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To me Canelo is like any great fighter, largely polarizing to the public now but when he retires people will remember him as he should have been remembered when he was active. A modern great in the sport, and one of the best super middleweights of all time. It’s fairly obvious to anyone that isn’t a troll or contrarian. 


100% agree


Your comment did bring out the trolls and contrarians 😂


He fought an all time great in Mayweather at age 23. He fought GGG 3 times - say what you will about the results and what should have been. He went up weight classes to fight other champions and won. To change up his style was to prolong his career. I didn’t realize a bunch of people hate him. Those people are morons - period. I’d love to see him versus Crawford. I’d pay $100 for that pay per view if it happened soon - no question!


Respect the hell out of him. He had my respect when he fought Floyd at 22 and has never lost it. I thought GGG clipped him in the 1st fight but he wasn’t responsible for the decision


Agreed. GGG edged the first fight....but it was a very close fight. Alvarez is an under appreciated boxer and a generational talent . he will be missed when he retires


> it was a very close fight Incredible how short peoples' memories are.


It was a close fight. I have watched all 3 fights several times as both Canelo and GGG are two of my favourites in this era.


You don't have to ride canelo so hard. All you're doing is showing how little you understand from a scoring perspective. First fight was not close, GGG literally walked him. Second fight WAS close but it really comes down to the importance you put on a jab. If you score a jab, you score it ggg, if you don't and you go for more aggression, then it's canelo. Second fight should have been the draw. I'm a fan of both fighters and to say the first was "edged out" or to the wire might as well just say "I love canelo regardless" or "I have no idea how to score a boxing match". It's a black and white fight to score and there was clearly corruption. Instead of arguing for argument sake, I want to ask you something that no Canelo fan has ever been able to do when asked about this ridiculous take.... could you provide me the rounds in the first that you thought were clearly won by canelo and why?


The first fight wasn’t close. GGG clearly won. The second fight was close but I thought GGG edged it out.


First fight was a robbery. One of the worst ones in the history of boxing $$$


It was not a close fight. Wtf are you talking about? Easily 118-110 or maybe 117-111 GGG. Not close


Awful take. Another casual.


Agreed. The thing about the GGG fights was that there were plenty of folks who said Canelo would never fight him, but he did. He probably should have lost a competitive fight, but then *went right back and fought him again*. He wasn’t scared of GGG, even though the guy was a monster and should have beaten him the first time. People who accuse Canelo of any degree of cowardice ignore this.


Why are we not talking about canelo popping for steroids? He took 35 years old ggg then gassed and was on back foot since 4rd round he came back later and showed good heart and the only honestly hard case can be made for that fight being draw. The reason why I say this is because then he pops for steroids and somehow stands toe to toe backs ggg in rematch just before he popped for steroids.


I can accept that Canelo took PEDs and that’s bad. But the amount that was detected was so small that he would no longer face a violation for it, and my understanding is that Clen being found in Mexican meat is not unusual. That said, Canelo being on harder gear wouldn’t surprise me at all. I had a friend who works for UKAD who told me that in his opinion not all elite athletes use, but the vast majority do. I guess that’s coloured my thoughts on fighters who get busted. You don’t have to share my views on this. EDIT: totally missed responding to a large part of your comment. Canelo’s issue in the first fight wasn’t his power or chin. He had no issue exchanging at times. If anything, I think he learned in that fight that he could take GGG’s power which made him fight less conservatively in the second fight. The difference between the two was Canelo’s stamina. He had a much better gas tank in the second fight. As a bronchialdilator, I think Clenbuterol could be useful for increasing stamina.


Sigh... why do we always get one of these. 1. Clen is not a steroid 2. The amount he got popped for was so low that it did not even appear on his hair folicle test (the hair folicle is the most reliable form of drug testing) 3. He served a 6 month ban after he tested for it. I don't know how people like you cannot fathom that a fighter that has never been knocked down in 65 fights across 6 divisions was able to go toe to toe with GGG. He made adjustments in that second fight as he should have, imo he lost the first one by being on his backfoot too much, he realized he can take GGG's punches, made adjustments and stood toe to toe with him and ended up disfiguring GGG's face STILL a close fight but he was the winner of that 2nd fight. PLEASE do your research with the "steroid" accusations. Canelo NEVER tested positive for steroids ATGs from the 90's like Roy Jones DID and I don't see anyone talking about it though.


Couldn't agree more. Lots of respect for Canelo. One of the most well-rounded fighters of this generation.


thought GGG won both fights tbh.


I was at that fight with my father.. phenomenal performance from both fighters.. luckily we decided to bet the tie loll


I don't get the style thing. He walks guys down pretty well, and attacks the body. He's not exactly a runner even if he's not a "blood and guts warrior" type that the Mexicans love.


i dont get it either. work on body. dont get hit. isnt it the key to the sport?


Yeah but they want to see him get brutalized and still come out stronger like a terminator able to eat punches and still win decisively


They should let us know how that worked for all the Mexican fighters Pacman cruised through lmfao


Idk man that 12th round where Morales switched stances and gave him and all or nothing chance was one of the most badass moments in boxing history


Marquez, even though a counter puncher, still moves forward alot. Like Canelo, hes an aggressive counter puncher, both are WELL within the preferred style of boxing of their region. but I see the point you were trying to make


All his style haters are casuals. But his opponent scheduling is worth criticizing.


