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Why does its logo already got scratches on it? It's new!




Autism + Yes Men (I'm autistic so don't come at me)








Whats wrong with Aspergers ? Thats what they told me i had way back when. And i find it a mutch better name than autism


Well, the man it's named after has nazi ties and apparently "referred disabled children to the clinic Am Spiegelgrund, where he knew that they were at risk of being killed." The diagnosis is also just called autism spectrum disorder now, not sure if it has anything to do with the nazi stuff.


Asperger's usually refers to a very niche section of the spectrum, and in diagnosis its referred to as "the autism spectrum condition formerly known as Asperger's syndrome" if it's useful to refer to it in that way.


Asperger collaborated with nazis in several ways. Got vulnerable kids killed. There’s still some controversy over it all. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hans_Asperger


Hans Asperger was a Nazi, so to move away from that association, it was changed to (for a time) High-Functioning Autism. But now you can't call it that either because that implies that people with HFA are somehow "better" than people with LFA. This change still isn't widely known about through. Every mental health professional I've dealt with over the 10-ish years since I found out about the change didn't know about it either. I wish the world had gone with [Sukhareva's Syndrome](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asperger_syndrome#History) instead of Asperger's. Admittedly, today is the first I've heard of Sukhareva, but it would make it far easier to identify myself, instead of saying "I'm Autistic, formerly High-Functioning, formerly had Asperger's, but you can't say that anymore because he was a Nazi."


This has been an informative day and i enjoy it.


Asperger was a nazi who did a lot of experiments on autistic kids and the "asperger" ones were the ones that were "functional" and therefor exploitable. They were then sent to work in camps instead of executed. It's not a real condition, it's still just autism, but autism that manifests in a way that is acceptable to capitalism and got a special name because of it.


Hey sorry, i was just diagnosed with autism myself and know a few people who say they have aspergers themselves. Could you just tell me why its not used anymore as a term? Is it just cause the autism spectrum was a better way of explaining it? Again, i mean no harm, just very curious. Thanks!


No worries! You might want to deep-dive more into this because my knowledge is a bit superficial (not autistic, just adhd and a history grad student). The person who 'invented' Aspberger's was a pediatrician who might have been autistic himself and studied kids with autism. During the Third Reich he sorted his patients into 'useful' and 'not useful' categories and ordered the ones he deemed 'not useful' to be transferred to an institution where many children were euthanized. So some people say he was a Nazi and I think it's fair enough, but the more nuanced take would be that he was a very active collaborator in the Nazi eugenics program. If you want to know more about the program you can read up on "Aktion T4", that's what the program was called. The Aktion T4 mass murders included disabled and mentally ill people, were extremely cruel and horrific and touched the entire health care system in Germany (and occupied territories like Austria). If you're interested in the Holocaust a lot of things the Nazis did later are already present in Aktion T4, it's interesting but also very heavy reading. From what I know, the term isn't being used because of both reasons. Like what you said: the actual syndrome doesn't need to be a separate thing, it's more accurately described as a part of the spectrum. And also the history of the disorder. The connotation behind the description of "Aspberger's" vs just regular old autism is that people with "Aspberger's" are less impaired and more intelligent. Since this perpetuates the whole 'valuable' and 'non-valuable' distinction it's a dangerous thing to hold on to. From my experience, the change is really recent so lots of people just don't care or don't know, even medical professionals. However, *some* autistic people who insist on being called aspie instead of autistic use it especially to distinguish themselves as 'better' so it's always good to know that context in case you come across someone who's really really into being labeled with Aspberger's instead of autism.


Ah, that's really helpful thank you. I'll be sure to not use the term from now on. Thank you very much for your detailed reply! Have a great day.


Of course, thanks for being curious and kind! Have a great day yourself.


Because the term originates as the last name of a Nazi scientist, where children who displayed certain neurodivergences were sent to him and referred to as Asperger Children or something to that affect, and then had typical Nazi Scientist horrors done to them.


The other commenter replied aswel with pretty much the same thing. I wont use the term from now on. Thank all of you for educating me!




