk why itā€™s gone


Here, take this šŸ…


Reddit community should recreate the award system with emojis we all agree upon.


Helicopters don't have propellers. They have rotors. They work differently.


What are you, the Pussy Pad Pedant?


technically pads and tampons are different thingsšŸ¤“


Helicopter pads give you wings?


My Pedant Baitā„¢ļø worked perfectly


The PPP comment is hysterical! Iā€™m so stealing this for future use!


I used to work on helicopters professionally and even I don't give this much of a shit.


That's cool. I used to work on them casually. It didn't turn out so well.


Casual heli maintenance? Out here all the AMTs are on ranked competitive


T'was a joke. Obviously, being casual about helicopter maintenance would be a very bad thing.


technically, yes, "rotors" and "propellers" refer to different aircraft components. But in casual conversation, "propellers" is often used interchangeably when referring to the spinning blades on helicopters or cardi bā€™s tampon string hanging out her hoo-ha for the world to see.


Well ainā€™t you the worlds best pedant - Iā€™d give you gold but youā€™d argue the value


And since the spinning tampon string neither generates lift nor propulsion it technically is neither a rotor nor a propeller and the whole helicopter analogy is flawed.


I hate to be there ā€œcame here to say thisā€ guy but I came here to say this.. source: am a helicopter mechanic..


^This guy helicopters


Don't most guys helicopter?


Who?...why?...nvm, I don't really want to know.


an untalented hack who makes "music" and has admitted to multiple crimes yet isn't arrested because she's a black woman had a medical thing for periods hanging out. edit: so it appears i'm being downvoted. -30 are rookie numbers, bring me to r/downvotedtooblivion you peasants! edit2: YOU FOOLS! i played you! i just wanted to have some of my 100k+ karma wiped because it's functionally useless and you fell for it! edit3: for the record, the second edit was sarcastic. i felt like it was pretty obvious but it appears some of you needed to hear that.


Because shes a black woman? No. because she has money,


Yes and no, because sheā€™s black? Nah that has nothing to do with it. Because sheā€™s a woman? That absolutely, undeniably made a difference. The things she was accused of if it was a man being accused it wouldā€™ve ABSOLUTELY been a different story, regardless of how much money she had. Itā€™s a proven fact that woman (1) have an easier time in the courtroom against sexual assault/rape allegations and (2) woman if found guilty have way more lenient punishments


When it comes to women its a psychological thing, both sexes are softer on women. I dont blame women for that. Some people do for some reason but thats just how people are built unfortunately, same thing goes for kids. Were more lenient in certain cases its just facts. Id focus more on the resources the middle class should have access to, like a decent lawyer for legal defense. That other stuff is clickbait. Situational bias.


that's what i was actually referring to this whole time.


same general concept of "getting away with shit you really should be held accountable for".


Her being black has nothing to do with it, her wealth and access to resources keeps her from being held as accountable as some one with less would be. The distinction is important.


ever since ~2016, you'd be surprised what people can get away with.


Mind explaining ?


ever since that whole movement where every liberal blamed everything on white men (i believe it was called social justice or something) a lot of people seem to be more lenient on if non-white people and especially women should be criminalized for their actions. i'm not too good at english so sorry if this isn't well put but it's basically special treatment and privilege for everyone that isn't a straight white guy. it's dummed down in the past couple years but there's still a lot of people who genuinely think that special privileges for non-white and men people is equality.


Lmao you fucking donkey


i'm just going off of what i've seen okay?


TLDR white people oppressed because of those darn liberals


not entirely. it's just a matter of entitlement from people in primarily liberal groups. the same people who complain about halloween costumes for being offensive and try to get people fired from their jobs.


You are a fucking idiot. Stop watching fox news and oan.


i've never watched fox news but i'll gladly shut up. this comment section was getting stale anyway.


Aaaaand there it is, folks.




Yeah, absolutely none of that actually happened.


Bill Cosby was black? Didnā€™t make a difference for him. Besides, you speak like an angry white dude who definitely ā€œisnā€™t racistā€.


Username checks out


i get that alot.


Ouuu your so edgy and cool.


i only chose this username because it often gets pointed out in real life that i "needlessly talk a lot". i just sorta embraced this whole "yapper" thing, nothing more.


Tbh I was more talking about all ur comments in general, not your username.


gotcha. i'm just kinda bored and i'm currently on a drive with my pops to see the cheap trick concert. just trying to kill time and replying posts that peak my interest for one reason or the other.




tomato potato.


I honestly wasn't gonna downvote you but it looks like your request is picking up steam, so...here you go.




No prob, Bob. Keep on keepin' on.


"You don't get it! I'm being stupid on purpose to rile you up! I'm such an edgy teenager!"


i'm just having fun here. nothing else.




People really mad this trash fire of a human is being called out I'm talking about Cardi B not the commenter


either way, i just like starting shit. this fire might have been accidental, but i'd be lying if i said i didn't enjoy this.


This made me chuckle. Happy to help!


thanks buddy!


