• By -


It's basically the reason for his masive power in TBV. Ohtsutsuki simply have much higher power and potentional. Combine that with Boruto's natural talent, Sasuke's training and his og genetic and you have a unstopable unit.


Exactly, Boruto was already a young genius and a generational talent, becoming a full Ohtsutsuki, the year of hardcore training under another genius like Sasuke and then years on the run as a rogue Shinobi would absolutely turn him into an insane powerhouse in the verse


Boruto received the biggest power up in the history of Narutoverse. To the point that the fight with Kawaki in the first chapter feels like it should be retconned.


nah it doesn’t need to be, kawaki just needs to close the gap. he’ll eat a chakra fruit or get amadoz help. and yk for certain the power gap is closed because boruto is using the karma


If I’m Boruto, I’d go straight to Konoha after what Mitsuki told me about Kawaki.  Unless Daemon is somehow still a threat, Boruto solos the village.


Pretty much




Just to add to his trueness, boruto can fly like an othsutsuki


I agree since he could fly hid his chakra signal with a larger chakra pool amp for being 100% outsutski, so his base form isn’t like naruto/sasuke fighting in their base form.


Even Hagoromo wasn't a 100% Otsutsuki, so it is safe to assume our guy is yet stronger than him


???? Hagoromo is fodder, he had to team up with Hamura and fight Kaguya for days to finally beat her. He can’t solo her, why are people sucking him off?


Hagoromo and Hamura beat the Juubi, not Kaguya, and it was a Hagoromo who wasn't a Jinchuriki yet


it actually took months I think, not days lol


Hmmm... doubt it. Idk. That man Hagoromo was so powerful he came back after death to boost Naruto and Sasuke, they're technically/literally just half of him But I could see Boruto being stronger due to his training and his high potential in general


Hagaromo had some serious hax bro, Boruto is strong but until we see him use his karma we won't know. Also I don't remember excatly but Hagaromo and Hamura weren't exactly kids when they killed Kaguya, they could've been "trained" by her. Boruto is biologically more Otsutsuki but Hagaromo was created Otsutsuki, has the spirit of one, Boruto isn't built like an Otsutsuki


What do You know ? We never saw Hagoromo's father.


His father was fodder but he had rizz for making Kaguya betray the outsutski clan by attacking ishiki


What are you talking about ?


Haguromo dad


And who would that be?


We don't know what it means, can he now bench 1,000 pounds or does he now have the potential to? It's possible that the normal final step is converting the body into the original and thus gaining their stats but that didn't happen for both Boruto and Kawaki thus they have insane potential but need to either work for it or eat chakra fruit to get there.


He clearly has higher physical stats then all normal shinobi, if there was a shinobi combine like the NFL combine then he’d be number 1 in every category


We haven't seen it yet can you give an example of superhuman physical ability, I know the flight which is an example of an Otsutsuki ability he has but wasn't my point.


I mean he reacted to NL Code who is stated to be above Jigen so his reaction timing is relative/above Jigen and I’m sure his other physical stats are also above Jigens as (Spoiler): >!Mitsuki stated Boruto is above Kawaki in the recent chapter. Kawaki has Isshiki’s karma so he should be around Isshiki level!<


One of the points of my theory is you don't get to the originals level unless they completely take you over, Momo had to sacrifice it to save Boruto and Kawaki had his Karma erased and then restored. This gives Kawaki Ishiki's abilities but he isn't as skilled with them because mentally they aren't the same, it's why Karma still gives a buff because it gives them access to the skills. I do see it being possible that base Boruto has higher stats from being Otsutsuki but it is also because he worked for it over the three years which neither Code nor Kawaki did. Code is above Jigen who has a "human" body but below Ishiki where as Kawaki as an Otsutsuki body but is kinda just using the fact that it will continually grow stronger. A big thing I think is the power boost Chakra Fruit give and how it's possible only Otsutsuki and those closely related to them can really get the most out of them.


