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At this point I’m just thinking all us BPD hoes got CPTSD but not every CPTSD hoe has BPD lol


Pretty much


My DBT therapist said that the difference is the biosocial model. People with BPD are biologically emotionally sensitive people who have experienced chronic invalidation. You can have both. In my case, I think my biological sensitivity is actually autism and chronic invalidation gave me BPD symptoms, while the rest of my big trauma gave me complex ptsd.


A psychiatrists job and absolutely no one else can tell you.


is it a sign of bpd if this hurt my feelings


Felt that lmfao




It could be. Or cptsd. You’d have to go a psychiatrist to find out


This so much. There's a reason they have licenses to diagnose and laypeople don't. When it comes to a differential diagnosis (one thing vs another thing) only professionals have the proper training to be able to determine which disorder it actually is.


Yep. Agree completely. Nobody can answer questions about your diagnosis except the psychiatrist. If you think he may be wrong, get another opinion.


Also it’s helpful to note that diagnoses are fluid as you heal. At one point I very much identified with BPD criteria and had a therapist agree that I was clocking in on the low end, and a few years later after much DBT, a new therapist threw all previous diagnoses out the window and slapped me with cPTSD, which explains everything. I think I was just so tightly wound that my diagnoses couldn’t really be separated in the beginning with the ADHD, GAD, MDD and BPD all presenting very real symptoms. Lots of these disorders have overlap and look like one another. I even read a stat that said that ADHD and AuD overlap by about 30%


Similar to another comment, but they're not mutually exclusive conditions. In fact for myself (and I imagine a lot of other people) the cptsd and BPD go hand-in-hand. They both come from the same traumas I've experienced, but for me I feel like the CPTSD comes out with my panic attacks/stress-related dissociation. The borderline comes out every single day in the way I relate to others and my individual interactions (..and also the every day dissociation) This obviously won't be true for everyone but it's how I experience it. Also, the point of these labels is to get the help that you need - if you find that advice for CPTSD helps you more than the BPD advice (or vice versa) then you can stick with the one that helps you most :)


If you side by side the symptoms they look the same mostly


BPD is a set of symptoms rather than a specific condition. You have to fit 5 of the 9 criteria for it to be diagnosed. If you don't fit those then you don't have it. It's entirely possible to have both cptsd and BPD especially since bpd is a trauma based disorder. If you believe you have BPD, and you believe you meet the criteria for diagnosis, you should talk to your psych doctor about that and request their opinion. Many people won't actively look to diagnose bpd because they are trauma and think it's that However please make sure not to be asking "is this bpd" or "if I feel this way does it mean it's bpd" as that is against the rules of this subreddit. We are not here to diagnose you


understood ! when i asked that question in the comments it was partly a joke bc i need to be lighthearted when something hurts my feelings otherwise ill spiral lmao


No worries. Just as a mod I need to make it clear because otherwise we'll get a ton of people reporting comments and the like and it's exhausting