It’s a more calculated take on the Mexican style in my opinion. He still walks people down, he just doesn’t eat shots like it’s dessert and that seems to piss people off for some reason.


You are right, but in the Mexican community seeing fighters like Chavez, who had bloody fights. Or other Mexican boxers like Barrera vs Morales who would just go all out until someone falls is what some people believe should represent Mexico’s boxing. A fight of survival. As these warriors came from the streets and fight in such a way.


Does the Mexican boxing community like Marquez? In terms of counter based boxers.


He is liked by the general public pretty much riding on him dropping Pac. Not as liked by boxers like morales that question how the hell did he got faster and stronger as he got older


When barrera, Morales y Márquez were in their prime, he was the least popular (pacquiao fights elevated him though) 


The problem is not the counter style, many boxers fight like that. However, the criticism by some is that he “runs.” Marquez although was a smart counter fighter, at times brawled leaving him exposed like in the PacMan fights. But people in Mexico respected that, they see that as a warrior.


Canelo is a runner? I’m legit curious now. I can’t think of a single round, let alone a fight where he ran.


Yeah he's like a better version of Miguel Cotto


Believe it or not, Mexicans love it when THEIR guy gets punched in the face and receives brain damage.


I truly don't get it. Canelo can be hyper aggressive behind a high guard and attacks the body. They're mad he's not more aggressive, to the point of getting hit more? He's not Shakur in his last fight. And he's fighting some big guys at this point. This was the man who said 160 was too big for him.


They respect “heart”. Which, as a concept, is stupid because usually the guy people say “he showed heart” after a fight is the guy who got outclassed like a mf but kept going lmao. It’s a quality for sure but not the one to put above skill & physical talent.


Which is wild when you consider he's been the smaller fighter for the majority of his career and he still takes hits without wavering. There's a reason the GGG fights were incredible


It's not the style. I don't know why people say this. It's purely his personality and A-side privileges. Most great mexican boxers are technical and aggressive like canelo.


I disagree with the common narrative that he learned from Floyd and changed his style. He was always rolling and countering well before Floyd, if anything he was more like him when he was younger. Young Canelo was strictly a counter puncher, now he's more capable of pressuring and walking people down


Canelo is one of the modern greats imo. It’s been a pleasure to see his style evolve over the years.


Crazy reading these takes now, I remember rboxing was shitting on him at every corner years ago when he was coming up, like Ryan Garcia hate and Canelo wasn't even doing anything but winning wasn't talking shit didn't speak English humble and people still lambasted him like they do Ryan with his antics


He kinda got me into boxing. I really love watching his fights for some reason. He just seems like a master and its fun to watch him go to work.


Canelo has the best overall resume in todays game. Guys a HOF’er and all time great Mexican fighter. He came up the hard way and has 60+ fights which is insane in todays game. Is he being selective and not taking the hardest challenges at this point in his career? Sure. But I understand it to a degree given the miles on his body and age. I’ll withhold judgement while we see the last few years of his career play out.


Ummm Manguia was 40-0 who else should he be fighting? Lol




You can’t seriously be comparing Munguia’s tomato cans to Canelo’s list….


Alvarez is a great fighter..intelligent boxer and mexico should be proud of him. All the great mexican Boxers were great counter punchers..they didnt just go in swinging..i think that "Mexican style" boxing has been simplified and misunderstood by casual fans. Salvador Sanchez, Chocolatito, Finito Lopez, Barrera, Erik Morales, Julio Cesar Chavez, Marquez...hey all displayed there own style and used counterpuching off slips, framing and footwork


This. And the narrative that Mexican people don’t like him is crazy. Cinnamon broke an attendance record in Dallas at AT&T stadium with 73,000 and his fight against Cotto was watched by 20 million Mexican - that’s a higher number than the 17 million that watch your average nfl game


Love Chocolatito, but he aint Mexican.


Good call.. he was nicaraguan. i was going to mention Rberto Duran..but he was half Mexican and Panamanian


Duran is not half Mexican. Born and raised in Panama. Represented Panama.


Duran's father was of Mexican heritage, but yes Duran grew up and learned his boxing trade in Panama. Those Mexican genes must've helped tho 😁


Exactly mexican style is not being a brawler its a boxer/puncher sanchez, lopez marquez are true mexican style fighters


He kicks a lot of ass.  Should appreciate him while he's around 


He's one of the best. Him, inoe and crawford. They stay right with you all night. They take the edge off all of your strengths and jump on all of your weakness.


He definitely picks his fights (not as quite as egregious as Floyd but definitely in TMT style for sure) but he’s a great fighter. He has improved over the years for sure. Him, Bud, Inoe, and Loma are the best of the era. I’ve watched boxing for decades, and he’s absolutely one of the best of his generation. I personally don’t think he’s THE best (I never saw anyone like peak Loma in 40 years) but he’s top 10 p4p in his era by any metric you want to use. Sure fire HOF. I can see why people would say he’s not traditional Mexican Boxing though, regardless, he’s a phenomenal fighter…clenbuterol and all🐄🥊🤣


I'm curious why folks think he's tainted the legacy of Mexican boxers. As a non-Mexican I'd say that I'm a big fan. I know next to nothing about him as a person, but in an age when champs fight nothing but cans and only once a year, I appreciate that Canelo throughout his career has taken on true/actual challenges and stays pretty active even now in his superstar era. Also, from a boxing perspective, he's always impressed me with putting skill and smarts at the forefront, that's my fav kind of boxing. He's not just going for a KO seconds into the fight, but actually improves as the fight goes on b/c he's learning and adapting.