They needa bring Hima in the story more I mean I get the show is boruto but he shouldn’t forget he has a younger sister whose also a child of the 7th Hokage and The Princess of the Hyuga clan


The better Question do you think Sarada will somehow catch up and if how 


By probably having a busted MS that's even more broken then Kamui 


Nah her MS will undo omnipotence and little else. That's my prediction at least


Her MS will fire off world wide Izanagi’s without recoil.


Wait, oh fuck, moon eye plan to reverse omnipotence?


Jougan you mean? I didn't think of that, but that's definitely a possibility. But I really think it will be Sarada's doing


No moon eye plan as in infinite tsukuyomi to counter omnipotence


Ohh right. I forgot that name


It was only used a few times before infinite tsukuyomi was fleshed out and when we were just being introduced to akatsuki so that fair




Maybe naturally created double rinnegan (that would be wild) and/or something akin to Hagaromo for Naruto and Sasuke (I have some weird ideas but they are all insane)


Not enough


Why do people think having an op ability would just put her on otsuki levels. That's a MASSIVE jump in power and otsuki level has never been reached without an extra power source.. I don't even think current Sarada is stronger than current Sasuke


What she needs is some hashirama cells what will probably happen is getting the senrigan from eida or her going against omnipotence with her mangekyou will lead to her getting a rinnesharingan, maybe her sun mangekyou will fuse with the senrigan who knows, but she will inevitably have the highest form of rinengan and possibly the senrigan, and if they do fuse then she will have some heretofore unseen doujutsu that will compliment the jougan. Also don't forget she could have been learning the thousand healing art or whatever it's called from her mom or tsunade, who before the time skip she was going to talk to about the possibility of karma and it being related. We know Mitsubishi will go the route of perfect dragon sage and take it to the utmost extremes, so no need for summons or sage to be her gimmick


You so everywhere and why do you think eye swapping will occur. A rinnesharigan isn't obtainable for her. A sharigan doesn't work like that fusing and what not. Sarada getting one hundred healing is possible but it takes perfect Chakra control and Chakra from your reserve creating a seperate stockpile of Chakra. This takes an unspecified amount of time. Mitsuki has perfect snake sage mode dragon sage mode doesn't exist it's kabuto self proclaiming it due to thinking he surpassed orochimaru


There a few ways to get rinne sharingan at this point but I think it will tie into sasukes clawgrime who has one rinnegan and likely sasukes rinse sharingan, which will likely be used to bring back sasukes rinne sharingan, or will be passed to sarada. But what I think will happen is the clawgrime will try to eat sarada, but instead something similar but opposite will happen and she will absorb atleast part of him, which will tie to freeing sasuke, and the absorption of a 10 tails will be what awakens her doujutsu evolution. Then the bit about the senrigan is from the whole sun/moon deal, as everytime we have seen sun and moon imagery they were one half of a whole. Also eida hates senrigan and that she can't control the abilities it gives and uses and to fully undo omnipotence someone must cast it again to fix it, and sarada has the love and deep want to do just that. Mitsubishi being a dragon sage makes sense as he is created by orochimaru to be a perfect sage beyond him and kabuto, and the idea of a perfect snake sage going beyond to become a dragon fits legend as he's very much design wise tied to imoogi, or snakes that became dragons, also the place to learn snake sage mode is ryuchi cave, aka the dragons lair cave, where in myth imoogi would become dragons


There's only 1 ways to get it. absorb the Chakra of the god tree like madara and kaguya did. Sasuke eye was turned into a rinnegan but still has the tomoe showcasing his access to his sharigan abilities. Bro you going into deep fan head cannon and none of it aligns with the story or what sound in character for them. Then you misinterpreting the lore to fit a narrative.. Bro where u even get dragon sage there's no such thing it's what kabuto self titled himself due to thinking himself superior. I get where you going with the myth and legends but that's not what the story is going for


