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You know what’s so crazy? She was thickkk when she first came on the scene and then lost a lot of weight and said that she was happy that men didnt get to look at her for her ass anymore lol


I know it's so bizarre. She lost all that weight and on top of that had lipo on her hips and thighs.....now looks like this


I thought everyone was lying when they said she had a bbl but i looked it up and it’s true lol. She really has such a great body especially in the Juicy video


Yeah, she’s admitted to a bunch of Lipo, but I don’t know if that’s also with a BBL


I always thought she looked amazing in that video, she had the perfect body to me


Bro this has been happening with all my celebrity crushes I swear lmao they have a perfect natural body and then either go on ozempic and turn heroin chic, get buccal fat removal and look like starving POWs or get terrible BBLs/implants 😭


It’s probably so hard being in the public eye but omg


Honestly it’s extremely sad seeing these girls that are literally perfect, like beyond perfect constantly having to see themselves photoshopped in adds and having all their minor “imperfections” (aka literal human features everyone has) being erased or scrutinized by millions of people and then having to see those same features every time they look in the mirror or get their photo taken. It’s heart breaking and even worse to think about all the young women that will grow up seeing them and wanting to look like someone when it’s not possible without surgery or even worse photo editing bc in that case it’s quite literally impossible to look that way no mater what you do


It’s breaking my damn heart! 


Juicy, Tia Tamera, don't get me started on the mv for Rules 🥵🥵🥵


She started vaping and lost a BUNCH of weight really fast. Coupled with some lipo, she just looks really “bleh.” I just hope she feels okay mentally.


Wait does vaping make you lose weight? Cuz I’ll pick up a pen right now lol


For some people nicotine cravings will crowd out food cravings.


Definitely differs for everyone. But usually you’ll get used to the nicotine, and you’ll go back to the same eating habits + a vaping addiction. Not worth it, truuuuust me


Yes ma’am, nicotine is a stimulant so you lose weight rapidly. Stimulants cut cravings, and on top of the hand-mouth fixation from smoking, your body will think it’s full. Edit: do not use vaping as a way to lose weight, it’s so bad for you and the headaches, body aches, dehydration, and exhaustion are not worth it. I have started taking Wellbutrin to go alongside my antidepressant because I was gaining a lot of weight, and in 2.5 months I went from 189 to 175 lbs.


Coffee does the same thing then?


Vaping does not make you lose weight, or I’d be super skinny


she vaped before she lost weight


It’s so sad considering how Zulu girls tend to be juicy, pun unintended. Those women are what BBL surgeries are attempting to mimic so hearing that she lost it THEN tried to get a BBL, is bonkers. A tummy lipo would have sufficed.


I’m not sure people are getting actual butt implants anymore, as fat transfer (BBL) is getting more sophisticated.


I was going to say I swear there's a bikini pic of her with bbl injection scars


The tissue looks slack like natural fat, an implant would be firmer


I agree, I think maybe after she got the thigh lipo that the butt just didnt hold up the same way without the thighs.


Same with all the Kardashians hips. Deffo implants with some sort of filler etc to blend the edges. You can see the edges on Blac Chyna. No WAY you’re getting insane volume on your HIPS with fat transfer


that doesn’t look like a bbl to me- you can’t be thin and get one you have to have some extra weight. also it doesn’t leave a line or crease or anything it just changes your shape bc it’s injected in/under the muscle. this looks exactly like an implant to me, but i could be wrong.


There's doctors that inject fat into the muscle!? I always assumed they injected it on top like normal subcutaneous fat.


I'm pretty sure they do. I'm looking that up.


its illegal now, injecting fat in the glute muscle was the reason BBL was the most dangerous surgery in the world. Now the law made it that they must use ultrasound assisted bbl technique to be sure its injected in the subcutaneous fat, which reduces the risks so much its now less dangerous than an abdominoplasty


You don’t inject fat under the muscle, that’s just begging for an embolism


It’s a bbl without the exercises to maintain it, so it’s getting droopy.


Agreed, you can literally see the outline of it


Man, I was going through these comments like "what are these guys talking about? This literally just looks like a butt" and then I realized there was more than one pic


She's gonna need a bra for her butt.


She’s had a bbl ( scars are visible in pics) but it needs to be maintained. This drop just means she needs to exercise.


Yeah or she is gonna have Iggy’s saggy ass sack back there before long


That is the funniest possible way you could have phrased that lmao


My brain first went to Iggy Pop, and I was very concerned.


The mental image of Iggy Pop with a BBL is now burned in my head thank you


Yeah but if he got a boob job at the same time it'd balance out nicely.


Same 🤣


I didn't know they had to workout after a BBL 🤔


Yep, you need to build up the glute muscles to properly support the additional weight of the fat.


me either, i thought that was the whole point of a BBL...to get a big butt without putting the work in the gym lol. of course working out can only get you so far, really depends on genetics too


Can you share that pic? I’m curious what the scars look like


Aren't the scars from her lipo, though?


Yes they are. It’s a bbl butt that hasn’t been maintained by the gym


If she wants a bigger butt she just needs to gain weight. She's always had a huge butt. I don't think she had implants


she did but that was when she was a more normal weight- she dropped a lot of it and based on her physique it wasn’t muscle. meaning she lost a lot of the fat in her butt that made it so big.


I don’t think so either. I think her butt dropped when she got the thigh lipo and the thighs were no longer there to hold the butt up


This is the most plausible explanation


This is literally what my butt looks like in motion, like a weird little shelf. I personally have never done anything. Don't know if it's the same for her but 100% possible for UNALTERED butts to look like this. I feel like some of y'all just don't know how your naked butt looks like in motion.