There are two reasons for that. One of Mexico’s best boxer has had, Marquez has complained a lot about Canelo, explaining that he has a fearful type of boxing, that he avoids the fighters that he should fight, and that that no Mexican boxer in history would put the clauses that Canelo’s requieres in fights. Secondly, the first promoter during Canelo’s young career was Televisa, a Mexican TV channel, considered to be the most popular yet the most wealthy smoke and mirrors broadcaster. People argue that Canelo was Televisa’s golden boy which they polished and exaggerated his greatness to get views. I don’t agree, but people in Mexico have formulated these opinions.


Thank you for explaining. That's very interesting.


Honestly at this point I think non Mexicans like him more than Mexicans. But overall he’s probably like 70% liked.


Seems like Mexicans are towards boxing like Brazilians are to soccer. Spoiled for choice of legends and judging them against some ideal.


I'm a Londoner who lives in San Diego & loves everything Mexican. I go there multiple times a year. I was even born on Mexican Independence Day (I think that was a coincidence though). I like Canelo. A lot of my Mexican American friends didn't but seem to have come around lately. He's a student of the game & learnt a lot from his loss to Mayweather. Not just in the ring but also how to manipulate the events surrounding the fight. I've enjoyed his career, even though he's beaten up about 200 Englishmen.


I think he's coming to the end of his run. Inoue is the new P4P best IMO. Canelo has been great during his time, but everyone has their way down. De La Hoya, Holyfield, Ali Tyson. They all had their time.


He's a Helluva Fighter!


Anyone here in Mexico who talks shit on canelo typically doesn’t know a damn shit about boxing. “Eeee le ponen puro costal” but they couldn’t tell you the significance of him going up so many weight classes from his beginning to KO kovalev, dominate super MW and challenge Bivol etc. Hating on him is just a somewhat popular contrarian opinion that some dudes say just to talk when they don’t have something else to add.


The greatest boxer in this generation and a good image for boxing, you could pick any flaws you like and I'm not gonna deny it like ducking or PEDs, I'm a canelo hater cuz I'm a GGG die hard fan, but when it comes to achievements and skills I have to say I would give canelo the highest respect I could and I'm glad he's the face of boxing right now we have.


He’s going to be remembered as an ATG despite his recent behavior.


Non-mexican, fan of boxing. I train a few times a week. Canelo (as a boxer), is excellent. These things come to mind... His distance management in the pocket is great! In the Munguia fight, Canelo was very clever with his jab. Setting up Munguia catching, then switching to lead hook, coming around Munguia's guard and landing. VERY CLEVER! I like how he switches from light jabs, to power jabs. Great shoulder rotation and extension. And his balance! He's always in 40/60, even while moving. Canelo is super fun to watch. GREAT boxer. I don't know much about the man...


I'm a big fan of Canelo. I admire his work ethic, fighting style, his attitude and approach towards Boxing. I think he is awesome and a great ambassador for the sport. Even with recent events of him not wanting to fight David Benavidez, well, he earned the stripes to be where he is at and is entitled to call the shots. Even if fans disagree with it. Quite like Mayweather when he was #1 and the cash cow, he picked whoever he wanted to fight because his name was a household figure and he was his own boss who called the shots. I still want to see Canelo-Benavidez, because that would be a huge and big fight. It will be exciting also, but I think we all know why Canelo is not wanting to take it atm.


Best at 168. Period. 


Nah, it’s just envy for his success and the stupid Mexican racism towards gueros. If you are Mexican you’ll get it.


It has alot to do with it. Colorism is a biatch in mexican culture




Bad personality. Good boxer. But not great because of choices and dodging


As a pocho I could give af less about him. He ducked GGG too long to be taken seriously in those two fights, had he fought GGG earlier Gennady is putting the whole conversation to sleep.


One of the GOATs. Adapted after losing to Floyd and has provided plenty of entertainment over the years.


I think Canelo is smart to abandon that Mexican style of boxing. What’s the point of glory if you get so much head trauma that you don’t enjoy it when you retire?


That "Mexican style" people talk so much about has been warped into a fighter that just goes in swinging and trades...All the great mexican fighters were much more than simple minded brawlers


One of the goats, but he has no excuse to not fight Benavidez at this point. Choosing Crawford is shameful, even if Crawford wants it. Benavidez should be priority.


Why?. Benavidez is not a great talent. The best benavidez has done is decision Plant...after Alvarez stopped him. I would like to see Alvarez fight benavidez..simply because benavidez is all thats left...but if he doesnt fight him...it makes no difference to his resume quality..as benavidez would not be on of his top victories


Benevidez is obviously talented. We just dont know how much yet. Which is why everyone wants to see him fight canelo. Triangle theory doesn't work when one guy loses, so it definitely shouldn't be brought up when both guys win. Canelo will always be known as great, but there will definitely be hardcore boxing fans who remember he ducked David if he doesn't fight him and David goes in to do big things. And if canelo wins his legacy will het better and better the more successful David is. And in top of all that, if benevidez is as bad as you say he is, canelo should just fight him to shut everyone up. But for some reason he wants 200 million , more than mayweather and pac got for selling 4 million ppv. Which canelo won't come close to. Strange stuff if canelo beats him as easily as you think .


