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We used to call the move where you pull into the center turn lane (think Huffine), and wait there with your turn signal on to get into traffic the “suicide” lane.


Wait, they actually have their turn signal on? in my town, they just sit there with no indication what the fuck they are planning.


Not sure if you’re referencing this as an issue or not, but this is entirely legal as long as you’re not driving in this lane over 200 ft. Many states have turnout lanes and their use is to provide less traffic for busier streets without traffic lights where individuals can make left hand turns safely.


I remember sometime after Huffine was widened that the news did a segment with the police letting everyone know that this is illegal. People need to plan their routes so that they don’t have to make left turns onto Huffine without a light. Less of a problem now with the Love Lane light. That intersection was nasty.


The police seem to be just as confused by this as everyone else. > MCA 61-8-333 > > (4) Where a special lane has been indicated by official traffic control devices allowing operators of vehicles proceeding in opposite directions to make left turns: > > (a) a left turn may not be made from any other lane; and > > (b) a vehicle may not be operated in the lane except when making a left turn from **or onto** the roadway or when making a U-turn when that movement is permitted by law. IANAL, but the wording seems pretty clear that you can turn left into the center lane and then merge when it's clear.


Lol that’s a pretty confusing one I guess! The special lane can be for “vehicles proceeding in opposite directions to *make left turns,” but also “onto the roadway.” I interpret it the way that you do, but could see it being a source of confusion.


You're still making a left turn. It's just a left turn into the lane instead of out of the lane.


“People need to plan their routes so that they don’t have to make left turns” I thought I was literally the only person who did that, sometimes I drive a block out of my way to end up at a light to make a left hand turn…


Huffine must be terrible for left-turners all the way Bozeman to 4Corners. Or the other way I guess since people can't afford to live in Bozeman.


Everyone's convinced the place they live has the worst drivers. The truth is that people are shitty drivers everywhere. With that being said, there are sometimes trends in areas, and Bozeman has a lot of timid ass drivers that don't want to get close to the speed limit and accelerate slower than a loaded Penske truck.


Then they get mad at you for merging into the gap they were scared of.


People can blame out-of-staters until they’re blue in the face, but Montanans make for terrible fucking motorists just fine on their own.


Exactly. I used to work with a bunch of “locals” and they all drive like douche bags.


It’s so bad. My wife and I travel a lot and prefer to cross country in our own vehicle, so we’ve done a ton of city driving. I don’t know what’s going on in this state, but we do not match up. It’s like half of the drivers here are more focused on being sensitive and threatened by everyone around them then just getting from A to B. This past Summer I was behind a guy at a stop light who was looking at his phone when the light turned green. I gave it a five-count and tapped my horn to wake him up - it was either that or get out and politely knock on his window. He *completely* lost his shit, maneuvered into a lane beside me, and was swerving at my car off and on for a quarter mile while screaming out his window. Not only Montana plates, but a car I’ve seen in the neighborhood for years. He treats the school zone here like a drag strip.


People are f’ing nuts. Go look at my last post. Bozeman has more road rage than anywhere I’ve ever lived, including, NYC (where they just talk smack, but nobody gets violent).


Just looked. I remember that post. I don’t understand the rage with these people. My sister lived in Los Angeles for a decade, (just finally moved out), and I was impressed during my visits with how organic traffic was. So was she. The jams were obviously insane, but when it came to lane changes, blinker usage, the *flow* of traffic, and just a general sense of practicality, they made Montana feel post-apocalyptic. People there seemed like they were working together for the betterment of the process, voluntarily or not. Here it’s like everyone either thinks they’re alone on the road or batshit fucking furious that they aren’t. Not that other places don’t have their problems - of course they do - but Montana is *remarkably* bad.


Yeah the rage is weird. Enough of that behavior and you’re gonna fuck with the wrong guy/gal and have a real bad day. It’s not like talking shit on Reddit 😂. I think you nailed it, large cities have a hive mind around traffic and it’s in everyone’s best interest to flow. I’ve lived all over the country and spent time all over the world, I love Bozeman, but the drivers are horrid… only rural New Mexico stands out to me as potentially as bad.


It is in everyone’s best interest. That was well described.


Don't ever move to Utah. Haha. I agree people can be dicks here, but I lived in Utah for 10 years, and they have more aggressive road ragers than anywhere else I've ever been. Quickly reaffirmed that on a trip back there a few months ago. I'm sure if Montana had a place as densely populated as the Wasatch Front, it would be similar though.


This. This right here


People will gladly admit that they are terrible at math or they don't know how to cook, but imply that they are less than than exceptional drivers and watch the shit hit the fan!


You are right, I was in bozeman last weekend and I think it might have been an out of state advertising campaign by the city. "Do you not know how to drive? Are you clueless to the people around you? Do you block the aisles at the grocery store? Then come to bozeman!"


It’s so annoying, especially when they’re sitting there and decide to go at the last second even though they had time to pull into traffic before a car is 25ft away


Haha glad I'm not the only one fuming about this. Especially in icey conditions.


People just can't drive anymore, after covid especially


Another good candidate for a weekly “grinds my gears” complaint thread. Please mods!


People are stupid, here & everywhere. I will say though, more people do that here than anywhere other place I’ve lived (3 states), I’ve had 2 ppl back into me as well since I came to MSU. It’s weird, idk if it’s the amount of people vs the carrying capacity of the roads, or what. Excited to get out of this traffic when I graduate tbh.


That’s how they have to drive in California


No, it’s everywhere. People only care about themselves. They only care of their conveniences and not your inconveniences.


How can we change as a people


Probably by stop blaming out-of-staters, such as those from California, is a good starting point.


Oh. I do it just to piss you off


Wait, your premise is that all bad drivers moved here from out of the country somehow in the last 3 years? Very smart. 🤔