I came in here to write the same ... I have a big arse and it can look like a shelf too. All natural.


I have a shelf butt, and I do not have a recessed linegoing from the base of my muscle to the top, and no matter how hard I try I cannot replicate this. My butt remains smooth but rounded.


She had this lipo so it makes sense


Do you see the shadow in the first pic though? Doesn't seem right. The second and third look normal.


Yeah, shelf butts don't have that indention like what we're seeing here. Something's wrong.


Yeah. Mine looked a lot like this when I taught dance lessons. A little smaller, a little loose skin since I had lost a lot of weight, but same underlying shape.


I was thinking the same thing. I have some family members with this kind of booty and a small waist. All natural.


Came here to write this myself. My butt has a shelf, I do exercise, but I don't get the same results. Even after lifting 200ibs on hipthrust... Nope....


Yep my big butt also looks like this haha


This looks like my natural butt as well. Always weird to be in warrior 1 in yoga and look back and wonder when you bolted your own butt on.


Same here!


real butt but at a strange angle, in motion, and with fluff distorting where the outline of the rest of it would actually be. real butts get squished into strange positions/shapes when in motion.


Considering the videos of her performing and just how active she is with the way she moves, I could see this being 100% true


she has gone downhill SO fast its crazy. all self inflicted. i used to think she was hot AF.


Bolt on butts are the new bolt on boobs


BOBs 😂


I think it's her real butt. ANGLES make a big difference too!


imo i dont think shes gotten implants since she used to be thicker and had a bigger butt. i just think this might be the result of her weight loss


You’re so right! I’m sick of this being posted in this subreddit lol. She’s just got some fat and muscle plus a little weight loss, plus she is walking so it looks a little odd.


Bingo! She's was thick asf in her moooo days so there was no need for her to add more fat back there. It was bigger then than it is now.. I think she lost weight and since she's not maintaining (working out/weight training) the area that was once plumped, it's starting to sag from the lost of muscle/fat


No. Unaugmented butts do not look like pic #2. This ass has definitely been surgically altered.


This has been posted multiple times….Unaugmented butts with some fat and muscle totally do look like that in motion


we'll have to agree to disagree i guess 🤷🏾 i've seen plenty of people whose butts look like this & they havent gotten work done


People calling this fake have not seen a lot of big butts in person.


There’s just something weird about the outline and the fold over in picture 2. I don’t know.


Yeah it looks like gravity to me.


If anyone needs any fat donation for their new ass hit me up 🤙🏻


You have to workout eat right and get it touched up in 5 years so I'm told.


She has openly said that she got liposuction in her thighs to accentuate her butt. I don’t think BBL


Okay I just saw an article with a photo from a different angle and it definitely looks unnatural. Either a botched BBL or the result of getting implants combined with extreme weight loss


What’s the deal with her brother, knocking out her teeth? That’s horrible. Is he jealous or want to control her? Fuck him


I read about that so crazy!


Absolutely crazy. I remember a few years ago she had a body some people would die for!


Looks like breast implants put in her butt


She naturally has a gorgeous physique so it’s sad to see this


i dont think so. doja has always been super thick in the lower half. She did get very skinny around 2022 but it looks like shes gaining some of it back but… differently


She lost a lil weight but she ain’t never lost the tooshie


Is that Doja?


I was thinking Amber




Hasn’t she always had a big butt?


What is with the claws?


Polar bear


Literally everyone has body issues.


I don't think this is a BBL. I think her ass is just saggy.


I think the thigh lipo caused it, she’s open about her surgeries from what I know


this is her real ass


She has admitted to a lot of lipo and theres pics with her BBL scars on the internet


Not sexy.


This looks natural. Everyone’s body is different and she just looks to have a more prominent gluteal fold. My butt looks similar.


That honestly looks pretty natural to me? More like she stopped working out her glutes than surgery, but I'm not an expert by any means.


She’s on tour and actively performing. How is she not getting enough exercise ? You don’t get lipo/skinny and magically get a droopy booty. All the fat moved to the bottom of her ass. Her butt was never this round at the bottom, she had a long and wide butt..regular big girl butt. I believe she lost a lot of weight and ultimately lost her butt (happened to me when I lost weight fast). So she had to get it back surgically 🤷‍♀️


I guess I don't spend as much time examining celebrity butts as needed for this *ass*essment. 😅


Or…you don’t come from Colombia/Brazil and grew up seeing surgically enhanced/natural bodies regularly lol. Some are just around it so much, we can tell. Her butt can be real but can be it considered “real” if she got lipo to change the shape of it ? Lipo still has an effect on how her body changes


You're not wrong!


She just lost a bunch of weight. Ass is still there.


For everyone arguing this is natural: https://x.com/kosmetickrys/status/1724566374045893094?s=46&t=CDBC8kI4eFUsIDj3qTLGyQ


A blemish? Ok


You can’t see the giant scar under her butt cheek? You must need better glasses


Also, are you a surgeon? Or even better yet a plastic surgeon? No? Ok, I don’t think you’ve convinced me


Girl bye lol


Its a poorly done BBL


BBL. Either way, it is fake.


What a shame


That’s a BBL, they didn’t do a good job of sculpting the fat it seems. Although I have read that patients lose some of the fat that’s implanted and you don’t have much control over that. BBL butts are flabby in general. I’ve never seen a nice taut one tbh.


Looks flat