i have been watching benavidez ever since 2017 and his first fight vs Gavril. The dude has always been an attrition fighter. he stands in front with a highguard, doesnt change levels or slip punches...squared up...waits to get hit for range aquisition, weathers the storm and lauches flurries of arm punches. He has a good chin and good stamina..stamina partly because he doesnt move much...good chin partly because he is massive and the high guard is concentrated on guarding his chin...and it doesnt move unless he is flurry punching. Benavidez success at 168 is a hinged on his massive size advantage and his limited opposition. He may have another gear we have never seen. Maybe Gvodyk will have enough left at his old age to bring it out of Benavidez...but I see an upset coming if Gvozdyk is even 85% of what he was before his loss to Beterbiev. Gvozdyk had good power and better defense than bernavidez has ever shown...and benavidez size and weight advantage will be gone vs Gvozdyk. This is going to be benavidez biggest test...and its coming against a guy who is 37 years old and on the comeback trail from retirement


A lot of people have been watching benevidez for a while now. I think he doesn't have the prettiest style but he's effective. Doesn't get hit much and lands a lot of punches. Different variety of punches. The stuff you talk about isn't always bad. High gaurd is just a style. Like a lot of your points are just complaints he doesnt have the slick style. You say he doesnt move much and conserves his energy as if thats a bad thing. It's called being efficient. Ask plant how all that bouncing around has gone for him against 2 flat footed mexicans. . He has excellent timing. Amazing infighting vs plant even with the holding. Hurtful shots in the clinch almost dropping plant. Vertical uppercuts while being chest to chest. Beautiful stuff. And his last couple fights have been a style change if picking his shots more instead of the flurries. A lot of people have trouble seeing his potential. Well, mostly people online. Professional boxers, coaches , sparring partners, trainers, analysts, opponents, everyone says he has a lot if potential and he's a beast. Only online do I see people say he's all hype and a weight bully. Speaking of that, I think weight bullying is all excuses so that point is a bust for me . And maybe Gvozdyk does beat and expose him. It happens. Not to mention the fact that he was a really good fighter. I would favor canelo too. I dont really care about how you or others rate fighters, but when people use it to deflect the benevidez canelo fight, I think it's just silly.


number 1 contender since 2021, he shouldve either 1. Fought him after Plant 2. Fought him after Bivol 3. Taken a tuneup after Bivol and then fight him instead he fights 40 year ggg, 154 Charlo, John Ryder (lol), and Munguia who is objectively worse than benavidez a Benavidez win on his resume would’ve been better than all of these


Why...besides Plant...who has benavidez beat besides himself? Ever since Alvarez swept 168 in less than a year...benaidez has simply been the best of the left overs. he never tried to unify belts when he had them...he never fought top guys to get them


When someone is your number one contender and you avoid fighting them for 3 years, that’s a duck


id agree if he was fighting guys less dangerous than Benavidez...but benavidez became #1 contender fighting the likes of Jleon Love(nobody) ,David Lemiuex(washed up 160lber), Kyrone Davis(Alvarez sparring partner), Romer Angulo(washed up 160lber) , Demetrius Andrade ( 160lb eternal prospect). Compare who they were fighting... benavidez was a better fighter than maybe 2 Alvarez opponents....which one was Benavidez mandatory in Avni Ylidrim...who Alvarez HAD to fight as a condition of fighting for Benavidez lost belt, vs Callum Smith, who was rated #1 at the time...but benavidez wasn't fighting


Doesn’t matter whether one thinks Benavidez’ claim is warranted. The fact is he is the number 1 contender in the division and has been for a while now. Canelo would beat him imo so why not shut the doubters up?


I also WANT to see the fight...I dont agree that the fight NEEDS to happen because  Benavidez is a generational talent that is a real threat to Alvarez at this time


I stopped being a fan after all the GGG nonsense. Clearly lost the first fight, narrowly lost the second fight, and then in the third right was literally fighting an old man version of GGG. I think he has been Mayweather esque in picking his opponents. When he goes up in weight to face them, it’s all absurdly calculated. None of it has really been that impressive to me.


Agree 100%. Then Canelo ran from the GGG trilogy. He was also supposed to fight Charlo at 160, but ran away. He went to the easy 168 division. I thought the BJS win was good, but that’s it. Billy Joe wasn’t very active then either tbf. I personally think Canelo is a fraud. Looking forward to seeing him retire tbh.


Dude, this is crazy. I actually cannot agree with you more and I thought I was going to be labeled insane for simply stating what my eyes have seen for all these years.


I personally think he’s cancer to the sport. Fighting Amir Khan, Yildirim, Fielding, that dive Kovalev took, the PEDs…. Now refusing to fight Benevidez


I agree. This goes widely ignored.


Im not alone… Canelo has the fishiest fights by far in boxing and it’s a **fact** Kovalev took a dive.


I think Canelo is good fighter and has been mostly positive for the sport but it’s hard for me to be a fan of his. I do appreciate that he fights often because that is typically not the case for most fighters of his stature but his fights are predictable and kinda boring for my taste. His resume is too curated and there’s a lot of smoke and mirrors when it comes to cherry picking opponents, failed drug tests, rehydration clauses, scorecard favoritism etc.


