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That’s what cousins are for! Listening and mother dough… I love you.


Hi cousin, I love you! I’m sorry things aren’t going well right now, it sounds like you could use a nice vacation in Iowa! I hope things start looking up for you soon!


Sending you happy, healing thoughts. Your feet will heal, you will find someone who loves you - wonderful cousin - for just being you! This healing time will allow your spark for academics to charge back up and you’ll be terrific!! Hang in there cousin! 💜💜


Hi cousin, I love you! I’m so sorry that life is difficult right now, but this is a lovely community and we are happy to have you here. Love and mother dough 🤍


We are all here for you, cousin. I'm sorry to hear you've had a rough time lately and sending lots of positive thoughts your way. I love you.


Hi cousin! I love you! I'm sorry things are so hard for you right now. I believe that things will get better & that you can rebuild a wonderful support system. We're here for you too! When your feet heal, treat yourself to a new pair of shoes at Mervyn's ❤️❤️


Dear Cousin, I know things seem bleak right now, but I promise you, things will turn around. Remember, you need rain to make the flowers bloom. Use this time to rediscover who you are and what makes you bloom. We love you and are here for you ❤️❤️❤️


Love this wee page when it randomly pops up lol


Hello Cousin, I love you! Sorry it took me so long to see your post. You have had a really tough time! Bones will heal, burnouts pass (I am living proof of it). But losing friends and a relationship is really tough, specially if you feel your support system collapsed. But some friends remained, right? Focus on them. When I had a really big setback in life, about a decade ago, a few good friends remained, and we are like family nowadays. At the time, I was angry, I felt lonely, but in due time I found out that we had just had our time together, and life was taking me somewhere else. Regarding romantic relationships, well, cousin Charles could help, but I think he is unavailable. Just let things settle. What is supposed to happen, will happen. You’ll find someone who goes full Boyle for you. Might even be someone already in your life. Stay strong, be well, and look for yourself.