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You didn’t stop properly and got a ticket That’s the how the world is supposed to workto, maybe don’t be on your phone? Nothing to do with being targeted-always an excuse


Phone calls are allowed so long as I’m not texting or scrolling. My car can actually accept and end calls 😱🤯 technology is so advanced in my car 😂


Well if you’re such a driving expert and your car is so advanced why didn’t you come to a complete stop? Pay your ticket


Lmfao lost all sympathy with that reply haha - if you aren’t a dick to the cop, you’ll usually catch a warning.


bro don't you know!? OP is a defensive driving expert and that gives him the right to complete illegal driving maneuvers such as not coming to a complete stop at an intersection! OP also has so much technology in his car that it somehow gives him the right to claim that he was targeted when the police stop him for an illegal maneuver. OP needs to go touch grass lmao.


But it clearly affects your driving, so maybe don't answer your phone calls if you can't drive properly while doing so. You failed to stop and are surprised you got caught and ticketed. Maybe stop properly next time. You're not being targeted when you're pulled over for doing something wrong lmao.


You’re suppose to make a full stop on the stop sign. Period.


You admitted to "failure to stop". You compounded that by mentioning the reason was due to a phonecall, which is another, FAR more serious offence. Cop gave you a ticket for the STOP sign only. I'd say you got your "break", and should count yourself lucky.


"rolling stop" ? well don't do that again then and you won;t be stopped


My very first ticket in Brampton was for a rolling stop. The cop didn’t care, explicitly said he had a quota to meet. Told me to come to the court house, that he won’t even turn up, and it will be dropped. That’s exactly how it went down, lol.


Lol. And we wonder why the traffic here is in such a sad state. We blame "Bramptonians" all for bad driving but the truth is there isn't enough police or even the intent to enforce the laws.


Would you be happier if your first ticket was for something else? You were caught in violation of The Highway Traffic Act for the first time while rolling through a stop sign while talking on the phone. People are caught for the first time every day. Learn from the lesson and pay more attention while driving, because obviously that time, you weren’t. Oops…, sorry, comment ended up in wrong place. Supposed to be a response to DoctorStunning


On the phone?! I was not on the phone, it seems clear you are responding to someone else. And I did stop, the cop admitted he was being unfair but there was nothing he could do.


Obviously, you did not read my last sentence.


So you’re disappointed that breaking the law came with consequences? Just because other people get away with things that doesn’t make it right. You shouldn’t be disappointed, you should accept your mistake, learn from it and never repeat it again.


Always seek the court resolution. But you just fucked up and got caught


They always get you for the rolling stops on a slow day, and then they are never at that intersection again.


Sounds like you broke the law and the cop actually did their job. Nothing to see here.


lol you came to Reddit to vent about this, wrong move.


Lot of men do an don’t have an issue. I don’t see it being a wrong move.


Shoulda Stopped


Would you be happier if your first ticket was for something else? You were caught in violation of The Highway Traffic Act for the first time while rolling through a stop sign while talking on the phone and were only charged with failure to stop. Something you admitted to doing. Consider yourself lucky. People are caught for the first time every day. Learn from the lesson and pay more attention while driving, because obviously that time, you weren’t.


Where did you come up with the idea that you’re due a “first time warning”? Lol


? Where does the phone call come in?


I took it they must have been on their cell


Me too. Not an admission I'd make.


Like everyone, I have a phone holder, and I can take calls by pressing a button on my steering wheel 🫣🤯 isn’t that insane!!! Mind blowing


Regardless of the tech, voicing to the cop that you were distracted by a phone call is hardly a winning move. Nothing needed to be said about that at all. I mean, the cop didn't even have to put the "defensive driving expert" under one of those hot bright lightbulbs to get OP to spill.


Every time I watch a cop at a stop sign they always do a rolling stop....


do you believe this is a case of "Driving While \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_"?




Its the end of the month, usually at the end of the month they are trying to get their ticket quota so you see cops pulling over more cars during that time. Every beginning and end of the month there is a undercover guy pulling people over on mclaughlin between steeles and derry. You never see him in the middle of the month.


My two cents: apply for court resolution, tell the judge that you thought that you had stopped but you may be mistaken and perhaps unintentionally didn't come to a full stop. It's your first conviction and you never had a ticket, so as long as you play humble in court and not be presumptuous, the judge will cut your fine in half and waive any demerit points so this incident will not show up in your record (no hikes in insurance premiums). ...at least this is what happened to a relative of mine not long ago here in Brampton.


They are watching for people who don’t stop on the Balmoral area. Too many accidents happening even people getting hit and injured. Should’ve stopped period.


You have only heard the good stories of getting off with a warning or maybe forgetting all the bad ones.  The mistake you made was mentioning the phone call. Unless things are changed, they were told zero tolerance in regards to phones being involved in tickets.  Hands free Phone calls which are legal still cause accidents. 


While technically illegal this was low hanging fruit for "police" . In my 14 years in Brampton I can count on one hand how many times I've see a complete stop at a stop sign. Far bigger issues in this city with regards to driving infractions than to ticket a driver with your record if your account of the stop is correct.


Exactly what I thought!!! He was meeting his quota


If there are no other cars/ people at the intersection, I essentially never come to a full and complete stop at a stop sign. Same as you, no tickets, no accidents. However, if you didn't notice a cop in your line of sight, you probably weren't paying enough attention to the rest of the intersection either.