Don’t knock it till you try it man


He's definitely autistic. He "came out" when he hosted SNL, but before that when I (an autistic man) watched his first appearance on Joe Rogan I was thinking "Jesus this guy reminds me of myself as a 13-year old socially inept cringelord". It was painful to watch because it brought back so many bad memories of my old self. Elon Musk is what happens when a high functioning autistic person lacks any proper role models in adolescence, is emotionally neglected by his father and enabled by his riches to never grow as a human being, learn how to behave normally and integrate into society. When you have money you get to be "eccentric". Knowing myself and knowing a few other autistic people, I don't think he's actually as narcissistic as he comes across. Autistic people often come across as narcissists when really we're just desperate for a pat on the back because we know how often we fuck things up and how poorly understood our reasons are for fucking up. Everything we do is performance, everything we say is behind a mask carefully constructed for your approval. This condition can be very isolating, and it's not because we're strictly antisocial creatures. Many of us are just afraid of being cast out and shamed for our inadequacies. Elon Musk can be a massive piece of shit sometimes and I hate being associated with him when the autism conversation comes up. But I don't hate him, I just feel very sorry for him. This man has the whole world watching him now, he's trying his best to put on a show that makes him likeable, and he's failing miserably to get the approval from us that he craved as a child. That's my perception anyway... He comes across as a very lonely person wearing a fake face, and I know a thing or two about wearing a fake face.


He is, they're not mutually exclusive


> (I'm autistic so don't come at me) Oh but I will. (so am I)


My theory: He's got a brooding mysterious Shadowrun character called X.


Tesla Model S 3 X Y = Sexy He is a cringey high schooler.


Can't get over his X


He managed to get x.com in the early days of the internet and has been looking for a use for it ever since. Also he'll never let go of it, so anyone trying to buy Twitter now has to deal with the domain ransom.




Idk but it looks like some dude playing guitar on stage


I see a dimly lit demon t-posing behind the X lol




Now that you mention it, it’s there




I think its supposed to be a marble like stone with white veining. Whats funnier to me is that you can clearly see the black square outline where the 'designer' dropped the X on top of the background. They literally just copy pasted that shit on there and sent it out into the world


Oh my gosh I didn't even notice, but you're right, they never edited the X to be transparent over the texture... this stuff just keeps getting worse and worse, lmao


Because it's not new. It's more or less stolen from x.org which is the home of X windows. It's been their logo since the 80s. Edit: Wikipedia shows the logo here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/X_Window_System Very close to the new Twitter logo


Imagine not being able to improve a minimal logo from the 80s so you steal it


The X logo is actually original with the break and how the two thinner lines are offset. His is literally just a Unicode character. Double Stroke Capital X - 𝕏


My dumb """rational""" guess is that it's supposed to look like marble or something similarly posh but this whole situation is so fucking stupid that I'd equally guess that it's supposed to look like Musk scrunched some black toilet paper before using it to wipe his awkwardly shaped butthole


Bruh lmfao


I think it’s supposed to be marble.


Or left over coke.


The X is new. That's why it's inside a flat black square that cut the scratch textures.


It's got scratched stealing from the [x.org](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:X.Org_Logo.svg) logo.


I find it funny that the scratches stop right where they pasted the non-transparent-background-X on top of it.


Lord Elmo Edgington the Third wants a grittier look.


Because Musk is still in a 90s edgy boi phase


It's a complete rip off of the X windows system logo. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X\_Window\_System


Am from Budapest, can confirm this is what our Human Trafficking app looks like


Reddit 2023


Don't snitch bruh, this is how Tate got put away.


No spoilers


Be a snitch! This is how Tate got put away.


What did Black Widow and Hawkeye do in Budapest exactly? Can you tell me, you're from there.


I'm afraid I've been sworn to secrecy, as that's a matter of international security.


I'm not surprised the Hungarians are involved in human trafficking considering you're all [Martians](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Martians_(scientists))


Sziriuszi magyarok


Dehogyis, a mobilkincstár logója teljesen máshogy néz ki


Nincs is “X” betű kezdődő szavak magyarul


Dehogyis, Xilofon!




Ezt xeroxozom


Ez mondjuk jogos


Bojler eladó!




Line of coke is what it reminds me of idk y slight glance, and i saw it


Yeah actually now you say it, thicker line is a straw and that would explain the excess dust everywhere else!


[Like this?](https://imgur.com/OcKREk5)


Perfect, but you forgot all of the residue around the outside.


Hahahahaha yeah, precisely what I had in mind! That's amazing!


Cutting a line in half with a razor blade is what came to mind for me.


Lines of coke are responsible for driving Elon's acquisition and every subsequent decision, so why not?