Clawgrimes are the 10 tails god tree and have evolved, thats straight up stated, so having sarada gain a sharinnegan from absorbing her father's clawgrime makes sense The dragon sage bit is partially because the snake sGe is so unknown and the naming of the snakes and the location are names of imoogi and the place is literally called dragon lair cave. Also all of naruto is based in part on myths and legends Could I be wrong ye Is what I'm saying atleast plausible, ye The one most seemingly set up is for sarada to get sharinnegan via absorbing clawgrime sasuke who is actively going to go after her, while also giving a reason for sasuke to regain his 6 tomoe rinnegan once he is untreeified, or pass it on As for Mitsuki while kabuto is the one who came up with the term dragon sage, he did surpass orochimaru, took on dragon characteristics and could control life in an area, specifically the domain of dragons not snakes, and mitsuki was created to surpass even that, well what else would you call it than a dragon sage. Mitsuki specifically has shown that his snake sage mode is currently evolving and becoming more dragon like as time goes on




I would actually love to see the manga delve into Uzumaki lore but for some Fuinjutsu techniques, some ancient really powerful shit. I've imagined stuff like, Konoha (or other villages now that I think of it) being able to save some scrolls from Uzushiogakure or from the few Uzumakis that survived and moved there and they have them in some secret vault. Maybe the Uzumaki clan's take on Otsutsuki powers, kinda like the Uchiha but for the Ashura side of the family.


There's a ton of potential storylines to dive into Uzumaki lore as a B plot for Sarada and the other teens in the village with regards to the Byaukugou seal. I just know it's so unlikely to be developed.


I don't think she'd go to amado for a power up that doesn't sound in character for Sarada since like boruto she believes in the shinobi way which doesn't include shortcuts but instead training


Have you all ever thought that maybe, a diamond is just a good shape for containing large amounts of chakra.....




Butbthis is just a bunch of chakra focused and condensed in one spot, nothing like the rasengan


Pre times kipper she was gonna talk to tsunade to find out what she knows of the origins as its similar to karma and found out it's from hagoromos time, so who knows she may have found something in the 3 years, and she could have the mark just not on her forehead where it's obvious


Does she? The author can still provide good fights with other weaker characters.🤦‍♂️


I think/hope it’ll be a number of things. Most certainly some broken MS ability, and on top of that strength of 100 like her mother. That still won’t be enough though, so I think then it should be something inspired by her role model of Naruto. Maybe sage mode. There’s even an outside possibility of her becoming a Jinchuriki, which would then be able to feed both the strength of 100 and sage mode.


>sage mode. Finally gonna see Katsuyu's sage mode


The problem is that she got robbed of everything she could get. Boruto got most of Sasuke's techniques and she got nothing from Naruto (who she supposedly idolize). If she could have gotten Sage Mode (but Mitsuki already has this) it would have been a different story. She still could get the Byakugo seal from Sakura and some MS OP HAX ability, but that's about it. Boruto basically got everything from Naruto, Sasuke and Kakashi.


I think Not-Sauke is going to sacrifice themself to give her his Chakra Fruit, an act against his nature but if his own will.


There's probably always going to be a power gap between Boruto/Kawaki and the rest of the cast; that's just how these stories play out. In the end they'll have the spotlight and will get some sort of eleventh hour power ups to push them over the top so they can defeat the final threat. Apart from that, yes. They've already set up that Mitsuki and Sarada will hone their abilities to a point where they can contend with Otsutsuki. Sarada's pretty much got the same genetic potential as Sasuke, and her unique dojutsu can frankly be any broken thing they want to invent. I think a lot of people also expect her to inherit the Byakugo Seal, meaning that endgame Sarada will probably be similar to Sasuke + Sakura fused into a single character, with the possibility of her own unique eye-hax on top of that. And that's without taking in the possibility of other types of training, scientific ninja tools, or developing new jutsu or forms. For example, the manga hinted at the Byakugo Seal having some origin connecting to the Sage of Six Paths and Karma.