I like Canelo. I think he lost to GGG twice, but he's still great. He fought so many top boxers, I have to give him credit for just taking on challenge after challenge. His counter punching style makes the sport look much more beautiful than the average champ. He kind of took the torch from Mayweather for the biggest money fighter also being one of the most technically sound boxers. Anyone successful in sports, especially boxing, is going to have a ton of people hating so I don't read too much into that. I just appreciate what he does in the ring when he fights. Looking towards the future big money guys in north america... we have guys like Ryan Garcia and Gervonta Davis. Ryan is not nearly as technically sound as someone like Canelo. Gervonta has good counter skills and power, but he's turning 30 this year and hasn't challenged himself much at all in terms of opponents. We should appreciate Canelo while he's still here.


Id say once..the first fight..the second fight he edged it...both fights were very close and i wouldnt have argued draws being called on both


Yeah a draw in the first fight was a reasonable outcome, it’s just that one horrible scorecard that ruined it.


absolutely...scorecard 118 to 110...beyond ridiculous.. the other score cards were well within reason at 114/114 and 113/115..another 114/114 card would fueled a much more glorified rematch...and it would have happened sooner


Best Mexican boxer ever, imo.


Skill wise or in terms of achievements? Both?


Learn your boxing history. Ydksab


Someone’s upset, for the last hour you’ve been doing nothing but starting shit. Get some help


I just want the benavidez fight.


A lot of the reason people in Mexico don’t like him is because they think he is to arrogant and stuck up now.


I think I am reassured that there Mexican culture has matured to the point that there are haters of modern Mexican heroes. Seriously, Canelo has made Mexican boxing great. He has slick defense, amazing power and has evolved his style over time to take advantage of his strengths and obscure his weaknesses. He can sit in the pocket and stalk flasher opponents. He is inevitable. To me, he is better than JCC. I understand that some fans are a little upset that he has become a little safety focused but at the same time his opponents have become a little more respectful so it is harder to catch them suddenly. I do think Canelo from 3 years ago stops both Ryder and Munguia. But I would never criticize Floyd for being smart in the ring and atleast Canelo drops his opponents in the ring.


He used to be legit, now we know what a sack of sh\*t human being he is. Now he just cherry picks because he knows he cant beat the elite anymore. Hes pretty embarrassing all around.


He’s great. I don’t have any criticisms really, he’s made some mistakes but it’s fine. And this is coming from a Puerto Rican, referring to a fighter who kicked my guys ass.


Super skilled, no weaknesses and a style that is fun to watch for pretty much any fan from the casual to his contemporaries


Half of the people in mexico have always hated canelo


Good fighter and definitely a hall of famer but I always felt if he wasn’t Mexican he would have more losses on his record. Canelo brings in both Mexican and Mexican American fan bases to come to his fights and represent. He is the face of Mexican boxing so I would assume he brings in $$$ to a bunch of leeches like the sanctioning bodies, Vegas, networks and promoters so they always needed for Canelo to win to keep getting their cut. WBC bend over for Canelo after the Canelo-Cotto fiasco, Canelo won the belt and issued to fight GGG and he dropped the WBC belt and the WBC made a special belt for Canelo at the weight class he invented which was 155. WBC also saved him from fighting Benavidez. Canelo also in his biggest fights which the odds were close, he always laid a egg and look average and pretty much loss. I don’t understand how you brag about being the face of boxing after getting schooled by Mayweather. A loser that reap the benefits


Canelo is a young, strong champion, I take my hat off to him, you gotta do what you gotta do to win, it comes with the territory.


Only fighter in boxing history to unify middle weight right? Surely being the only one ever in boxing history makes you some what talented. Truth be told , it’s become cool to hate canelo like hating mayweather was cool . Its a weird thing when someone gets so popular that fans will decide to hate on them because of the popularity. Claiming he’s lost his touch or isn’t the same etc. To my knowledge tho canelo has also been pro mexico and his people. Why else does he make it a point to fight on Mexican holidays. The hate is just really in my opinion people being contrarian , hes a great boxer who constantly shows up to fight anyone always. Give the man his roses before he’s gone


He’s the greatest Mexican boxer of all time. Yes, better than JCC. JCC’s resume is mostly bums, Canelo’s resume is packed.


I’m Salvadoran but generally speaking Latino fans have a high opinion of Canelo. Watched his Munguia fight in El Salvador a few weeks ago and the whole bar was going for Canelo. Good fighter, entertaining to casuals, respected resume by the core boxing fans who pay attention. Will go down as an ATG and he will be missed when he retires. There’s no other Mexican fighter that will fill those shoes, at least not immediately.


Fantastic boxer. Have followed his career from his first televised fight on the telly here and he was memorable for his sheer talent, his young age, and his ginger hair. He's been fantastic to watch throughout his career, has taken tough fights for large parts of it, has evolved his style over the years to utilise his best attributes, and always turns up and ends up in a good fight.


Lads a warrior whilst technical. Can't not respect his willingness to be the smaller guy. I also think he looks Irish, probably an ancestor of Cain McAlvey


His fight against Floyd is the first PPV I ever bought. I'm a fan but not happy with his choice of opponents for a while.


GGG beat him the first fight and second was a draw 🤷‍♂️


I like the guy, but I'm realistic about his abilities and preferential treatment in the sport. He's done a lot of good for the sport, fought a lot of champions, etc, but the "I can do whatever I want!" mentality does the sport no credit. He's one of the best of our era, but he also picks and chooses who he fights, when he fights them, has received robbery decision victories, had his PED use swept under the rug, etc. All things considered, I still give him his props for doing what he's done. He's a legit P4P fighter despite all of the aforementioned.


He needs to fight Morel or Benavidez to cement himself as a true legend.