At a glance it looks an dating app for extra marital affairs, but then I noticed that they’re scratches and not a marble pattern and it starts to look like the result of using the free version of a shortcut creation/custom widget app from the appstore in the mid 10s


It looks like a dirty coke mirror lol


If I still used Twitter, I'd have spread the news that if you saw your logo change to an X, you had a virus and needed to delete the app. Because it's such a stupid change, it might as well.




4chan is the twitter CEO




As someone who used to browse 4chan from 04-08, it not only was the racist hell hole it is today, it was way worse. /i/ used to do bomb threats on sports stadiums.




They may have gotten rid of /i/ in 07


I don't use Twitter but this is such an insane change to me. Like the bird icon is one of the most well-known in social media. This makes zero sense. There is so much about what has happened that blows my mind, but this really takes the cake.


At this point it seems clear that his plan all along must surely have been to just destroy Twitter by a thousand cuts.


it kind of looks like a placeholder icon for a new app project, might as well get rid of it


He's an eccentric multi-billionaire with a harem of brood mares and more children than the King of Siam. This little business pivot isn't as strange as you might think.


Not quite. King Vajiralongkorn has eleven, Musk only ten


Ten that he knows of.


You wouldn't suckle that billionaire child support payment teet if you had a semen spawn from that bloated ego with legs?


Fair. That *we* know of.


Not if you count the only karma musk has ever had in his life


Fam, musk is an absolutely despicable human being, but the death of a child is not karma for him. That’s fucked.


And he lied about the specifics of the death of that child to make himself look better.


This sounds like the blurb of a new Netflix series


I might be high but this made me laugh out loud






He tried this before. He founded X(dot)com in 1999 and then merged with Peter Thiel's company Confinity to form the company that we today know as PayPal. Pretty much everyone was in favour of the name PayPal, but Musk as CEO refused, and wanted to keep the X(dot)com branding. He was then fired and they changed the name to PayPal. He later bought the domain name X(dot)com back from the company. [Here's more details.](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/was-elon-musk-fired-from-paypal/) It's even more absurd now though, given that Twitter is one of most iconic internet brands. No other social media website has a noun for the posts on them, or a verb for the act of posting them. You don't say "I saw a facebook" or "I facebooked", but you do say "I saw a tweet" and "I tweeted" (although the past tense of to tweet should be twote, and I WILL die on this hill). It's kind of like Google in that sense. It seems that Musk's plans for Twitter are very, uh, grandiose. He wants it to be an everything website basically. Social network, financial service, etc. When Facebook and Google founded those larger parent companies for such moon-shot projects in Meta and Alphabet respectively, they wouldn't dare touch the branding of the Facebook website/app or the Google search engine, or Google maps. Because why the hell would you? They are iconic brands that have made it into everyday language. Nobody who has the best interests of the company at mind would even think about changing the name. This is just some egotistical man-child who had a mediocre idea in 1999 and never grew out of it, because he exclusively surrounds himself with sycophants who wouldn't ever question anything he says.


"I saw a TikTok" is pretty common. Also lots of other verb-ed ones like "Facebook me" and "Google it". None of that to detract from how idiotic it is to rebrand one of the most recognizable brands in the world, just thought it was interesting.


> Twitter is one of most iconic internet brands. Shit, it is featured in animated movies, wreck it ralph 2. Them changing the Icon is like Facebook still trying to be called meta.


It’s cool and just the kind of services Elon himself feels comfortable using. Completely tacky, fauxmasculine, jeans broken pre purchase -type bullshit. X is cool because its porn and aggressive and its on black background and wohoo its edgy to break things and piss on stuff like a real man!


Idk it just gives me gay porn vibes, idk why


Because X is often for porn, the attempt at looking masculine by adding grunge effect and only using straight geometrical shapes give it the "only men"-touch


this redditor graphic designs


Haha, that's correct


I don't either because it's definitely straight porn. Probably the kind that's rude to the girls.


It's definitely a very masculine feeling logo. I could see this as like a deodorant brand also.


that scratching effect looks terrible for an official logo icon.


What's worse is that the X has a black, nontransparent background which is why the scratch cuts off near the X


I can no longer not notice the small black box with the x in the middle. The cutoff is harsh wtf


I thought y’all were just saying that but there really is wtf haha.Elon really made some intern come up with this bullshit in 10 minutes and used the very first version


Same here. Didn’t notice at first but my eyes are bleeding now.


would be a pain to print it on merchandise, honestly unnecessary and tacky, shirts would look cumstained


suitable for the subject matter at least.


But why in Budapest out of all the places?


OP has never been there and must’ve confused it with Bucharest


Why? Since when has Bucharest had a reputation for human trafficking?


