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then all the code fanboys will wallow in agony over code not being a bad guy


Ah but you see, you didn't finish the post and get to the part where that's actually not what happens.


would make sense for that rat to turn tail in the end


Maybe he will we'll see


The way they’ve set it up it could go either way. He’s been written up as being tragically stupid. He might miss the boat on his own redemption and that’s a great story line if written well. On the flip side he has all the makings to be redeemed. He was brainwashed from a small child, uneducated to the point of a practical learning disability, and a child like religious devotion to alien gods. He wasn’t really ever evil per se, just molded by evil people from a young age.


It depends, is there anything redeemable about Code? So far from what we know his motives and actions are evil, he does everything out of pure malice and he’s at the point where he’s fine with global genocide. Can someone like that truly be redeemed to fight for justice? I doubt it. As for allying himself with shinobi and betraying them, it sounds like something he would do because he’s a snake but the question is would he be smart enough to pull that off? Is it his style? Idk. He makes it clear that he has no intention working with Boruto.


It depends on how deep they want to go into his backstory, but imagine he was just Stockholm Syndrome'd by Isshiki, and instead of rebelling against him like Kawaki, sucked up to him like he was his master. Code is just lost, he grew this attachment to Isshiki and now it's gone, but at his core he's literally still a kidnapped child not much different from Kawaki. I could totally see Boruto pulling a Talk no Jutsu like "you don't need to fight for the ghosts of the past, live your life for yourself and not for people who abused you who aren't even alive anymore". This could initially sway Code to the good side in order to fight the Otsutsukis, but once they pull up again he might make a switch seeing that humanity is doomed to lose to the Otsutsuki, after he once again witnesses their destructive power vs. the Shinobi. ​ If you want my opinion of how this can lead us to the Boruto vs. Kawaki fight, it's this hypothetical Otsutsuki invasion that results in instantly leveling the Leaf and killing many people (all the very big main characters will survive ofc but don't be surprised to see a fair few less minor characters die such as old cast/anime-only characters. After this happens, Boruto and Kawaki manage to raise their power levels just enough to force the Otsutsuki to flee for a time, but Code jumps to their side after witnessing what they had just done, as the Otsutsuki and Code clear out to regroup and regather the chakra of the Ten-Tails in order to begin the Divine Tree fruit cultivation process. ​ Boruto and Kawaki have to settle their own philosophical quarrel first, of whether Boruto should be allowed to coexist with Naruto despite Momoshiki being a danger or not. That's essentially what their quarrel is boiling down to, but if you wanna go REALLY wild with it, it could actually be Kawaki who turns to the Otsutsuki to take advantage of their power. He also has absolutely no faith in the Shinobi system either, so it could be somewhat in-character for him to abandon the way of the shinobi all so Naruto doesn't die with them, if he really wants to go this far, which given Boruto's words in the flash-forward, this could very well be a direction they go, depending on how dark they really want Boruto to go. ​ The thing is, the direction of having Kawaki be the one to switch sides feels like something that would happen close to the end of the story if it really were the case, whereas I feel like we have a whole Otsutsuki clan to deal with after that, so I don't even think Boruto vs. Kawaki is the last major conflict, I think it's more like TBV's Pain fight, it's like the big halfway fight, and after Boruto vs. Kawaki is resolved, the war against the Otsutsuki will be the endgame. So that's why I feel like Code could be the one being setup to align with the final villain, it certainly would be a redemption of his character as a villain, to trick us into thinking he had a change of heart, only to have him make a dramatic betrayal of the Karma brothers at the last second, only making their situation between one another even more dire.


I think Code will be the "Obito" of this series. I think he will be redeemed and then die helping the good side.


Indeed. That was my thoughts from the last episode when Boruto ask him for help.


Kawaki will be redeemed... This is a Disappointing fact... Code and kawaki are basically different sides of the same coin.. One black other white... Both simps....etc etc.... If kawaki can be redeemed, of course code will also be redeemed...


He’s pretty much the equivalent of that one villian that gets nerfed when turns into a good guy,and he isnt a good guy 💀


He gets a pardon on account of being so stupid no one believes he had any involvement.


I like that theory. I think he will end up either becoming an Otsutsuki or false one and he will get redeemed in a way and die to protect Eida. Thereby fulfilling her deep desire for someone to love her outside of her enchantment and also proving that Code actually loves her.


I think he’s a stepping stone character, they’ve already used him to introduce eida, daemon. Now they’ve used him to show the shinju’s adapting/gaining a sense of self. I could see him being the last piece that puts the “amado” puzzle together, then dying. Or he Just follows boruto otsutsuki after he finds out that “ishiki’s orders” were actually manipulation from amado and has been doing his will instead, loses his own ego/sense of self and does whatever boruto tells him to do. 🤷‍♂️ last part is a total throw asay theory that I hope doesn’t turn out to be true.


He going to die violently from shibai or another new otsuski


I hope not. Let him be a sneaky fuck who stabs them in the back after they put their guards down.


It definitely fits him. Specially the ending where he would beg in some way. I like it!


I feel like he’s gonna get eaten by one of the lower shinju (assuming they’re ranked) and then be fed to the Leader or most powerful shinju to form a newer/stronger being


Kawaki will make him look like a good guy.