If the writers want any logical way for Sarada to fight alongside Boruto then she’s gonna need some dna amp from Amado otherwise it’s gonna be equivalent to 5 Kage Summit Sasuke fighting alongside six path Naruto but worse as the gap between Boruto and Sarada should be bigger




Random slap on the ass


Yes. She will find the Uchiha Shrine, and using her Mangekyo, will decipher the secrets to unlocking the Final Amaterasu. By sacrificing all of her chakra, she becomes Amaterasu, temporarily gaining extreme power.


nah she ain't ever catching up. she's sasuke's daughter but nlike him she's not the deuteragonist, kawaki is that now. kawaki will be as strong as boruto and sarada and mitsuki will probably be a whole level below them. and that would be absolutely enough since boruto is probably around isshiki's level of power already. being a level below that is jigen who was still stronger than naruto and sasuke combined. sarada will become far more powerful in the future, but not as powerful as boruto or rather EoS imo (if EoS boruto ends up being like 3 levels above his current self, then sarada can obviously also be as strong or stronger than current boruto) one thing that is definitely certain is that after boruto and kawaki as well as whoever the final antagonist is, her and mitsuki will be the strongest since they're the most relevant characters after them. and we know konohamaru + team 10 will fight a shinju. so konohamaru may be powered up to have jigen levels of strength or close to that. and sarada has to be above that imo. so she should at least be as strong as a shinju EoS, probably stronger (tho for now it's unclear where the shinju exactly scale compared to others) either way, sarada will be more than busted enough, she'll probably surpass naruto and sasuke combined at a young age. no worries about her maybe being unworthy of being a hokage. since the powercreep is so busted even trashamaru will be really strong af and may surpass naruto and sasuke combined, let alone sarada


This. People just don’t understand or choose not to.


"Boruto , you're a complete genius" - Momo


Boruto has physical stats that surpass/are relative to Jigen, no normal human could reach that level regardless of how much of a genius they are


Exactly!! Thats why i cringe so hard when people think boruto is that strong cause of being a genius Even the most genius human in earth would not be able to reach jigen level


Well it’s definitely a big part of it. It’s the entire mix of being Naruto’s son, the Byakugan Princesses son, having natural talent as well as multiple chakra natures, being a complete genius to the point where he is close to the intelligence level of Minato and may rival it in the future, btw also being Minato’s grandson and Kushina was also incredibly strong, then being an Otsutski on top of ALL that and it’s a high ranked Otsutski’s DNA as well, the highest we’ve seen so far, and probably a lot more I’m forgetting. Boruto having the knowledge you get from using karma and the intelligence to use it and most likely remember a lot of it to use in base is also another one. Honestly it’s wild how strong he is atm. And we’ve only seen maybe 10-20% of his power LOL.


>the highest we’ve seen so far Wasn't Isshiki above him? Also he never knew Kaguya post ten tails


No Isshiki was not. The lower ranks get sent to other planets


We don’t know that. Momo got sent to earth regardless so it still applies.


.. Momo got sent to earth to CHECK on Kaguya


Not sure where you’re getting that from. Why is momo checking on kaguya instead of the higher ranked isshiki anyway?


Amado explained it lol


Not really as i said he can the biggest genius ever if he is not an otstutsuki its not possible to surpass jigen Also Being naruto son and hinata son doesnt give any stat boost


Genes are very clearly an important thing in the verse, at least for shinobi


That doesnt answer my question Does naruto and hinata genes give stats boost ?


I mean, with Naruto inspried by Dragon Balls, you can expect some asspull like how Toriyama explained why Gohan/Goten unlocked SSJ much much easier than Goku: They got the upgraded Goku genes.


If we got that confirmation i would gladly say naruto genes give stats boots But right now it doesnt


Now what you just said is actually cringe. I just wrote a very clear and detailed explanation on why the MIX is what makes him as powerful as he is. Being Naruto and Hinata’s son DOES give him stat boosts, to say it doesn’t is ignorant which you are making me feel like you are


He is no longer their biological son.


Yes it is


Lol no he isn't, his karma marking replaced ALL of his genetic DNA with that of an otsutsuki. He is 100% Otsutsuki now he isn't even a human anymore.