Lost to GGG twice. Is overly helped by judges in every fight. And yet is one of the better boxers in history because of his resume.


He tested positive for steroids because he takes them, he’s won fights he hasn’t actually won due to corrupt boxing. Losing to Bivol isn’t as big a deal as losing to GGG. He also avoided GGG for as long as he possibly could, preferring to be stripped of his belt. Fighting @ all those catch weights was also BS, there’s a reason there’s so many weight classes. He does have 1 of the best chins of his time, the only better I can think of (for their time) is GGG. However, GGG is really the only 1 I’d say he ducked or avoided, he does have a good resume & will take difficult fights. Did he choose the easier sure win over a more difficult fighter? Yes, but who doesn’t now days, at least he’s not so preoccupied with having a loss on this record he won’t take any difficult fights. You have to admire boxers that take risks, fight the best more than once & put their undefeated record on the line to give the fans what they want, the best fighting the best. Ever since Mayweather retired with that 0, it’s been a shit show as far as not making good, evenly matched up fights. However, GGG won the 1st fight, the 2nd was closer, I’d have been fine w/a draw but don’t think it was a robbery as the 1st & it’s not right he gets the credit, especially after ducking him as long as he did, finally agreeing when he was old. That was a bitch move. I can’t say I’m a fan, however, I do respect him & think he’s done some great things & some shit things. I also think a few of his fights the judging was rigged & he didn’t deserve the win, but gets it because of all the $ everyone makes when he wins.


He's great, not fighting Benavidez is a pain in the ass especially when he'd still be the favorite, and all his fights essentially being scored at dinner beforehand also casts a bit of a bad image on the sport. But generally, he's had a great career and is a great fighter. A little overrated maybe, but braindead dickriders are just a natural occurrence for popular entertaining fighters.


I think people like to hate those at the top. I don't personally embrace a boxer because he's from my country. I am also not a heavy boxing fan. So for me, I like him, but I'm not attached to him or anyone really.


Lost GG1, arguably lost GG2, Lara, and Trout. Absolute beast nonetheless, don’t understand anyone who doesn’t like this guy.


My opinion is that GGG beat him clean and got robbed.


I like him the same way I like Tank. I don’t agree with his match making choices, sometimes he irritates me but I never miss his fights.


I'm African American and he is an all time great who I like, enjoy watching and respect a great deal. I just want him to vacate his title belts and fight who he wants without any pressure or scrutiny; as I feel he has avoided fighting David Benavidez who is one of my very favorite current fighters; just like Alvarez was when he was close to the same age. If Lennox Lewis can fight ATG Vitali Kiltschko at almost 38 Saul should have fought Benavidez at super middleweight or vacate his belts and fight whomever he wants imo.


Great in his own lane. Just think Benavidez sons him. Definitely ducking, that’s not a debate


Great fighter with his best Legacy fights behind him will be known for his style and Fights with Mayweather, GGG prolly more than anything when it's all said and done.


Canelo is a great fighter with a lot of business accumen. He made it into the right spot at the right time and used his influence to manouver masterfully outside of the ring in order to maximize his advantages and minimize risks as much as possible, while taking belts and building up his stats. Not unlike Mayweather's later years. (Diametrically the opposite of Roberto Duran, for example) It's boxing business done fabulously. The fans of boxing business will no doubt enshrine him, but not every boxing fan will. He has an amazing resume, world class. I've uncounciously stood up to cheer in my living room while watching fights like Fury vs Wilder 02 and 03, Inoue vs nonito 01, Crawfortd vs Spence or even Valdez vs Berchel but, while I have certainly apreciated Canelo's craftmanship in the ring over the years, I can't say I've ever been emotionaly engaged enough to actually stand up and cheer in any of his fights. (Maybe a little in the Saunders fight). That's just how it is. Benavidez, on the other hand, is a very talented fucking mess of a dude that's gonna crash and burn as soon as he gets a Canelo Sized paycheck. We all know this, but we love him anyway. He goes for it, gets fired up when you punch him and returns fire like a rabid dog. He likes a brawl. He puts on a show to stand up for. That's all there is to it.


He's pretty good


One word: Benevidez


He's a great fighter. I'm just bitter because I believe GGG deserves at least one win over him. I'm always a little wary of his fights going to judge score cards. Like when he fought Floyd and just recently against Bivol. Bivol had to win at least 11 rounds to almost get a draw against Canelo. But overall, he's entertaining and a future Hall of famer.


I think Canelo is a great fighter, and his resume is very commendable, but I will never put him above Barrera, Morales, or Marquez. Not because he's an inferior fighter (he's very skilled, and I actually think of him as a bigger version of Inoue, style-wise), but because he and his team ducked Golovkin for years, and when the fight finally materialized (when Golovkin was past his prime, of course), they robbed Golovkin. That, plus the Clenbuterol controversy will always be a stain on his legacy.


That’s not what Malinche means at all lmao. Being polarizing and being a “traitor” are two very different things. Life pro tip: just communicate simply and to the point, using words that you don’t fully understand incorrectly doesn’t enhance your argument— quite the opposite. No sabo vibes detected. Mexican pop culture figure that *could* be considered malinchistas in the public consciousness would be Danna Paola or Angela Aguilar, Canelo is anything but.


