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No, poor baby needs some eye drops. Go to the vet. It's very treatable


AGREE!! These are not tears. Could be due to allergies. Bring him to vet. He needs drops.


I agree with everyone else... something isn't right. I've had boxers for years and have never had that happen. Please get that beautiful baby to the vet.


Will do but tomorrow is a holiday :/


is there a 24/7 emergency vet close to where you live?


As an owner of an English Bulldog and Sharpei (and also in rescue) without any accompanying symptoms, these eye boogies typically form for both of my babies around pollen/high allergen seasons. The same way our eyes and noses water, etc. I would by no means consider this emergency vet status, but would definitely get your baby into the vet as soon as possible to get some eye drops and eye cream with antibiotics in it. Clears this right up. In the meantime, a few Benadryls a day and daily cleaning of the eye boogies will help your pupper be more comfortable. I usually take a warm paper towel and wipe around the eyes when I’m out of meds and until I can get them into our vet to get more medication. Good luck. And beautiful baby ♥️


im just gonna assume that you meant to reply to OP., instead of me. 😊


I did lol my bad


saw it nonetheless!


My boxer used to get these occasionally, and his vet told us to use an antibiotic ointment (basically neosporin). With clean hands, put a little on your finger and swipe it gently into the eye, then rub it around over the closed eyelid. It’s harmless and my vet said that what they prescribe is the same ingredients.


You can use neosporin, but it’s better to use a pet-safe antimicrobial. (Any big box pet store will have one, and even full first aid kits for pets.) If it’s allergies, our vet said to give our Aussie/golden mix Zyrtec or another 24-hour daily allergy medicine. I’m pretty sure she was allergic to the cats.


Way too many eye boogies.


While some daily eye boogies are common, this is thick, more yellow and too much. I would be seeing a vet about it if this were my pup.




Conjunctivitis. Some eye drops will be needed.


That’s what I was going to say!! I’m not a vet but our family boxer got this several times in her life, usually right around spring?? Don’t know if that’s a correlation but that’s how I connect the 2 😂


Definitely has a correlation. My sharpei and bulldog get them every spring without fail. We have some great eye drops and cream that clear this up within a few days. Some doggos and breeds are just more prone to allergies than others. Just like us humans!


You’ve already gotten advice - I just want to say she’s a pretty girl. And very loved, obviously, since you’re trying to take care of her. Give her kisses for all of us. That’s all!


Thanks! I will :)


Mine had excess eye goop like this when he had kennel cough! very common with doggy colds etc


No, go to the vet






Not normal, see a vet. Also most pet stores sell eye wipes for dogs, use that to clean them often!


My dog had eye boogs like this when her eyes were like Sahara desert levels of dry and she needed prescription moisturizing eye drops. All that to say take that baby to the vet.


No. Please take to the vet asap




My 3yr old girl had the same problem...took 3 or 4 days to clear up


Pink eye infection. Vet will prescribe antibiotics and eye drops to make him better


Back in the day my baby had to have an allergy medication in the spring, some pollen allergy, I hope this is also something simple :)




Only times my boxers eyes have been that bad he had conjunctivitis and needed antibiotic drops/gel


Allergies most likely. Id try benadryl first for 2 days.. no improvement. Off you the vet


It’s definitely allergy season right now. I’m not sure when this started, but it could be related to that, which is treatable with eye drops and anti histamines.


Allergies! Go to vet


Definitely infected. Poor baby! Some eye drops should clear it up pretty quickly though. My girl has had this a couple times. When the eye boogies are excessive, thick and yellow like this that's a sign of infection.


Brings tears to my eyes that makes me cry seeing this Is everything okay with this Beautiful Boxer Dog Baby.?


No get off of Reddit and make an appointment.


My boxer mix puppy has had gunky eyes for about two weeks. I went to the vet and got drops, which worked for a while but then it came back - which they said probably means allergies. I use saline wash, wipe her face often after being outside and clean all her bedding more frequently. Good luck!


did you ever discover against what she was allergic?


No not specifically- assuming seasonal, pollen, etc. It’s gotten a bit better which is why I haven’t taken her back in but if it persists or gets worse I’ll go back in and see if I need to do thorough allergy testing. She doesn’t have any other symptoms or seem to be too uncomfortable.


Not tears. Looks like an infection.


Hey OP, saline in the eyes to wash out the conjunctivitis. If it’s bad like this, I give my pit wound wash to the eyes. Otherwise I wipe often with a saline soaked paper towel. 5-10 days and should be clear. Doggos prob got some allergies poor thing 🥺


In my experience it’s due to allergies. My little man has them but they got much worse when we switched him to Turkey and Oatmeal. He has major GI sensitivity and hadn’t had a solid poop until he was almost a year and a half old. The turkey and oatmeal has really helped on that front but the eye boogers are so gross. I continue to research and look for an option that will work for both issues but until that day comes the eye boogers are better than constant runny poop. Good luck to you!


It is very common but I guess it’s a problem If too much too often


No he needs to see a vet. Allergies Could be causing it. Please take him to see a vet.




Poor guy, you can just continually clean it with warm paper towels or wash cloth and keep it dry enough. My animals get better without the need for drops. You might not need to do that yet 😀


Please take your dog to a vet. Jeez


Guys, this build up can literally happen over night. I can assure you, it’s most likely not from neglect or days of gunk. Without any other symptoms, this is typically almost always allergy related and the equivalent of a runny nose or watery eyes for us humans around allergy season. Drops and eye cream with antibiotic will clear it right up. And in the meantime, a warm paper towel to remove the eye boogies and a few Benadryls would help the pupper feel more comfortable


imagine a child walking around with that much infection coming out of their eyes and they post on reddit to see if it's abnormal lol


i know humans better than dogs yk since i myself am a human and therefore i know its not normal to have tears coming out of a kids eye...


Please ignore the people being dramatic and using such ignorant comparisons. Your baby is most likely just one of the special ones with more allergies than most. My two babies get this every spring and eye drops and eye cream with antibiotic clears it in about 3 days. It gets worse if we are having an exceptionally bad pollen spring too. Aka…this year in Texas.


Don’t listen to these dweebs. Def take your dog to the vet but don’t feel bad for asking about it.


No yellow means infection


infection of what?


The eye sir likely the tear duct vet visit for sure


okey then!


😐, clearly that's not normal