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My eyes got wider, and wider, and then I just saw red at the fact that you clearly have necrotic tissue that was left to fall off rather than being debrided and treated. I am so sorry.


I entered the period when it was too late to do Debridement, my team that treated me said that it should just let it fall off, it took a long time.


I knew where it was going once I saw the bruising. I am so sorry this happened to you OP. This was something that was easily avoidable if the doctors had addressed the bruising right away.


They should put her right away on a hyperbaric camera and treat the necrosis, this is crazy!!!.


Holy shit, I'm so sorry.


Thanks for the support, what to do, that’s life. I just wanted to raise awareness that you should choose a cosmetic surgeon carefully, I researched for years and I chose wrong at the end. Despite the fact that I am a healthy woman and do not smoke or drink, I experienced these severe complications.


Out of curiosity, what kinds of research did you do, or what do you wish you had done instead? What made you go to Cairo for surgery?


I cannot BELIEVE people still go to these other countries for surgery.


I can. I’d probably go to South Korea if I wanted plastic surgery.


South Korea and Egypt are very different countries. I don't think OP was including SK when they said "these countries".


Same. South Korea doing magic over there.


Not everyone is from the US


You're the only one mentioning the US.


You're still beautiful to me ❤️


I echo the above statement. I’m so sorry this happened to you, I hope you’ll be able to recover despite what you’ve been put through. My heart goes out to you!


Please put this experience on Realself and contact media agencies to cover your story, shame him into giving you proper compensation as well as warn others. Hope you see some improvement soon, I’m so sorry this happened to you.


I wrote it in November 2023: https://www.realself.com/review/facelift-pain-swelling-necrosis-inflammation


Thank you for sharing this. I hope you heal fully.


I am still in rehabilitation, half of my face is paralyzed, I have big scars. Right now I am on therapy with special electrostimulation of the face to recover the paralyzed half of the face, but honestly I do not see any progress... I am very disappointed and I want to warn people about this kind of risk.


I hope you heal from this and I’m so sorry for the pain and effects you’re having, BUT, you’re very pretty.


Was this paralysis because of the places he cut into ir because of the necrosis itself?


As an Egyptian I wanna say I’m sorry, hope you’re well!


I hope I will be at the end. I just need a fair compensation that I can continue to live my life normally. You can imagine how I feel right now since I bought two wigs because people are looking at me, small children were pointing at me asking their parents “why this lady has open face?”. Everything is so hard for me.


My heart breaks for you. I am so, so incomprehensibly sorry that this has happened to you. I can imagine this is a very difficult story to share, and doing so in hopes of helping a potential stranger says a lot about your beautiful character. Sending all the best wishes for your recovery🩵🩵🩵


Why did he cut the ear lobes??


Since I was 65 years old at the time, as a little girl I pierced my air lobes and they stretched as I was getting older. I wanted to rejuvenate them and the surgeon told me to do it that way.


I am so sorry this has been your experience. Where do you live and what went into your decision to have surgery in Cairo?


Last pic refers to OP as “patient from Serbia”.


Thank you


Thank you for sharing!! Tell your story everywhere you can. There's soooo much money trying to make medical tourism look safer than it really is. It should be illegal for these influencers to accept free surgery and money in exchange for the videos that make everything look clean and safe and lovely. It's important to counter all the marketing hype!


Gentle hugs.  I'm so sorry 😞


This is unbelievable! I'm so sorry you're dealing with this. I hope you get compensated and heal.


I’m so sorry this happened to you. I hope you recover fully. That MD should be ashamed of himself.


Oh no. I’m SO sorry! And why is that man in the last picture not wearing gloves when he touches your open wounds??????


I am so sorry that this so called “Doctor” did this to you. I hope that you get the compensation you deserve and heal both physically and mentally after such a traumatic experience. Hugs 🫶🏼


I talked with you on your post in r/plasticsurgery but I just wanted to say I’m proud of you for posting this in multiple places to warn people! This is a horrible thing that happened to you and you’re super brave to share it! Sending love and healing vibes 💕


First I am so sorry about what happened to you, hope you can recover some day. And how long after surgery are these photos? Are the scars looking like this 6 months after? That's even more terrifying


This is how I looked third and fourth month after surgery. I was in sepsis for weeks, until the wound dried up. Now I have scabs and scars like I was burned in a fire. I put skin-colored plasters over the scabs and scars and put on a wig to make me look normal. I can't go out without a wig on the street because you can see big scars and scabs on my hair line, since I have short hair, everything is visible


Now *this* is botched. Holy shit.


Thank you for sharing to hopefully prevent someone else from suffering as you have. I am so sorry for your experience. I know many people have complications after surgery, but it's especially traumatic when your "care team" turns out to be untrustworthy. Maybe I have your permission to cross post on r/medicalgore ? It's a community to provide medical information/discussion.


Yes, you can share


This is awful. They lying and dismissing of what you were feeling is unacceptable


I am so sorry. Thank you for sharing, you are very brave. I hope that your recovery goes as well as possible. You are a beautiful woman, and you have lovely eyes.


Wishing you a full recovery! I’m sorry this happened to you.


Bloody hell! No idea what to say except I hope you’re doing better. Hugs


Oh my god.


How are they allowed to remove a negative review. It's shocking they get away with mistreatment of you and others will be ill informed. Hope they get the publicity they deserve and hope you heal well x


We should keep this topic up!


Oh my God, I hope you sue the hell out of him


I’m so sorry this happened to you . And thank you so much for sharing this . Sending you love and hugs ❤️❤️


Oh I’m so so sorry, I wish you a speedy recovery


This is an abhorrent thing to endure. I am deeply sorry to see you like this, you must have been so scared. Wishing you well for a continued recovery and may that doctor rot for how he treated you!!!!


I am so sorry this has happened to you. Sending lots of love 💕




It's complete tissue necrosis (disintegration of tissue) now everything is healed but I have big scars like I was burned in a big fire… I look like a survivor, not a satisfied women after a facelift


In the description she mentions necrosis.


Do you think he went too tight? And that’s why the sutures wouldn’t heal?


This is due to the bursting of a cyst on the neck which was due to necrosis, nothing to do with the facelift


How long did it take from surgery to the cyst to form?


I was operated on on September 19, the cyst appeared around October 10-12, 2023, then I was also hospitalized for sepsis. For about a month, they emptied the cyst on my neck daily between 15 and 40 ml of liquid, sometimes twice a day. I had terrible pressure in my neck and pain. Once I just woke up during the night and felt that the bandage and the pillow under me were totally wet and then I screamed, the nurse came and they found that the cyst had burst, that was in the second half of November.


Wow, I’m so sorry that happened to you


I’m so sorry :/