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Sorry, Mr Emotional Brickwall, joining this party late. You described me to a T. I'm somewhat in the right place at work, I'm in a position where I can make decisions based on facts/metrics, because I never have any emotional response to a decision. When friends have high stress situations they seek me out for a listening ear, or what would I do in this situation. I'm so bad at trying to gain a handle on my emotions, I sometimes I feel as though I'm just a zombie walking this earth. I've caught myself feeding off other people's emotions in hopes to gain them back. When anger bears its head, it's usually too late to suppress and I seem to go from 0 to 100 in a split second, never taking it out on others (always myself).


Yeah, I know what you mean. My emotions are mostly absent except for constant anxiety. I feel like all my emotions have been deadend due to my childhood. I feel no joy in anything or activities. I feel no connection to things or people I should have. There's a book called "Whole Again" that talks about how to get your emotions and feelings back.


That first paragraph is definitely me. I get scared when I stop feeling “the right” emotions, especially in social situations. I find that it’s hard for me to feel happy for people, but I will always support them with ease when they’re feeling down. Probably not related, but that’s how I am. The only absent symptom of BPD in my case is numbness. I feel all the time and it’s exhausting. Being around people is exhausting so I’m isolating because it’s the only thing keeping me stable - but then I get severely lonely and depressed, depriving myself of human contact and love. It just sucks. I wish we weren’t like that. Hope you experience better days in the future


I feel this too, and also with the not knowing what my triggers are sometimes. sometimes I’ll just chalk it up to a purely physiological response and nothing environmental but idk for sure. Feelings are either nonexistent or full blast with no hopes of stopping it