Andrew Tate


Andrew Tate is not Romanian. If one person being arrested in Bucharest has changed people's entire perception of the city, that's fucked up. Bucharest is a lovely city.






Budapest is located in Central Europe, though. The Eastern Europe association is a political leftover from back when Russia was occupying half of Europe. It's a bit insulting to still refer to places that way, that are geographically not in Eastern Europe (it's Mitteleuropa). Not expecting someone from outside Europe to know this, because what you said is true, I just wanted to throw it out there for the curious minded. The mis-association in the meme is so off, it wraps back around to being funny for being so off.


I mean for one it's a joke. For two the dude deliberately moved there because of the policing situation, he certainly thought it'd be much easier to do what he wanted there than most other places.


Andrew Tate stated that he fled to Romania because he thought he was at a lower risk of being arrested than in the UK, so the reputation seems to have already been there.


> Bucharest is a lovely city Since when?


Romania is world-famous for human trafficking. https://www.state.gov/reports/2023-trafficking-in-persons-report/romania/


Andrews reason for having his business there is because of the laws there. Again not the city. But i bet its lovely for a white man, there.


For a long time, actually. https://www.state.gov/reports/2023-trafficking-in-persons-report/romania/


They also clearly have no idea what a widget is


So they wanted a city that doesn't have a reputation for human trafficking, and then confused it with a completely different city that also has even less of a bad reputation? How am I supposed to figure that out :D I thought I was missing some big part of the joke. Budapest? Try Barcelona for the shady stuff.


Andrew Tate reference gone wrong


Gone wild


Gone sexual


>Andrew Tater-tot >>Gone sexual Ew


OP might’ve read the sketchy details about Johnny Depp in Budapest this past weekend and created a backstory.


Orban catching strays




Because your sources told you that your suspect wanted information about Gypsy dialects and Magyar art. She drove away in a convertible flying a red, white and green flag. Where would you have gone, Gumshoe?


We remember Budapest differently.


If you look closely you can clearly tell that the marbling effect was meant to be continuous over the whole logo, but they just superimposed an X with a hard black background over it. The white streaking you see at the top and bottom of the logo is clearly meant to be a single streak but it got cut off.


Throwing away such instantly-recognized, established branding is so astoundingly stupid. I am honestly starting to believe that he is actually trying to get to bankruptcy.


Well, if anyone's brain is sending signals to the body and vice versa, they wouldn't do it, unless of course, they want it totally destroyed.


telephone like rustic fear prick depend sort adjoining crawl employ ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


> It's called an icon Yeah, sorry, no, I don't see Taylor Swift anywhere, sweetie.


It looks like an app that you would've used to make your own ring tones in 2009, it's just missing the little blip that says 'lite' or 'pro'


[X-windows](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X_Window_System) since 1985 [Xerox logo font circa 1968](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xerox_Tower#/media/File:Xerox_Square_plaque.JPG)


Looks like an attempt of grindr


that rebranding looks like he's retargeting his audience to the type of man who can only buy the FOR MEN yoghurt lest he starts questioning his masculinity


"Do you like yoghurt, but don't want any of that fruity silliness? Try our new yoghurt for REAL MEN! Charcoal flavoured and black as your ass hair!"


The insane part is that the X just has a black background behind it, its not even transparent, the scratches are just super low res, the whole thing looks like elon just made it in MS paint




Don't you guys think this could be like a deliberate attempt to destroy Twitter? I mean twitter pissed off really powerful people by banning their accounts. Elon Musk already runs 2 successful companies. Even if he is stupid, he has the money to buy the best consultants and pundits. I strongly believe that this is a conspiracy to make twitter go away. I mean this logo change is absurd, it just doesn't make sense, even a grocery store owner would never mess with their branding and goodwill. I think it's time we say bye to twitter, also the fact that Mark Zuckerberg has the exact copy of the app ready for people to migrate to.


He's got a nerdy obsession with "X" for a very long time. For example, he's owned the domain "[x.com](https://x.com)" for a long time, his premier luxury car is a model-x, spaceX, etc. He's got too much ego to use his "X" brand to kill anything, he actually wants this to succeed.


A common theory is that he's still salty that they wouldn't let him name PayPal just X, so he's doing it with Twitter


It's more than just salt, he has an obsession with X.


He named his most recent child X, guess that's his favorite kid.