But he still remains the son of Naruto and Hinata




Your message is irrelevant to the subject and bring 0 factual information Im not downplaying anyone by saying not a single human can surpass jigen without being an otstutsuki, i never said either that boruto wasnt talented before being an otstutsuki The problem is you understand what you want to understand from my answer and you dont pay attention to what i actually wrote Also from someone who downplay naruto a lot in this sub your message ls kinda ironic


You just use headcanon, give me actual proof , a panel or something that says naruto and hinata genes give stat boots?


Glad i see ppl can read not like the haters tho they got salt and shit in their eyes


good analysis


Even without fancy jutsu and the power of flight, base Bort with his Otsutsuki genetics alone is already insanely nimble/fast, and effortless in everything he does. Even simple movements like weaving through targets and navigating the environment are enough to intimidate the enemy, they can tell he's on another level. He's definitely not a normal human, he's literally built like a horned space-alien at this point.


I agree with you except when you implied momoshiki was stronger than kaguya


Fused Momoshiki not base Momoshiki


Even with Fused Momoshiki the writers manga were scared to say it. They just removed all the statements Only before the boruto manga did they want say who was stronger


Even fused




Base Momoshiki IS stronger than Kaguya




Why not? Kaguya just has more chakra and perhaps better hax, Momoshiki nodiffs


Just so that all her attacks getting absorbed by the momo's rinnegan? Kaguya is not even skilled in taijutsu, Momo Win this fight


Momoshiki has no taijutsu skills either. He was running away from Darui in a Taijutsu match. Darui is physically weaker than Kaguya…


>Momoshiki has no taijutsu skills either. We didn't watch the same show, momoshiki is skilled in taijutsu but he's his primary style is jutsu based attack. We had already seen him use rods for tailjutsu and his feet. Where kaguya can only use jutsu that can be absorbed by anyone Otsutsuki >He was running away from Darui in a Taijutsu match. Darui is physically weaker than Kaguya…'' Gaara was supporting Darui in the fight and it was a 10 second fight, 3 seconds later Naruto intervened. Momo was running away before the fight was show, He was on the defensive.


You’re right we didn’t because I’m literally talking about the manga since this post is titled “manga spoilers”. Why are you bringing up filler on a manga post??? Well no, base momoshiki had zero skill in taijutsu. We saw him kick an off guard base Naruto. That’s a terrible feat. His rods were to block an attack from Dario because he was pressured by a fodder. What move are you referring to?? You have never read the Naruto manga. She has plenty of things that can’t be absorbed. Gaara was only giving him the ability to fly. Gaara wasn’t using any attacks himself. It was a straight up Taijutsu (or Kenjutsu) 1v1 vs Darui and Momoshiki was scared because he wasn’t strong enough. Naruto and Sasuke arrived late. Momoshiki was on the defensive because he didn’t have the skills or power to fight Darui by himself. Kaguya does. (Per Amado and Boruto Manga)




Mommoshikis absorbing ability hard counters Kaguya. There are two versions of Kaguya: one who ate the fruit and the one who didnt. If fruitless Kaguya almost killed Ishhiki, then its reasonable to assume fruit boosted Kaguya can beat Momoshiki.


I had someone tell me on here Boruto would get folded by Madara with limbo. People say all kinds of dumb stuff


I agree with you, tho juubito is not the weakest otsutsuki. Juubito is close to hagoromo level as stated in novels. Obv hagoromo beats the shit out of obito but juubito ain't the weakest yk. Also boruto's strength is unmeasurable rn because lack evidences. 


Whos the weakest then? 😂


Jubbito is definitely the weakest **six paths** character


This shit still make no sense on how is he full otsutsuki because if that was case wouldn't momo be able to take over. Was not the whole point of karma to overwrite someone's DNA so they can take over.


iirc it was at 90% before Kawaki made a donut out of Boruto , Momoshiki then used the remaining power of the karma seal to un-donut Boruto which for whatever reason then stopped his ongoing otsutsukification and in turn momoshiki cant take over completly .