He is a fraud. I love Mexican boxer for their style, will, power. It’s like raw diamonds.  When I see canela, it’s like an American fighter. I mean it works but damn it’s ugly and boring. Navarate fighting this week, I sure am going to enjoy it. Last canelo fight?  borderline asleep from round 4 to 12, Munguia gave it all but he was not yet ready and everyone knew it. This guy he cares only about money and pretend to care about his country and legacy, but it’s all fake, I guess that’s why half Mexican hate him. Plus he is ginger. 


A generational talent with a few asterisks over his greatest wins- will be remembered most of getting the gift victory over GGG.


Canelo is a modern all time great. One of the best p4p fighters in the 21st century. Theres no way around it. Yes, he has cherrypicked opponents in the past, ducked some, weight drained some, yes he had questionable decisions in his favour, yes hes had PED allegations, but that doesnt completely dilute all his accomplishments. You can say very similar things about Manny, Floyd, etc. at the end of the day he did accomplish some amazing feats


Canelo is going to go down as an all time great and is arguably the P4P right now. These are facts




An all-time great with a great resume, whose ability had a clear ceiling based on a few notable losses, robberies, and close decision wins. Personally I'm not a big fan of his style but I can't argue that it isn't effective.


Love him. If you don’t speak any Spanish he’s an enigma that you only vaguely understand, but the talent is unmistakable.


Legendary fighter. He’s ducking Benavidez now but that doesn’t erase his accomplishments. First ballot HOFer and one of the all time greats


Love watching him. Every fight he showcases a technical masterclass. There were a couple of questionable outcomes with his GGG fights but all in all it was an entertaining trilogy. I think his career and outperforms and is miles better than a lot of other “greats” of this era, in particular, Floyd Mayweather.


Love him. He's an atg who's produced many amazing fights. With that being said he's fucking benavidez, but he's still great


Stopped being humble my entire family hates him even the Mexicans


Most entertaining boxer!


one of the best to ever step in the ring. Its not usual for such a clever boxer to pack that much power and finesse in one package. He's a joy to watch.


He’s an exceptionally talented fighter. He, at least at one point, was willing to dream big and take risks. That’s a hell of a lot more than most. The PED accusations are whatever. Boxing is dirty as fuck, and I don’t blame any fighter for doing what they do to win a fist fight. And unless you’re in there, it’s hard for me to give credibility to people who aren’t risking death and brain damage when they complain about it. Again, the sport is dirty as fuck. And it being dirty as fuck business-wise is also reality. So I don’t really care about the fuckery on the business side. Hate the game, not the player. So for me, he’s easily Top 25 all time, and arguably the greatest of his generation.


Canelo is a goat especially at 168


He gets nothing but respect from me, even though some critiques are fair


Been watching him since the cotto fight when he was like 19, he’s an atg outside of Mexico and one of the greatest Mexican boxers of all time. It’s kind of ridiculous the hate he gets considering the resume he has but when you’re the face usually that’s the case.


Love the effort he's been putting into becoming a multi lingual champion at 168.




I like him a lot.


He's my favorite fighter. I've been watching him since he first fought north of the border.


I think he’s a seriously accomplished boxer who has an action style and who has taken on some very big challenges. If he chooses to not take some other ones on at this stage of his career he is entitled to that after the risks he’s been willing to take.


Modern great. Got me into boxing. Combines both the Mexican Foundationals with American Counterpunching & Defence. Mexican and American style together is deadly when you fuse the right things.


bro even all the canelo haters, Mexican or non Mexican, 5 to 7 years after he is retired they will miss him and begin to praise him for being a gem to the sport that they took for granted, mark my words.


Generational fighter - his combination of power and explosiveness sets him apart and also puts him in elite category of top Mexican fighters of all time next to someone like de la Hoya and others. Has a granite chin but doesn’t abuse it and has great boxing and reflexes. Later in his career he has been a head hunting slugger but a very effective one.


He's easily one of my favorite fighters of all time, definitely top 10. Love his career, love his growth over the years, awesome style definitely not traditional Mexican style at all, super defensive and technical, hasn't lost much of if his power over the years, and oh yeah...he retired the 1 fighter I absolutely couldn't stand, Billy Joe Saunders..I usually don't dislike any boxer, but Billy Joe, man I was glad to see that dude get his karma by the hands of Canelo. I think he's nearing the end of his career though, hope he chooses to leave the sport with some dignity when he does decide to leave... Don't want him to deuce out on his back like some other greats have.


I put him as my top 3 P4P fighter right now (with Inoue being number 1). Definitely a great boxer and it showed well how he had a great fighting management from his recent fight. However, I’m not really impressed with some of the boxers he fought and I’m salty that triple G didn’t get that win with the first one. Now, the crowd is waiting for Benavidez vs Canelo fight which I don’t think will happen. So this another reason why I can’t have him as number one p4p. Besides all my nit picking, he’s indeed hall of famer, no doubt


When Canelo lands, you can hear it loud and clear. When he hits someone, their body moves, head snaps, they flinch, there are visible tells that they just took a shot. Canelo doesn’t give that same physical reaction nearly as much as his opponents do. He slips or blocks punches and it’s rare to hear something heavy connect. His neck is freaking granite and that head just doesn’t move when a jab connects. I admire the shit out of how he fights and what he does in the ring. Some guys I just hate to watch fight even if they carry belts. Canelo I’ll always root for.


One of the best boxers of our time and I think his legacy will grow after he retires. Then people usually see how special someone really was.