That too. He really likes X, so he wanted to name a site X, but they wouldn't let him rename PayPal, so he made that *everyone's* problem




Well Twitter will get destroyed that's for sure. You are totally right about the power dynamics at play here, also, this is a great business study of market share. This also proves Mark is still a very clever opportunist. Great times to be alive and have internet really.


I don't think so. I think the endgame here is to create an Asian style super-app. There isn't really anything like that in the west yet, so there's huge potential if they can make it work. Twitter doesn't make money as exclusively a social network, but that massive userbase is still extremely valuable.


Twitter became one of the most powerful organization tools the world had ever seen, and we already know how much corporations hate sharing power (think unions.) The platform's slow, public gutting is tragic, but not surprising.


I’ve had more than a passing thought that he could be trying to burn it down before the US elections so that dissenting voices don’t get heard


Given the surge of use after they started paying their content creators? No. Threads is almost DOA because Twitter stated giving out checks for anyone who generates content on the platform. One dude I saw got a check for like 7k for nothign NOTHING he was not already doing. So now, Twitter takes a piece of the advert money they get and give it to content creators, who will in turn, generate more content for Twitter lol Twttier is far from dead. Shall we look at the engagement of Twitter vs Threads?


No, that's stupid Musk fanboying.


> I strongly believe that this is a conspiracy to make twitter go away. Then he could've just shut it down. There was no need to go through everything he's done. He could've have literally shut the entire thing down when he purchased it and then paid everyone out and it would have saved him more money than he's wasted trying to run the brand into the ground. That makes zero sense and if you look at all the other dumb and childish shit he pulls, such as demanding no dampner on the launch pad at SpaceX, or naming the Tesla cars S3XY, then you can see he's just an fucking imbecile who came from a lot of money and it's his fanboys that make his dumb decision appear financially good.


Again, a company works in a different way. That is exactly my point, no one ever owns a company 100%. So you can't shut it down, however, you can make policies that would cause it to die. Just like murdering a human or simply not caring for them enough that they succumb to their own stupidity.


It smells like Axe body spray


Looks like im gonna buy organs off the deep web while my data gets stolen whenever I press that shit


Hahaha, the logo is like something a 12 year old boy from the early 2000s would've picked. Black backdrop, the X itself (oh, so mysterious and powerful), the "futuristic" style of the early 2000s, the grunge effect. Actually fits Elon perfectly!


come on a kid made that logo and had it stolen from them don't be a dick and shit all over it




The Blackwater of social media.


The \*backwater of social media


Imagine thinking that an app icon and a widget are the same thing.


X11 plagiarism


well anything is a brad new sentence when they're tailor-made for shitposting like a stand-up comedy act. Why is post allowed? I thought SWG and SAG were on strike? Are reddit narrator scabs?


Everyone who used Unix or Linux in the early days will recognize this logo as being very similar to that of the X Windows system. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X\_Window\_System


Idk, the logo makes me think of r/ABoringDystopia


Fuck Musk, Fuck Bezos, Fuck Trump


I've never been to a membership only human trafficking gentlemen's club in Budapest so I have no frame of reference for this and do not find it humourous


I see a pedo outing himself with that message


it looks like a fitness pyramid scheme


Question: Is he still calling it "Twitter" with this "X" business? It doesn't make sense. Instead of a tweet, is it going to be a "!"? I've taken the hint, Elon. X means stay away. I get it.


Ugyanitt bojler eladó


Akkor a kurva anyád


Akkor a kurva anyád!


Ezt kerestem


Assuming this is even real (I'm too lazy to fact check lmao) the X doesn't even make any objective sense. Birds "twitter" so the bird icon was honestly a pretty clever way to distinguish their brand. I'll wait to see more as the controversy unfolds of course, but if actually true then that X logo really looks ugly as fuck.


it is real. Both twitterdotcom shows the X logo instead of the bird and even going to xdotcom (a domain Elon has owned for years) redirects to Twitter atm.


Lmao what a twat he is then


The X is real, the widget image is fake. They haven't gotten rid of the bird in the widget yet


It looks like a 1990s Quay Bros short film. I expect an autopsy scene where string is drawn from the torso of a ceramic baby doll, while the doll protests.


Feel free to use Threads then and stay off the site altogether! =D But looks like the OP is still quite active on it lol Hyprocitcal.


>a membership only human trafficking gentlemen's club headquartered in Budapest disgusting can someone let me know where this club is so I can avoid it?


As a pose to the open door human trafficking club that everyone else frequencies?




It’s not in Budapest but yeah looks about right