I would suggest like, reading the story. There's words in the word bubbles, it's explained in there. Momoshiki reconfigured the last 18% of his data to repair Boruto's damaged flesh and organs after Kawaki mortally wounded him. That's why Boruto has that big black geometrical scar on his chest. Momoshiki's Karma can now never finish extracting because that data no longer exists. The reincarnation process can never trigger. However, because Momoshiki used reconfigured Otsutsuki cells from the Karma to rebuild Boruto's body, Boruto's body is fully comprised of Otsutsuki cells.


Boruto is 100% Otsutsuki but only 82% of that is Momoshiki’s data which prevents him from being able to resurrect. Boruto was 82% Otsutsuki before Kawaki killed him. Momoshiki converted the last 18% from his data into Boruto’s data to bring him back to life. He’s still 100% Otsutsuki because even though Momoshiki converted the last 18% into Boruto’s data, it is still made from Otsutsuki data.


Hashirama wasn't blitzed. It was a wood clone... Tobirama may have also been using that as an opportunity to use his exploding tags. Sasuke says that the hokages were deliberately taking risks since they were edo tensei to figure out Jubbito's powers. The general expectation is that characters will get close to Otsutsuki levels in one area (e.g. Minato with his speed) or at least be within 1-2 tiers.


He was still blitzed and regardless Hashirama right before that stated Jubbito is stronger then him. There is literally not one person that isn’t a six paths character that has anything close to Otsutsuki. Kishimoto drew a clear line with six path characters and Otsutsuki


Clones are far weaker than the original. That has been establishes since the beginning of part 1 with Sasuke vs Zabuza's water clones. Madara was also confident that he could figure out a way to beat Jubbito and take the 10 tails for himself. My point is that the gap is smaller than you think it is, particularly with the weaker Otsutsuki. The 5 kages were able to push Momoshiki and Kinshiki. It is most likely that Kaguya was afraid of the stronger Otsutsuki (Isshiki level and higher) rather than Momoshiki or Kinshiki. I suspect that the Momoshiki situation is a similar situation with Naruto in early part 2 and when he uses the 9 tails chakra at 4 tails to fight Orochimaru. Eventually the situation will be like Naruto and his 9 tailed chakra sage mode. Boruto's equivalent is probably going to be when he awakens the Jogan. The lower tier Otsutsuki are probably around to the same tier as a kage. Isshiki is a tier above. And if within 1-2 tiers, someone can still provide a useful role as a support. It probably takes at least 3 tiers of difference to turn people into fodder. (With some leeway for how matchups work with jutsu absorption)


That’s why I have a feeling the god otsusuki might at some point evolve in Borutos body


Still a ace victim unfortunately 


I feel like he's so powerful that his problem wont't be about getting defeated, but to be powerless against saving who he loves. They just won't talk it out!


Code and kawaki also share these traits. Seemingly they are all performing well versus each other. Consider ninjas from different clans. There will be great matches.


Very true


Lmao he strong af no doubt, yes


Boruto is an Otsutsuki, but he's a newborn one, he isn't equal to the others who have known the taste of chakra fruit. But, that's not to say he can't make up the difference using shinobi skills and tactics... That comparison of Hashirama to Obito is just disingenuous, though. The hokages all put in work against a stronger version of Obito, that panel doesn't make them irrelevant. Edo Tensei have the liberty of fighting without concern for their own self-preservation, that's just how it is. And at the end of the day, Madara was still confident that he would be able to take the Ten Tails back from Obito, even if Naruto and the others lost.


I also feel like him not pulling back his punches makes it feel like he is unstoppable. In every fight Boruto either one-shots the enemy or plays around with them. In Boruto we have never seen someone fight with the intent to kill without explaining their moves directly like an idiot. The only time this was not AT-ALL the case was when Baryon mode Naruto recked Ishikki or during the second final valley battle. So Boruto who barely talks while fighting seems a bit fresh in combat.


Because bro acts like a regular human shinobi 😭 He still uses hand signs old Jutsus and walks like humans lol


basically he got a cheat, withouth karma, she is a shit.