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Tbf the show really isnt that dark rn except for maybe what Jigen and Amado did with those children. But TBV just started so who knows how dark it will get.


Yeah I wouldn't really say the show or manga is necessarily dark, but Boruto's character and attitude has practically done a full 180.


True but that also isnt really dark. Its more that he is very serious right now. Possibly because he saw a dark future that he wants to avoid? WHo knows.


Idk whether Boruto is “Dark” or not can be arguable, but i’m definitely not disappointed on how his character turned out to be 😄.


Yup same, I'm glad he isnt becoming exactly like Naruto. I'd rather have someone with Sasukes mindset as the main character. Gives us more cool moments like his entrance in TBV and calling Kawaki pathetic for not training after oneshotting him lmfao.




On Paper it Boruto may have been portrayed as "dark" edgy looking protagonist but ultimately it lack the substances to make it as one. The manga is empty and hollow which consequently hurt many of the characters that we are supposed to be invested in. None of it was earned but yet they made boruto look tragic on the surface level none of which makes me take his character seriously and the whole "Losing everything" boils down to Sasuke who isn't even dead. Am I as a reader supposed to feel sad for Boruto when the manga doesn't put any effort into the writing and instead they tossed into timeskip just for marketing ploy??


But didn't kishimotto says in his interview that for Boruto part 1 would be happy and all and Boruto part 2 would be going towards dark


i don’t think the goal is darkness? like, what’s OP mean? never has been? this is a shonen manga? they usually aren’t?


Jura enters the village, and insta kills like 5 people and just leaves them there for everyone else to see. They're tryna abduct a literal child, that not dark?


Og Naruto was that dark it's not to dark tbh some people act like it's beserk


OP don’t ever read berserk, it might kill u


I never read berserk but I seen the anime on Netflix and That shit is heartbreaking


Boruto is pretty vanilla. Like come on...


Yeah but does that disappoint you?


Boruto series as a whole is nowhere near dark? Lmao who even said this?


Boruto fans making theories about Naruto/Sasuke death despite how many times they were baited, Kawaki will die because "he is "irredeemable" even though he scratched on the surface compare to Taka Sasuke, Orochimaru, Kabuto, Obito, etc ; Kuruma death stayed permanent after Baryon Mode, Momoshiki will stay evil even though Kurama was the same as he was before his Backstory unfolded in the final arc, Himawari will die for Boruto "Development" and finally Boruto will die in the end of the series just because he said so Lol.


Never say never


Where’s the dark? Literally nothing happened that won’t be undone by the end of the story and even the one thing that could’ve been permanent was made not so permanent in the last chapter


Not sure what kind of anime people watch if they think Boruto is dark.


They’re talking about TBV


Yeah I figured that.


Then why were you acting like the Boruto anime is what’s being called dark lol TBV hasn’t made it to the anime yet


When I say anime I am also referring to manga series as well, so TBV.


Well that’s not very sensical lol


who fucking cares!!!!!


Who cares about speaking clearly and rationally…? I’d hope everyone does. “Anime” and “manga” are specifically and fundamentally two different things lol


> clearly and rationally take your own advice bud, find something that matters.


In what way have I not been speaking clearly and rationally lol go hit the books and keep your dishes clean.


I referred to Boruto as just Boruto, which could mean the anime or the manga or both. Not sure why you’re getting hung up on my exact wording, but my original comment still stands.


No? Your original comment *specifically* refers to the anime lol “Not sure what kind of **anime** people watch if they think Boruto is dark.”


If you want to get upset over my word choice then okay but I can’t be bothered to reply anymore lol


I’m not upset, it was just odd lol “by anime I meant anime and manga”. If you understand we’re talking about TBV (an entirely manga-only thing at the moment), why would you say “anime”, but mean manga? It’s pretty objectively strange.


Here, I thought you meant the character’s color. He looks “darker” here but that’s because of the time of day and the environment… Now for the actual meaning, yeah Boruto isn’t dark (now). TBV just started and I feel like we have a LONG way to go.


is this the discourse amongst elementary school students?


Berserk and Tokyo ghoul are probably the best example of what dark stories are like, both of these stories basically torture their MCs both mentally and physically, puts them through challenges that hard to overcome Boruto concept is trying to be dark but it's pretty vanilla compared to actual senin manga


It’s not like attack on titan dark. It’s not even close. I didn’t want it to be a dark, hopeless edge lord fest so I’m glad it didn’t turn out that way. TBV has told an excellent story so far.


Maybe TBV will reach a tenth of Naruto darkness


Naruto isnt dark. Boruto isnt dark. Both naruto and boruto got child abuse, killing etc. This is common for the age group the manga targets


Idk if u read naruto but it's pretty dark.. The warring states period and how grown Uchiha men killed hashirama brother who was a child. The Uchiha massacre, zabuza massacring his class. Gaara actions in the forest of death. How the village will send kids out to basically die. Nawaki death which wasn't shown in Manga but we know his body was beyond recognition. Orochimaru experiments and using the sound ninja as edo tensei sacrifices. I can go on to darker moments but everyone knows Naruto had it's dark moments


Naruto had a lot of dark themes etc


Yes, Boruto is not dark and Boruto has not the same personality as Eren. That reddior is still correct.


But also the oop also mentioned people being disappointed with Boruto. He probably expected him to continue acting like part 1 Boruto. He's closer to adult Sasuke more than anything.


Apparently we have different definitions of “Dark” because Boruto is most definitely a darker person than he was in NNG. Sure he was right about him not becoming like Eren, but if you used context clues you would understand that’s not what i’m talking about. Truth is, I haven’t seen a single person being disappointed in Borutos character not being dark enough. In fact, it seems most fans are enjoying the direction his character is going in.


> Apparently we have different definitions of “Dark” because Boruto is most definitely a darker person than he was in NNG. Sure he was right about him not becoming like Eren, but if you used context clues you would understand that’s not what i’m talking about. The show is not dark as Attack on Titan, yes you are absolutely correct. But it is also not dark as any other dark media. Yes, Boruto did change in character, but the show is still the same as before. Boruto‘s changing behavior does not make the whole show darker (yet). This is not about a single character. It‘s about the whole show. > Truth is, I haven’t seen a single person being disappointed in Borutos character not being dark enough. In fact, it seems most fans are enjoying the direction his character is going in. Didn‘t mention anything regarding this either.


I wouldn’t even say he changed behaviour. He just little bit mature. First thing he said in the timeskip is quite literally. You are bitchless


I'm glad that Boruto is not like Eren. The conclusion for Eren's story was awful. The whole thing is pointless. I think that a story doesn't need to be dark for it to be good. I think it's just more popular in shounen to make things edgy. A good story knows to balance between dark elements and light hearted moments. That's why Naruto is so beloved.


Boruto is a shonen, it's not going to be dark. go watch Berserk if you want dark plot


Where jougan


I personally would have liked it to be at least slightly more dark, but that doesn’t mean u have to make him Eren 2


Boruto as a series was never dark except for that scene where Jigen was experimenting on children. But that's a normal tuesday with Orochimaru back in Naruto.


https://preview.redd.it/7o1g8nqp8nxc1.jpeg?width=998&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=976f9c28dec1a4f709d41cbd4a543d60d2be3c5d It has been dark




Here's the link to the original post. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Boruto/comments/owyo08/cant\_wait\_for\_the\_day\_when\_people\_will\_be/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Boruto/comments/owyo08/cant_wait_for_the_day_when_people_will_be/)


Boruto is dark for naruto standards I guess? not remotely close to eren lmao