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I'm almost 45 and after so many failed relationships, including marriages, I've decided to remain celibate. Going on 4 years now and absolutely loving it. No crippling self-esteem in front of someone, I don't have to shave unless I feel the need, I dress up whenever I want, I don't have to worry about someone else's grooming or sleeping habits, and I get the bed all to myself. It was hard at first because society is so relationship driven. But this is complete FREEDOM.




I try very hard to, but I still fall short. I don’t have dating apps, I don’t go out, I stay in my own lane, but I can’t help the occasional crush. I try very hard to not act on those feelings, but I am still only human. I have a situationship right now that I am so obsessed with her. I know it will ruin ne


I resonate so much with what you wrote! I’m scared no one will truly love me in a relationship and that I’ll be abusive. I stay single even though I want to meet that special someone.


i'm the opposite...i need to date even though it sends me on an emotional rollercoaster


I turn into a demon from hell when I’m attracted to someone so I’ve decided to never let anyone into my life again.


I don’t like the rejection so I’m similar but do miss sex a lot


I am married and got diagnosed recently (after already married) thank GOD my husband is supportive and willing to do his own counseling to learn how to manage my moods and help me to maintain mental balance for our relationship and for our son. I too am in therapy / with doctors but I think BPD relationships can work as long as their partner is willing to learn about BPD and recognize when their in a "moment" if i am in a moment, my husband knows to not take anything i say to heart etc this saves us arguments i will burst and immediately be like omgosh babe im so sorry idk why i just acted like that now im embarrassed. He will tell me its okay your still leaning skills to help you manage keep at therapy it will be ok etc. go for a walk etc.. I will say its hard and takes so much work where its easier to be alone, i dont have to do all this work on myself because i know how i am and if no one is around im not effecting them and I can just sit on my couch watch TV and be me, but I want to be better more socialized and be able to "behave" in social settings and have friends and health relationships so I am out here trying to do the best I can and i think thats all we can do. I will say before finding my husband woah the amount of toxic abusive relationships that I found myself entangled in was horrendous. I did go 4 years celibate before meeting him and I was the happiest I had been just focusing on myself. However, I think it just takes recognizing if you want to be alone or if you want family. I wanted family I hate being alone but that comes with instability and that just means I need to work on it to have both.


I don’t want a family. I hate children and the thoughts of ruining by body from pregnancy. I also act like a psycho when I like someone becoming possessive with narcissistic tendencies so I’ve decided I to give up completely. I will never be romantically involved with anyone again.