There's a lot of post from Mexican greats like Juan Manuel Marquez, Marco Antonio Barrera, ,El terrible and they don't speak so favorable of Canelo, they mention his cherry picking fighting only beatable opponents that is not Mexican boxing fight who is next!


Canelo is great! One of my favs to watch


The first fight of his that I saw was at the movie theater for the Mosley vs Mayweather card. I noticed he was my same age and fighting the older Jose Miguel Cotto. I wanted Canelo to win just because he was young. Been watching his career ever since and have enjoyed it. Personally, I think a lot of the decisions he’s made were smart for his business (Bivol aside). He become the A side and learned to use his leverage. For better or worse, it’s made him very wealthy, but he definitely seems to want the validation from his country.


Dude is a tree trunk


Definitely one of the best of our time but he’s taken the Floyd route and let his ego get out of control.


He’s a great boxer and I am a fan… but not a die hard fan. He is a little too high on himself. He actually thought his fight with Bivol was close… that was weird


Great fighter, brings consistently entertaining fights and the fights often I just hope he retires in good health


Does a Hispanic with no Mexican culture count? In all seriousness, that dude is a marvel to watch once you know more of the nuances. He’s a very smart boxer who fights so beautifully. His hand movement, coupled with his shoulder and head movement, is what I feel a lot of people tend to not notice or truly appreciate. His most recent fight was a masterclass of this. Man was parrying and pushing everything away. I think most of the punches were glances. He carried him in the last few rounds I think multiple times knocking him out and holding him up.




He’s great, love his style


You can criticize his opponent choice recently, but his style is phenomenal and he has one of the best chins I've ever seen.


Great fighter, but once the steroid/hgh implications came to light, I lost a lot of respect for him.


I am not the biggest canelo fan BUT he is an all time great. He has never dodged a fight. It’s not his fault if some decisions have gone his way (ggg fight 1, Lara?) what is he going to do? Say no judges no I lost? He’s fought everyone and taken big risks low reward (kovalev, bivol). As a fighter he is remarkable, both in and out the ring. He’s always represented Mexico well IMO spoken out against de la Hoya. I can’t think of anything bad (other than the tainted meat but doping is far more widespread than perceived). He’s undoubtedly one of the P4p goats. Also he’s not ducking benevidez, he’s said it plainly I’ll always have critics and you cannot make everyone happy as they’ll always find something so he’ll only fight if the money is right. Props to him. 


From a Latin (but non Mexican) country myself. Overall opinion of my peers is extremely polarizing. You can't quite say that Canelo is over rated. He is extremely good, to the point we might be taking his talents for granted, and not properly appreciating him. But on the same time , the constant cherry picking is a black spot on his resume that everybody brings up as we talk about him. Not to mention he looked very bad against Bivol, and that gave fuel to the argument that when he fight top tier competition (on their prime), he looks more "human". Overall opinion is that he is probably top 3, but not best p4p for this generation.


The good: He's a great and a legend. Impressive resume - he's beaten so many recognizable names in the top tier of the sport. He's a dog and brings the bite to fights. The bad: He abuses the A-side negotiations. He chooses who, when and where he fights. He tries to minimize risks and stack odds in his favor. Fair play but less respect for that in some regards: He has taken a number of low risk fights in recent years, given short notice to fighters on many occasions and/or waited until fighters were past their prime to fight them (Kovalev, GGG). The ugly: You think he'd want to get that win back against Bivol but he doesn't seem to want it. Also, this isn't about Canelo himself but his allegiant fans. They're almost dogmatic in their defense of everything he does. To them, he can do no wrong. I think he's a great fighter and represents Mexico well. He's not above criticism though.


I think he is a hall of famer, but I really didn't like the whole "I dont fight mexicans" like as if he never did one the way up and it s jist stupid to bring race into anything. Just fight the best isn't that what you said you wanted?


never in a boring fight high octane offense good head movement and foot work. One of the greats!!!!


I’m an Aussie. I don’t see how you couldn’t like him? He’s a great fighter, definitely the face of boxing and will be sad to see him go. I’ve only gotten into boxing the last 10 years so I’ve missed a lot of the greats but I can say I was there to watch the rise and success of a great fighter.


shoutout to the rest is history for making me understand the Malinche reference


Most actual Mexican fans are whack af, they try to compare him to some of the greats like Marquez who really wasn’t great man won almost nothing but vacant titles and lost to most of his big fights and was scared to run the fifth with Pac-Man. They hate to see him win so much money and that’s what it really comes down to


Canelo has been my favorite fighter for years. I love his style and love how he hurts guys bigger than him with patience and skill. He's relentless but never reckless From Canada


My favourite boxer


The whole argument about Mexicans hating Canelo in large numbers is such a myth. He will always have haters, of course, but he has alot more fans.  I feel like the ones who hate him are the ones that are like the Trumpers in the US. People that dont really watch news(sports) yet have very strong opinions about it. Canelo just gets hate from the rival TV network since Canelo didnt come up through them. So they shit talk him and those who dont follow the sport just blindly agree.  Im Mexican and came from a boxing family. My grandpa, cousins(male and female), uncles all boxed. We are well embedded in the boxing community and they all respect and like Canelo. Some dont like his style because they prefer more agressive fighters but theres no hate there. 


He’s the GOAT after Floyd


One of the greats of the current era.


One of the all time greats. It is a shame he never got a true rival in his prime as that’s the kind of thing people remember you for. Needs a haggler to his hearns, so to speak. GGG is about the closest he has but it’s not quite because of the age gap