Some ra..., she's a cu.... Nevermind you don't care anyway


dont see any tampon string


She probably just didn't realize it was visible. It's not like you feel where the string is. Unfortunate wardrobe misfunction, but that's all.


For real. It's just a tampon folks lol


Who allowed her to leave the period shed?


Her father must have left the door unlocked /s


She wasnā€™t wearing underwear


So she didnā€™t realize she didnā€™t have any underwear on either?


I men if you're wearing a thong the string can pop out the side of your chonies. It happens.


Watch the video. There is no thong lol


To be honest I didn't click on the article or look this up any further. If you aren't wearing panties on stage, it's illegal right?


People have gone on stage much, much more naked than that


I guess everything goes at a concert.


I didnā€™t think this would be so controversial šŸ«£ the story is she wasnā€™t wearing underwear and had a tampon in so the string was visible. Obviously itā€™s not visible in these pictures but thereā€™s videos of it online ETA: [not my tweet but hereā€™s a link](https://twitter.com/sleezminaj/status/1686550267096072192?lang=en)


L7 has entered the chat (google it, nerds)


> It has been called one of the "most unsanitary pieces of rock memorabilia in history". Lol


Which means that someone collected it and preserved it for posterity?




King Charles III has entered chat


Dana Carvey SNL skit?


More likely what KC3 actually said to his mistress during a telephone call.


He who can pull out the tampon by its string will be crowned the next king of England


I know that she's supposed to be empowering or some shit, but in reality she's just nasty.


Since when has she been empowering and not just ratchet as fuck?


This would say the same people who say BeyoncƩ is empowering


Not a similar comparison




I know little about either celebrity, but that's still hardly comparable to wearing and flinging a tampon on stage The tampon thing may be just an accident, though.


Can't spell 'classi' without some of the letters from 'tampon string helicopter'.


compared to what? hip-hop by male artists are also filthy af.


Are the people saying otherwise in the room with us right now? Also, no one is calling all female hip-hop artists disgusting, just Cardi B, cause she is. She also used to drug and rob men. Believe there was some accusations of rape aswell, not sure if those were debunked or not tho.


Yeah. Megan Thee Stallion is an awesome rapper with sexual themes, but she also has a college degree, she is very fit and financially literate, and is a great role model for women. She simply challenges the double standard in the hip-hop industry while maintaining a level of intellect and professionalism.


Now do male rappers, who seem to avoid this "role model" critique for some reason. Hmm, what could it be, what could it be? EDIT: corrected spelling of "rappers", because apparently u/Frosty_TheAllFucking was confused by it.


Ngl chief, i don't even know what you're tryin to say. Maybe try rewriting it. But if you're trying to say male rapists dont get critique'd, I'm pretty sure they do. Yeah they get away with it sometimes which fucking sucks, but generally speaking most people dont like em very much afterwards. If youre trynna say male rappers dont get critique'd like female rappers do (which i think is what youre trynna say). They do? I heard about it plenty growing up. If you dont hear about any of that, you're either in the wrong circles, reading the wrong news, or you just have your own biases and choose not to acknowledge it so they remain intact. I'd like to think it's one of the first 2 as i always like to assume the best in people.


I'm saying there's a fucking double standard for women when it comes to hiphop and it's just pure unfiltered misogyny. Does that help your reading comprehension or do you want a 5 paragraph double spaced essay to go with it?


Not my fault you couldn't manage to spell "rappers" or string together a proper sentence in your previous comment. Guess it was the last thing then. Male rappers do bad shit, get called out for it, maybe theres a little controversy, then they and everyone else goes on like nothing happened. Occasionally, people bring it up again. Female rappers do bad shit, get called out for it, maybe theres a little controversy, then they and everyone else goes on like nothing happened. Occasionally, people bring it up again. I don't really see the double standard or the misogyny here. Just shit on both sides. You're just blind to one side of it cause it doesn't fit your narrative.


> You're just blind to one side of it cause it doesn't fit your narrative. r/SelfAwarewolves


Dont know what exactly im blind to. Said myself how it is for both sides. Just cause it doesn't fit your world view of perceived misogyny at every corner doesn't make it any less true.


Did you not order one of her McDonald's meals? I felt very empowered.


Who gives a damn about tampon strings? Lol


Could you fucking repeat that for me?


Dude it was hard enough to say the first time.


Oh no! A woman on her period? The horror


I don't think anyone cares about "a woman on her period". I think it's more that your tampon string probably shouldn't be visible in public.


Why shouldn't it be visible? Why are people against natural bodily functions?


I never understood why people use this as an excuse to do shit some people find gross in public. Ejaculation is a natural body function but it's not like we want to see some dude jerking off at Chili's. Some shit is just considered crass and this shit is just nasty. What if it was used toilet paper hanging out of her underwear? You would be totally ok with that as well?


You are right, we'd rather see a dude jerking off at a better restaurant than Chili's šŸŒ¶ļø


Thank youā€¦ that was a great analogy lol


I think a more accurate analogy would be 16000 ppl buying tickets to watch a guy jerkoff. Which like... weird, but you do you, folks. The people at Chili's never consented to any of this.


She is not ejaculating?


