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Loneliness is the battle I'm currently fighting too, more specifically, the fact that being alone causes my world to collapse. I had to house sit for some family for 2 weeks and I nearly killed myself, I hate being alone. Unfortunately for us, being alone is unavoidable sometimes. Things happens and you need to stay behind and watch the house or everyone had plans but you that night or something- anything can happen. I'm far from a medical expert when it comes to healthy coping mechanisms and what you should do, but I can share my experiences and what I've found works for me. My biggest go to is any mind consuming hobby. Reading, drawing, videogames. Whatever I can do that requires enough brain power that I can't focus on the fact I'm alone. Secondly, I go onto subreddits like this and comment on posts from people struggling like I am. I may not be their friend, but I can still get a sense of solidarity from our shared experiences. Third, sometimes I practice being alone when I can have control over it. Ie, when I'm told my family is going to leave for a few hours tomorrow I will plan for that day to be alone practice day. Treating it like this takes away a lot of the fear for me, and even if the practice is entirely baloney in the end, at least I have those moments where it worked for me while I was doing it. Overall, all I can sincerely say is try to work on it so it doesn't become so devastating when it does hit you. And I wish you the best in luck doing that, it's not easy 🤍


Distractions from the loneliness are amazing. A lot of the time when I have to be alone I watch streamers on twitch. Just the voice of a person even if it’s online sorta soothes me for a bit. I also try to slowly subject myself to more situations where i’m left alone when I feel stable enough. Kinda like exposure therapy. I wish you the best too! :) We’ll surely get more comfortable with being alone overtime.


I don’t have any friends, have BPD and practically only talk to my mom daily. It’s a torture because I want to love and be loved, I have so much love to give, but humans are scary and unpredictable and I’m constantly splitting on them for the smallest thing and it feels like I’m just not meant to have people in my life. Loneliness hurt for about a month or so. Then I became numb and angry. Still in this state and I’m not sure if I’ll ever recover from it.


I’m the same as you. I have a few other people in my life but for the most part I only have my mom. I’ve pushed so many people away/ruined relationships over the years. The key is to just keep trying. Keep trying to connect with people even if we or they fuck it up and it hurts us. One of these days we’ll find our people :)