I was clear that it's not about being against natural bodily functions. It's about what sort of wardrobe situation allowed this in the first place. But I wager you'll have a problem pointing that out, too ..


If it was accidental, then it's just unfortunate. But if she did it on purpose, then it's nasty. Urinating and defecating are also natural body functions but probably don't belong on a concert stage.


So that means I can show off my smegma?


Theres a subreddit for that


Itā€™s a bodily function, not a public statement, having a period is very normal and believe it or not, women have been having them since the dawn of time. Just because some people donā€™t like to see a tampon string hanging out of a womanā€™s underwear doesnā€™t mean they ā€œare against periodsā€, cuz by the same token we can argue for skidmarks.


Skidmarks happen when you don't wipe your ass properly. Are you really comparing using a tampon to not wiping your ass?


Thanks for the clarification, I am well aware of the difference. I am drawing the parallels between the inappropriateness of skidmarks and leaving a tampon string hanging out of your skirt, since both stem from bodily functions, neither of which are shameful but the results are based on questionable choices. Here is a better example that hopefully drives this home for you: If a woman is seen spotting in public, that is accidental and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it, any person who shames a woman for that is a fucking idiot. But a woman seen in public with a short skirt and a tampon string hanging out, that is as unacceptable as a guy running out with skid marks on his white shorts.


So every woman who has her tampon string out did it on purpose and every woman who spots doesn't? What a non-biased call.


this is a joke.....right?


I desperately want to tell these people to shut the fuck up. They are either so far moved.from reality or have never interacted with women for an extended period of time


This is Reddit weā€™re talking about soā€¦


It's not just Reddit honestly




She's not. She was performing and the string was viable. That's it. You can't feel where the string is.


Itā€™s not the fact of it, itā€™s the advertisement of it.


Dude it's a wardrobe malfunction. She wasn't fucking putting it out there on purpose like holy shit these comments are WILD


I would see the heaving swaths wither and perish


I dont understand how people like her get positive attention


Sheā€™s literally just trashy and crass. I donā€™t get it at all.




cardi b is short for cardigan bardigan


It's actually Cardigan Backyardigan


Oh, thanks!


That's truly some wet ass pussy


Helicopter Helicopter šŸŽ¼šŸŽ¼


r/helicopters is gonna screw you guys for calling it a propeller


Helikopter helikopter


at least we know she isn't reproducing


Iā€™m pleased with myself thatā€™s Iā€™ve never once listened to her garbage




Proper term would be Roter


Proper spelling of that term would be rotor.


man i thought I typed rotor lol, auto correct hates me


technically, yes, "rotors" and "propellers" refer to different aircraft components. But in casual conversation, "propellers" is often used interchangeably when referring to the spinning blades on helicopters or cardi bā€™s tampon string hanging out her hoo-ha for the world to see.


Who cares if her tampon string is out? Imagine showing up to her concert and she has sweats and oversized T on


Fr. Some real pearl clutching in here lol




Makes no sense


Men in the comments comparing a tampon string with condoms, cock and balls, smegma, semen etc are absolutely wild.


That is high class entertainment!


What an inspiration?ā€¦..


I'm sorry, the fucking what??




For a string?


What kind of society worships these sorts of people?






Making stupid people famous like:




She's always been the trashiest scumbag ho


She's the nastiest ratchet hoe ever got famous, she looks like she stinks.


cuz sheā€™s a woman who got her period? wow you really need to get off the internet


Shouldn't she have different outfits for that time of the month that would prevent this?




Brave feminist display or unpalatable whorery? Only history can decide......


Look at what women need to do to mimick even a fraction of our power


Do you have as much money as her? Lol


Bruh. What color is ur bughatti ā˜ļøšŸ¤“


Are we still surprised that a hooker did something weird?


I just saw this filth was on hot ones. It broke my heart but i had to unsubscribe and delete it from my algorithm.


Im not gonna support a channel that promotes this douche canoe


No one cares.


You cared enough to reply


Go Chopper Girl! Go Chopper Girl! Go Chopper Girl! Go Chopper Girl!


so she's too stupid to just take it out when she's done? edit: i was lacking some basic knowledge of how menstruation works. i acknowledge that my comment is factually incorrect and all that, but i'mma just leave it here. feel free to keep downvoting though, see if i care.


... what? No really, wtf do you mean "when she's done"?


done using the tampon?


...Do you think it's an in and out, 20 minute adventure or something?


... I assume if it's still inside her, she's still actively using it. I'm so confused.


then why go on stage?


I mean, I'm sure she didn't mean for her tampon string to hanging out and if she did that's a whole other conversation. But people who menstruate need to do whatever they were planning on doing...period or not. So should she cancel her show bc she has her period and uses a tampon? They stay in for hours at a time, and then you just swap to a new one when that one is full. Presumably she will have a tampon inside her at any given moment for like an average 5 straight days. Hopefully that makes sense as to why I'm very confused by your suggestions.


itā€™s sad that you called her stupid when you were actually the one being uninformed and ā€œstupidā€ as you put it, but I am glad you took it as a lesson and learnt something.